Too many have dispensed with generosity in order to practice charity.
-Albert Camus, writer and philosopher (1913-1960)
Hi Patrick' Too bad you and Corinne can't make it for dinner on Thursday. We'll get together another time. Hope your trip to Vancouver goes well. By the way, please tell Corinne that she was the highest bidder for the yoga mat and case as well as the garlic scape salt. I have them with me and will drop them off either Monday or Friday. I'll be in Penticton both days. Also tell Corinne she owes the Grandmothers For Africa $50 in total for the two items. Finally, I also have the skirt, pants and belt that Jos gave her to donate to the silent auction. The dress and shoes went to very satisfied customers.
Thank you for the super photos. I agree that it was a wonderful evening with great food and entertainment! Yes, we may need you to emcee next year if James Miller is willing to give up his post. Cheers, Marian
Hi Marian! Thanks for update on Lady Dar's Silent Auction bids. I'm sure she'll be delighted. She's away at an all-day seminar, [I've forgotten the topic but it should be on raising rambunctious kittens!], so I won't see her until later this afternoon.
GFA was a delight so congratulations to everyone who participated to make it such a success. On the emcee front, I'm sure James is a far, far better choice although perhaps I could lend my voice for crowd control! Anyway, a wonderful time for such an important initiative. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Lady Dar's Marriagemobile! Hi Patrizzzzioo, Is this real?? ... you may not want to drive this anymore ... it is holy purple! On the other hand .... if you do end up driving it, you may get chased by all these girls for wanting to marry you! Your friend in arms Aarturo Hi Brother-in-Arms Don't worry, Lady Dar also took my road bike in so that The Babes will chase me when I'm cycling! She also did the same for your stationary bike so I hope you don't mind. Cheers, Patrizzio, Riding to the Chapel of Love! Pics: Lady Dar's fur foot-warmers!
My Tuesday night is open for bridge😊 Patrick, I missed the start of this plan... movie...what night? The Accountant appeals to me. Hi Pamela! This all started a while ago when some of bridge folk wanted to change the night we meet to play bridge. Almost every night had "drawbacks" for somebody. Most recently, it was decided to play on Wednesday night thus allowing "Cheap Tuesday" movie nights for those who wished to see a film. Olga Polga kindly offered to host this coming Wednesday. Michaelo then chimed in and suggested those who might wish to do so could meet, before the showing on Tuesday for a bowl of soup, coffee and the like. Hence, Lady Dar's suggestion about Lee's and mine about The Accountant. Then Spumoni said she wasn't interested in any of the films showing and since I was going to miss Wednesday's game by virtue of leaving for Vancouver that morning, Mike replied that he was fine with Tuesday!
I then replied saying that Olga Polga should decide since she was going to host. Not heard yet, from anyone else other than you. I'm happy with Wednesday evenings for bridge and know that there will always be times when people can't make that night, or any other. Just the nature of our busy lives and schedules. In my experience, any group always devolves into this kind of backing-and-forthing when a number of choices are presented. Think it's better to make a decision and you show up if interested and able.
Since I do want to get a stable core of regular players I've held back from voicing my opinions. As well, I know that desire and ability to play will vary muchly, primarily depending on season and travel plans for the "retired" crew! Anyway, we'll see what we shall see. Cheers, Patrizzio! Sorry dear bridge players, but as said before, I can't play on Tuesday, and when Olly invited us for Wednesday I saved Wednesday night for Bridge. Hope to see you at Olly's on Wednesday. Jos To Patrizzio, I'm sooo sorry but bridge night will be on Wednesday night. Safe travels and and impress the doc with all your recovery. I for one will miss you, especially if we could have been partners, partner!! but I'll catch you next week.
So far we have Pam, Mike, Jos, Corrine and myself. Sorry Aart, Craig informs me that he needs to to out of town on Wednesday but please join us anyways; as you know you are always most welcome!! To all you movie goers, Craig and I would love to join you on Tuesday night at Lee's and we hope to take in The Accountant. So Patrizzio, my recovery hero, we'll see you then!
Hello Soup to Nuts Bridge Nuts! Olga Polga has settled the debate so that everybody wins! This being the case, Lady Dar and I will be at Lee's around 5:00 pm, planning to see The Accountant at 6:40 pm! Please bring the bridge prize I would have won, Olly Oligarch, had I been able to play bridge on Wednesday! Happy Halloween to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio! I will be joining you at Lee's! Just not the movie..... Pam
Patrick, Thank you for the background. If an email isn't related to house construction I probably read them too quickly. So, in summary, soup and a movie on Tuesday and Bridge at Olly's house in Wednesday. May I have Olly's address again? Many thanks, Pam Hello House Construction Overload Overseer! Yes, soup, at Lee's, and a film, Landmark, on Tuesday, bridge at Olga Polga's on Wednesday: 17213 Bentley Road. Happy Halloween! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks Patrick. I likely will not make Tuesday night this week. Drywallers are coming on Wed morning so we will be in full cleaning mode Tuesday night.i plan to make Bridge in Weds. So I won't see you until you return from Van. Safe travels. If Corinne wants a ride to Olly's have her email or text me, Pam
Patrick, Corinne has emailed me. I'll pick her up on Weds for Bridge. Pam
Hi Patrice, Trying to find a moment here in between Reno’s, dog sitting, work and surgery! Colleen has just left for her full weekend (8:30 – 5) Saturday and Sunday Osteo-fit course in Coquitlam that she is taking. My recovery has come along very well with Monday post op being the most painful due to the inflation of my abdomen to allow better visual for the laparoscopic surgery technique.
Even managed to stay out til 1:30 at our neighbour’s last night after walking Colleen home at 11 solving the worlds problems over some scotch ..much to Colleen’s chagrin!. There seems to be a time warp over at their place because that has happened many times and I can’t quite explain where the time does go.
Glad to hear about your many charitable social engagements and that you have settled in there so nicely. Lovely that you have he two new felines to really make your house a home as well. Frankly as much as Clover is adorable I really just wanted another cat..or two as well!. I was not ready for another 2-1/2 year old running round the house causing mayhem..but colleen really wanted a dog so here we are.
This is just between you and I of course as I dare not say anything like that to her but just be supportive as my grumblings would only add angst to an already somewhat stressed situation and we all know very well that our lives have been . I know as time goes by she will settle down and as I said she is adorable and sweet and friendly to everyone she meets and one day will be a well behaved wonderful pet but is a looooot of work for us right now. Of course, now as I write she is very placid and curled up in the corner jus keeping a watchful eye on me so I better get going and get her out for a walk as that energy is just laying dormant ready to ignite again at any second!.
With that said a couple quick things.. I was planning, loosely, on coming back on Friday afternoon but would love to see you of course other than two blurs passing each other on hwy 1.! What time do you think you’ll be coming by?. Also Colleen will not be there anyway as she has stuff in town so not to worry about having to encroach on her valuable cabin time this time!. I have saved the best and biggest bomb for you Patrick and have ordered those flash goggles like they used at the nuclear test sites in the 50’s. I am going to see if I can cause a second hope slide just for the fun of it and would love you to be there and also of course to mke sure you don’t happen to be driving along highway three when I let ‘er rip!. Take care for now and ttys. xoxo’s to Corriandre. Cheers! a
Hi Big Al! Pleased your recovery has gone so well and that you are able to spend time on renos. My plan for Friday is to leave the city around 9:00 am, or slightly earlier, and make my way to Abbotsford where I'll stop at Costco for some groceries and gas. Then on to Sunshine Valley. I assume I'll be knocking on your door, [Directions please, just in case!], somewhere around noon, depending on traffic, etc. However, I don't want you to change your schedule, given how unbelievably busy you both are. Ideally it would have been great to stay overnight, particularly if Lady Dar was along, but that will have to wait until another opportunity presents itself. I had imagined I wouldn't stay all that long, at any rate. Time for a java and a quick tour. Anyway, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly.
Fondestos from Cora Lee, in absentia, as she is at an all day seminar: How to Raise Rambunctious Kittens! Cheers, Patrizzio, soon to be churning away on the stationary bike! Hi Flash Goggle Man! Can hardly wait for the mountain-side to come tumbling down! Always knew that the long ago New Year's Caper would be outdone! With respect to car-wrap, Lady Dar also took my road bike in so that The Babes will chase me with marriage proposals, when I'm cycling! She could care less as now she never wants to get out of bed with the latest foot-warmer app! Cheers, Patrizzio, Riding to the Chapel of Love!
Hello Donna Maria and Heraldo! Trust you are both taking care of each other! Just wondering what your schedule will be next week. I'm driving into Vancouver this coming Wednesday as I have my six week follow-up with hip surgeon next day. Cora Lee will be staying home to take care of Etta and Duke, however. As you might know, she just returned from volunteering for the VWF. She enjoyed festival immensely and had a chance to have many visits with Chloë and other friends, so another reason she feels she doesn't have to return so soon, although she did want to see you both, of course.
I expect to arrive in Vancouver around 2:00 pm, earlier if possible. I've been invited to have dinner with friend, Branko, that evening but if you are free that afternoon, perhaps we could meet for a java or something stronger. I have an appointment with my dermatologist on Thursday at 9:15 am and then have x-rays/hip appointment at 1:00 pm/1:45 pm. Again, perhaps we could connect afterwards. Chloë is free then and she would dearly love to see you both.
That evening I'm staying with
friends in East Van, having dinner and bridge. Need to leave reasonably
early on Friday, around 9:00 am, or slightly earlier, to make my way to Abbotsford where I'll stop at Costco for some groceries
and gas.
Then on to Sunshine Valley where I want to pop in to see a friend working on a second cabin he and his wife just bought there. However, if that morning
is the only time we could get together, I can certainly, and would want
to, adjust my departure. Let me know what you think and we'll plan
accordingly.Fondestos from Cora Lee,
in absentia, to you both, as she is at an all day seminar. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Kenton! Thanks for calling, Dallas. It was terrific to catch-up a bit. Must apologize for having to dash away. Trust everyone remains well! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Slammin' Steve! Trust you are well. Chloë dropped off case of wine. Did your fellow employees turn it over? I'm driving into Vancouver this coming Wednesday as I have my six week follow-up with hip surgeon next day. I expect to arrive in Vancouver around 2:00 pm, earlier if possible, so I could drop in if you will be there. I'm here until Friday morning so that is another possibility. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers,
Patrizzio! Hello Folk Fest Folk! Finally managed to work on these albums. Thanks, especially, to our more than generous B&B hosts. Next year we plan to stay for a week, the food was so good! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrizzzzziiiiooo,Fantastic photos, captures the atmosphere totally. Great weekend, carved in memory, again next year? Cheers, Aarturo Yes, indeed, only we need to spend more time in Vancouver and en route, in Sunshine Valley!
Will explain when we have a chance to chat. Cheers, Patrizzio! If I don't see you before you leave, success with your visit! You have healed so swiftly, little can go wrong now and besides, we have to bike together next year! Hug for you and darling C. Aarturo
Dad, great pics you should send them to folk fest people!!! xx
thx Pat! Hi Lynn! When are you coming up? Look what Lady Dar can take you wine tasting in now! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Tony wants to take us to the larches! They are blazing yellow right now so we are going to go up Carmi and park near Lost Moose Lodge. I think we are going to go on that trail that goes along Ellis canyon and might end up in the Carmi ski trails. Three hours in total....So we will be meeting at Home Hardware in Penticton at 9am and Summerlanders can carpool at 8:40 from the IGA parking lot. Pam
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