A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear
weapons. ... America's strength doesn't come from lashing out. Strength
relies on smarts, judgment, cool resolve, and the precise and strategic
application of power. That's the kind of Commander-in-Chief
I pledge to be. -Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, Senator,
Democratic nominee for the US president (b. 26 Oct 1947)
Congratulations, again, to King Ottakar! Thanks very much for organizing such a great gathering, Two Jims, and for providing such a terrific vaudeville act, Tiny Tim, aka Jake! Wonderful to see so many of the hiking crew. Travel safely to all those off to other climes, other topographies. Trust our paths, (hiking and otherwise), will cross again in the not too, too distant future. Until then, stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
THANKS Patrizzio!!!! These pics are really GREAT! Hugs, Olly thank you, great! Hi Josinta and Aaturo! Thanks for bringing my cushion to breakfast. Much appreciated. Went to see Eating You Alive at 1:00 pm. Didn't realize that the film was concerned about "curing chronic disease with a whole food plant based diet." Very, very informative and I take to heart the absolute necessity of reducing or eliminating the amount of meat and dairy than we currently consume, and the cost this has on the global environment, but I found that it became overly pedantic at a certain point, making the same observations over and over again, often a seeming "info-mercial" with "miracle" testimonials. Not that many of the observations and conclusions are not valid but it became a bit tiresome and simplistic for me.
The point about how the medical system, from training to practice, really does not pay any, if scant attention to its patients nutrition is certainly borne out in my experience. The frighteningly destructive issue of fast food and all of the packaged, sugar/salt/oil/fat loaded food "pushed" on us via TV and other media is just as disturbing. While I believe we, like yourselves, tend to try to follow as healthy a diet as possible, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to avoid eating so much of what we know we shouldn't simply because it is in the majority of producer's monetary interests to direct and control diets. At any rate, I'm pleased I decided to attend the screening although I am quite disappointed not to have seen Dark Horse. Did you take it in. Must away as I'm on deck for a salad. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patric, Thanks again for the humor, yes I missed so much fun, but next Wednesday I would like to participate as it will be my last chance for a while. On next Friday we are leaving for Calgary, and Cuba, so it would be a month MikeTHANKS Patrizzio!!!! These pics are really GREAT! Hugs, Olly Hi Everyone, Thanks Jos for hosting last night! Patrizzio thanks for the pics and everyone for their patience as it seems that I have forgotten much of what I had previously learned. Oh goody, I get to learn it all over again. THANK YOU to all you great teachers. I would be happy to host next Wednesday, (our first Wed. bridge). That's Nov.2nd, in Summerland. So let me know .......until then, have a good week, Olly
Hi Wendy and Patti! Lovely to hear back from both of you. Trust all goes well. The weekend you mention, Wendy, if fine for us. Am wondering if you and Patti would like to come by our place for a meal and a visit, either Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Not sure what your plans are but it could be lunch or dinner or just coffee, depending on your schedules/commitments. Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly.
Saw Jake and Virginia this morning at a birthday breakfast for one of the members in the hiking group. Loads of fun. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Jake with his ukulele; with Jim French
Great photos Patrick. I am so happy that my absence did not mean you had less than four players. I felt badly for jamming but I was exhausted. We are praying for clear skies Friday so that we can get our shingles on. Our windows should be in by the end of this week. Then we'll be watertight. Have a great rest of the week! Pam Soup Bowls is a fun event for a worthwhile cause. I am serving soup on Saturday night. Maybe I'll see you there😊Pam Hi Wishful Watertight Woman! Glad you enjoyed snaps and Buona Fortuna with roof shingles! After I sent out message to bridge group, Lady Dar reminded me that I won't be here next Wednesday evening as I'm driving into Vancouver earlier that day. I have my six week follow-up with hip surgeon next day. [She is staying to take care of Etta and Duke so she will play.] Sorry to miss gathering for a number of reasons, particularly as I probably won't see Olga Polga now until she is back from their trip to Peru. Anyway, I hope new night will improve attendance.
Just booked tickets for Soup Bowls so I guess we'll see you there. Great as we'll now be able to get as many extra ladles as we can devour! Going to the GFA African Dinner fund-raiser at the Shatford tomorrow evening. Lady Dar will be off, at noon, to help with set-up. Saturday we've been invited to the Halloween/DÃa de Muertos party at Jake's/Virginia's home so that should be fun. Wonder if they will have a bobbing for apples set-up? What better place to find plenty of apples than in The Okanagan! Takes me back to Junior High days in Winnipeg when my friends and I still went Trick or Treating! Perhaps we'll see some of you there. If not,! Takes me back to Junior High days in Winnipeg! Here's to your new roof! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Love the photos!!!! I'm sure AL will be in touch regarding the 4th and I think he plans to go back up next Tuesday.... I will be working and at class all week that morning until noon on the friday but was hoping to head up to S.V. afterwards unless anything changes with work and school obligations. Glad to hear your hip is healing so well.....hope to see you soon send my love to Corinne Duke and Ella ♡
Hi Marilyn and Big Al! Trust all goes well with you two! Maybe we'll connect, Marilyn, on Friday, the 4th. With respect to Halloween, did you set off any balloon bombs in those elementary school days, Uni-bomber! Looking forward to seeing you, Stanchion Man, (aka Pipe Bomb Man!), and possibly School-aholic Woman! Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Please send along SV addresses. I think I can find your cabin. Latest Trump acquisition is just down the way, off river path, is it not? As well is this how I can reach you if I remember to bring along my iPhone and can figure out how to use it? Twitter feed: Fliphouses@ WaldronTowerSunshine Valley
Paul is hear for a couple of days. Hi Sarge! Just wondering if you will be around on Wednesday afternoon, November 2nd. I hope to be in town around 2:00 pm. If so, I'll pop around to say hello and catch up. Don't think I can get into building unless Lady Dar brought a fob back, as well as key to JT's place. Cheers, Patrizzio!

The above attachments are one of my Dedication to my Mom’s 100th Birthday, Pictures of John & I out on the boat and a picture of my Mom when young. And
below finally after six months the organization of this Birthday event
is complete. The Concert Flow below will run smooth and I have the
caterers In
place. I can finally relax and will enjoy the next month to unwind. I
was even googling a Gospel Soul Motown Song Group here in town I might Join in the New Year.
I did not respond right away to your letters Patrick as in October I had four flights between Toronto and Wpg. and so came down with a nasty flue No doubt from exhaustion as I was travelling with the flu. I attended my sister’s husband’s memorial in Toronto back to Victoria and then to Wpg.
attend a banquet for my Mom the hall was putting on for her. She has
been a member there for seventy years and she remembers everyone’s name.
And I Had to make final plans for the banquet on Dec. 3rd.
We had a wonderful summer and out on the boat a lot. Did absolutely no gardening which was good but continued to organize, organize, and organize. Again it is hard to believe that part is finally over. Bought my Mom a long sequined black dress with a black velvet bow for her hair. She is excited. She keeps Telling me she is going to die and I keep telling her next year right now you are too busy. And she says. Okay!
Socially we are so inactive & that is kind of scary but once I have my head around something I can’t seem to do anything else so friends will have to wait Till next year. What I have done for my Mom is important. Had John put together 350 pictures of the family on power point and I organized them, to be presented at the birthday, he found that very difficult to do and of course is not pleased with me putting in all this time, but that is life, it was necessary and does my heart good.

Hello everyone, Looking forward to seeing you all Sat. Dec. 3rd. At noon, all guests and performers arrive and will be seated at their reserved tables with their guests Introductions of family, letter from the Queen, Kathy Schubert will say a few words about Sophie

1. Elise Pierre -Director Yunist Senior dancers perform one dance.
2. Lina Streltsov Director Festival Choir & Pianist Anna Khomenko perform one song (off stage) near front of stage 3. Yunist dancers perform second dance4. Festival Choir perform second song (Off Stage) 4. Yunist dancers perform third dance………….. (Stage set up for the orchestra) 5. Festival Choir perform final song (off stage) 6. Annis Kozub Conductor of the Mandolin Orchestra perform four songs on stage 7. Ilena Zaramba soloist performs two songs (off stage)in front of audience accompanied by Tusia Kozub pianist
9. Slide show (300pictures) presentation of Sophies family accompanied by CD’s of the Festival Choir and the Orchestra Lina and Annis please remember to bring your CD’s
10. ‘Three Blind Mice’ trio with Ilena Zaramba, Annis Kozub and Murray McKay perform three songs (off stage or on stage)
11.Dedication to Sophie, Jean Anderson will tell a story (off stage). Brother Dan will tell a story.
12. Happy Birthday is sung accompanied by audience with Mike Moskai performing on the Accordion 13. Cake is served, Mike Moskai will perform on his Accordion moving through the audience whilst guests enjoy the most decadent Of Chocolate cakes with four layers of chocolate ganache, white icing
and red roses. Fit for a Queen, the Birthday Girl Forever Young! It will be a grand time!. See you soon! Warm Regards, Jean
Hi Patrick, I'm not sure about this. Have a look and we can discuss. Peter Hello Kevin and Peter and Dame Judy Dench! Thanks so much for the wonderful tasting last week. Sorry that it has taken me a bit to send along some of the snaps. As well, Peter forwarded the latest offering documentation and we will chat about it this evening. He and Lynne are joining us for the GFA African Dinner fund-raiser at the Shatford tonight. Lady Dar left, just before noon, to help with set-up. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Shelter Point Knitting Society!
Hi everyone! This great opportunity deserves your consideration, and the deadline to participate is coming up soon. At our September tasting, our guest tasting master Andrew Walls discussed a bit about their whisky cask offers at Victoria Caledonia Distillery, but I suspect most of you were either too anxious to taste whisky or struggled with his Scottish brogue! Attached are all the details you’ll need to properly consider this great opportunity.
Remember the new make spirit we tasted on the 25th that was surprisingly soft and delicious? Well, that’s what you’ll be buying and then drinking 4 years from now! At cask strength! At a price ranging from $74 to $91 per bottle!
Remember the blind tasting we also did on the 25th of the Cotswold’s single malt that was yummy and delicious? That is the handiwork of Dr. Jim Swan, who is directing the aging program now at the Distillery in Victoria. It was a very flavourful dram that most of you were quite impressed with. What was even more impressive is that it had only been aged for 12 months!!!
So… There’s little doubt that these cask purchases will yield some impressive whisky from this newest Canadian single malt distillery. And each cask that members purchase along with SOWTS, will put 2 bottles into the club’s inventory for future tastings. Read through Kevin’s attached cover letter and the spreadsheet to better understand the program and the costs. Then gather 4 friends to join in the ownership and get in touch with Kevin soon. Stuart Bish, Secretary South Okanagan Whiskey Tasting Society
Upper Bench + Front St. Brasserie = Delicious!
For all of you Upper Bench fans who live locally, we invite you to join Winemaker Gavin Miller and his wife, Cheesemaker Shana Miller for a 6-course wine-paired dinner hosted by Front St. Brasserie, an absolutely fantastic French restaurant at 6:30pm on either Friday, November 18th or Saturday, November 19th. Chef John Burke creates wonderful, French-inspired comfort food in this beautiful, intimate restaurant located at 66 Front Street here in Penticton.
By Bob Nicholson Special to the Western News
"The job of journalism is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” I used to hear that often when I was a reporter. And you’ll hear an echo of that in this year’s We Love Documentary Festival at the Shatford Centre in Penticton.The program was curated by Pepita Ferrari, the Toronto-based executive director of the Documentary Organization of Canada. Ferrari says the program’s One World theme is meant to reflect the fact that, now more than ever, we are all connected. Through powerful documentary films, we can experience the realities of people we might otherwise never meet. Migrant Dreams, the untold stories of migrant farm workers in Canada. This one might hit home since many migrants are working in the orchards and vineyards of the South Okanagan.
Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things tackles the question of how much is too much? And would our lives be better with less? The film takes us inside the lives of seriously dedicated minimalists.
Ferrari has a strong Penticton connection; her sister is the wife of famed local architect Cal Mieklejohn. Ferrari has helped organize the We Love Docs Festival for the past five years. Her picks are always moving, informative and inspiring. Because as one film maker puts it: “Real life is so much more interesting than anything you can make up.”
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