The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he
would never be found out. -Thomas Babington Macaulay, author and
statesman (25 Oct 1800-1859)
Buenos dias Patrizzio, Sorry for our slow response. George is just back from Portland with Charlie and Kate and I was busy getting things organized for our trip. We wanted to send you a quick note this morning to say we would be interested in doing a trip with you and Corinne and including cycling with Katrina this summer! We don’t know exactly what our timing will look like but we are excited about the possibility of joining you for one of her tours.
What a small world! I can’t believe that connection. Did she remember Perry? Was she surprised you had heard about her? George is leaving to pick up Morita in Courtney this am after her trial run with a family there. We will be at George’s this weekend if you feel like chatting. How is your recovery going? How is the new hip? Fond regards to Corinne. Love George and Jane
Hi Calamity and Giggenheimer! Those were the days when I was playing doubles in Portland! Fabulous times indeed. However, the circle keeps expanding and even in the furthest reaches of the Okanagan connections keep intersecting. Yes, Katarina did remember Perry and was very disappointed that she would not see him in Vancouver as he was in Hawaii when she was there! She assured me that she will be in touch as soon as she is back in Slovakia and has had time to figure out the dates for the various trips she will conduct/lead.
Not quite ready to climb a ladder yet which I might have had to do on Sunday. This being the case, just wondering if Morita's host family would entertain taking Duke as well. Account below, if interested! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: We are out to a Halloween/Día de Muertos party, (At the home of Jake Snyder and Virginia Rivera. They go to Melaque, just north of Barra de Navidad, for a couple of months every winter.), on Saturday evening so will try to call on Friday evening.
WOW!! What an adventure you had with Mr. Duke. You sure will have lots of stories to share with wifey when she gets home from Vancouver. Never a dull moment in your life. Take care and continue with your rehab & exercises. Saw Bill yesterday at the Soupeteria kitchen. He is part of my crew that volunteers once/month at Soupeteria. Ciao for now!! Mary Lee :-)
Hi Super Soupetria Woman! Glad to hear Guillermo is feeling well enough to volunteer. I'm pleased with my stationary bike riding. Am gradually increasing resistance and time in saddle so making headway in that regard. Manage plenty of other exercise just keeping up with Etta and Duke. He has taken to jumping on my head, around 7:45 am every morning, in order to get me out of bed and let them outside. As soon as I climb out of bed they literally thunder to the sliding glass door in my office, both leaping against the glass, hoping to crash right through, I imagine!
However, I go into the garage
and prop the patio door open so that they can come and go, at will,
without me having to act as gate-keeper. Latest 'caper" is squeezing
under the fence to the back driveway. They can get there by going around
the house so I'm not worried about keeping them in as it simply isn't
possible once they are out anyway. Time for my breakfast/brunch so must away. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Escape from The Big House! It's easier for Duke to slip under fence as he is a tiny weasel!
Patrick, shall we pick up Corinne en route to Summerland? Hi Chauffeur Woman! Thanks for offer but I think Lady Dar will probably want to come home first. I'll collect her and then we can meet you here. If it turns out that bus is late, I'll phone you and you can proceed to Jos's and we'll come as soon as we can. Does this seem fine? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patricio, Trust you’ve recovered from my stinging comment on facebook the other day, which of course I felt a bit bad about after but knew that you would take in stride and of course that I do enjoy reading your communications as wordy as they may be!
Always an adventure around your place I see with the latest feline antics! hopefully he learned his lesson and will avoid that type of activity from now on. Reminds me of our Oliver when we first brought him home and managed to wander off the first day and was missing for hours. We had put out posters and were fearing the worst as day turned to dusk, our neighbours finally clued in as they heard us calling and calling out for him and said that a cat was under their car in their driveway and had been for hours. It was Ollie of course and thankfully from then on he always stuck close to home .
I had my Gall bladder removal yesterday so am pretty sore although not nearly as much as yesterday due to the bloating of being pumped up with air to help them see doing the laproscopic type surgery. That was very uncomfortable indeed and that coupled with some nausea last night was not pleasant. I did manage to have a good long sleep last night and feel quite a bit better today. The doctor said it was a 7 – 10 day recovery and shouldn’t pick up anything heavier than a bag of groceries. He said the bladder was not the easiest due to being quite large and had a lot of scar tissue and was indicative of one that had had many attacks and it was a good thing it came out. I had not had to many major attacks but when I did I t was hell so glad to not have that prospect hanging over me.
I guess that puts the cabin renovations on hold for a while. I will probably head up again next Monday or Tuesday to carry on with the foundation work, I had Jeremy, Maureen and Jesse up there mixing and pouring the concrete last weekend and they were such a great help. I had grown irritated with my old friend Jim who had been helping me but on his own lacksadasial schedule and he’s not nearly as good as he promotes himself to be. Also he smokes pot constantly and as he is pushing three hundred pounds need to eat constantly and whines about it!
I finally said to him, after he asked what he could do while I was away that he was pokey and my funds were becoming a concern ( I had been paying him $30.00/hr down from the $40.00 that he wanted in the first place) and that I would be willing to look at specific jobs and determine a fixed cost to get them done. He wouldn’t have it and got all pissy saying he always lost money on jobs he quoted...big surprise!. Anyway he got in a huff and packed up his tools and left and frankly I was very relieved and felt much better the next day as it had really been eating away at me. I have known him since he was 5 and know him well and it is a very good thing to not have an employee/boss type of relationship with him so we can remain friends. We have spoken since and all is well on my end but I may have to slap him down a bit more to shut him up as he is the type to not let stuff go.
Anyway, all in all things are coming along well up there but the weather is definitely a concern and I must get back to it asap to get the bottom sealed up and insulated to keep the plumbing from freezing and be able to get more wiring and plumbing work as well as have some heat in the place. Perhaps you can stop by and have an overnight on your way to or from Vancouver for your check up. I don’t think Colleen will be there but I will be and would love to see you guys. Take care for now and talk soon. Cheers, Al
Hi Post-Op Man! Delighted to hear that your surgery was so successful! Bravo! Welcome to recovery mode! Just be happy you can lift a glass, never mind a bag of groceries, unless from Legacy! Sorry to hear about your difficulties with Jim but glad you have seemed to have worked out differences, at least from your point of view. Always a very difficult situation.
Once Lady Dar is back we will figure out our itinerary for Vancouver visit. Due to felines, don't think we'll be able to stay overnight but perhaps we could drop by on our way home, on Friday, November 4th, if you plan to be working at cabin then. Take care of yourself, Staple Man! Must away as I've still scads to do cleaning up my office before Lady Dar returns! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Two States in the Middle of America ...............Hi Arv! Guess you should send this to Donald! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, What time should I plan to be at your place…6:30? Pam Pam, I told Patrick that I would be by at 6:30 tonight. Jos, Patrick and Pam, I have been up since 4:30 this morning and I am beat after working at the house all day. I hope that you will forgive me if I beg off at this late hour. I just realized how tired I am. Also it appears from the emails that you will have four players. Have fun! Pam Unfortunately, friend of mine I was thinking about is busy tomorrow so we are short of one person. In this case I will pass, so remaining players will have easier rotation at the table. Have fun everybody, and till next time. Cheers Mike
Sorry Jos, something might has happened to my email, which got lost in the cyber space. In this email I wrote I decided to decline the invitation due to apparent difficulties in gathering enough players - to many for one table, not enough for two. I hope you guys managed to play and have fun, and hopefully next Wednesday we can manage another round of play. Regards, Mike
Dear Burning The Candle at Both Ends Woman, at al! Sorry that you and MIchaelo were not able to join us last night as the cards were hot, the bidding was frenzied and the prizes were over the moon! Loads and loads of fun and Josinta's Green Tomatoe Cake was worth the ride to Summerlandia alone!
Anyway, it looks like we will be playing on Wednesday evenings from now on. Lady Dar and I are more than happy to host next week unless someone else would like to do so. Let the group know and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Should Jos double? Well, what's the answer? Damn, I've been away in The Maritimes for so long, I've forgotten everything! Look, Olga Polga, I can only twiddle my thumbs for so long! Finally, I can respond! Pearly Whites doesn't play but like the snuggleage! Spumoni loves her endangered species fur hat prize!
Great photos Patrick. I am so happy that my absence did not mean you had less than four players. I felt badly for jamming but I was exhausted. We are praying for clear skies Friday so that we can get our shingles on. Our windows should be in by the end of this week. Then we'll be watertight. Have a great rest of the week! Pam
Hi Patric, Thanks again for the humor, yes I missed so much fun, but next Wednesday I would like to participate as it will be my last chance for a while. On next Friday we are leaving for Calgary, and Cuba, so it would be a month Mike Hello Patrick - it was great to meet you also. That was a fun luncheon and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. It will be the week-end of November 25 and 26 that Patti will be down so we shall have to arrange a get together then. In the meantime enjoy the sunshine and Fall like weather. All the best- Wendy Ash
Hi Wendy! Lovely to hear from you. Trust all goes well. The weekend you mention if fine for us. Am wondering if you and Patti would like to come by our place for a meal and a visit, either Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Not sure what your plans are but it could be lunch or dinner or just coffee, depending on your schedules/commitments. Saw Jake and Virginia this morning at a birthday breakfast for one of the members in the hiking group. Loads of fun. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Are you going to stay with us when you are in town in November. Hi Sarge: I gather that Lady Dar has been in touch about the fact that she had arranged, with JT, for us to stay there while in Vancouver. Latest on this is that she may well not come as she feels Etta and Duke need her! I plan to drive down on Wednesday, 2nd. Next night I'll be staying with Charlie and Susan so I'll only be at Harbour Terrace for one night. I gather there may well be a couple more Wild Darrows in town when I'm around. Is this true? Cheers, Patrizzio!
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From Jessica's garden! |
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