It is a curious thing that every creed promises a paradise which will be
absolutely uninhabitable for anyone of civilized taste. -Evelyn Waugh,
novelist (28 Oct 1903-1966)
Dar just left to take our car into an auto wrapping place to have a
number of signs advertising her Officiant information applied to
vehicle. Have License, Will Marry!
Hi Olly, I would gladly attend to have a chance to refresh my bridge playing skills as it has been a while for me. Too bad I will miss you Patrick, I was really hoping to play with you this time. Unfortunately you will be away, and week after I am gone to Calgary, and Cuba.
However, as we were talking about it, maybe we all can meet for the movie night on Tuesday, have a soup, or a tee with a muffin, or whatever we find close to Landmark Cinema, and go to see a movie? Let me know who is coming, and we can decide on a place to meet. So for now looking forward to playing at your place Olly, see you there. Cheers, MikeHi Olly, I would gladly attend to have a chance to refresh my bridge playing skills as it has been a while for me. Too bad I will miss you Patrick, I was really hoping to play with you this time. Unfortunately you will be away, and week after I am gone to Calgary, and Cuba.
Hi Soup Man et al! Lady Dar suggests Lee's Overseas Restaurant at 250 Winnipeg St. It is open until 8:00 pm and close to the cinema. I'm keen to see The Accountant at 6:40 pm. Not sure what others have in mind but most of the other films start around 7:00'ish or later, so perhaps we could meet around 5:00 pm or so,at the restaurant. If not enough interest, we can certainly meet at our place and have a bite here before screening. Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio! Sorry, we have to miss our first movie night.I see you all at Olly's on Wednesday. We will miss you Patrick, but hopefully this will be your last doctor's appointment in Vancouver. Cheers, Jos

I’m on the case. Let’s see what Janet is up to. Will get back to you soon. With/without bridge hopefully you still plan to stay for diiner and some evening imbibes before resting comfortably at our chateax. We will miss the good wife. Charlie Hi Patrizio, OK, Janet is passing on dinner, but will love to join us for a few rounds of bridge in between a few sips of vino! When do you plan to be here for the festivities? Not a big dinner – probably something like pizza and wings? Does 5pm work or earlier if you want. Not sure what your schedule is. Look forward to seeing you again, however unfortunate about Corinne not being able to make it. Charlie

Around 9:00 am this morning Lady Dar left to take our car into an auto wrapping place to have a number of signs advertising her Officiant information applied to vehicle. Have License, Will Marry! Thanks again for being so hospitable. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridge last Tuesday.
[Just having a look around]
Hi Darling Jean! Lovely to hear from you and see all about the plans for your Mom's 100th birthday. Sounds simply wonderful, so congratulations indeed! Bravo to both you and your Mom! Hip Hip Hooray!
With respect to my rehab, I am more than pleased with how things are coming along. I did hear back from React, [Program at Community Centre here.], and I won't be in the pool/gym until November 17th! Tad annoyed but I do feel that with exercise program booklet provided, by hospital, and stationary bike, (lent to me by hiking friends), I have plenty to keep me stretching and strengthening. I feel extremely comfortable walking and can manage downtown and back, and more, very easily, without a cane, although I usually carry one, just in case! I've started watching Vinyl while I'm on stationary bike. Talk about sex, drugs and rock n' roll! Do you know series? So far I've only watched first two episodes. Created by Martin Scorsese, Mick Jagger, and others. Mick's son, James, plays Kip Stevens, lead singer of Nasty Bits, a proto-punk band.
[ Extreme kayaking at Victoria Falls]
Not sure, as of this writing, if we will take an extended driving trip after Christmas/New Year's in Tinsel Town. Toying with going all the way to Florida as we have quite a few friends and relatives, (Lady Dar's cousin), there. Have a chance to join a guided cycling trip in Hungary and/or Slovakia, in late May/early June, so trying to figure out logistics and finances. And, we do want to visit you folk, and dearly so. Just before leaving to run a few erands, Cora Lee asked me to send her best wishes and love to you and John. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Diving 30 meters through a rock monolith in Portugal]
Pics: Last night: At home with Michelle Dunn, no relation! Lynne. One of the Grandmothers, Peter, Lynne's husband, Lynne, Marian Dunn, again, no relation! GFA dinner: our table; auditorium; my first helping! Grandmothers' choir; Rita with a couple of our baskets; husband and wife entertainment.
Hi! Great Pics, my dear! We will both be busy come December, a grand month! Enjoy your trip seeing your grandkids! xx Hi again, Jean! Forgot to mention how much I liked your tribute to your Mom. Wonderful stories! Wonderful, wonderful woman! Lady Dar is just back from auto detailing shop. Not sure if I'll be allowed to drive car now! Cheers, Patrizzio! Well that’s impressive! Hope she gets lots of business!! xx
[Climbing Mt. Wellington]
Hello Patrick and Corrine, First of all, let me say that I was speechless after your impromptu presentation at the African dinner last night! Wow! I hope it made us a lot of extra money. Good for you Patrick! Secondly, Tim and I are having Aart and Jos as well as Bill and Lil over for dinner next Thursday at 6:00 p.m. If you can make it, we would love to have the two of you join us also. I understand that you are off to Vancouver, Patrick, but I'm hoping you will be back by then. If it doesn't work out this time we'll catch up with you later. But here's hoping! Cheers, Marian
Hi Cousin! Thanks for the lovely dinner invitation. Unfortunately, for me, I won't be returning to Penticton until Friday, November 4th as my doctor's appointment is on Thursday! I'm driving down on Wednesday and staying with friends both nights I'm there. Never rains but it pours! Thanks anyway, of course. Cheers, Patrizzio!
[ Standing on the Edgewalk in Toronto]
Patricio, THANKS for the update, great to hear how well you are doing. We will still be here next week, my contract ends Nov 4. The volunteer party is Nov 3, maybe you’d like to drop by as a MYSTERY GUEST? See you anon, as the literary types are wont to say….K. Hi again, Duhlink! I'd love to attend Volunteer Bash but I've already committed for dinner and bridge with friends that very evening. As we cliché-bound folk are wont to say, "It never rains but it pours!" However, I will try to swing by The Ufficio beforehand and interrupt the set-up, wearing a Halloween mask, commensurate with being a Mystery Guest!
[Cycling in Norway]
With respect to Lady Dar's "official" Officiant work vehicle, not sure if I'll be allowed to drive car now! Might have to hitch-hike into Vancouver! Cheers, Patrizzio! WE WILL BE THRILLED TO SEE YOU AT ANY TIME, in any garb of any sort….Buck nekkid?
Thank you to all those who sent me their payments so promptly.Thus far I've received 55% of the monies owing on the balance due to Shelter Point for our cask. I hope the remaining shareholders will get their payments to me by November 7th as requested so I can start finalizing the bottling and delivery arrangements as soon as possible. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Cheers, Kevin
[Sitting around at Yosemite]
Hi Jos! Sorry we'll miss you next Tuesday. Thanks for good wishes. Going to be very busy, when in Vancouver, aside from my medical appointments as I'm seeing scads of friends, and Chloë, of course. Almost need to stay a week or more, like Lady Dar! She is just back from auto detailing shop. Not sure if I'll be allowed to drive car now! Might have to hitch-hike into Vancouver! Cheers, Patrizzio, who will be churning away on stationary bike shortly!
[Walking over a crevice]
Hi All; I'm sorry but I'm not into any of the movies on next week! I hope you enjoy The Accountant. See you at Jake's place tomorrow night, Patrick (and Corinne)! Pam Hello Ersatz Movie Goers! From Pam's response we could well play next Tuesday and then I would be in game and eligible for Olly's fabulous bridge prizes! Cheers, Patrizzio, Desperately Seeking a Bridge Game!
Another reason for playing bridge on Tuesday instead of
Wednesday: on Wednesday is the AGM of the Save Skaha Park society
(registration at 6 pm at Penticton Lakeside). And of course it would be
nice to see Patrick before his trip to Vancouver...
[Glacier boarding anywhere]
My Bridge Partner, Spumoni, she always supports me even if I don't deserve it!
I wanted to see The Accountant aw well because it is apparently a good
movie. But it could be my only chance, before my departure and your
doctor’s visit, to play with you Patric, so I am OK to play this Tuesday
if you , and the rest of bridge enthusiast choose
so. Mike
Hi Conflicted Card Sharps! Why not let Olga Polga decide when game is on since she is the Hostess with the Mostest! Cheers, Taking No Sides, BUT Leaning Towards Three No Trump on Tuesday, Patrizzio!
Thank you Patrick!
We have received your payment and have you reserved for two on October 31, 6:00 pm, for Matt Andersen. Thanks for the support! See you there! Meg, The Dream Café Co-op
Hi Fellow Grandmothers for Africa Dinner Attendees! Both Lady Dar and I had a wonderful, wonderful evening last night so thanks for being part of such a worthwhile cause. Thanks again for all the wonderful company and apples and peppers and wine! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: GFA evening!
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