If I seem to take part in politics, it is only because politics
encircles us today like the coil of a snake from which one cannot get
out, no matter how much one tries. I wish therefore to wrestle with the
snake. -Mahatma Gandhi (2 Oct 1869-1948)
Travis and his travelling mate Geoff left today from Kinlochleven, Scotland and hope to arrive tomorrow in Fort William. They've been hiking the West Highland Trail of Scotland since late September, often enduring adverse weather conditions. After Fort William, they plan to ferry over to the Isle of Skye, the birth place of my mother's family. Onto the Orkney's, where the weather is even worse? Good luck on your recovery from hip replacement surgery. Cheers from Filmer. I'm sure Sally shares my sentiments while she remains bound at work, looking after other people's children, as only she can do.
Hi Filmer! In spite of the weather, what a fabulous, fabulous trip for Travis, let alone having access to all those malt distilleries!
Please send along our best wishes when next you are in touch and tell
him I'll send along a long list of hootch I'd like him to bring back!Thanks for best wishes on my recovery. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Sally. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Ayn P That is where I honey-mooned with Patrick James Dunn and Corinne Durston...gosh it was so romantic for the three of us! Technically, Chloe Alexis Dunn was there too!
Ayn P I drank 17 Shirley Temples that long weekend...between The Empress and The Wickininish Inn at Tofino...good times

Hi Patrizio! Thanks for the photos and updates. By the way, thanks so much for the travel referral from George and Jane. We were unable to assist on this one, however we referred them to another close friend and travel agent who revels in these types of (what they call FIT) journeys.
Wow, I was going to tell you about my bad back I am just recovering from after 3 weeks, but I won’t bother you with details after you shared your hip replacement surgery/ordeal. We are so pleased things went well and that you will be up and biking soon we hope!
Yes, we remember how you 2 always enjoyed being part of the VIFF and understand how disappointed you must be. Now, on to more fun things like playing bridge with you! We are totally open and excited in the prospects of making this happen. Just let us know when it can happen and we can set it up here at our place for dinner, bridge and more. Only date we are unavailable right now is Nov 1.
ALSO, we have now just reclaimed our house to ourselves (again and for all time?) as Marnie has just moved in to her own apt. right across from Central Park in Burnaby as of Oct 1. You are welcome to stay here for a couple of nights if that works out for you. Lots of room. Another major update in our lives. Number one son, Jeremy, is moving out to Nova Scotia to start his own organic farm. You wouldn’t believe what he was able to purchase compared to what he could afford around these parts. This will be a tough one as we have been attached to the hip (pardon the pun) for almost 40 years.
So back to you for more details. Hi to Corinne and have a great week! Charlie
[Mt. McLellan, near St. Andrew's Golf course, on the other side of White Lake Rd.]
Hi Champagne! Sorry to learn that you were suffering from a bad back! Almost nothing worse. I know, believe me, from my own bouts of lower back problems over the years. Fortunately I haven't suffered from anything as serious as I experienced in 1991, when I stepped on an opponent's foot, during a doubles squash match and had to crawl, literally, up the front stairs of our house in Kits. I banged on the door and Dusty couldn't see anyone as I was on the deck of the porch, well below the window near the top of the door. Took three tries before he opened to find me moaning and whimpering like someone had just smashed my entire malt collection! At ant rate, pleased you are fine now.
I wasn't sure if you would be able to help Whirlygig and Calamity Jane but thought it was worth
a try as you have been able to do so much for us over the years.
Haven't heard form them, of late, but thanks for further FIT referral. I'm sure it was much appreciated.
Congratulations on becoming de-nested but, again, from our own past experience, be careful about saying and thinking "for all time!" That being said, I trust things work out well for Marnie. Please pass along our best wishes to her. If she needs a roommate, perhaps Chloë should move in with her! Then her starving parents could rent out the loft and receive the money to pay for their wine habit!
Quite a significant move for Jeremy indeed! I'm sure it is an exciting prospect for him if a terribly wrenching one for you both. Again, we wish him the very, very best in this new venture, particualrly since we need more places to freeload in Nova Scotia! From this point of view we hope he is nothing but incredibly successful!
Speaking of freeloading, thank you for your very generous offer of a place to stay. As of this writing, we haven't worked out dates we will travel to Vancouver for my November 6th week follow-up. It would be wonderful if we could arrange a bridge evening
on one of our nights there and stay overnight so we wouldn't have to
worry about drinking all of your fabulous hootch. Just musing but if we stayed in city for three days, 2nd-4th, perhaps night of the 3rd would work best as it will be easier to get to my appointments if we stay closer to VGH, probably with Flamin' & Sarge, on 2nd. I'll run this by Lady Dar and see what she thinks. After we confirm staying with F/S we will be in touch and see what you think
about bridge, etc. Thanks. Fondestos from Lady Dar, eyes glued to the TV screen, mesmerized by Victor and all of the other mindoids in Genoa City. Talk about The Young and the Useless. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick Dr Duncan reviewed your email and advised me to tell you to Stop the Indomethacin if not already done Deborah Hi Deborah! Thanks for quick reply. I did stop taking the Indomethacin as soon as I became concerned about side-effects, five day's worth. Will see you on November 3rd. Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Lady Dar had a yoga class at 9:00 am this morning and after I made a pot of coffee, Lynette walked some of the KVR. She had mentioned, earlier, that she'd like to take us to lunch s when they were both back we piled into our car and drove to The Bench Market on Vancouver Avenue and enjoyed a very tasty brunch indeed. I
ordered the Bench Club: oven roasted all natural Bradner Farms turkey,
Fraser Valley bacon, Canadian smoked cheddar, crushed avocado, fresh
tomato & lettuce on grilled multi-grain; Lynette, the Sicilian:
thinly sliced capicollo ham, Genoa salami, marinated artichokes, organic
Gouda and sundried tomato spread on toasted baguette while Lady Dar had their Classic Egg-Salad Sandwich.
Back home to snap a few pictures before Lynette was off. She wanted to be back in Vancouver before rush-hour so thanking her for the great visit and tasty lunch we waved goodbye. Duke and Etta have been relishing their freedom as we let them out, without leashes, once Lynette was gone. Second day of freedom and they've been busy continuing to further explore both front yard, [They love to chew the tall grass in the raised planter and explore the berms!] and back patio, making complete circuits of the house then dashing inside for a few moments before dashing out again!
Will be a bit of a quiet week until Friday when Chloë will be back for Thanksgiving weekend. Her friends, Katie and Brian, along with Emma and Luca, their children, will be here as well. Chloë will take care of them while the parents look at homes in West Kelowna and Kelowna. They feel that Vancouver is far too expensive for them. They own a one bedroom there but are currently renting it out and living in a larger, rented place themselves as the one bedroom is simply too small now. Job prospects, they feel, at least for them, are better in and around Kelowna. Sooner they relocate the better, as as far as I'm concerned, as there is already a steady "migration" to this part of the province, both from Lower Mainland and Alberta, and prices are rising accordingly.
Haven't heard from the React program yet but hope to start the program later this week as my incision is almost completely healed and I'm itching to start riding on the stationary bike, Duke and Etta loping alongside me as I spin the pedals furiously! Fondestos from Lady Dar, about to head out to the front yard to do a bit of tidying and rest of fall weeding. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hail indomitable one! What a life you lead ! Imagine! You could be a great grandfather soon. I couldn't or wouldn't want to hope to live long enough for that Think how old I would have to be! Even today it takes two of us to look after our little fellow.
Hail indomitable one! What a life you lead ! Imagine! You could be a great grandfather soon. I couldn't or wouldn't want to hope to live long enough for that Think how old I would have to be! Even today it takes two of us to look after our little fellow.
We just returned from swimming lessons at the Canada Games Pool where we watched Kian and his mother take part in the Duck program. Next week he graduates to the Sea Turtles. It is now expected that I prepare his energy drink served in an electric blue water bottle with straw and wrist band for his use during the car ride back home. It is made up of almond milk, 2 mandarin oranges, a section of fresh pineapple, 2 carrots , a handful of organic baby spinach, whey protein , 1/2 banana, a dash of fresh lemon juice and three ice cubes liquified in the blender. We fill his water bottle and still have enough for two small juice glasses for our breakfast. He drinks all that and also eats 1/4 of a Phytoberry vegan protein bar. He is still so skinny and burns it all off.
You would appreciate the fact that we bought a bike helmet and a two wheel MEC wooden bike that he has to push with his feet as there are no pedals. They say he graduates from this bike to a pedal two wheeler without training wheels as he will have learned to balance it already.
When you are in Vernon next plan to stop (especially during Apple season) at Davison Farms and also Planet Bee where the have a tasting bar for Mead. We like the Parad-ice Berry Mead as a dessert treat. The spices and jams and bakery pies at the Farm bakery are worth driving there for lunch. They are closed during the winter.
When you are in Vernon next plan to stop (especially during Apple season) at Davison Farms and also Planet Bee where the have a tasting bar for Mead. We like the Parad-ice Berry Mead as a dessert treat. The spices and jams and bakery pies at the Farm bakery are worth driving there for lunch. They are closed during the winter.
Hello Electric Blue Energy Drink Grandmother! I
was more exhausted reading ingredients in Kian's drink than I was after
almost seven hours on bike in GranFondo this past July! He'll be Popeye the Biker Man before you know it! What a great idea with respect to MEC wooden bike. Had never heard of such a wonderful training device/toy. Kian can enter PiccoloFondo in next year's GF! I'll stop riding when he enters main event but will keep my helmet as I need to protect my head from Duke and Etta who take great joy in leaping onto it when I'm in bed! Thanks, as well, for hot tips in Vernon. Both places sound wonderful so much appreciate having local knowledge! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Wally and forlorn Picasso, now playing second-fiddle to Wonder Boy!
Cheers, Patrizzio!
Wow Patrick, you are sure into good food and wine. I am not. I always find myself scrambling to get 3 basic meals a day. If I only needed to eat once a week, then I would probably take the time to make each meal a good one. My expertise lies in nuking items. Sounds like you have moved to just the right area for you to pursue your interests. Glad you are having lots of visitors. Cheers,
Bev Hi again, Bev! You remind me of good friend, from hiking group, Gillian, who is not the least bit interested in food. Unfortunately, not the case for me as I certainly enjoy cuisine of all sorts. Same for alcohol so that is why I need to stay so physically active! Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you, Bev. Cheers, Patrizzio! My dream is to dance as much as a 70 year old body can. Keep dreaming and dancing! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Olga Polga from Peggy's Cove! Trust you are well! Really enjoyed the photos that Spumoni forwarded. Brings back nothing of fond memories as we were first tin Newfoundland in May, 2007. Have really been missing the hikes but one can't have everything! Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you, Olga. Continue to enjoy your fabulous trip and travel safely. Think bridge will be at Josinta's tomorrow evening so you will be missed terribly, by everyone, but especially me! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Will you be in Penticton on Nov 20? We might come visit you and see Roger Hodgson in Kelowna. Of course you are invited. Would we have to spend the rest of the winter in the interior or will there be a way out back to the island? -- Bruno Hello Qualicum! Yes, we'll be home on November 20th so you are welcome to stay, if you take Etta and Duke with you back to VI! [Etta and Duke will be loping alongside me, on training bike, in order to be able to outrun coyotes in Qualicum Beach!] Thanks for invitation to join you, [You should mention concert to Big Al and Colleen as they might be keen.], but neither Lady Dar nor I are interested. Aside from the fact that we really didn't know or follow his/Supertramp's music, but in passing, I am less inclined to attend large concerts anymore. Prefer much smaller venues, Dream Café, here in Penticton, per esempio. Nevertheless, you should stay for a couple of nights, or weekend, if your schedules allow. Let us know and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos
from Lady Dar, to you, Brunello, and Chooch. Cheers, Patrizzio!
From Josiah Flintabatty Flonatin! Another Great Gathering of Flin Flonners Yes I will try to be there. I will bring JIM R and invite PAT DUNN DBJS Hi Jake! I'd love to attend gathering. Will it be possible to
drive there with you? Lady Dar will be in Vancouver at VWF. Let me know
and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Have been meaning to send these along for ages!
Hello Sneaky Pete! Trust you are well! Pleased to learn that work is going well and that you no longer have such a long-distance commute. Would love to return to NZ so watch out, we may well be knocking on your door one day, in the not too, too distant future!
Really must apologize for not replying sooner. No excuses but plenty of reasons! Main one being that I received your message the day before I underwent left-hip replacement! Before I recount that, and more, it looks like we will not hook up, once again, I'm very sorry to say. If things go as planned, we will be heading to Tinsel Town for Christmas. Will probably be heading south at the beginning of second week of December so we will be through Vancouver before you land. Really disappointed as it we would have dearly loved to have you both stay, at least for a night, your schedule allowing, had we been here.
The plan for LA is tentative, as of this writing, as it depends on how my hip recovery goes, as you might expect. I presume/hope that all will go well and that we will be able to travel but if not then we will remain in Penticton so stay tuned! Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you both, Pedrito! Continue to enjoy your fabulous Sauvignon Blanc! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Wow Patrick, you are sure into good food and wine. I am not. I always find myself scrambling to get 3 basic meals a day. If I only needed to eat once a week, then I would probably take the time to make each meal a good one. My expertise lies in nuking items. Sounds like you have moved to just the right area for you to pursue your interests. Glad you are having lots of visitors. Cheers,
Bev Hi again, Bev! You remind me of good friend, from hiking group, Gillian, who is not the least bit interested in food. Unfortunately, not the case for me as I certainly enjoy cuisine of all sorts. Same for alcohol so that is why I need to stay so physically active! Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you, Bev. Cheers, Patrizzio! My dream is to dance as much as a 70 year old body can. Keep dreaming and dancing! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Olga Polga from Peggy's Cove! Trust you are well! Really enjoyed the photos that Spumoni forwarded. Brings back nothing of fond memories as we were first tin Newfoundland in May, 2007. Have really been missing the hikes but one can't have everything! Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you, Olga. Continue to enjoy your fabulous trip and travel safely. Think bridge will be at Josinta's tomorrow evening so you will be missed terribly, by everyone, but especially me! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Will you be in Penticton on Nov 20? We might come visit you and see Roger Hodgson in Kelowna. Of course you are invited. Would we have to spend the rest of the winter in the interior or will there be a way out back to the island? -- Bruno Hello Qualicum! Yes, we'll be home on November 20th so you are welcome to stay, if you take Etta and Duke with you back to VI! [Etta and Duke will be loping alongside me, on training bike, in order to be able to outrun coyotes in Qualicum Beach!] Thanks for invitation to join you, [You should mention concert to Big Al and Colleen as they might be keen.], but neither Lady Dar nor I are interested. Aside from the fact that we really didn't know or follow his/Supertramp's music, but in passing, I am less inclined to attend large concerts anymore. Prefer much smaller venues, Dream Café, here in Penticton, per esempio. Nevertheless, you should stay for a couple of nights, or weekend, if your schedules allow. Let us know and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos
from Lady Dar, to you, Brunello, and Chooch. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Sneaky Pete! Trust you are well! Pleased to learn that work is going well and that you no longer have such a long-distance commute. Would love to return to NZ so watch out, we may well be knocking on your door one day, in the not too, too distant future!
Really must apologize for not replying sooner. No excuses but plenty of reasons! Main one being that I received your message the day before I underwent left-hip replacement! Before I recount that, and more, it looks like we will not hook up, once again, I'm very sorry to say. If things go as planned, we will be heading to Tinsel Town for Christmas. Will probably be heading south at the beginning of second week of December so we will be through Vancouver before you land. Really disappointed as it we would have dearly loved to have you both stay, at least for a night, your schedule allowing, had we been here.
The plan for LA is tentative, as of this writing, as it depends on how my hip recovery goes, as you might expect. I presume/hope that all will go well and that we will be able to travel but if not then we will remain in Penticton so stay tuned! Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you both, Pedrito! Continue to enjoy your fabulous Sauvignon Blanc! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Old Farts, This week is turning into a bit of a mish-mash. Plans were to hike to Lake Lacoma northwest of Peachland. However, I have been informed that the road access is quite terrible. So, Lake Lacoma is out. Meanwhile, Rick has sent out his list regarding a hike at Parker Mountain, and some folks are choosing to do that. So, here is another quick idea from me…
I am proposing to cycle from Osprey Lake to Summerland on Thursday. And, though I don’t think it would be a good idea to have too many folks on such a trip, I would be quite happy if there were a few interested in joining me. You would need a bicycle with tires suitable for a KVR surface which has a few softer parts. We would also need enough vehicles to do a shuttle. Weather report says partly sunny with a chance of showers, but generally looks good. We would probably leave Summerland at about 10am. Are you interested? If so, let me know soon so that we will know numbers and will be able to work out the transportation details. Cheers, Jim
I am proposing to cycle from Osprey Lake to Summerland on Thursday. And, though I don’t think it would be a good idea to have too many folks on such a trip, I would be quite happy if there were a few interested in joining me. You would need a bicycle with tires suitable for a KVR surface which has a few softer parts. We would also need enough vehicles to do a shuttle. Weather report says partly sunny with a chance of showers, but generally looks good. We would probably leave Summerland at about 10am. Are you interested? If so, let me know soon so that we will know numbers and will be able to work out the transportation details. Cheers, Jim
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