Language is the amber in which a thousand precious and subtle thoughts
have been safely embedded and preserved. -Richard C. Trench, poet
Hello Harbour Terrace, et al! Trust everyone is well. Exciting day here! After not hitting the hay until 2:30 am Sunday morning, I was hoping to be able to sleep in until at least 9:00 am. Duke would have none of this nonsense, however, so he drove me out of bed at 8:05 am! Went immediately to garage to open patio door for them and he and Etta dashed outside.
Then I had a minute to pull a Mary Lee so I put the kettle on to boil and then had a mug of hot water and squeezed fresh lemon quarters. Frisky felines were soon back inside, rubbing in purring like littel steam engines so I fed them their breakfast. Duke is terrific about shaking a paw but Miss Etta still seems confused. This being the case, I've taken to having her hop up on on eof the bar stools and then I hold her bowl above the back of the stool and it easier for her to "reach" for the food. As soon as she does so, I take her paw and praise her, then set her back down on the floor and give her the bowl. Taking time but can see small advances!
Spent the rest of the morning answering messages and acting as doorman, occasionally, when either one or the other wanted out the sliding glass door. Took a break around 11:00 am to have brunch, almost last of "overlefts" so making headway in that regard! Back into my office after eating and noticed that it was only Etta coming in and out. Didn't think much of it until around 1:00 pm. Took a look everywhere I could think of but no sign of Duke. Assumed that he might have been sleeping under our bed and as I was reluctant to try to get down to look under it I assumed he was there.
For her part, Miss Etta seemed to be acting a bit nervously, giving a few cries as she would go outside and then same when she returned. About 1:30 pm Henryk phoned to say they would be leaving Peachland shortly to pop by our place to collect a letter we'd received on Friday. Said all was well but was still looking for Duke. Had the phone in my hand when I was talking to him, standing outside on the front steps, Etta in the planter, near the fence. Amanada was washing her car and she said she's not seen Duke for a couple of hours so I was beginning to becoe a tad concerned.
At any rate, Louise and Henryk arrived a few minutes later and when I opened the front door, Etta dashed out. Told them I'd not located The Rambunctious Boy so asked Louise if she would ming looking under our bed. No Duke! Since Etta was still outside everyone followed her and Henryk thought he heard a cry of some sort. By this time Etta was in the neighbour's yard, just behind the fence from the planter. By then both of us heard another few cries and so we went to the side walk. Henryk was ahead of me and sure enough, Jaguar Boy was way up in the oak tree, in the crook of the trunk where it bifurcates, about level with the second story of the duplex!
Knew we'd need a ladder so Henryk followed me to the side of the house and I unlocked our aluminum/extendible ladder so he could carry it to the base of the tree. He set up on the neighbour's sidewalk, just in front of their doorway and ladder was tall enough to reach close to where our standed cat was sitting, eyes wide! Louise held the ladder as Henryk climbed towards the crook, Amanda ofering words of comfort to Duke. I suggested Heryk wear work gloves in case Duke might try to scratch him when he tried to pick him up, given unfamiliar, distressing situation he'd placed himself in. Once he was high enough, a few small branches made it a bit difficult for Henryk to get a hold of Duke. When he did, he dug his claws into tree trunk and held on for dear life. Didn't take too long and Henryk managed to pry Barnacle Boy off trunk and was able to cradle him against his chest with one of his arms until he descended the ladder. Took the rescue cat right into the kitchen before releasing him. Miss Etta immediatley came by and started checking him out but Rambunctious Boy would have none of it and dashed back to the Rumpus Room. I was worried he'd go back outisde, [The patio door was still wedged open!], and climb the tree again, starting the process all over again!
Managed to head him off before he could escape and then returned to thank/visit with Louise/Henryk. They told me that they are moving from Peachland to the RV park at Spirit Ridge on November 1st. They plan to sell their fifth wheel and will tailor sale to when they plan to leave for Arizona. Henryk wants to borrow my skill saw, in a week or so, as he plans to build a crate to ship some heavy possessions back to Manitoba. Anyway, thanked them again and said that perhaps they should think about staying overnight on the first weekend in November. That way they could stay for dinner, have a few drinks and not have to worry about driving back. Anyway, we'll be in touch once we are back from our trip to Vancouver for my six week follow-up on November 3rd.

Thank you for sending us your Thanksgiving-themed Jacquie Lawson e-card.
I did love the music. Did I tell you that Kaitlyn is expecting a baby boy, scheduled to arrive in February? I hope all's well with you and Corinne.
You must be well-settled now in your new "Knock-a-Noggin" home.
Travis is back now after trekking for a month with his friend Geoff in Scotland and Northern England. While hiking the Isle of Skye, they needed to cross over a rancher's fence to get to their next destination. The local ranchers use wooden gate wickets, so that the many hikers can pass through, without their own animals escaping to the other side of the fence. Travis and Geoff were held up for a time by this bull who stood in their way, huffing and snuffing at their presence.
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