Thursday, 13 October 2016

Day 28, Post-Op Outside Water Faucet Shut-Off Valve Blues: Thursday, October 13th!

You can't do anything with anybody's body to make it dirty to me. Six people, eight people, one person -- you can do only one thing to make it dirty: kill it. Hiroshima was dirty. -Lenny Bruce, comedian and social critic (13 Oct 1925-1966)

Hi Patrick and Corinne, Well, now I know almost everything about you, at least over Thanksgiving. Very illuminating, especially about your fireplace cleaning and your cats!  We were in Powell River at Jennifer's where she and Dale bought a nice old house half a block from the water two years ago. They have jobs there now, he as second officer on the Earl's Cove - Saltery Bay ferry run, and she as an OT working for Coastal Health. 

Then this past spring Laura and Michael bought 4.8 acres 8 minutes south of Jennifer's, ocean front. There is no house there, but they started construction in the summer and will continue the work whenever Michael can get away from his construction business down here. They plan to retire there, and until then use it during holidays. In the meantime, they have their camper set up so they are relatively comfortable when they come up. So we were all there over the weekend eating turkey and trimmings at Jen's.

On Monday after the others went home, Tony and I went for a long walk on the seawalk and through a park trail toward the historic Townsite. It is such a great place, so beautiful. In PR you can go hunting for elk at 5 p.m. in the hills just to the east and be back in time for turkey leftovers at 7:30. Amazing! That's what Tony and Dale did on Monday. Some pics enclosed. One is of Tony doing a soft-shoe on a waterfront stage and one is of Dale on the elk hunt calling his prey. No animal showed up, thank goodness. I will see Corinne at book club. Good luck with the recovery from surgery. All good wishes, Bruni

Hi Bruni! Great to hear from you, my dearest, all-knowing confidant! Quite enjoyed the snaps, especially of Soft-Shoe Shuffle Antonio! Wonderful to learn that everything is going so well with Jennifer/Dale and Laura/Michael.
Time for a late breakfast so must away. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Da Lip. Does he tap-dance as well? Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Cat Woman with adoring charges!

It is pouring heavily here now, but a nice break during the day. No, he does not tap dance. Nice pictures of kitties and Corinne. Look forward to seeing her soon. Cheers, Bruni
Hi, Patrick. Thanks for that nice (and might I say somewhat saccharine) Thanksgiving Day card. It was a stark contrast from our daily dose of Trump travails. I hope your hip is recovering well. I am off to Sidney Island to slouch around in the rain, keeping an eye on hunters. Julia looks fwd to seeing you at the writers festival. All the best, Sir. I look forward to seeing you soon! Ross 

Hello Saccharine-Intolerant, [But one of your many intolerances, I might add! Man! Great to hear from you even if card was too, too syrupy for your hardened hunter's heart. [I thought I'd seen your name in credits for Bambi!] Otherwise, pleased to learn that you and The Lovely Julia are well. Unfortunately, for me, I won't be volunteering at the VWF this year. Decided to concentrate on my rehab and likelihood of being away for ten days or so would interrupt that process.  

[Dad, When was Grandmas birthday?? September??? I can't remember and I feel awful that I can't. September 22??Hi Chloë! Beloved Sharktooth Annie would have celebrated her 103rd birthday on September 22nd! Hip Hip Hooray, Mother! Smile upon Your Perfect Son! For She's a Jolly Good Fellow! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! For Nobody Can Deny!!! What made you think about date? Fondestos from Cat Woman. Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio The Perfect! Pics: Last night, watching The Wire!]
That being said,have not heard from React, [rehab program at Penticton Community Centre], yet, even though documentation is with them so, to tell you the truth, I'm becoming rather annoyed and frustrated! I am doing the lying down and standing exercises given to me upon discharge from hospital but feel I need to move to more demanding forms of stretching, both in pool and gym. I was on a stationary bike after a little more than a couple of weeks, back in 2010 with right hip replacement recovery, and am now walking around house without a cane. Use it when I go out somewhere and can walk downtown and back, easily and without fatigue. Pleased about that, of course.

Cloudy and overcast, with a bit of light rain, today. Later this morning Lady Dar will have to go down into the crawl space to turn off the water lines leading to outside faucets to prevent them freezing. Frisky felines are enjoying being outside. Next "cat" project will be to install a cat opening in door from garage to patio, probably after lady Dar returns from VWF and my hip is a bit more flexible. We put one in door from Rumpus Room so that we could put litter box there. Since weather is turning colder we don't really want to leave the sliding door open while they dash in and out! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Deliverance Man, and Julia. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Happy Belated Thanksgiving! It sounds like you had a lovely time...hard to imagine just the three of you enjoying your bountiful feast. Love the pictures from the market...such gorgeous colors! And the pics of the fam are great too! We spent the weekend at the valley and had our neighbors Shelly and Phil over Saturday night for delicious turkey with celery, apple and raisin stuffing accompanied by garlic mash potatoes, carrot and turnip puree and a delicious brussel sprout dish with caramelized onions, parmeson and balsamic topping. As much as I dont generally enjoy brussies I must say Shelly made them taste incredible.

The next day Jeremy, Lily and my niece came up for the night. Jeremy made us an exquisite pumpkin cheese cake topped with cranberry whipped cream...was to die for! After we finished hot turkey sandwiches and overlefts for dinner we went across to the lake for the first community bonfire of the year...the night was clear and beautiful and there were about 20 people sitting around the fire at one point..always fun!

[Juno: preferred bed] How is your hip coming along? I hope that things are healing up satisfactorily. When do you expect to get back on the bike? Let us know your plans for your follow up appointment. You are always welcome here although our accomodations arent nearly as swish as your Kits friends but we always love seeing you! Clover is doing great...the potty training is coming along pretty well and she is very consistently going outside when I am home as i am concientious to get her out regularly. She has grown and is nearly 20 lbs now. We have so much fun with happy that we got her. 

The boys have had to babysit her a lot as I am really busy with school and my new job Choose To Move which I think I told you about. I am running 2 groups right now with a total of 22 people and have had to find time to meet with each one individually for an hour to discuss their goals and then help design an acitivity plan that gets them moving more physically and connecting more socially. I am heading off this morning for 4 back to back appointments and another 4 tomorrow and then after that phase I am doing monthly motivational meeting and weekly phone checkins which is much more manageable. The first few weeks are always a bit overwhelming trying to find enough time to see all the particpants.

[Juno: warm tiles in South facing Kitchen] Sorry I know there are lots of typos etc...but I just dont have it in me to spell check this as I have to get ready to head out soon. Al has gone up to the valley to work on our new place again this week. I was supposed to join him this weekend but I think given the dire weather forecast and the fact that I am pretty swamped with assignments etc...this week I think I will end up staying here instead. K Gotta run..Love you both! Marilyn xoxoxoxo

Hi Choose to Move at Warp Speed Woman! Great to hear from you, especially knowing how unbelievably busy you both are! Glad you enjoyed snaps of Farmers' Market. All the vendors were asking for you and "your" hat! Thanksgiving meal sounded remarkable indeed, as did Jeremy's dessert! Please ensure that both he and Shelly will be at Sunshine Valley when we stay and that you have plenty of take-away containers for overlefts! I plan to win this week's Lotto Max so first thing I do when I collect my millions will be to have you look for property close to your place so we can become Freeloaders ourselves!

[Juno: chez Sandy at Robert’s Creek]
Will certainly be in touch about November visit. Thanks for generous offer of B&B! Must away as it's time for my standing exercises, my darling Marilyn. Take care of each other. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Lonely Stanchion Man! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Patriçio, Thanks for your kind words w.r.t. my current situation. Yes it has been extremely taxing and I have to figure out how I am going to get my life back. I don’t have a lot of active years to be on the hook for someone who has no idea of who I am and swings randomly from amicable to impossible.

I do have a plan of action, but it involves dealing with some legal stuff that inhibits my access to funds I need for his care (thank you Michael). My lawyer has made some suggestions. I will let you know if I ever achieve relative freedom.

On the lighter side of life, I ended up dog sitting for a few days. It was actually fun. Rebecca's dog is incredibly amicable with everyone (even cats!) and extremely well behaved(!). I may just get myself a dog one of these days. There are many reasons why they make good companions … please see attached for details. Hope to see you in November//bjp
Cat antidote! Make sure you read attached document! Cheers, Pluto!

Hi Ragin'! Understand what you are dealing with so am pleased that you do have a plan of action! Loved the snaps of Juno. [I take it I have the right name.] Handsome looking pooch and am pleased to learn of his amicable disposition. Fondestos from Lady Bar Soap, [Catching up on recorded episodes of The Young and the Rest of Us], singing See You in November, while the cats cover their ears! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hi Patrick thank you for greetings, I am really sorry about not living closer to Canada, if you were just living some where near Berlin or so we'd drive din for the weekend. Anyhow, having seen several close friends go through all kinds of cancer treatment, I am relieved not to have a a malignant disease after all, even though the recovery from prolapses might take a long time.

Here autumn school vacation is coming up tomorrow. Because of expenses of renovation we had not planned any travel this year. Thus we will be celebrating Johan and Peter' s 16th birthday next week on Oct 20. They have now passed my height by 7-8cm. They are fine, same pattern of personality and abilities, Peter in control of school guitar studies soccer, Johan trying and also improving in school work but still rather disorganized and more in opposition arguing daily about minoriteter issues / demands at home. Well my neck cannot take more writing, all the best to you bath. A big hug from Margareta 😃 

Hi Dottore! Great to hear from you, especially knowing it costs you so dearly, in terms of your neck pain! Wonderful to learn that everything is going so well with Peter and Johan. Hard to believe that they will be 16 next week! Certainly wish we lived closer to you and would love to have a place in Berlin, per esempio. Fabulous city, to the extent that we know it. I plan to win this week's Lotto Max so first thing I do when I collect my millions will be to send you airfare to Berlin and we'll meet there to look for a place to suit everyone's holiday needs! Must away, my darling Margareta. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Johan and Peter. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick Pleeeeeaaasssse win that Lotto Max!! I'll be happy to meet you anywhere. But Berlin can take many a visit. Went to the physiotherapist today, who is making an active exercise programme for me in the fitness gym. Cross fit training, lifting weights etc. Have to strenghten my back muscles which are not strong despite swimming. I'm already (a little ) better!! So I can dream on with the Master Swimming and a future life without pain!! Big hug, Margareta Old kitchen and new kitchen :-)  

Hi Cross-Fit Woman! Absolutely delighted that you are showing some improvement despite only a little. One step at a time. Onward! Fight! I'll put three 1st Class air tickets and $10,000 US, for incidental expenses, in mail as soon as I've had time to go to Lotto kiosk! However, from looking at the kitchen photos you obviously aren't short of cash! We dream of a kitchen like your old one, never mind state-of-the-art new one! Wow and Congratulations. Looks fabulous!!!
Lady Dar is just showering after she was in and out of the crawl space, shutting off various valves for outside water faucets. I was outside to turn on faucets to make sure water to them was off. First time she closed valve to main water pipe for house! Her shower water didn't run out so I guess we managed to close right ones. Felines, of course, were desperate to follow her into crawl space so we had to lock them in the Rumpus Room until we were finished! Time for more exercises so will sign off for now. Buona Fortuna with your back muscles. Fondestos from Crawl Space Woman! Cheers, Patrizzio! 
Hello again. We visited Comox on the way back from Long Beach at the end of Sept a few days before the stoic Swede flew back to Stockholm. The west coast was great - one night at the Blackrock in Ucluelet one one night at the Wickinish Inn. Life is good! The photo was taken at Charlie & Yvonne's when Jane and the aforementioned Swede joined us for dinner and a fair bit of wine. Don't overdo your rehab now. Cheers....Paul 

Hi again, Paolo! Thanks for clarifying locazzione! Your Long Beach stay sounded wonderful. We spent our "honeymoon" there, in May of 1976, at the "old' Wickaninnish Inn, one which burned down, sadly. Not overdoing my rehab as still have not heard from React! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Joan. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Thanks for the card Patrick. Best wishes to you and yours - hope you are recovering quickly - your bikes await!  Hello David! Great to hear from you. Trust you and Nancy are well. Fondestos from Lady Dar to both. Cheers, Patrizzio!

First off: We did attend C’ du’ Sol’ and we found it wonderful for the talent of the performers...but the story line was lost as far as we were concerned....quite hard to follow; but enjyed the scenes.....We saw the main one when in China a few years ago.....that was something to remember. We felt; for the cost, and the trouble getting tickets.....well; not really. But; that is a matter of discussion, as many would be, “blown” away.....

Your place has the look of a wonderful neat; and the gardener certainly knows what she is doing. We think your outside garden, etc., is done so well. Since we moved into our condo; it amazes us how much “tending-to” a place needs; that we hear from those that still have large, and great homes to look after.

Your pictures of the “estate” you have; and how neat things are. We always enjoy seeing and hearing everything you folks do; and things look so ‘comfortable.’ Do hope your healing o.k., and for certain; do not do things that give discomfort. We have to go keep it going.... Love, Arv & Sandee xxxx Hi Condo Dwellers! Thank you for the lovely compliments on our "estate"! Great to hear from you, especially knowing how many visitors you have to entertain! Sounds like you have as many Freeloaders in Steinbach as we have to deal with here in Penticton! Fondestos from Lady Dar, putting on her spider-proof work clothes, [You should see cobwebs in crawl space!], to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Thanks Patrick. Our choice was a Pinot noir (Hainle vineyards) and/or a sparkling from Lang vineyard. Both delicious and would recommend them. Hope you're healing well and swiftly, miss you on the hikes. L  Hi Luigi! Great to hear of your Thanksgiving tipples! Haven't been to Hainle since we first visited the Okanagan back in mid-'80's. Lang was also one of few on The Naramata Bench then. How things have changed! I miss you and hiking gang as well. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

I can feel your frustration. For an active man as yourself this down time must be very difficult. Just keep the goal in mind - we won't be able to keep up with you on the mountain just as we weren't on the bike. Love the cat pics. We don't dare use cat doors since they would be visiting the coyotes at night if allowed. Hope you have some good reads in addition to your exercises. Take care. Lou
Hi again, Luigi! Understand what you mean about coyotes, living where you do. Even in Vancouver we had coyote sighting s and warnings at Granville Island! Don't think I'll ever be able to keep up with Bad Boy but thanks for the support!
Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Andrew. I am interested in helping out if you are looking for someone to help. 
Wayne Hi Sarge! Great that you are interested in Dram Committee!  Will certainly be in touch about November visit. Are you around, early in month? Take care of Flamin'! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Thanks Patirck, Wayne just got back to me and is interested in joining the committee, so thank you! Andrew Hi Andrew! I received a message from Sarge, [I call Wayne "Sarge" even though he attained the rank of Inspector in the RCMP.], noting his interest so pleased he will be on Dram Committee. I'll be in Vancouver on November 3rd for my six week follow-up with hip surgeon so I plan to drop by VWF Office to collect my finder's fee! Best wishes to everyone there and Buona Fortuna with this year's Festival. My "mole", Lady Darjeeling, aka volunteer Corinne Durston, will be providing daily reports so I'll be taking the Festival's pulse, even if from afar! Cheers, "Patirck", aka Patrizzio! Pic: Selfie with my handy-dandy gripper for picking up things I cannot bend down to reach. Note Jack O Lantern guarding malt cabinet! Low tec security system! However, "attack cats" are deadly!

You should reconsider next week and come in with Corinne. You could go back and forth to the Granville Island gym. Just got back from my workout.  And finished the turkey now of to Costco for supplies. Curling tonight doe of to Seattle tomorrow for the Seahawk game on Sunday. Corey/Rebecca and the girls are going to the game. First one for Ashlynn. 

Hi again, Sarge! Believe me, I did think, long and hard, about using False Creek CC, [I still have about 15 passes on my card!], if I came down. That aside, Etta and Duke are now the albatrosses I told Lady Dar pets would be, as far as traveling is concerned. They are delightful and provide us endless entertainment and affection BUT they really make being away a much, much more difficult prospect, especially for prolonged trips.

Am pretty mobile so think I'll be fine, on my own, while Lady Dar is at VWF. Can call on a number of good friends for help should I need it and I know I can count on neighbours, (across back lane and next door), in an emergency. Have already put litter boxes on large tubs so easier to clean. Etta and Duke love having to hop up onto small stools in front of each so no difficulty with using them. I'm planning to go for a test drive with Lady Dar this weekend as I will drive to React if I'm ever contacted! If I have any difficulty driving, whatsoever, I can walk there as well as to IGA, just down Government, for any groceries I might require. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Contract and/or Chicago Players! I gather Spumoni, [Could you send out directions to your place?], will be hosting next Tuesday, 6:30 pm, so please let us know if you will be playing. Have attached a few snapolas from this week's game. Guests took all the prizes so Lady Dar was quite miffed! Cheers, Patrizzio!

You ‘Estate dwellers’, are so neat. Sandee grew up with having a great friend as a ‘cat’, and we always had one when we lived at the lake in Wisconsin; with a large golden retriever....yours look so “comfortable”, and they have a perfect home with you both. So nice to see.....we would love one too; but both our kids, Jodi and Joy; for some reason, can have dogs; which they do; but never a cat. They walk into a home with a cat and start to wheeze, etc.

So, there you are. Jodi just had her little ‘shit-soo’, I call it; but a great, friendly small dog; to the vet; and had a slight infection caused by the dog groomer; so had to get onto pills for a few days. Dog was here visiting today; and now feeling super; so the worry gone about “sick dog.” Ha

Yes; we are busy with company; and friends that live in this condo too; because they want us to visit when ‘they’ have relatives or company; to spread around the good cheer (beer, wine, food.) We do not complain; as know you both are into the entertainment business a big way; which is wonderful FOR COMPANY.

We did go out to Falcon Folks and pay them a visit last month; and both are doing perfect. Tough to see Dusty on O2, but he is managing; and Clara is really one of a kind, perky and sharp. She is amazing. We always enjoy popping in to see them. What a couple....

Listen; keep doing your exercises and watch sitting and leaning always to one side; to read, watch TV, etc., What helps sometimes, is when going to bed; place a large pillow down under the covers so when you lie flat on your back, your feet can be up straight, instead of being pushed down from the covers. That twisting of the foot; affects the stability of the knee and hip by turning it out....kind of hard to understand.

I always told my patients who had a hip or knee replaced; to sit in a kitchen chair that is padded some; upright position instead of lying down on a sofa or relaxer....and never cross the legs again.....not good for hip or knee....especially women; should never cross their legs; and we develop a habit and cross the same over and over again.....also, never push anything sideways with the foot; especially anything heavy, to slide it sideways.....bad for any knee; and no kneeling down without a nice fluffy pad, or knee pads....for any time of work......(o.k.) enough of that bull shit like Sandee tells everyone when I am through; spreading it.....Thanks for listening though......(ahem)

Thanks for the update....keep going, you look great; and dashing, Lady D....Lets see more of you, maybe with one of your buddies.....hey? Lots of love, Arv & Sandee
Hi again, Arv! Thanks for hip hip advice! Much appreciated. Most of what you mentioned I'm practicing, [For example, have a four inch, hard foam, covered cushion which I use when sitting, if I can, in a chair with arms. Carry it to restaurants and movie theaters. Have Cushion, Will Travel is my new motto!], but always good to have reinforcement so do appreciate your concern.

Glad you were able to visit Rosita and Coat Hanger. Bit of a scare when Dusty had to go into hospital, a few weeks ago, but he seems remarkably well since then. Apparently he is painting again but Clarisse doesn't think it is his best work! Trust her to keep him from getting a swollen head! Time for more exercises so will sign off for now. Fondestos from Crawl Space Woman, off running errands now! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Selfie with my handy-dandy gripper. Note Jack O Lantern guarding malt cabinet!
Low tec security system!

Hi Sylvia! Trust you and your eaves-troughs are ready for heavy rain forecast for Vancouver! I guess you didn't know that I won't be down for VWF this year.
I'm sure Cora Lee will be in touch about VWF.
Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick, Thanks for the update.... Jenny and Sean ( who are now engaged) went to Penticton this summer with two Vancouver friends. They visited Black Widow, La Frenz and another one that was something about "Rebel." All wines they brought back were delicious. I had wondered if you would make it to the Writers Festival this year.... very wise of you to stay home!!!

I am wondering if this "React" place is private or public.? If you are still on a " waitlist" I would expect that it is the public Community Health program.
If so, and they have not progressed your exercises, which should have happened long before now, I would suggest you cough up some $$$ and see someone at Dale Charles Physiotherapy or another clinic in town. I knew Dale Charles ( now deceased) and her clinic has an excellent reputation. There are loads of exercises you should be doing now in standing unless you have had complications. It does not sound like you have.The private system is more able to take on patients quickly, the public system is underfunded and their focus is on the people with complications.

Stationary bike riding, well....., Ray could not get " permission" from his physiotherapists at the Arthritis centre until 6 weeks post op but I think he went on before then with no bad consequences. The reason some are cautious is because hip " precautions" are in effect for 12 weeks. This is particularly hip flexion above 90 degrees, and internal and external rotation .... to prevent the possibility of a hip dislocation. Glad to hear you are walking without the cane. You might try pole walking outside to train you to walk more symmetrically again. It is very helpful. I am sorry I won't bump into you this year but hope I can see Corinne! Cheers, Sylvia 

Hi Sylvia! Congratulations to you both on Jenny's engagement! Lady Dar is now a registered marriage Officiant, [Our car will soon be a moving bill-board as she is planning a "wrap" with details, All Seasons Weddings, etc. She visited a place, yesterday, Auto Trim, and can have it done for around $400.], so she can perform the wedding, here in the Okanagan, at one of the wineries, (or at a craft brewery since Raymond prefers beer!), and happy couple could ride off, into the sunset, on the KVR for their honeymoon, while we go wine-tasting!

Thanks, of course, for your suggestions and informed advice. [When Lady Dar was worried about ride back to Penticton, I told her you had suggested everything would be fine and it was. Where do I send the blank cheque?] Wait a minute! Another thought occurs to me. Why don't you come up to Penticton to be my personal trainer/physio? I'll pay you in wine!

Time for more exercises so will sign off for now. Thanks again for tip about using poles. [Don't know why I didn't think of it myself!] I've a pair I use when hiking so I'll certainly use them when going for any distance. Lady Dar is delighted as she was concerned about me walking more symmetrically. Fondestos from Crawl Space Woman! [At the VWF you'll know her by the cobwebs still in her hair, early 
Halloween costume!] Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Thanks for your newsy email Patrizzio !  Hope the hip is better as time goes by….  sounds like you’re eating like a King and the wine is flowing…!! All good!
Hi again, Joan! Enjoyed joke and plan to send it to many prairie friends and family so thanks! Cheers, Patrizzio!  

Ciao, Patrizio!! And greetings to Lady Dar, Chloe and the Jazz Cats. It's always so great to hear from you. I gather from your FB posts that the hip is getting better. How soon 'til you're back in the saddle? I'm amazed, really, that you needed a hip - based on the amount of cycling that you accomplished with the 'bad' hip. Yowza, what'll you do with a bionic hip?! Cycle to the moon and beyond..... 

Actually, I am having a hip difficulty too - it's kept me from doing any sort mileage for a couple months (argh) now. It seems to be a problem where the ilio tibia thingyame attaches to the hip - nothing actually broken but strained or overstretched or something. Anyway, this will pass soon I hope. It takes months and months to building up strength and stamina on the bike, and a very short time to loose it. I know from FB that you and Corinne and well and happy and busy - how is Chloe? Is she still with Aunt Leah? Any news on the baby front? Cheers for now. Thanks for being such a great correspondent - I'm sorry that I don't respond as often or as much in kind. Perhaps when I retire I'll have more time for that. Thanks, Sara.

Hi Sara Jane! Sorry that I cannot call you Wonder Woman anymore, given your own hip difficulties! Very sorry, indeed, to learn that this is the case but certainly enjoyed your "clinical" description of the problem! How true it is, the time taken to will and bully oneself into some sort of reasonable shape and the seemingly instantaneous fall into weakness and decrepitude!
On the matter of being a poor correspondent, however, you are entirely wrong! [You are a terrible correspondent BUT not for the reason you advance!] You will have little time once you retire as work allows wonderfully unbroken stretches, [Between arriving at office and first coffee break and then, once back at one's desk, ample time for lengthy personal email until lunch. Then exercise of choice over lunch to repeat earlier process until quitting time!], for important things. Delegate any work that might interfere with this process as once you retire you will only have a lazy spouse who will be bent on shackling you with carrying out all the necessary household/shopping tasks. Believe me, trust my bitter experience and act now!

Not sure if I ever mentioned that Lady Dar is now a registered marriage Officiant. Her "territory" is from Osoyoos/Keremeos/Princeton, in the south, as far as Kamloops/Salmon Arm in the north], at one of the wineries, (or at a craft brewery if one prefers beer!), and happy couple could ride off, into the sunset, on the KVR for their honeymoon, while guests go wine-tasting!

Chloë is probably going back to Aunt Leah's in early November, after her boss, (the one who made her life so difficult that she had to take stress leave), retires. She is still working on The Baby Project but it is on hold until she resumes work and is able to straighten out her finances. We have seen her here quite a few times over the course of summer /fall, {Thanksgiving weekend was latest visit.}, and she really finds Penticton and environs more and more appealing so who knows? She has completed the on-line Sauder strata/property management course and will write the final in next few weeks. If she is successful, this will give her more scope in terms of jobs, both in Lower Mainland and in Okanagan. Of course, Lady Dar is hoping she will move here!

While I certainly welcome the prospect, for a host of reasons, (emotional, financial, [Her close friends, Katie and Brian have a one-bedroom, behind Toys-R-Us, but rent it out to rent a two-bedroom condo as their place is too small for them and their two children, Emma and Luca. They feel they simply cannot afford the rent they need to pay to keep living in Vancouver and were to come up on Thanksgiving weekend to begin looking at houses. Unfortunately, Emma contracted a nasty cold so trip was cancelled.], and overall lifestyle), I know she will have to come to this determination herself, even though she, like her friends, really cannot afford to live where she does, and how she does, without our financial backing.

Something, sooner than later, has to give and Lady Dar's "scheme" is to buy another place, large enough for Chloë to live with us, perhaps in a suite in same dwelling. To this end we have been looking at places, (In the main, view properties, as this is another bee in Lady Dar's Designer Bonnet, on bluffs above Penticton and in Naramata and Kaleden. To date, while I have found views spectacular, properties, in question, are too large and, in my opinion, would need too much on-going maintenance. I'm simply not prepared to spend the time and energy on such activity. Furthermore, I know I will not be able, as I age gracefully, to do much of what will need to be done, (high-wire painting is but one example!), and paying for such tasks is expensive and will become more so.

The exterior of our current dwelling is in very good nick and should be relatively maintenance-free as far as siding and roof is concerned, for next five to ten years. Not a blade of grass to cut but still more than enough work to do sweeping leaves from neighbours' trees and weeding, watering our xeriscape front garden and tending potted plants on back patio. These tasks are both enjoyable and manageable. Too much room inside, already, for non-stop Freeloaders, so certainly don't want more bedrooms!

Haven't even mentioned location. We can walk downtown in 10 minutes. Same to nearest grocery store so no need for a car unless one is making a large shopping run. In Kaleden, many places in Summerland and Naramata, one must drive for a quart of milk. I don't want to live like that. When we drive, I want to go as far as Sonoma, Tinsel Town or New Orleans, not to Safeway!

Anyway, bit of a sticking point with Lady Dar but since any purchase of a turn-key home with a view would require sale of both loft on Wall Street and house on Burns Street, here, I have leverage. In the first instance, I don't want to sell loft as it is appreciating and we certainly could never afford anything on the market in Vancouver if we sold it and then, at some future point, decided to return to city. I trust it will never come to this but I told Lady Dar, in no uncertain terms, that I would agree to sell loft but that I would take my share of profit to buy out her share of Burns home, knowing that what she would have left would simply not be enough for the sort of place she imagines she wants to live in here.

I understand her desire for a view but think it is unrealistic, given all the variables I've outlined. When I win Lotto Max I'll buy or build her a place she dreams about but I'd keep Burns, put solar panels on roof to tie into city grid, install hot-water-on-demand, [I know gas line runs down back lane as new duplex beside us is hooked in.], erect a small car-port and acquire a much, much larger malt cabinet! My wants are few but more importantly, I don't actually need them! I'm very happy with our situation. Couldn't be happier, in fact, though that is not to say that we couldn't be more comfortable and ecologically more effciient with the few things I've mentioned. This being the case I am already budgeting for natural gas next year. If this goes ahead, will pipe it to both bbq and fire-pit which burn propane. No more runs to Husky with empty tanks! Rant over, back to current reality!
Hello to Dermot and Jake. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Patrick, Thanks for your entertaining post. Great photos. Great to hear that your recovery continues to precede well. I think your Fireplace Fred is the same fellow that is installing the chimney for our fireplace. Does he install gutters? We are looking to have gutters installed. 
I returned yesterday at 2 local time. I was up at 4 am NB time (4 hours ahead of BC time). Upon returning to Naramata I immediately changed and jumped into action, packing up items in the existing house. The house is being gutted and re-roofed this week. Our exceedingly generous neighbours offered us the use of their house while ours is inhabitable. They live in White a Rock and this is their vacation property. So at least we are comfortable at night.

There is a documentary film festival on in Penticton this weekend. I bought a pass. Pepita Ferrari, the sister of my friend, Jacinta, has curated the film selections. I think the festival starts tomorrow night (Friday, Oct 14) at the Cleland Theatre. I am buying a pass. Also, the Penticton Art Gallery, as a fundraiser, screens films from TIFF. There is a fall session and a spring session. You can buy a pass or pay for each movie. Check the PAG website for more info. Hello to Corinne. 

Hi Pamela! Glad you are back, safely! Must have been a tiring trip and then have to move right into packing mode before even unpacking! Trust demolition and re-roofing go well. According to what comes up on the Net , I believe Fred does gutters as well: F & A Chimney & Gutter.  
Thanks for tip on We Love Documentary film festival. I phoned the Shatford Centre just before it closed and according to person I talked to, the screenings are there, not at the Cleland, at Community Centre, so you might wish to confirm that. We plan to go to Migrant Dreams, Saturday, at 1:00 pm. Perhaps we'll bump into you if we are in same venue!. Did know about PAG and TIFF and saw a number of screenings last season. We didn't buy passes, once again, as we will be away for many of the coming choices. Really enjoyed films we did see so pleased such an event is running. Fondestos from Spider Woman! [At WLD you'll know her by the cobwebs still in her hair, early Halloween costume!] Cheers, Patrizzio! 


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