Hi Sara Jane! Great snap of your Mom and Ginkgo Tree! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Goodness, never a dull moment in your household!! Great that your pal could go up the tree after the wild cat. Lady Dar wouldn't've been pleased to find him up there when she returns from the WF. No trees for my Scout. Sara.
Hi, Overprotective Cat Owner! Well, I have not kept Rambunctious Boy in solitary although I was a tad concerned that he might go for an encore of his high-wire act today! Cheers, Patrizzio!

As you will recall we were off to Australia/NZ for 9 weeks, shortly thereafter, so to have you at Hotel Kits, the following May was the very least we could do. Perhaps it would have been better not to have invited you to Vancouver, however, especially after the night of the opening of the new VPL building and we returned to Grogg's place to find all four of you more than well into the sauce!
Poor Donna Florida spent the next day in bed, if I recall correctly, and although Cactus came with me to the War Memorial Pool, for the early swim, it was the only time that I ever sliced through the water more quickly than he did! Obviously, Californians are not much for sustained imbibing!!!! And then a year or so later, at Roosevelt, you had a break-in and much of what friends had put together to replace your worldly possessions was burgled! I, myself, was a cat burglar, when we locked ourselves out of the apartmento and I had to climb in through the small bathroom window, wondering if I'd be shot, in the posterior, by a trigger-happy cop alerted by a watchful neighbour! Couldn't do that Houdini contortionist act today, let me tell you!
And then the magical moment of christening the new house, smashing a bottle of plonk, (By then, fortunately, it was difficult to find a "gasoline" Verdelho from BC!), against your recently poured front steps! Changes, changes indeed, but what has not changed is our deep and abiding affection and love for you dearest of dear friends, Nancy and David! Fondestos from Lady Dar, in absentia, still in Vancouver, living the high life at Harbour Terrace while I spend my time recovering Duke from the oak tree next door! Cheers, Patrizzio! [Yesterday's account, sent to inmates of Harbour Terrace, below, if interested]

I hope
our Squeak doesn't try Duke's high wire act. It will be "self-help"
time if that happens here. Presumably, hunger will enhance nimbleness
before too long. But my affection for felines
is well-known....
We are
just back from Santa Rosa area where our friends Sarah and Matt
celebrated their year-ago wedding by throwing a huge party. My inner
teenager came out, and Donna Florida was even persuaded
to strap on her dancing boots once or twice. Sunday we rolled up and
down West Side, Dry Creek and Lambert Bridge Roads, coming close to
Coffaro but in fact we didn't stop in. Armida, Mazzoco, Hop Kiln (now
Signature, but we couldn't resist for old time's
sake) and Pedroncelli but only brought home a baker's dozen. Some of
the Mazzocco Zins were truly yummy, although we tasted far above our
price range! Rembered old times rolling through the country with you
and Mme. Coriandre.....Hope your recovery continues firm and steady, mimicking your personality traits. Cactus
[Extreme skiing in Wyoming] Hi Cactus! Santa Rosa sounded like fun. Felt thirsty just hearing about all those wonderful wineries. Last time I was there I was riding past them! Perhaps we can arrange to do a bit of tasting, thereabouts, when we head down in mid-December. More details when we know when we will be leaving.
[Extreme skiing in Wyoming] Hi Cactus! Santa Rosa sounded like fun. Felt thirsty just hearing about all those wonderful wineries. Last time I was there I was riding past them! Perhaps we can arrange to do a bit of tasting, thereabouts, when we head down in mid-December. More details when we know when we will be leaving.
Miss road biking, of course, as other things being equal, weather is just fine for riding here. At the moment have upped the resistance on stationary bike so making progress on that front. Was a tad concerned that Duke might go for an encore of his high-wire act today but I trust that he has learned his lesson. Flying Squirrel Boy and Miss Etta were out for much of the late morning/afternoon and now both are curled up together so will close the patio door to keep them both in. Starting to get dark around 6:00ish so don't want to be climbing a ladder when I can't see! Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Cliff camping] Great recollection and sentiments. Glad you got Duke out of the tree. Are you keeping him in? Just had great visit at breakfast with Carol and Janice. Off to see Judith downtown and then to Robyn's and book club tonight. Love to all, Mom aka corinne Poor Poppa...left to care for the cats in the country while Nana lives the glamorous life in the big city
Hi Goils! No, I have not kept Rambunctious Boy in solitary although I was a tad concerned that he might go for an encore of his high-wire act today! What time do you roll into town tomorrow? Will you be able to play bridge at Jos'? Let me know as soon as you can as we are hoping to have two tables. Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio, aka Country Bumpkin, tethered to two cats while Glamour Girl lives the high life under the bright lights of the Big City!
[Sky walking in the Alps]
Hi Maggie! Thanks for the update on Leatherdale Hall. I had not seen it. However, on Saturday, I attended a Flin Flon re-union in Kelowna and met Blair Harvey. Did you know him? Have included account of Saturday's outing below, if interested. Cheers, Patrizzio! Nope, don't know Blair Harvey. Really is a small world!! Amazing how we meet long time friends in the least likely places. Learned at Silver Hts Collegiate reunion in 2007 that classmate Lil nee Swaffield ex Leeder Cohen was good friend of Kane Ave N neighbour, Penny nee Snyder Smith. Dads both worked up north for Hudson Bay House as pilots.
Hi Sylvia! Thanks very much for the "hot off the press" VWF update. Glad you enjoyed Peter Robinson. He was one of the authors I dearly wished to hear. I like Lonny so glad you were able to chat with him. He and his wife, together with Alma Lee, organized Cuffed, the new mystery festival and last time I bumped into ALma she said she would never work with them again! Literary politics! Sorry you were not able to connect with Lady Dar. Am very glad you provided frank feedback on Alma Lee Opening Night event. I don't understand, after all these years, that organizers don't realize what audience wants. Not a way to bring people back so only shooting Festival in the foot!
[Climbing Redwoods]Chatted with Chloë last night and she had attended the Sunday Tea with her Mom and she said she enjoyed it immensely, so pleased about that, of course. She mentioned that Sam Wiebe was one of authors at this event. I believe I mentioned him to Raymond but he is probably too gory for you, from what you mentioned about Michael Koryta. Lady Dar will attend her Book Club this evening and then hop the bus back to Penticton tomorrow. Thank you for your concern about my riding but timing seems to be fine. However, I did hear back from React and I won't be in pool/gym until November 17th! Tad annoyed but I do feel that with exercise program booklet provided, and stationary bike, I have plenty to keep me stretching and strengthening. I feel extremely comfortable walking and can manage downtown and back very easily. However, not quite ready to climb a ladder yet which I might have had to do, yesterday. "Massive missive" account below, if interested! Hello to Robo Man. Cheers, Patrizzio! Headline in Penticton Herald: Peachland Volunteer Fire Department rescues kitten in oak tree!
[Biking on the Cliffs of Moher in County Clare, Ireland]
Hi Bridge Citizens! Are we in agreement that this week we will play on Tuesday at Casa Josinta? Please confirm! Cheers, Patrizzio! Yes, that is what I believe we decided.... Pam Patrick, I plan to play tomorrow night. Can I pick you up at 6:15? Pam Hi Pam and Patrick; I guess I'll come with you if you are leaving at 6:15. No yoga, Pam? Pam Hi Chauffeur Woman and Hitchhiker Spumoni! Thanks again, for offering to drive. Will be waiting at 6:15 pm. Cheers, Patrizzio!I am available if there is room for a player. Cheers, Mike Yes to Bridge night at Jos's. Please count me!!����Olly
[Sitting on the Trolltunga Rock in Norway]
Dear bridge players, So far we have Pam K, Pam W, Patrick, Corinne, Olly,Mike, and myself. 7 people, which means that we need 1 more player to play 2 tables. No pea soup this time, but....Green Tomato Cake. Jos. Hi Fried Green Tomatoe Cake Woman! I asked Naramatian Peter if he could play but he has another engagement. Perhaps Michaelo can dredge up another player so that we can have two tables. Imagine the bridge prizes!!! Cheers, Patrizzio! Can't we play 2 tables with 7 people? We did that one time at the Dunn's. Just means the dummy has to move to the other table.... Pam Spumoni: I'm sure we'll manage, one way or another! Onward! Fight!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Jumping on the Trolltunga Rock in Norway]
Actually, I forgot completely about yoga! It seems Tuesday night is not a good night for yoga and me. I will be in around 6:10 was not going to play bridge but guess I will if there are 7 players. See you tomorrow, Goodnight, Hugs Corinne So are you going to show up at 6:15 or 7pm? I'll drive if it is the latter..... Pam Hello Goils! Lady Dar won't be hitting town, at the bus terminal, until around 6:10 pm, so if you are planning to play bridge, Yoga Woman, then come to our place and we'll drive to the furthest reaches of Green Tomatoe Summerlandia, and Spumoni can drive on her own, unless she wants to come with us. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Rock climbing in South Africa]
Hi Jim! Sorry I didn't have a chance to say hello last Thursday after The Dressmaker. Enjoyed it immensely but didn't anticipate the ending! With respect to Otto's birthday breakfast, I've waited until today to reply as being the "new kid on the block" I didn't want to preempt anyone who has known him longer. However, if there is still space, I'd be more than delighted to join gathering. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! You are #25. See you there. Cheers, Jim Thanks, James! See you on Wednesday. Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Ice climbing a frozen waterfal]
Hi Mary Lee! Thanks very much for calling Liz. Great to meet her and James and Katarina, of course. Glad Kelowna went well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Filmer! Glad you enjoyed the card and music. Which recipe did you choose? Glad Travis and his friend didn't have to stage a bull-fight! Hello and Fondestos to Sally. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello William and Maria! How wonderful to reconnect after almost nine years when Corinne, Chloë and I met Maria for an hour or so, in Nicosia, I believe, perhaps Limmasol, when we were last in Cyprus. Long, long story, [Below if interested.], but I saw Patti this past Saturday at a Flin Flon reunion in Kelowna. Trust we will get together, in November, when Patti will next be in Penticton. Not sure if she sent this album to you but she did provide me with your current email address. Trust all goes well. Hope to hear from you. Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Extreme picnicking]
Patrick: Thanks for sending all the pictures. Hope you had a good time.
Can't begin to tell you how happy I was to have our little reunion on Saturday. So sorry not to have been able to spend more time with you. I didn't even get a chance to ask you about your life. I was "flummoxed"..... Hahaha. I sent a message to Bill and Maria on Facebook. Think they got it but haven't heard back.
[Sky walking on Mount Nimbus in Canada]
Patrick: Thanks for sending all the pictures. Hope you had a good time.
Can't begin to tell you how happy I was to have our little reunion on Saturday. So sorry not to have been able to spend more time with you. I didn't even get a chance to ask you about your life. I was "flummoxed"..... Hahaha. I sent a message to Bill and Maria on Facebook. Think they got it but haven't heard back.
Bill has stopped flying and is now the pilot trainer for Saudi Arabia airlines. He spends so much time over there, then home to Cyprus on days off. We connect whenever we can, which isn't often but it has to do. Send him a note. I want to know all about your life. There is so much to catch up on. I'm going to try to get down to Wendy's before the end of November. Working on something right now, so will be in touch with my idea....Cheers Patti
[ Tree camping in Germany]
Hi again, Patti! I had a great time at reunion so thanks again. Just sent Billy a message and included the album as I wasn't sure if you had forwarded it or not. You are right, there is plenty to catch up on. Let us know when in November might work for you. We are off to Vancouver during the week of November 3rd as I have my six week follow-up for hip surgery but other than that we will be home until early December when we will drive to LA for Christmas with our eldest daughter and two grandsons. Corinne will attend her Book Club this evening and then hop the bus back to Penticton tomorrow. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pam, Can you please forward this photo from Dorothy to our Monday Farts?
Thanks. See you soon, Aart
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