To read fast is as bad as to eat in a hurry. -Vilhelm Ekelund, poet (14 Oct 1880-1949)
Hi Goils! More Internet "stuff" from Arv. However, I thought you'd like to see Miss Etta's African cousins! Duke is not amused! Love/Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Hello patrizio Thanks for your brief message and so pleased to hear you are progressing well after your op - thank god your fingers weren't affected!
Madcap and I are well thanks - looking forward to a week in Tenerife in December. I will email you invites to my 70th in case you feel like a trip across the pond. Girl on a train didn't get good reviews here but I may see it after yours. Meeting carol later for a Georgia okeefe exh at Tate modern Love to all M and P X X
Literally, just hung up the phone after talking to Hillary, from React. Friend Sylvia, a physio, right on the money in terms of waiting list. Frustratingly, if my doctor had submitted documentation when Lady Dar took it to the office, I'd be in already! Nevertheless, supposed so start next week so pleased about that. Until then, I have plenty of "advanced" exercises to keep me busy so I'm going to integrate them into daily program. As well, I intend to pull a Robo Man and start using the stationary bike, very, very carefully, with little, if any resistance, until I see how my hip feels.
At the moment, Lady Dar is at yoga. When she returns we will make a run to recycling depot to return wine bottles! I plan to drive just to see how I do, how hip feels. Lady Dar is off to volunteer at VWF, (October 17th-23rd) for about eight days by the time she is back, so I'll be abandoned for time she is away. Just me and the felines so keep your cell close in case I need help!
Sorry busy times now getting ready for leaving the 27th. Catching up with several friends & helping family. Thx for updates. Tomorrow our three daughters are taking me out for an early 70th, Nov 6. Big bday!😱😳����������
Hi Pre-Birthday Goil! Hope you have a fabulous time with your three daughters!
Busy here but not as busy as you readying to leave. Fondestos from Lady Bar Soap, [Catching up on recorded episodes of The Young and the Rest of Us], singing Yuma in January, to the tune of She'll Be Comin' Round The Mountain, while the cats cover their ears! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Glad you’re getting around now that you’ve got that padded pillow.. ! Great pics of the kitties - they look very cute.. Fun to have around as well! Great shot of your selfie! Not sure of the VWF acronym ….Vancouver Women’s Firefighters? Great that she has a place to stay at JT’s ,,, (whom I have not seen for quite awhile) Hello back to her! Am waiting for “Active Turf Irrigation” this a.m. so they can turn off our sprinkler system for the winter…. (18 suites) The traffic is horrible according to the news, so that is why they are late…. I would guess.. Now 8:35 a.m. and arrival was for 8:00 a.m. Chat later gater! JW
Next Monday's hike will be an easy one! We will be hiking from the trestle bridge in Summerland to Little Gerry. Kilian will keep us on track. Come along slow farts! So for a change we will meet at the IGA in Summerland at 9am and Pentictonites can carpool at Home Hardware at 8:40am. Pam
I Guess for the next 12 years you will both have to travel solo so that someone is home to look after cats. What a pity. Hi Sarge! Guess we should have picked up a dog instead of two kittens, so we could have left pooch with you when we want to travel! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Why dogs make good companions: 1. The later you are, the more excited your dog is to see you. 2. Dogs don’t notice if you call them by another dog’s name. 3. Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor. 4. A dog’s parents never visit. 5. Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across. 6. Dogs like to do their snooping outside rather than in your desk or wallet. 7. You never have to wait for a dog, they’re ready to go, 24/7. 8. Dogs find you amusing when you’re drunk. 9. Dogs like to go hunting and fishing. 10. A dog will not wake you up in the middle of the night to ask, “If I died, would you get another dog?” 11. If a dog has babies you can put an ad in the paper and give them away. 12. A dog will let you put a studded collar on it without calling you a pervert. 13. If a dog smells another dog on you they don’t go mad. They just think it’s interesting. 14 Dogs like to ride in the back of pick-up trucks. 15. If a dog leaves, it won’t take half your stuff
Congratulations to Tom Shorthouse for compiling the Golden Scrapbook: The Centennial Update 1965-2015. It is a monumental contribution to the library, university, library/ archives community, the information professions and information technology/library schools. Thank you also to George Tsiakos, Erwin Wodarczak and the UBC Library Communications and Marketing contributors.
We are, of course, pleased to have access to the digital version.

Also, is it still possible to prepare a name index to this voluminous production?
Thank you for your consideration. Best regards, Margaret Friesen, Administrative Librarian Emeritus
Hello patrizio Thanks for your brief message and so pleased to hear you are progressing well after your op - thank god your fingers weren't affected!
Madcap and I are well thanks - looking forward to a week in Tenerife in December. I will email you invites to my 70th in case you feel like a trip across the pond . Girl on a train didn't get good reviews here but I may see it after yours. Meeting carol later for a Georgia okeefe exh at Tate modern Love to all M and P X X
Hello Duhlink!! [Executive Summary, below!] With friends like you, who needs enemies! How did you know that Lady Dar asked surgeons to remove all my fingers. She said she could live with a man without digits and would prefer to put up with my hobbling instead! How was Georgia? Great that exhibition was at Tate.
Given that my fingers are still intact, and hip is still my priority, I want to do more exercises before dinner so will sign off for now. Fondestos from Lady Bar Soap, [Catching up on recorded episodes of The Young and the Rest of Us], singing Tennerife in December, to the tune of Onward Christian Soldiers, while the cats cover their ears! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Glad you’re getting around now that you’ve got that padded pillow.. ! Great pics of the kitties - they look very cute.. Fun to have around as well! Great shot of your selfie Not sure of the VWF acronym ….Vancouver Women’s Firefighters? Great that she has a place to stay at JT’s ,,, (whom I have not seen for quite awhile). Hello back to her! Am waiting for “Active Turf Irrigation” this a.m. so they can turn off our sprinkler system for the winter…. (18 suites) The traffic is horrible according to the news, so that is why they are late…. I would guess.. Now 8:35 a.m. and arrival was for 8:00 a.m. Chat later gater! JW Hi JW! Hope your sprinkler system was turned off. Gather you won't need much watering with all the rain Vancouver is receiving! VWF stands for Vancouver Writers Festival but I like your name better! Fondestos from Lady Bar Soap, [Catching up on recorded episodes of The Young and the Rest of Us], singing Vancouver in the Rain, to the tune of Dancin' in the Rain, while the cats cover their ears! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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