Friday, 7 October 2016

Day 23, Post-Op Free Pumpkin Pie Freeloader Blues: Friday, October 7th!

An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a very narrow field. -Niels Bohr, physicist, Nobel laureate (7 Oct 1885-1962)

Hi Pat, I hope you continue to heal with your baby kittens by your side. Here is a picture of Reuven writing his first memoir and of his Au Pair, Naam. Love to you and Corinne. Maya Hi Maya! Thanks for best wishes and great snaps. Reuven certainly looks like he is the latest Sanders! Naam seems like a wonderful Au Pair and I think we will start grooming Etta and Duke for such a role! Fondestos to all The Sunshine Coast Clan from Beet Woman! Buona Fortuna with finding a publisher for Reu's memoir! Happy Thanksgiving. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks for the update. From a personal stand point, I like the pictures of lovely women more than the images of grim surgical incisions. But I am glad for you that the outcome is looking positive. There is something challenging about outliving some of our body parts--knees and hips, not to mention cognition.

I have Carole's parents as house guests for Thanksgiving--which means I am leaving to fly to Victoria for most of their visit. Sorry I had to pull the plug on the motor trip that would have included a stop in Penticton.

My current brag is the news that Leroy and I represented Zone 5 in Duplicate Bridge at the Alberta 55+ games. We won gold! Hi to Corinne and all the family. Bed time now. Jim 

Hello Gold Plated Zircon!
Congratulations indeed! Bravo! Hip Hip Hooray! However, I always knew you were toying with us, you Machiavellian bidder! Tiddlywinks, from now on, when passing through! Sorry, indeed, that you were not able to drive as we'd dearly have loved to have you visit/stay. Next year, for sure!

Patio Woman took down the cover on the gazebo on our back patio this morning as rain pools on it. With coming, wetter, Fall weather, we won't be using that part of patio, preferring the more sheltered area under the water-tight louvres, closer to back of the house. Of course, Etta and Duke were "helping" her and Duke was delighted to find a few worms, brought to the surface by light rain. He is busy worrying and eating them as I scribe. Will be able to cut back on his rations now!

Hyperactive Lady Martha Stewart is now making pumpkin cheesecake cupcakes! I sliced up three butternut squash yesterday and, once boiled, she prepared it. Now ready, in fridge in a large Pyrex dish. Lady Dar had a small bowl for breakfast from portion that wouldn't fit in container and she's been licking her lips ever since! Fondestos to all The Medicine Hat Clan from The Burns Street Gang! Buona Fortuna with trip to Victoria. Travel safely, dear friend and bridge master! Happy Thanksgiving, 50 Carat Cardsharp! Cheers, Patrizzio! So next time through The Hat your price of admission is a jar of pickled beets. No beets/No bed! Deal, as long as faucets are gold-plated!

We are having Thanksgiving Dinner here on Sunday, likely 11 of us. Dusty came home today, looking good!! Off tomorrow to Steinbach To hospital for an ultrasound of my stomach, always something. Weather very cool, only 7 today, looks like rain every day except Saturday. Big canvas over back door ripped in half ,so George and Ryan are going to replace it on Sat, we have a new one in the workshop. Barb hasn't worked much this, week, very wet and windy Leaves falling like crazy. Have a good weekend Love from Falcon!
Hello Falcon! Delighted to learn that Coat Hanger is back where he belongs and doing so well! Guess  Hurricane Matthew visited Falcon. Have our own, milder version here. Must away as I want to do my standing exercises. My incision is completely healed now and over last few days I've been enjoying showering without having to worry about getting it wet.  After doing my exercises I plan to design some sort of contraption, [Dusty, please send plans!], for sliding door in my office. Want to charge the thundering hordes a toll as they are race, non-stop, in and out. Need to build up my malt fund! 

Actually, we'd rather have then burn off their incredible energy outside as opposed to shredding rugs and furniture. Yesterday, I printed off a letter for Jim Sutherland, [He doesn't have a computer.], and put a few silly trinkets, [Key chains and stickers. Jim always includes goofy things in his letters.], and left it on the dining room table. I covered it with a newspaper as I knew Duke would probably climb up, when we were not looking, and start batting things around, if they were exposed. Of course, paper didn't stop him. 

A few minutes ago he found an acorn on the patio and is now playing with it outside, then bringing it in, in his mouth, worrying it in the office, and then back outside! Miss Etta just looks on, a quizzical look on her face, at his manic antics. He just dropped it in a plastic tub we use for fire-pit cover and was rather surprised when tub tipped over as he was clambering into it!  Who needs Netflix!

Chloë just phoned to tell us Katie and Brian will not be coming for weekend. Poor Emma has a nasty cold. She is very, very disappointed as she was looking forward to meeting felines. Maybe we'll fly to Manitoba for Thanksgiving. We'll bring Etta and Duke and leave them at Falcon! Cheers from Acorns are Us, Patrizzio! Pics:
Roman and Acorn Ball!

Indeed the wonderful evening thanks to our hostess, and obviously all amazing partners. And Patrick, stop complaining, it was your fault anyway I didn't go with the ace (however my Jack took a trick anyway ). Cheers. Mike PS I am in Calgary the whole week, so I would love to joining you next week, but I doubt I will be back on time. Hello Ace-up-your-Sleeve Michaelo, et al! Sorry to hear you won't be back for next week's game but enjoy your time in Calgary. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Pat Sorry to hear about yr hip My bones are wearing out too And got arthritis
But so far no sugary Still playing geezer squash If u are in Vancouver any time let's have lunch and visit Cheers Ron
Hi again, Mr Grizzle! Sorry to hear about your arthritis but glad you are still able to play squash! We will be in Vancouver, for my 6 week follow-up, in early November, so wehn we decide when we will drive down, I'll let you know and perhaps we can arrange to meet. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Janice. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Summerlandians! Just chatted with Orofino and all set for 1:00 pm domani. Have you given more thought to picnic or lunch here? Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick and Corinne, We are flexible, what do you prefer? I think it depends a little on the weather as well, right? Let's touch base in the morning Cheers, Jos

Hi Josiinta! Yes, let's do that. I think we'll stroll down to the Market, reasonably early so why not call around 8:30 am and we can decide what to do. Our real estate agent, Gil Szabo, showed us a house, at 6:00 pm this evening, not all that far from The Bench Market and Motorized Mary Lee, on Millar Place. Chloë phoned from Merritt before we left so we are waiting for her to have dinner. Working on a Kanazawa Nomu, blend of Viognier, Semillon and Orange Muscat. Chloë better hurry or there won't be any left! Probably the same for you folk but day was cool and cloudy here, to start, but turned into a simply gorgeous fall day from mid-morning on. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Thanks for the hospitality. I returned home to no kitchen, plumbing or heat.
I had a plumber come in right away to give me 1 bathroom and pulled out my space heater for the bedroom. Planning meals that can be done in a toaster oven! Sounds like you will pissing red for awhile. Say hello to the 'girls' and good luck househunting! Thanks for photos. Today is the last day of demo (5 wks. in total) Renos to start next week. Cheers for now!! 

Hi Lynette! Glad renos are to start this coming week! We are just back from running a few errands. Stopped off at our real estate agent's office to pick up a pumpkin pie. He offers them to all his clients. Will see him around 6:00 pm this evening as he will show us a house not all that far from The Bench Market. If Chloë is here before we leave, I'm sure she'll want to come along. Day was cool and cloudy to start but turned into a simply gorgeous fall day from mid-morning on. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Gil; Halloween Cat with broom! Smelling the flowers! Exhausted after being outside most of the morning/early afternoon!

Hi Maritime Woman! You must be having so much fun that you don't even have time to say a few words, just a symbol or two! 😊👍�� Perhaps too, too much Screech might be the real reason!! Cheers, Lobster Woman! Patrizzio!
Patrick, I am a woman of few words when I am typing on my phone. Weather is fabulous in the East. Haven't had any lobster yet. Not sure that it is lobster season. Are you and Corinne planning to relocate in Penticton? See you at Bridge the week after next👍 Pam

Chloë arrived around 6:30 pm on Friday evening and we spent a lovely time catching up. Unfortunately, her good friends, Katie and Brian, were not able to come up as Emma, their daughter, had a very nasty cold. Both she and Luca, her younger brother, were very disappointed as they we looking forward to meeting our new kittens, Etta and Duke.


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