Anger is a great force. If you control it, it can be transmuted into a
power which can move the whole world. -William Shenstone, poet (18 Nov
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The Defenestration of Prague, 1618
Art: Václav Brožík
The Defenestration of Prague on May 23, 1618: Two imperial regents and
their secretary
were thrown out of a window of the Prague Castle in a fight over
religion. The men landed on a dung heap and survived. The Defenestration
of Prague was a prelude to the Thirty Years’ War.
Thanks for your invitation and I will be happy to take you up on that Patrick but it will now have to be another day now. My truck has a flat tire from a large bolt I ran over earlier this week……I noticed it was making a loud noise due to the bolt hitting the pavement while driving. I think it was from the Monday hike out Garnet Valley way. In any case it has a very slow leak and I have to get it repaired sooner rather than later. So I will contact you perhaps next week for either Tuesday or Wednesday when I have some free time to go for coffee OK.
On another matter, I like the large font on your emails (mainly because I can read it without my glasses) and not sure if I can set mine up similarly. I still have Windows 7 on this laptop which I use as home desktop then also would like some larger font on the ipad which I use travelling.I should have asked my grandkids when they were here last summer. They would laugh and say Grandpa it’s so easy just go here and set this or that and of course, I would forget immediately. So if you have any ideas….for font size let me know. Cheers, Kilian
Hi Michelin Man! [Hi Michelin Man!] Smallest font size, 8! Do you need Sherlock Holmes' magnifying glass?
What a complete drag about your tire! Sorry that you can't make it today but certainly understand. Buona Fortuna with repair! Next week will be fine but we probably need to confirm day/time. I have React rehab session at 1:00 pm on Tuesday. Wednesday, friends who will arrive this Sunday, will be leaving that morning so anytime after their departure works.
With respect to font size, I'm sure it depends on your email client/program. With mine, (Outlook), one has the option to choose a number of fonts, (6), and the size one wishes to use, 8 through36, in various increments. The default for my system is Tahoma but I prefer Verdana so I simply highlight any text and then click on the typeface menu to select style and size. There is a menu bar above the text box, much like one in Word which allows one to make these particular choices. I'm happy to show you when we get together. This example uses 18 point font size, per esempio, while rest of message displays in 12.
Another issue is colour of font. Personally, I find the blue, you use, to be harder on the eyes so I prefer black as opposed to red or orange or pink! These colours look great, for emphasis, but become tiring for the sort of lengthy messages I enjoy!
Hi again……I think I have a larger font size now……or at least a bit anyway. I went into settings and chose Aerial then went from 100 to 125% font so will try this for awhile. I normally use glasses for reading and computer work, however I like to be able to do short stints on laptop or ipad without glasses….mainly so I don’t have to look for them.
The tire was fixed successfully so I don’t have to buy a new one however they tried to sell me a set of 4 new winter tires. So I asked the guy to give me a measurement on the tread wear and it’s at 40% so I said that should be good for one more winter because just like good wine you don’t dump the bottle out at 40% you would normally drink and enjoy it right! So my rationale is not perfect but if it works why not! I have separate rims and all season tires for summer use which I could also use in winter as the truck is 4x4 and I have done that route before. Although I will readily say that purely winter tires are better than all season tires for winter use and particularly if you are a ski bum and make regular trips up the mountain and over the passes. For Shirley’s car we just stick with the all season as she will not venture on the roads when it snows until she hears the plow and sand truck come by our place.
So for next week I am free both Tuesday and Wednesday Nov 22 or 23 so let me know which day works best for you and I will drop by for coffee or we can go out if you like. Monday and Thursday I will most likely go hiking and on Friday I volunteer driving the Mason’s cancer van to Kelowna Hospital where I pick up patients in Oliver, Penticton and Summerland and deliver them to the treatment facility in Kelowna then wait for their treatments to be completed and return them back home. It’s a safety thing where it’s safer for them if they don’t have to drive following treatments.
It sounds like your rehab is going well which must be a great relief for you, and we can chat about that some more when we go for coffee OK. Cheers…Kilian
Hi again, St Kilian! I guess you like blue font as it must remind you of snow, ice and a clear, sunny sky when whizzing down the slopes at Apex! I didn't notice a change in font size, however, at least as I received message.
I liked your wine/snow tire analogy! Just hope you are fine on roads to Apex. We had our snow tires put on before I headed into Vancouver for my 6 week follow-up. Glad that we'll have them when we drive south to California for Christmas as they are required on I-5 over Mt Ashland, depending on conditions, on the Oregon/California border. Back in 2008 the freeway closed and we had to spend the night in Ashland and had to buy a set of chains!
Wednesday would certainly be the day for me so let me know when to expect you. Enjoy the weekend. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patagonia! Trust all goes well with you three and hiking holiday is unfolding as you hoped. Thought I'd say hello, especially when I came across the posting below, from A.Word.A.Day, an online service I subscribe to. Struck me as discriminating against left-handed individuals, who, as we all know, from first-hand experience, so to speak, are nothing if not overly creative, fabulous bridge partners and scintillating companions!
adjective: Clumsy with both hands.
Modeled after ambidextrous (able to use
both hands with equal ease), from Latin ambi- (both) + sinister (left).
Earliest documented use: 1863.
An ambisinistrous person has two left
hands, literally speaking. You’d think it would be rare for such an
uncommon word to have a perfect synonym, but there is one: ambilevous,
from Latin laevus (left). A similar express is “to
have two left feet” (to be clumsy, especially while dancing). Tonight we are off to a winemaker's dinner at the Front Street Brassiere with Shana and Gavin, from Upper Bench. Really looking forward to it as restaurant is one of our favourites, here in Penticton, and same goes for winery. Need to collect current release at Terravista this weekend so will say hello to Senka nd Bob for you, Von Bingen! Must away as St Killian is to pop by for java and I need to grind beans! Travel safely, dear, dear friends. Fondestos from Lady Dar, in full painting mode, working on hallway off kitchen to pantry/laundry, to you three trekkers extraordinaire! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Lady Dar with a book, cats and a fire. These are a few of her favourite things! Christmas decorations are up on Main Street. Snapped this shot when I walked down to the Red Cross offices, earlier this week, to return my crutches! Up to an hour on stationary bike now! Thanks again, for loan of it.
Hi Corinne, Journey up here was uneventful and we are looking forward to seeing you all (naturally including the cats, especially Andre) on Sunday around noon. Assuming it still works for you both we would like to stay until Wednesday morning then head back to Vancouver in time for dinner that night with friends. Val and Dan (Gallagher Lake) would like to meet us for coffee at around 11am at Saint Germains, 453 Main Street on Monday or Tuesday - we can decide upon which day once we are together. Enjoy the next 48 hours and hopefully the weather will be kind to us during our visit here. Much love, Rosemary XXX
Hello Côtes du Kelowna Villages! Trust all goes well with you both. Etta and Duke are simply beside themselves, waiting for your arrival around noon, on Sunday. For my part, I'd prefer Monday, to see Val and Dan at Saint-Germain Café and Gallery, as I have a pool rehab session at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, although that day is fine as well. I would simply say goodbye sooner than I otherwise might. See you on Sunday. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick, So glad you are mending well and good to see you are back on track doing an hour a day of intense riding on your bike. Congratulations on your two new additions “Etta and Duke” they will be like warm, cuddly blankets for the cold coming months and all that purring that they love to give will do your heart good.
Well we are off to Wpg. in a few weeks and everything is on track. Decided to go with a Full Service sit down meal as opposed to a Buffet, just more efficient and we will have a concert After the meal too so it is busy. I am glad that I took the time to do this, but so time consuming. Every time I tried to delegate things out to family they panicked so it was best that I pulled the reigns in and did everything myself. Thankful to John who did all the pictures and offering that moral support too that is so necessary.
As I did not take time over those long months to socialize the calendar is booked solid for Christmas. With lots of girl stuff!! Plus, John has two Christmas lunches at the Univ. Two festivities at the Yacht Club, dinners out and more.
We now have a wonderful dog walker and sitter who will stay with the hounds when we leave. Zoe Anderson is like a dog whisperer, has her own “Petiquette” business and she is booked solid for months. She has her masters and her Dad was a former MP here in Victoria and her Mom a Prof. of Law. Zoe loves her canine friends and slowly building her business.. It is actually difficult to find dog walkers that will house sit as well, so she has a nice little business catering to people who love to travel.
And of course we are all glued to CNN watching this most unbelievable election unfold. Pretty scary as the Donald puts fear into everyone around the world. Will send pictures of the big Birthday/Concert event. Happy cycling! Love to you and Corinne, Etta & Duke too! Jean & John, Benson & Tess
Hi Jean! Lovely, as always, to hear from you and learn of your on-going birthday plans. Glad all goes well with you both. Etta and Duke were simply beside themselves, when I read your greetings out to them! Keep well, dear, dear friends. Have a wonderful time in Winnipeg and Congratulations, Happy Birthday and 100 Best Wishes to your Super-Mom, Jean! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Hallway painting zone!
Hi Martina; I don't feel right sending this to the hiking group, and we aren't taking on any new hikers (too many people as it is!) but I do know someone who is looking for someone to house sit for 2.5 weeks (from mid December to January). They are Corinne Durston and Patrick Dunn. I will copy them on this email. Pam
Hi Pam, Would you mind sending a quick email to our hiking group with the info below? Hi everyone:)
It's been a while since I've had a chance to see your smiling faces on a hike! Tutoring has kept me busy:) We have a new tutor, Patty, joining our tutoring centre (360 Learning Academy). She's starting with us in January and moving from Kelowna and she's going to be in search of an apartment or condo to buy or rent.
But prior to that, she's awaiting permission from her strata to actually rent out her Condo in Kelowna (which may take a few months). Until her condo can rent, her hope was to find a temporary place to stay in the Penticton/Summerland area house-sitting (since she will still be paying her mortgage on her condo). She's a lovely lady, with adult children, and she may be interested in a hike or two with our amazing group as well:)
If anyone is in need of house-sitting, for any length of time between mid-December until the spring, please contact me and I can get you in touch with Patty to see if she's a fit. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Enjoy a fabulous day! Martina
Hi Martina! I've been missing the hikes as well, due to hip-replacement surgery this past September. Very pleased with result so looking forward to being back with group in the spring.
More to the point, Corinne and I would be keen to meet with Patty, as soon as possible, in fact. She would be welcome to stay here, from mid-December on, even while we are at home, as we plan to head to Europe in March. The only reservation is that we have two cats, Etta and Duke, so Patty should know this, if pets are an issue, due to allergies, etc. Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks, as well, Pam, for suggesting this. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick and Corinne, Thank you so much for your kind offer. Patty would love to connect with you to discuss the potential house sitting opportunity. Below is her note to me, including her phone number :) "I would very much like to meet with the couple. I love cats so that is not an issue in the least. Please feel free to pass on my contact info to them, including my phone number. Have a wonderful day:) Martina Hi Martina! Just a quick note to thank you for helping us contact Patty. You may know that she has agreed to house/cat-sit for us so we are delighted that things worked out for each party! On another matter, not sure if you received the invitation to our Open House so am sending it along. Do hope you can join us. If not, we know it is a very busy time of year so understand the numerous social commitments most people have. Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Cat Lovers! Trust all goes well with everyone.Lady Dar is chuffed with the Winter/Christmas Cactus. First time it has bloomed in two years. She is convinced it has something to do with amount of light plant received when at the Island Inn. Anyway, I hope the felines don't chew it to death! Fondestos from Lady Dar, very, very kranky as she cannot get her new iPhone 7 to sync with her computer! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Cactus; Etta and Duke resting in Rumpus Room and then on new duvet in our bedroom!
Hi Lisa and John! This is what I sent out earlier, before I managed to coerce you, BB, into giving me your personal email address! Buona Fortuna tomorrow evening! Link:
Hello from two dedicated fans of Front Street Brasserie and Upper Bench Winery & Creamery! Thanks again to everyone who contributed to such a fun-filled evening, of glasses brimming with superb wine and plate after plate of visually stunning and immensely flavourful, delectable food! The setting was superb, intimate and friendly, almost a family affair and we now consider FSB and UBWC part of our extended family! Look forward, to many, many more such events, we trust, in the not too, too distant future! Fondestos and Thanks, again, to one and all from Lady Dar and Patrizzio! Cheers!!!
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