Language is an anonymous, collective, and unconscious art; the result of
the creativity of thousands of generations. -Edward Sapir,
anthropologist, linguist (1884-1939)
Up at 6:00 am, (Really 5:00 am as we'd not set our clocks back last night, before we went to bed!), to let the kittens out. Discovered that the patio door flap had not been locked so they were able to come and go all night!

Hi Patrick and Corinne, Many thanks for the catrific card!! Cheers Tina Hi Teens and Trevorino! Glad you enjoyed card. Had a lovely visit with Flamin' and Sarge. Stayed overnight with them on Wednesday, day I drove to town. Saw Chloë as well and had a good catch-up. She is back at Aunt Leah's now, on a progressive schedule until back to five days/week. She's applying for other jobs, however, and writes her property management course final in early December. She's flying up next weekend as she misses Etta and Duke, not her parents!
Just had a newsy message from Grogg, while in airport in Waikiki, waiting for a flight to Maui where they'll be for three weeks before spending a week on Kauai. Will see Clan Sutherland, (All the kids and grandchildren, as well as Peggy and Wayne Connors, friends from Newfoundland!), on former. S/F leave next week, Wednesday and Thursday. Grogg also mentioned that they plan to ski with Trevor at Sun Peaks in late January so perhaps we can arrange for another visit then. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick and Corinne, Thanks for this wonderful card! It is so beautiful really enjoyed it. Colin and I are in DC and on Halloween we were in NY. Having a great time! Exhausted at the end of each day as we have taken in so much and seen so much and walked so much. Just happy to be able to do it. The African American Museum in DC has been an absolute highlight. So moving. Take care and will be in touch properly on our return. Jo-Anne and Colin Hello Tourists Extraordinaire! Glad you enjoyed card and great to hear from you, Jo-Anne and want you both to know that I have been following your wonderful, wonderful travels from Colin's terrific accounts. Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you both. She is green with envy! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thx so much. Made me smile. Put back out 2 weeks ago & since arrival after long trip & unpacking, suffering with spasms & lots of pain. Need to go back to chiro. 😩 Party this evening. ��Hope I feel better by then. Frank made me 2 cheesecakes. Drinks & appies, pot luck to follow. ������ Cheers, 70 not feeling so great just now. Cheers, Maggie Hi Maggie! Glad the card made you smile, especially under the circumstances. Terribly sorry to hear about your painful back. Almost nothing worse! I know from personal experience! Frank's cheesecakes sounded wonderful. Was this in honour of your 70th? If so, Congratulations and Hip Hip Hooray! Speedy, full recovery. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patricio, Very nice to see you as well and hear that your recovery has gone so well too. I appreciate the sandwich and a chance to catch up with life stuff. Really glad you got a chance to see first hand the extent of the "reno" which I loosely knew was getting into but of course there are always many little details that one does not see at first. Anyway I am Enjoying the start from a fresh pallette and knowing in my mind what a great place it will be when done which keeps me going. I very much look forward to a cabin warming upon completion!! When it will be exactly remains to be seen but hopefully not too too long. Take care for now and we'll talk soon. Love to Coriander and the happy furry wanderers. Xo

Thanks for your newsy letter and photos. Always good to know and enjoy your local elected candidates. Easier too if you share the same views and policies. I'm thinking of politics at this time and wondering whatever became of that wonderful country where I spent 10 years of my life. Hard to believe that my next door neighbour in Spokane invited me to a party at her home for Eisenhower though she knew that I was a democrat. Or would have voted as such. Told me it didn't matter, to just come and enjoy myself. Well, that was many years ago.
You may not know that I volunteered and worked for Simma Holt shortly before library school. She turned out to be not as liberal I thought, used to be said that she was "slightly to the right of Genghis Khan."
Anyhow, have fun with your new friends, furry or not. D and I are off to Toronto for a few days over next weekend, he to attend a memorial service for his aunt. I shall visit with my family. Becky has returned home from Memorial U., and seems not healthy or able enough to continue on with her doctorate. I am content that she has come this far, given her makeup, at least far enough to settle for a master of science. Much love to you two--Nancy Hi Nancy! Great to hear about your political activities! I always had a soft spot
for Ike! Didn't know you were such a "radical" when we first met in
Library School reading Room!!!
Furry Friends ran themselves ragged this evening so are now Exhausto-Cats! Fondestos to you and David. Travel safely to Toronto. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Furry Friends ran themselves ragged this evening so are now Exhausto-Cats! Fondestos to you and David. Travel safely to Toronto. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I'm busy on the go as usual. Climbing today, bike tomorrow, canyonering tues, kayak and friday and the a trip down south with Phil. hugs to you and corrinne bye gill Hi Jack Rabbit Slims! Don't overextend yourself or you'll end up like Etta and Duke. They ran around like you, earlier on and have collapsed, on the couch, in the Rumpus Room, so now are little more than Exhausto-cats! Fondestos to you and Phillipo. Climb, cycle, [Terrible accident in Vancouver, around 10:00 am Sunday morning, on River Road in Richmond. Apparently a car collided with six bikers, killing one man, and seriously injuring two others! This route was quite a regular one for me, especially on weekends, Sundays in particular since usually no heavy trucks then.], canoe and kayak safely! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, Here is the ref. you wrote for your pal. Thanks again, Juanita and Georgio
George has been a friend ever since we played doubles squash together, at the Vancouver Racquets Club, from the mid-90's until 2004, when a hip injury prevented me from playing further. However, our friendship didn't stop then as we continued to cycle together, were in the same book club and travelled together, both in the province and in Oregon and California. We share many things in common and I consider George to be one of my closest friends. He is a wonderful man, loyal and always to be trusted and depended upon. Even though he moved to Galiano, before my wife and i moved, from Vancouver, to Penticton, our friendship remains stronger than ever. If we could have him house-sit for us when we are travelling we couldn't be happier for we would have no reservations, whatsoever, leaving our home in his care. George is a man of integrity, honesty and shares a genuine concern for both those around him and the environment in which we all live. I cannot recommend him highly enough!
Hi Juanita and Jorge! Thanks for the passel of white lies! I'll rework them tomorrow, stretching the truth until it snaps! Please send along website again. Do you want me to send you what I've fabricated or just post it? Costs more to see draft so you decide!!! Cheers, El Mentiroso! Pics: Etta and Duke ran around like hellions, earlier on and then collapsed, on the couch, in the Rumpus Room, so now are little more than Exhausto-cats! Feel just like them after writing and re-writing bloody letters of reference!
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