Our cemeteries are full of people who prayed to live. -Annie Laurie Gaylor, freethinker and activist (b. 2 Nov 1955)
Up at 6:15 am to the delight of The Kittens, although they seemed a bit wary of the dark when I opened the patio door to let them out! Back into the kitchen to prepare a few snacks, (cheese and salted apples), for my coming drive. That done I've a few things to assemble, from the garage, so that I have the small traveling fridge and freezer bags to use when I stop at Costco on way home.
By the time I'd loaded the car, taken a quick shower and had breakfast, I waved goodbye to Lady Dar at 9:15 am. Had a very good drive other than the fact that it rained all the way. [Thanks Patrick! I hope you have a safe drive to the coast. Not a great day to be driving! Pam] Started just before Olalla where I had a rare treat, seeing about five gorgeous Mountain Goats by the side of the road, opposite to me, munching on the long grass. Think there were three adults and two juveniles. Their coats were almost blindingly white. Wished I'd had time to stop and take a few snaps but wasn't sure if they would bound off. Anyway, magnificent creatures.
Was actually a bit drier after I left Princeton but started to rain reasonably heavily from Manning Park on. Stopped at Costco for gas and after that traffic wasn't too, too bad so I was in town by just after 2:00 pm. Went right to Coastal to see Steve and his son was there, job shadowing. Had a good chat and showed him Lady Dar's Marriagemobile. He was quite impressed. I told him to let me know, once he's tasted some of the wine, if he'd like me to put together another case. Stopped at Legacy for a couple of bottles, one of malt and other bourbon, so didn't reach Harbour Terrace until close to 3:00 pm.

After exiting the elevator, with JT's sheets, we noticed Dave in hallway. [I gather he is showing Tiffany's/Darren's suite! Not sure if they are splitting but rumour has it that they are!] Anyway, we told him we would be downstairs so hoped he'd be through before we headed to GI but he wasn't so never saw him again. Had arranged to meet Famiglia Martin at Cat's Social House. They had only been there for a few minutes by the time we arrived and had table. Lovely to see them both and Dawn looked very well, considering everything she has been through. Both are thinner, again, certainly as a result of tough, tough ordeal they've had to weather. Gerry ordered a couple of appetizers, calamari and dry ribs.
Wine list doesn't have much from Okanagan so I ordered a bottle of Donna Paula Malbec for Chloë and myself, Gerry had a glass of white and poor Dawn had water! Due to treatment she underwent, she lost her sense of taste and cannot produce saliva as those glands were affected as well. She can eat very little food and for liquid intake, mainly drinks water.
We had a great visit and everyone was glad to see everyone. Dawn admitted that it was pretty difficult, waiting to know what the results of treatment would be. As we waved goodbye, I said I would call them the next day, probably in the evening. After more kisses and hugs we finally said goodbye and then we popped in to GI Brewery.
Sarge was having a meeting of Dram Committee and I said hello to a few of the people I knew. [We returned a few minutes later as I had not taken Sarge's key when we first left and had to get his!]Chloë suggested she drive me to Branko's so I wouldn't have to worry about driving and drinking so did just that. As I was clambering out of the car she reminded me, [Another thing I had mis-remembered, not forgotten, Dear Reader!], that she was staying overnight with Krissy at 12th and Maple, so I Booked Titanium Green for an Über ride once dinner was over. I knew it wouldn't be late as I had to be up reasonably early next morning
Branko had prepared a wonderful, wonderful dinner! Started with hummus and great olives as well as his home-made guacamole, laden with garlic! He'll be pleased to know I have decided that all my future meals, when visiting Vancouver, will be at his place! I'll be sending him dates for coming year, shortly! Anyway, it was lovely to catch up a bit, aside from delicious food. Chloë very kindly popped back to collect me, [Hi Chloë! Can you come and collect me? I don't have my phone with me! Love Dad!], although Branko's phone was acting up, [Unbelievable how much of his technology does not work and he is supposed to be a computer wizard!] Once home, [A regular cab would have been much, much cheaper, by the way!!!], visited with Flamin' and Sarge, watching the Cubs finally win! Bit of maltage after Flamin' went to bed!
Pics: Chloë with friends, Dawn and Gerry at Cat's Social House this afternoon; Wednesday night, Flamin' surfing and Sarge's knitting. He refused to let me take a snap while he was dropping a stitch!
I'm scheduled to attend for a mental health panel there on the morning of 7 November and I've a long wait before my return flight in the evening. Up for a visit? Al Hi Big Al! Funnily enough, I'm in Vancouver at the moment, here for my 6 week follow-up for left hip replacement surgery on September 14th! Pleased to say that everything has gone exceedingly well. I'm driving back on Friday so will be home when you fly into town. We'd be delighted to see you! Where will your panel take place? Let me know where and when your hearing will be over and we'll collect you, bring you to our place, for a bite and more, and then take you to the airport. Cheers, Patrizzio!!
I'm not sure yet where the hearing is. I'll learn tomorrow and let you know. Most probably at a Ministry of Health office. Hearing starts at 10 am and generally we're done by 1 pm. My return flight is 6:55 pm. Al I was mistaken. Friday afternoon is when the office tells me if the hearing is going ahead and where it will be. Give me your phone number in case there is some big glitch. Here is my cell. Al Hi again, Big Al: You can call us at our home number. Look forward to connecting! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Chef Ragin' Just a quick note to thank you again, for the wonderful, wonderful dinner! You'll be pleased to know I have decided all my future meals, when visiting Vancouver, will be at your place! I'll be sending along dates for coming year, shortly! Lovely to catch up a bit, as well. Let me know about possible visit so we can let Etta and Duke know about their canine cousin! Thanks again, Ragin', for more than generous hospitality, more than delicious meal. Take care of yourself. Cheers, Il Conduttore! Pics: Have also sent these snaps to Eat Canada!
So glad that Wendy was able to get back to you. I will be overnighting with she and Larry on Friday, November 25th. So will be in touch Saturday morning to arrange a get together. Hope that words for you. Cheers Patti Hello Flin Flon Babes! Great to hear from you and know we can get together on Saturday, November 26th. Why not plan on coming by for a spot of lunch, if that works, or just coffee if your schedule is too, too busy. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrizio!Come vai ? (Pronounce in Italian) Saw your email to Andrea and Ron. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you. I've been busy with yard work, teaching and "stuff" in general. But I've been thinking about you, Corinne and Duke and Etta. They must have grown a lot.
Regarding our next Summer reunion, we need to talk. The Kawchuks would be game to come out to the Okanagan, but timing needs to be discussed. I don't think we can expect a huge attendance, but whoever wants to be there will be. It's a VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY PARTY. Have you heard anything from Greg Lampert? I hope all is well with him and Gloria As Christmas approaches, I will try to send out a"feeler". Any suggestions ? Greetings to Corinne. How is Chloe ? Is she coming to spend Christmas with you? Talk to you soon. Ciao, ragazzo !
P.S. U. of M. Is on strike, so no classes for Amy except Spanish. She just landed her first part time job - young women's clothing boutique Aritzia at Polo Park. She will be dancing the role of the Spanish dancer in her studio's presentation of Nutcracker, so life is busy without classes.
Hello all, Saturday we arrived at JFK after taking the redeye from YVR, and
hit the ground running. Took the subway to our hotel to drop off our
luggage, and then headed out to Rockerfeller Center and Radio City Music
Hall. Then we went over to Times Square,
and caught the downtown tour bus, which took us past MSG, Macy's, and
the Empire State. Got off at Battery Park area and walked up to the
Millenium Hilton for a martini. This hotel overlooks the 911 site.
Vast change since we were here 8 years ago. The
view we had from the 50th floor is gone. Then we could see Jersey
City. Now all one would see is the new One Trade Center. Took the
subway back to our hotel, and grabbed some food at the local Chipotle.
Sunday morning we took an uptown tour - went past Columbia
University and through Harlem. Then we went down to the Chelsea area to
see an off Broadway play at a small theatre - the Irish Repertory
Theatre - an Irish play - the Afterparty - by an Irish
playwright, and based on characters from Chekov's plays. A very well
acted mediocre play. Then it was back to Times Square. Due to a sudden
downpour we sought shelter in the nearby Marriot. Their lounge on the
68th floor is the only revolving lounge in
NYC. Great place to see the city lights - good martinis too. Then we went to the Brooklyn Diner for a quick burger before a NYC night tour
that took us around downtown and over to Brooklyn.
Monday was more tours, including a cruise out to the Statue of Liberty. Got back on a bus and went to the Chelsea Market. Great place to visit anytime, but on Halloween it was incredible. The whole place was decorated for the occasion, with animatronics and costumed actors. We happened to be there during the trick or treat hours, when all the local kids (with their parents) went in costume from merchant to merchant. Amazing costumes on some of the kids - one that stuck out was Groot from the movie Guardians of the Galaxy. If you haven't seen the movie, Groot was a walking tree.
Tuesday morning we went to along 5th Ave. Saw the New York Public
Library, skaters at the Rockerfeller Center, St. Patrick's Cathedral
(All Saints Day service while we were there), and Bergdorf-Goodman. Then it was on to Penn Station and the train to
DC. -Colin
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