Neither genius, fame, nor love show the greatness of the soul. Only
kindness can do that. -Jean Baptiste Henri Lacordaire, preacher,
journalist and activist (1802-1861)
Glorious sun on the west hills this lovely morn. Very impressed with Duke as he took great pains with his litter box when I took them into the garage to open the patio door flap. It is usually Etta Mae James who is so particular with her toilette and the Rambunctious Boy forgets, sometimes with unpleasant consequences for the herders of cats!
[Hi Dick! Wonderful to see you last night at such a terrific gathering. I've attached the snaps I took at the pot-luck as well as the ones from the fund-raiser. I've included the album, as you can see, but unless you belong to Flickr, (Free, by the way!), I don't think you can download any of the snaps. I'm happy to send any others you might wish. All the very best, from both Corinne and myself. Take care of yourself. Thanks, Dick]
Must way as I need to have a bite of brunch and then head out to start working on scrap lumber, collected yesterday, turning it into usable kindling. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Tiffany! Great evening on Saturday. I sent along the album of snaps I took but your system rejected it! If you would like the album perhaps you can provide an alternate address, although I did send it to PAG. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Also, included is a pic of Rebecca’s truck, which I hope
you get a change to ride in one day. You do have a stepladder to get
in, right?
Your definition of a “herd" roused my curiosity, although “herd” is not limited to the cloven hoofed ... ie, horses! Of course when the term “herd” is used as a verb, I don’t believe it defines any particular species of critter ... So pondering about groups of <critters> just of the cuff, there are:
- a flock of birds, except, I believe you can have a “gaggle” of geese, and of course a “murder” of crows.
- a pack of wolves
- a bunch of radishes
- a mischief of mice
For (domestic) cats, well you choose …
- a _______ of cats. choices are: a) clutter b) pounce
c) clowder d) nuisance
e) cluster f) glaring
Personally, I feel option d) is most appropriate. IT GOES ON!!! for a complete(?) list see:
Let me know how the Xmas baking is progressing so I can book a flight! cheers/bjp Patriçio, Forgot to mention, the term for wild cats is a “Destruction of Cats”. How appropriate is that!! Also, included is a pic of Rebecca’s truck, which I hope you get a change to ride in one day. You do have a stepladder to get in, right?
An email will be sent to your guest and cc'd to you with a password and invitation to allow them to purchase their tickets thru Eventbrite.
Am I to act on this message or is there another "guest" email coming? I presume I should wait as you have not included a password. Seems to be becoming more complicated so I think I need a snort of malt even though the sun is not yet over the yardarm! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pic: Miss Etta misses you! Hi Patrick, I haven't had that message. Will investigate if not forthcoming tomorrow. Yours in overwork, Peter
Hi Judi, Please don't give away Patrick's spot. He had some confusion over the invitation. He understood from the invite that I was to receive a password to allow him to purchase a ticket. I will follow up with him and see what the problem is. We may need your help to resolve. Cheers, Peter An invite was sent to Patrick Dunn to purchase his guest ticket for the Whiskey tasting. He hasn't purchased it as yet. I will be sending out invites to other guests so please, if he wants to attend have him check his junk mail for his invitation and then go into Eventbrite and purchase a ticket. Thanks Judi Ritcey Hi Dame Judi! Ordered tickets successfully. Thanks. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Friends, Hope you are all well. I have spent the last ten months organizing a 100th Birthday Celebration & Ukrainian Concert for my Mom in Winnipeg. So many of you have been asking so I thought I would send you all an update. The invitation to the event is the first attachment.
Her Birthday is December 3rd & only three weeks away. I have organized a Ukrainian Concert, with dancers, singers, accordionist & orchestra followed by a sit down dinner for 135 guests. As my siblings & I grew up singing, dancing and playing mandolin in the Ukrainian Orchestra, many of my friends from that era at the Ukrainian Hall are now professional musicians, singers and conductors so it was wonderful touching base with all of them to form this most amazing concert. The above attachment on “Flow of the Concert” outlines the magnitude of the event.

will MC this event and the Concert is first followed by the Dinner
which is the traditional Perogies, Cabbage Rolls, Turkey and more. Part
of the concert will continue after the dinner,
then the Dedication, Happy Birthday and three scrumptious four tiered
chocolate cakes with chocolate ganache filling, white icing on the
outside and topped with large red roses. An Accordionist will wind his
way through the guests playing wonderful Ukrainian
It is a dressy affair and I bought my Mom a long black sequined dress with a black velvet bow for her hair. The
hall with have floor length white tablecloths, red napkins and red
balloons on all the tables. John & I put together over 500 slides
of my Moms life that will be shown throughout the
booked flights for all my siblings with grandchildren & great
grandchildren coming from Toronto and they will stay at the “Inn at the
Forks” at Winnipeg’s famous “Forks” a wonderful hotel
for all!
It will be a most memorable occasion and so happy that I could do this for my Mom! Last picture of my Mom when she was young.
Warmest Regards, Love, Jean
(The second and third attachments seem to be in reverse, click on them a couple of times)
Hi Birthday Planner Extraordinaire! Wonderful to hear from you and know all goes so well with respect to celebrating your Mom's 100th birthday! Bravo, indeed! Quite an achievement, both for her, obviously, but also for you for bringing everything together so seamlessly. Not an easy task, by any means and I know it must have taken endless, tireless work, energy and focus.
Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Lap cats!
Dear Patrick Thanks heaps for your email. Pictures of Chloe and cats most welcome. How is Chloe?? It's great that she had a lovely flight and visit with you both. You are right--no more complaining. I really did have a great two weeks and once I am back at work things will be fine. In the interim just wish I had a couple more days to cut kindling, ride a stationary bike and attend a Winemaker's Dinner. What a life!!
Please be sure to contact us if you are headed to Vancouver in the days ahead. Rainy dreary day today. Went to the pool and the sauna and hot tub were therapeutic. Had a good afternoon and supper with John--he is fine and here for a conference. He is pretty happy in his studies and it is good to see him relatively content.
After being in the US for two weeks and being educated about America--I must say my Canadian ignorance really does leave me feeling contrite and a tad embarrassed. I feel it is amiss that we don't learn more about American history in high school. Canadian social studies is very limited in regards to what it covers about the slave trade. Even with my ignorance though I have come home feeling that Vancouver isn't such a bad place and Canada is pretty okay. Will have to reflect more deeply about this. Princeton was so beautiful and Eric is very privileged just as John is to study in the US. Seeing Library of Congress and Jefferson's library collection made me realize how much education was valued and maybe still is. Hard to believe that Trump is the President--seems incongruous with the ideals of the constitution and the care taken by the founding fathers. Anyways democracy at work?
Must sign off as I have to think about what I am doing with the classes I have tomorrow. Take care of yourself and I hope your physio sessions go well. What is the REACT program?? I am so pleased thanks to physio and a bit of work that I was able to do so much walking and visiting of sights--two years ago when I was trapped at home I thought my life had ended. Goes to show how amazing healing can be. Perhaps I will heal from the Hillary defeat as well. Lots of love for now Jo-Anne
Hi Hard-at-Work Woman! Wonderful to hear you won't ever complain again!!! Chloë is fine, back at Aunt Leah's but actively looking for other work. She is to write the property management license final, (On-line from Sauder!), in early December, so this might be next direction she takes.
React is a rehab program, a combination of hydro-therapy, (exercises in pool), and gym work, balancing/strength conditioning, etc. I attended the program at the Arthritis Centre, at VGH, after my right hip was replaced in 2010. Assume it will be similar here in Penticton. Couldn't agree with you more about education, in general, but I would add that its exclusion and superficial nature extends to the whole array of world histories, (but one shocking blind spot), starting here at home with Indigenous Peoples! I lived a few blocks from a large residential school in Winnipeg and it was seen as a place for "difficult or troubled" students! How little we knew and abuse, [Whether psychological or physical, or both, occurred, is a moot point since the very fact that children were torn from their families is certainly terrible abuse, the root cause, only to be compounded!), was going on right under our noses. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Looks like it's my turn to host bridge! Mike are you still in Calgary? Pam, can you make it? I think Patrick and Corinne are available, but maybe confirm...6:30 at Tiffany Gardens, turn left, 2 speed bumps, bike and 2 white plastic chairs, park in stall 86, just before the 3rd speed bump. Pam Pam, Thank you for hosting Bridge. Weds works for me. Corinne and Patrick I can pick you up Pam Hi Spumoni et al! Thanks for hosting. Lady Dar cannot play as it is her Book Club night. However, Olga Polga are you around and available? Mike is in Cuba, I believe so I'll see about drumming up another player if Rolly Polly isn't available. I'd appreciate a ride, Pamela, if we play. Chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Cat Crazed People! Latest publicity stills for Destructo-Kittens in repose! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Birthday Planner Extraordinaire! Wonderful to hear from you and know all goes so well with respect to celebrating your Mom's 100th birthday! Bravo, indeed! Quite an achievement, both for her, obviously, but also for you for bringing everything together so seamlessly. Not an easy task, by any means and I know it must have taken endless, tireless work, energy and focus.
Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Lap cats!
Dear Patrick Thanks heaps for your email. Pictures of Chloe and cats most welcome. How is Chloe?? It's great that she had a lovely flight and visit with you both. You are right--no more complaining. I really did have a great two weeks and once I am back at work things will be fine. In the interim just wish I had a couple more days to cut kindling, ride a stationary bike and attend a Winemaker's Dinner. What a life!!
Please be sure to contact us if you are headed to Vancouver in the days ahead. Rainy dreary day today. Went to the pool and the sauna and hot tub were therapeutic. Had a good afternoon and supper with John--he is fine and here for a conference. He is pretty happy in his studies and it is good to see him relatively content.
After being in the US for two weeks and being educated about America--I must say my Canadian ignorance really does leave me feeling contrite and a tad embarrassed. I feel it is amiss that we don't learn more about American history in high school. Canadian social studies is very limited in regards to what it covers about the slave trade. Even with my ignorance though I have come home feeling that Vancouver isn't such a bad place and Canada is pretty okay. Will have to reflect more deeply about this. Princeton was so beautiful and Eric is very privileged just as John is to study in the US. Seeing Library of Congress and Jefferson's library collection made me realize how much education was valued and maybe still is. Hard to believe that Trump is the President--seems incongruous with the ideals of the constitution and the care taken by the founding fathers. Anyways democracy at work?
Must sign off as I have to think about what I am doing with the classes I have tomorrow. Take care of yourself and I hope your physio sessions go well. What is the REACT program?? I am so pleased thanks to physio and a bit of work that I was able to do so much walking and visiting of sights--two years ago when I was trapped at home I thought my life had ended. Goes to show how amazing healing can be. Perhaps I will heal from the Hillary defeat as well. Lots of love for now Jo-Anne
Hi Hard-at-Work Woman! Wonderful to hear you won't ever complain again!!! Chloë is fine, back at Aunt Leah's but actively looking for other work. She is to write the property management license final, (On-line from Sauder!), in early December, so this might be next direction she takes.
React is a rehab program, a combination of hydro-therapy, (exercises in pool), and gym work, balancing/strength conditioning, etc. I attended the program at the Arthritis Centre, at VGH, after my right hip was replaced in 2010. Assume it will be similar here in Penticton. Couldn't agree with you more about education, in general, but I would add that its exclusion and superficial nature extends to the whole array of world histories, (but one shocking blind spot), starting here at home with Indigenous Peoples! I lived a few blocks from a large residential school in Winnipeg and it was seen as a place for "difficult or troubled" students! How little we knew and abuse, [Whether psychological or physical, or both, occurred, is a moot point since the very fact that children were torn from their families is certainly terrible abuse, the root cause, only to be compounded!), was going on right under our noses. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Looks like it's my turn to host bridge! Mike are you still in Calgary? Pam, can you make it? I think Patrick and Corinne are available, but maybe confirm...6:30 at Tiffany Gardens, turn left, 2 speed bumps, bike and 2 white plastic chairs, park in stall 86, just before the 3rd speed bump. Pam Pam, Thank you for hosting Bridge. Weds works for me. Corinne and Patrick I can pick you up Pam Hi Spumoni et al! Thanks for hosting. Lady Dar cannot play as it is her Book Club night. However, Olga Polga are you around and available? Mike is in Cuba, I believe so I'll see about drumming up another player if Rolly Polly isn't available. I'd appreciate a ride, Pamela, if we play. Chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Cat Crazed People! Latest publicity stills for Destructo-Kittens in repose! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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