This is the devilish thing about foreign affairs: they are foreign and
will not always conform to our whim. -James Reston, journalist (3 Nov
Tummler, thanks for the great reference - the flattery was the only perjury. I hope we can share the spoils with you in some exotic place - as long as you are willing to milk the cows and feel the iguana. If you can work Jane into to the reference - we are told that couples are favoured by house sit seekers.
Do you still have the information on your accommodations in Tokyo? We are looking to book there asap - long enough in advance to get ahead of the tourists. Hope to see you pre-California. Safe travels, W&CJ
Hello Duhlink/Cat Woman! Trust you are feeling a bit better but I suspect you may not be, given that your cold/flu will probably get worse before you start to feel like you are on the mend. Must away as Sarge is going to drop me off at VGH and I'll walk back when I've seen Clive. Not raining and while the sun isn't shining it is a pleasant day! Hello from one knitter to another! Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dearest Dawn and Gerry! Simply wonderful to see you both! I know Lady Dar would have wanted to be along as well but Chloë was certainly more than delighted to have been able to join us. Thank you, once again, for your most generous hospitality! [Please take the bill out of my trust fund!]
Sarge dropped me off at The Skin Clinic this morning and my dermatologist "zapped", with a nifty liquid nitrogen spray bottle, a number of tiny spots. He was very pleased with how things look and I don't have to see him for a year now. Am planning to make the next appointment for just before the start of the 2017 VWF as we'd like to volunteer again. It will be Hal Wake's last festival, as Director, and it might be ours as well, in terms of volunteering, but because of connection to Hal, and others, it might be a great way to stop being so involved. There are plenty of festivals, of one sort or another, in Penticton, and we'd like to become more supportive of local community.

Walked back to Granville Island to run a few errands, stopping in at VWF office to say hello to gang. [On way back to Harbour Terrace, I bumped into the wife, Shannon, of a former colleague, Todd Mundle, now University Librarian at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. He was a Library Assistant at the Curric Lab when we first met! I have been in touch with him, sporadically, over the last few years, as he uses Garmin for his running stats, while I use it for my rides. Shannon was on her way to use theh gym at FCCC and I mentioned that I still have about 15 visits left on my rec card!] The Volunteer Appreciation Party is on this evening so I'd have been welcome to attend had I not made plans to have dinner and play bridge with friends in East Van. I'll stay with them tonight and then leave for Abbotsford, (Costco run!), and then a brief stop in Sunshine Valley, to say hello to good friend, Al, who is working on a second property that he and his wife, Colleen, bought a year or so ago. It is four doors down from their place there and they plan to rent it out when he's finished renovating. Then back to Penticton and Lady Dar and her kittens!
Want you to know that we will be thinking of you, Dawn, holding you in our hearts, come what may. Give us a shout when the time is right. Until then, thanks again for lovely time together yesterday. As always, Fondestos and oodles of warm, warm Love! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, Corinne and Chloe, I am very pleased to tell you that today the doctor said the PET Scan showed that my treatment was successful and I am now cancer free. We were overwhelmed when he 'casually' told us the news. I'll have check ups in 2 months with the ENT doctor and then with the Oncologist in 4 months. I also have to increase my food intake and work on getting my saliva back. I will have to start getting ready for bed around 6:00 pm in order to complete my post-treatment regime to be in bed by 10:00 pm!
I think your good wishes, crossed fingers and prayers really did help. Gerry and I are celebrating with the kids - we all have a great sense of relief and we thank you sincerely for all your support.
My only concern now is that Gerry will start expecting me to start doing my share of the daily tasks. I have become accustomed to being a pampered princess. I sure appreciated your caring.
Patrick we really were glad that we got to visit with you and Chloe yesterday. I was telling Jeff and Stacee about Chloe reminiscing about when they were young and we had a few good chuckles. We miss seeing you in Vancouver. Dawn
Hello Donna Maria! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! for She's a Jolly Good Fellow/Which Nobody Can Deny! Hip Hip Hooray! [That's wonderful news! Ayn]
What fabulous news! I don't even care about being left out of the will now! All those free meals at Cat's from now on!!! Sorry for not replying sooner but I didn't look at my email until just a minute ago. I'll be heading out shortly but just wanted to let you know how happy we all are for you and Heraldo and the kids! Will be in touch when I'm back home. Fondestos, Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Hi Goils! Just a quick note before I take off for The Pitchforks! Fondesto, Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!] Once back at Harbour Terrace I packed up what still needed to be done and then spent an hour sending messages and making a few phone calls. Around 4:50 pm Sarge came out to the parkade with me to let me out and I thanked him and waved goodbye.
[What a lovely surprise to come home to the birds of paradise . Miss you a lot
Michele Hi Flamin' and Sarge! Thank you for the lovely stay, if only that it was too, too brief! Glad you enjoyed the flowers as I thought I'd start you getting ready for your Hawaii holiday. Lady Dar sends her fondestos to you both and says she misses you two more than you miss us! Cheers, Patrizzio!]
Was a tad worried that traffic would be a nightmare but in fact, it wasn't all that bad. Took Cambie to 41st and then all the way to Rupert and I was soon knocking on the Pitchfork's door. Great to see them both and after I unloaded what I would need for the night, I took my possessions upstairs to my comfy room. I noted that the futon was a tad low, given my hip restrictions, but felt it would be fine, given that almost 7 weeks had passed since my operation. However, my generous hosts would have none of it and O Susannah dispatched Carlos to the basement where he retrieved a thick foam pad and we stripped the bed and placed the foam atop the futon. Worked poifectly and height was more than acceptable.
Downstairs to start visiting properly, over wine, of course. Susannah had prepared a delicious quinoa salad, a fab, deep-crust pizza and delicious spicy wings. We had just served ourselves some salad when The Penguin, akak Janet Scott, phoned, needing some help to find their place in the dark. Once Champagne escorted her inside, she joined us at the table. Terrific to catch up with her as well since we'd not seen each other for a couple of years. Last time was the summer before we moved to Penticton, to play bridge, Chez Pitchford, with her Mom, Gladys Knight and the Pips, and celebrate her 89th birthday as well.
Great evening of cards followed, although The Pitchforks have an irrational resistance to Chicago scoring so we were forced to play rubber bridge. Still, more than a delight and although Janet declined any of their fabulous bridge prizes, I came away with a large bag of them which I plan to inflict on the members of the bridge group I've started with our hiking group. After we said goodnight to Janet, O Susannah said it was time for her to turn in. Thanking her for lovely evening I brushed and flossed,myself, but then Carlos and I spent almost an hour chatting before we turned in ourselves.
Hello again, Stopped at NYC as it was getting to late for DC details. Tuesday afternoon we boarded the train to DC, a pleasant enough trip. Took a cab from Union Station to our hotel, and after getting settled in, went for a walk. Went down to the White House, and then back past a Chipotle so we could get some grub.
Wednesday, we went to the Library of Congress - a beautiful building that Jo-Anne was reluctant to leave. Then we went next door for a tour of the Capitol - a truly magnificent edifice. Afterwards, we went up to Dupont Cicle, and then along P Street to the Whole Foods, where we got food to take back to the room. Found some interesting zinfandels, such as Proulx swiss colina 2011 from Paso Robles - very decent.
Thursday we went to the National Galleries - first the West Gallery, with all the traditional America, British, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Italian art works; and then the new East Gallery with all the modern art (post WWI). It had a whole room of Rothkos, plus some early Picassos. Afterwards, we took a bus out to the Lincoln Memorial, and walked around it for a while. Then we took a bus back to the Washington Monument, and walked up to our hotel (with a detour to Whole Foods.) Tonight's zin is Rubus old vines zinfandel from Lodi. -Colin
thanks for this Patrick. just back from our spiritual adventure on the was as advertised energetic good fun and travel has its limitations though. weather to meet up with Sascha in Portugal and Spain so that was an added officially moved in to our new condo with all the glitches involved with that.already had our bikes stolen!heating not working etc.we are well though and are off to Catherines 40 th reunion this w/e.hope you are both well.Kali still misses etta and count(did i get that right).
Hello Glasgow! Glad to hear you enjoyed your spiritual enlightenment on Camino in spite of having to deal with other travelers! Terrific you could connect with Sascha. Sorry to hear about condo glitches, [Chloë reported that your new place is fabulous!], and distressed to learn your bikes were stolen. I really liked that bike of yours. Tell Kali that Etta misses her but that Duke,[Ellington as opposed to Count Basie!], is ambivalent! Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Historical Photo Man! Some wonderful photographs, indeed! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Next Monday we will hike to Rattlesnake Mt. from the picnic area at Bentley Rd and the Hwy. Martin will get us to the start of the hike and Tony will get us back to the cars! So we will meet at the IGA parking lot in Summerland at 9am and Pentictonites can carpool from Home Hardware at 8:40am. Pam
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