Humanity also needs dreamers, for whom the disinterested development of
an enterprise is so captivating that it becomes impossible for them to
devote their care to their own material profit. Without doubt, these
dreamers do not deserve wealth, because they
do not desire it. Even so, a well-organized society should assure to
such workers the efficient means of accomplishing their task, in a life
freed from material care and freely consecrated to research. -Marie
Curie, scientist, Nobel laureate (7 Nov 1867-1934)
Up at 6:30am to let out the kittens. Lady Dar mumbled it was too dark but I know she simply didn't want to clamber out of bed!
See you later today. I'm at the airport for an 8:55 am flight. One other thought: I need a cab to the hospital when I land (AC8350) landing just around 10 am. If you folks qualify as a taxi and can give receipts let me know. Al Hi Big Al! I'd be happy to collect you at the airport. However, Lady Dar just left for her 9:00 am yoga class and I don't think she'll be back by 10:00 am. [We only have one car.] Give us a shout, (250-493-0092), as soon as you are in terminal and if she's here when you call, I'll come and get you. Talk later. Cheers, Patrizzio! It's ok. I took the cab. Hi again Al! Good thing you did at Yoga Woman just walked in! Will be waiting for your call! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sorry, Tim and I aren't going to make it after all. Tim's hip is giving him some trouble. Hi Tim and Marian! When back from GFA meeting, Lady Dar had mentioned that your back was troubling you, Tim. Does it now seem it is your hip? At any rate, I trust things sort themselves out quickly and that you'll be back to normal in no time flat! Take care of yourself, Tim. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Great party despite my limited mobility. 22 came. 10 missing as not here yet. Yes, cheesecake was for my 70th bday. Frank did wonderful job of organizing. Sorry to hear about tiny fracture at top of hip. Scary. Are u perhaps overdoing?? Hi to Corinne! Cheers, M🤗 Hi again Maggie! Glad party went well. According to what Clive said, fracture was a result of part of one of the surgical procedures but I have scaled back on the intensity and duration of my stretching and cycling regimen until I know that fracture has knit. He gave me instructions for physio I will see at React and said all other exercises, other than "abduction" movements, were fine. Guess I'll have to spend more time drinking wine! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Good to hear, P. Wondering about the election tomorrow, interesting to say the least!!😱😳😜 Will keep you posted on my back. Chiro tomorrow morning. Maggie🤗Hi Maggie! Buona Fortuna with Chiro. Hope treatment will give you much needed relief! Cheers, Patrizzio! 👍��🤗
Hi again Patrizzio! Good to hear you’re keeping on top of your hip situation.. careful and easy does it! You are correct about the Flash player and my computer.. will see if I can install that… and then the ability to see your ecard! Penny and I were at Brown’s (Cats Social House) a couple of days ago as well.. Friday I believe.. chicken wings and white wine..Noisy at times but we managed to score a couple of seats in a quieter corner..
Great pictures you’ve attached! The kitties look so cute! Thanks for the update on your friends.. and yourselves..All is well here. Country two step tonight… Wed. is waltz dance lesson, Friday is the Billy Bishop legion for Nov 11th festivities! Cheers! Hi to Cora Lee! Joan Hi Joan! Glad you might be able to fix your Flash problem. You sound pretty busy, dancing up a virtual storm! Lady Dar, aka Picasso, sends greetings with a wave of her paint brush! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Some of yesterday's work!
Hi Salish Sea Organic Farmers! Here is the first draft you have been badgering me about! What do you think? Let me know and we'll act accordingly! Web site for posting? Cheers, Patrizzio!
George has been a friend ever since we played doubles squash together, at the Vancouver Racquets Club, in Vancouver, from the mid-90's until 2004, when a hip injury prevented me from playing further. However, our friendship didn't stop then as we continued to cycle together, were in the same book club and travelled, both in the province and in Oregon and California.
While I have only known Jane for the last three years, I feel I know her almost as well as I do George, and I consider George to be one of my closest friends. Both are wonderful, wonderful individuals, open, caring, loyal and always to be trusted and depended upon.
Even though they moved to Galiano, before my wife and I moved, from Vancouver, to Penticton, our friendship remains stronger than ever, continues to deepen. To state the obvious, one of the main reasons they are together is that they share so many things in common. This is certainly true with regard to our friendship as couples. We feel strongly about many things, from politics to the environment to health, and enjoy a wide variety of similar activities, from reading to film to travel.
With respect to the latter, we have inhabited each other’s homes, over the course of our travels and visits together, and if we could have them house-sit for us when we might be travelling, we couldn't be happier. We would have no reservations, whatsoever, leaving our home in their care, not to mention our two cats, Etta and Duke. We have seen how they both treat Morita, their lovely Border Collie, and know they would show the same concern and affection and discipline, if necessary, towards any pets in their charge.
While we have not shared an extended house-sitting holiday, we share a common desire to have a base from which to explore the local community and culture. For our part, my wife and I, did just that in Cornwall, in 2013, followed by a similar situation in the south of France, of the same year. These have been some of the best holidays we have ever experienced and I know that this is why Jane and George wish to travel in this manner.
Both Jane and George are individuals of absolute integrity and honesty, blessed with patience and forbearance. Both possess endearing senses of humour and are far more critical of their own shortcomings than of the failings of friends and relatives. However, this is not to say that they are naïve. Far from it for they are highly principled in their genuine concern for both those around them and the environment in which we all live, and never hesitate to act if the occasion arises. I cannot recommend them highly enough and bemoan the fact that their own exciting travels will mean that they will not be available to house-sit/cat-sit for us this coming year! Cheers, Patrick Dunn!
Wow Patrizio!!! You have outdone yourself!! This is a beautiful, beautiful, thoughtful reference!! I am touched by the lovely things you said about George and me. Thank you for taking the time and energy to craft such a gem! I feel so lucky to have you as dear friends! We will meet in Europe for a special adventure. As soon as we find a house sitting gig we will let you know. With references like yours, I am sure we will be hotly pursued. So glad your hip is coming along so well. Were you surprised to hear that there was a small fracture?That must have been a shock. Is it painful? Great you can get to Van so often and catch up with Chloe and pals. I admire how much you and Corinne enjoy every day! You are so multidimensional and curious about the world. You have lovely friends and family. Here's to our shared adventure en Europe! Love to you and Corinne. Thanks again, Jane xo ps I will forward the email link for the reference.
[Rattlesnake Mtn. November 7: Hi Pam A few pics from today’s hike. A little over-exposed but it looks like everyone is having a good time. Would you kindly sending these out to our hiking friends. Thx. BB]Thanks for nice pics. Sorry we had to miss it! Hugs, Aart & Jos
Hi again Patrizzio! Good to hear you’re keeping on top of your hip situation.. careful and easy does it! You are correct about the Flash player and my computer.. will see if I can install that… and then the ability to see your ecard! Penny and I were at Brown’s (Cats Social House) a couple of days ago as well.. Friday I believe.. chicken wings and white wine..Noisy at times but we managed to score a couple of seats in a quieter corner..
Great pictures you’ve attached! The kitties look so cute! Thanks for the update on your friends.. and yourselves..All is well here. Country two step tonight… Wed. is waltz dance lesson, Friday is the Billy Bishop legion for Nov 11th festivities! Cheers! Hi to Cora Lee! Joan Hi Joan! Glad you might be able to fix your Flash problem. You sound pretty busy, dancing up a virtual storm! Lady Dar, aka Picasso, sends greetings with a wave of her paint brush! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Some of yesterday's work!
Hi Salish Sea Organic Farmers! Here is the first draft you have been badgering me about! What do you think? Let me know and we'll act accordingly! Web site for posting? Cheers, Patrizzio!
George has been a friend ever since we played doubles squash together, at the Vancouver Racquets Club, in Vancouver, from the mid-90's until 2004, when a hip injury prevented me from playing further. However, our friendship didn't stop then as we continued to cycle together, were in the same book club and travelled, both in the province and in Oregon and California.
While I have only known Jane for the last three years, I feel I know her almost as well as I do George, and I consider George to be one of my closest friends. Both are wonderful, wonderful individuals, open, caring, loyal and always to be trusted and depended upon.
Even though they moved to Galiano, before my wife and I moved, from Vancouver, to Penticton, our friendship remains stronger than ever, continues to deepen. To state the obvious, one of the main reasons they are together is that they share so many things in common. This is certainly true with regard to our friendship as couples. We feel strongly about many things, from politics to the environment to health, and enjoy a wide variety of similar activities, from reading to film to travel.
With respect to the latter, we have inhabited each other’s homes, over the course of our travels and visits together, and if we could have them house-sit for us when we might be travelling, we couldn't be happier. We would have no reservations, whatsoever, leaving our home in their care, not to mention our two cats, Etta and Duke. We have seen how they both treat Morita, their lovely Border Collie, and know they would show the same concern and affection and discipline, if necessary, towards any pets in their charge.
While we have not shared an extended house-sitting holiday, we share a common desire to have a base from which to explore the local community and culture. For our part, my wife and I, did just that in Cornwall, in 2013, followed by a similar situation in the south of France, of the same year. These have been some of the best holidays we have ever experienced and I know that this is why Jane and George wish to travel in this manner.
Both Jane and George are individuals of absolute integrity and honesty, blessed with patience and forbearance. Both possess endearing senses of humour and are far more critical of their own shortcomings than of the failings of friends and relatives. However, this is not to say that they are naïve. Far from it for they are highly principled in their genuine concern for both those around them and the environment in which we all live, and never hesitate to act if the occasion arises. I cannot recommend them highly enough and bemoan the fact that their own exciting travels will mean that they will not be available to house-sit/cat-sit for us this coming year! Cheers, Patrick Dunn!
Wow Patrizio!!! You have outdone yourself!! This is a beautiful, beautiful, thoughtful reference!! I am touched by the lovely things you said about George and me. Thank you for taking the time and energy to craft such a gem! I feel so lucky to have you as dear friends! We will meet in Europe for a special adventure. As soon as we find a house sitting gig we will let you know. With references like yours, I am sure we will be hotly pursued. So glad your hip is coming along so well. Were you surprised to hear that there was a small fracture?That must have been a shock. Is it painful? Great you can get to Van so often and catch up with Chloe and pals. I admire how much you and Corinne enjoy every day! You are so multidimensional and curious about the world. You have lovely friends and family. Here's to our shared adventure en Europe! Love to you and Corinne. Thanks again, Jane xo ps I will forward the email link for the reference.
[Rattlesnake Mtn. November 7: Hi Pam A few pics from today’s hike. A little over-exposed but it looks like everyone is having a good time. Would you kindly sending these out to our hiking friends. Thx. BB]Thanks for nice pics. Sorry we had to miss it! Hugs, Aart & Jos
Hola encora Patrizio, I contacted the company and asked if they would remove your reference. I am sorry, but you will have to send a note to the company asking them to remove your first reference, They wouldn't allow me to do it. You must confirm you want this removed yourself. Then, I will be able to send out a new request for a reference from you and you can send the updated version. Our ad is under George's email address. You give that to them and they can look our ad up. This is a nuisance I know! The address is: <> Thanks again, Jane and George
Dear Trusted Housesitters: Please remove the first reference provided by Patrick Dunn for the following email address. Thank you for your consideration. Cheers, Patrick Dunn!
Hi Salish Sea Irritants! Steps have been set in motion:
Your request (140316) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff. To add additional comments, reply to this email. Had quite an interesting day with Al Soroka, former colleague at UBC's Law Library. As a member of the Mental Health Review Board, he was up to hear a case at the hospital this morning. He spent a goodly portion of the day with us and we had a wonderful time showing him a few wineries, dropping in to see Lynne and Peter, (Al loved Peter's home-made Riesling which really is superb, as well as a few snorts of malt, Indian and Japanese, but I could hardly complain being an unwanted guest in the first instance.
Then on to drop in to see another set of Naramatians, Pamela and Guillermo Webster, doing an incredible renovation of place they bought six years ago. They live on same small road leading to Marichel Winery and have a stunning view. Still deep in the throws of construction with drywall planned for tomorrow. At any rate, know Pamela from hiking and bridge. She is a lawyer and in talking to Al, there might well be some lucrative work for her, here in Penticton, with MHRB, as there is nobody in region to hear cases.
Stopped at Township 7, on way to see Lynne and Peter, as I wanted to make sure that all the whites for Fall delivery were what we wanted. We have choice in the matter, [Coffaro excepted, of course!], unlike many of the other wine clubs we belong to. All was well. On way home, popped into Poplar Grove as Lady Dar needed to update her credit card information for our membership in their wine club. Managed to force ourselves to do a bit of tasting. Also picked up four of their wine glasses as last set of Freeloaders smashed a number of them when in the throes of malt withdrawal!
Back to town for a quick snort of malt and to collect Al's briefcase before a wonderful dinner at Lachi, Punjabi restaurant on Main, not far from us. Then we drove Al to the airport. Will be in touch anon. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I want to know if you will be around next May. I am still planning to travel in my Model S to Banff..........Grumpy Dave Hello Grumpster and Long-Suffering Patrizzia! How wonderful to know that Banff is still on your travel itinerary! As of this writing, we will be home in May. Lady Dar has to be here, basically from May to October, as she is now a marriage Officiant, and terms of her work require she be available then. Not a hardship as The Okanagan is at its best. Fondestos from Lady Dar, in absentia, to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: MarriageMobile! Making plans for the day! With Lynne and Peter; Plywood Pamela and Plaster Board Bill with building permit inspector. He found quite a few deficiencies so construction is on hold until enough cases of wine from Naramata Bench wineries have been exchanged, under the table! Big Al leaves his payola order at Poplar Grove. Taste of malt at Burns Street. Etta and Duke are not amused! Ordering at Lachi. Big Al leaving from YYF.
Hey Patrizio! Thanks for the photos as always. Susan and I are still recuperating from your visit BUT it was so worthwhile. As for the Premier (or any politician in power) you have to turf them out after 2 terms or sooner as they just become a bigger part of the problem. See you’re getting ready for the Christmas season. We are more traditional and wait a bit longer. Still have to celebrate the U.S. Thanksgiving in our house. Speaking of U.S. – tomorrow’s the big day, and maybe the end of the world as we know it. Charlie Hi CCC! Always a treat to hear from you, especially with the dreaded qualification "BUT"!
The world simply cannot come to an end today as it is the turn of The Burns Street Bridge Club to host our weekly card game tomorrow! Fondestos from Lady Dar, in absentia, to you both. She will be donning her painting togs when she returns as she is changing the hallway colour. Cheers, Pushy Patrizzio!
Tell Lady Dar that she looks fabulous! :-) Janet Hi Janet! I have relayed your message and she thanks you for the compliment although she feels it is an impossible task, living with me! Greatt os ee you. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS thanks for the photos of our bridge evening. It was a fun evening catching up. You too look great Pat. I think retirement is going well for you. Hugs, Janet Hi again, Penguin! Glad you enjoyed the snaps. Thanks for compliment. I cannot believe how fortunate we are to be retired. You should embark upon it as soon as possible! Cheers, Patrizzio!
[A newly liberated French citizen happily lights Winston Churchill’s Cigar (1944)]
Patrick, Thanks for the happy note! We certainly were elated over the report! It was so good to see you and Chloe. Enjoyed your chatter as always. It is pouring rain here and in Vancouver I gather - good days to stay inside with a good book. Love, Dawn Hi Donna Maria and Heraldo! Always a treat to hear from you, especially when it is pouring cats and dogs, in Vancouver, and we are suntanning here in Penticton! Cheers, Pushy Patrizzio, Not Yet Certified But Lady Dar's Petition is Before the Courts!
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Red Lentil Ragu Skillets |
Corinne, Patrick I'll make this Thursday!!Patrick James Dunn Sounds wonderful. When are arriving? Did you change your flight? Etta is confused!
Hi Patrick Hope that tiny fracture doesn't cause any problems. Glad the walking is ok. You know you are welcome to stay at our home even when we are away! Big storm last night and power outage in Skidegate. We were at Masset but had no internet till we arrived at our final lodgings tonight in Queen Charlotte city. The past 3 nights we stayed at Susan Musgrave's Copper Beach House. She surprised me with her homemade birthday cake.
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Construction of Mt. Rushmore National Memorial (1939) |
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