Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to
administer in his lifetime for the good of the community. -Andrew
Carnegie, industrialist (25 Nov 1835-1919)
Etta, a crepuscular animal
Daniele Paccaloni
Earlier this afternoon I swept up three large tubs
of oak leaves from front year. Cats were beside themselves, leaping and
dashing through the piles! Later on, I acted as a doorman, while at my
computer, opening the patio door for them as they bounded onto the
stairs to race around the
patio then back into the garage,
(through the new cat door we put in a couple of weeks ago, to play
follow the leader through the house, over furniture, stopping to play a
few hands of Solitaire on dining table, and then across our bed to charge back to my office to start the merry-go-round
put a fire on this evening, while making supper. Gorgeous day today,
sunny and warm when I was picking up leaves and then splitting a bit of
kindling, but as soon as early sun goes down it starts to cool off
quickly, as I'm sure you know. Plenty of things to watch on Netflix so will curl up with a cat or two, and possibly a bottle of malt!
Hi how are you? Spent day with Chloe had a good time went to Emily Carr school student art show. Then to see Fantastic beasts and downtown. Bought Chloe her Christmas present a coat on sale at bay-65% off. Then went to new brad Pitt film grade b movie. Tomorrow spending day with Robyn , Sunday 9:30 breakfast with Matt and catherine at their new place, 1 pm lu ch with Phil and then meeting Nancy and David for Jewish book festival event. Will probably see Joanne on Monday. Hope the cats are loving you up, Love Lady Dar
Hello Lady Darjeeling, et al! How de-loverly to receive your newsy
missive! How was the Coquihalla? Sounds like it will be pretty wintery
until sometime tomorrow! Apparently a veritable social whirlwind of
non-stop activity. I heard Katherine Monk just before 6:00 pm and she
reviewed Allied. She said she was very disappointed in the film,
given the talent in it. Apparently Brad has a terrible French-Canadian
accent. She really liked Moana however, so who can tell! How was Eddie Redmayne in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them?
Found out that when Pamela came down with a nasty flu bug Pam took the
opportunity to go to the community meeting regarding latest Skaha Lake
Park proposed development.
Must scour the local paper to see what has been decided.
With respect to my hip, had a great afternoon at my
React physio/rehab session yesterday afternoon. Did about an
hour, or so, of deep-water walking, with a flotation belt, plus
stretching exercises on the edge of the pool. Also took along my
Creature from the Black Lagoon webbed water gloves for more resistance. They worked well so am pleased about that. Enjoyed stints in the sauna, steam room and hot tub afterwards so massaged my muscles. [Did 75 minutes on
stationary bike, [watching a couple of episodes of
Narcos], so that exercise is still proceeding well.
in next door to speak to Amanda when I returned home. Gary was there
and when I mentioned asking Amanda/Kayla to take care of the felines
between the 22nd-27th, he said he would stay at our place, if it was
fine with you, since he was going to be next door over Christmas anyway.
Earlier this afternoon I swept up three large tubs of oak leaves from
front yard. Cats were beside themselves, leaping and dashing through the
piles of leaves, racing hither and yon like devishes! Amanda came home
for lunch just before I was finished and I mentioned that I had spoken
to Gary and wondered if this arrangement was fine with her. She said it
was. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable if such was the case. I
said I knew Etta and Duke would probably be happy to have the company
and she said Kayla would be delighted to spend time with them as well.
I was still outside when Amanda was about to leave for work and I heard her calling Roman to come
inside. Duke scored some cat treats, perched atop the fence, the ones
she was trying to lure Roman inside with! I asked her if she left the
front door open as I'd let him in if he was around when I'd finished outside. She
said she'd leave the side door open and when I went over about half an
hour later he was on side step. He ran under the caravan when I
approached but as soon as I went inside he dashed after me! Jasper was
very friendly but I didn't let him in as I wasn't sure what the protocol was as far as he was concerned.
phoned and he and Nancy would like us to come for dinner, tentatively
on Saturday, December 3rd. There is a "W" on the calendar for that date
so since I didn't know what it meant I said I would clear it with you
first. He also mentioned that they would be attending the Open House.
Put a fire on this evening, while making supper. Plenty of things to watch on Netflix so curled up with Duke, perched on my arm, while I finished Season 4 of Rectify. Must away as Duke is tearing my desk apart! [I suspect he is under orders from Lady Dar so that I'll have to work on office!] He and Etta are also worrying a ticket he managed to find in one of my trays. Fondestos to one and all. Etta and Duke miss you terribly, Lady Dar, even though they they smother me with love all night! Take care of each other.
Stay well and warm! Love and
Cheers, Patrizzio/Dad! Pics: Penticton Creek; Octopus Cat!
Hi Patrick, glad to hear you are enjoying the pool! The water gloves
are very cool. I take an aquafit class sometimes and one of the people
in the class wears those gloves. I find the deep water class enough of a
workout with out more resistance! keep up the physio, see you on the hiking, skiing, snowshoeing trails soon, Hanneke Hi Hanneke! In fact, the water
gloves don't make exercise as difficult as I supposed they would but I
agree, deep water workouts can be demanding. Will really need to spend
time in pool after today's breakfast. I met two friends at The Bellevue
this morning and polished off a Brie omelette! Delicious! I'll have to
chase the cats around the block, 100 times! See you soon. Cheers,
Hi Sandee! Try this after a bottle or two of wine! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Pat, I live in an almost permanent sauna since Em, my 21 year old cat, wants it warm. Don't forget to google: <Jane doe@Mycrankpots> I am spending a lot of enjoyable time keeping up on developments related to Alzheimer's. Sounds like your Christmas Season is nicely sorted out. Mine is too. Cheers, Bev Hi Sauna Woman! Glad your Christmas calendar is in order. For my part, really
enjoy spending time in the sauna at the community pool after my weekly React sessions. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Perpetual Motion People! Trust you are well, wherever you happen to be in space and time!
Fondestos to you both. Take care of each other.
Stay well and warm, or cool, as the case might be! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kevin! So far I have four friends, (including myself), who are interested in Grant's cask purchase program. Will you be sharing this offer with your members and those on the wait list? If not, I'm hoping to drum up 7 more investors so if you know of anyone who would be interested I'd appreciate you passing along my email address. Please let me know what you think. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!We currently have several Caledonian 30 L Cask offer circulating among SOWTS members gathering investors so I think it best not to promote the Dubh Glas offer for the time being. Good luck. Kevin Hi again, Kevin! Fair enough! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick Hope you are enjoying a pleasant Friday evening. Seems sad not to be able to come to your open house. But alas things are pretty chaotic around here and we don't even have our winter tires on the car yet. John and Yulin were here --John stayed longer almost 10 days and it was great to have him home. He is really happy and will get his PhD in June. The long road is over. He will continue as a post-doc at Dartmouth working with some other faculty members. Yulin has a couple of years left with her studies at Harvard so he would like to stay close by. However, he will be looking for academic positions continuously.
Eric will be coming home on Dec. 12 for a long stay as Princeton shuts down over the holidays so he is homeless. Any chance of you dropping by for a quick quick visit when you are in town?? Understand if it is not possible--maybe on your return?? Anyways please please keep in touch. Keep those hips a movin' and enjoy the California sunshine. Take care for now LOL Jo-Anne
Hi again, Jo-Anne! Terrific that you had such a good visit with John and Yulin and
that Homeless Boy Eric will be able to stay in a tent in your back yard
over hols! Thanks for invitation for a quick visit. Would love to do so
if time permits. As of this writing, we don't yet know precise dates we
will leave Penticton or return from Tinsel Town. Of course, will let you know once we know and we can plan accordingly. Fondestos to you both. Take care of each other.
Stay well and warm! Cheers, Patrizzio!