Saturday, 7 May 2016

SummerGate Winery New Release 2015 Moscato Frizzante Blues: May 7th

The soul is healed by being with children. -Fyodor Dostoyevsky, novelist (1821-1881) 

There are two things to aim at in life; first to get what you want, and after that to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second. -Logan Pearsall Smith, essayist (1865-1946)
Hello Gilliana and Bad Boy! Thanks again for such a wonderful ride! Really enjoyed each and every minute and I trust we'll continue such outings. However, completely forgot that we are in Vancouver next Friday so obviously I'm not available. I'll leave it to you two to decide what you might wish to do in my absence. I'm keen to ride on either Tuesday or Wednesday, (Hope I'll see you on Monday's hike.), if that works for either of you. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly.

Have included blow-by-blow account, with stats, of yesterday's ride, if interested! Thanks again and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Mother's Day Hikers! For those of you not at SummerGate today, I've included a short album of the more than lovely afternoon tasting. (Thanks for invitazzione Josinta/Aarturo!) Over the course of the time there, Famiglia Dronkers suggested that we rendezvous at the IGA Parking lot, at 10:00 am, instead of at Il Palazzo di Famiglia Dunn at 1086 Happy Valley Rd. If that meets with everyone's agreement, let's do that. If not send along what you'd prefer to do for carpooling.

On another matter, Spumoni, will you be able to pick me up at 9:30 am as Lady Darjeeling needs the car to attend service at Oasis? Please confirm. Thanks.

On yet another matter, bridge! Unfortunately Wednesday evening will not work for most of us, Michaelo, so we are planning to play, at our place, 611 Burns Street, at 6:30 pm. As agreed, everyone will make their own arrangements for dinner but we will have endless supplies of SummerGate hootch, purloined from this afternoon's event while Peraly Whites dazzled the security guards with his winning, but blinding, smile!

Look forward to seeing everyone domani. I plan to bring along some cards and we can play a few hands while sipping tea atop the mountain! Cheers, Three No Trump Patrizzio!

Hi Bridge Players! I just realized that I didn't mention, dope that I am, that Tuesday evening will be bridge night! Apologies and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick, As I mentioned at the wine tasting I won't be able to play on Tuesday, but Wednesday is good for me. Cheers Mike
Hi Corinne & Patrick, Thanks for the invite to the anniversary party. Barring something unexpected we will be there. See Patrick at the Scotch tasting next Friday as well.

We have a coupon for a couple of nights at Tinhorn Creek which we would like to use this summer (July?). When we are together we can discuss when you are likely to be around in Penticton and who knows we might even extend our stay a your place for a night or two. Trust all is well with you both. Safe travels to the Lower Mainland.....Paul



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