Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Jack Rabbit Slims Eastslide Blues: Wednesday, May 11th!

The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad. -Salvador Dali, painter (11 May 1904-1989)

Hi Commitment II People! Thanks for the lovely anniversary wishes. Terribly sorry you will miss the bash, however. Disappointed, as well, that at our busy schedule will not allow a visit across The Salish Sea, at least until September or early October. Perhaps we can arrange a "reunion" at that time!

The 100th Birthday Party you are planning/arranging for your dear Mom sounds more than wonderful! That is one party I'd love to attend! Congratulations to her and to the rest of the family!

You sound terrifically busy too. Unfortunate about Loretta's hip. I'm probably going to have my left one replaced in November but am still able to cycle and hike so am grateful for that. Funnily enough I worked with Seta Yeterian, at UBC. She is Armenian, from Beirut, originally, and was a close friend of Atom's and would often visit whenever he was in Vancouver, living, then, in LA, as I recall. I always found his films extremely interesting and provocative.

We need to import you to help us with our own rock project. Not as complicated as yours, I'm sure. More a series of borders. Soil here is extremely, and I mean "extremely" rocky and we "inherited" a front yard that was nothing but volcanic rock and a "stone stream" of sorts. Ornamental rocks, I speculate, were from excavation for crawl space when house was enlarged, about five years ago, we understand.) Not unhappy with it as we knew we'd change it, at some point. At any rate, a few weeks ago we created a number of small berms with plantings of cacti, English Lavender, and the like, as well as putting in a small, raised garden bed. (Have even had two dinners of greens from it so far!)

A few days ago city excavated a hole in our boulevard, in preparation for planting a tree there and on Monday night I dug through the mound to remove quite a few rocks to use in above-mentioned borders. A neighbour, Maureen, walking her dog, Bella, strolled by and mentioned that another neighbour, across the street, was putting in a fence and had a pile of stones that he didn't want. I borrowed a wheel-barrow from Amanda, our neighbour immediately to the north and collected about seven loads from Lyle. He even helped me lift the largest, small "boulder", into the barrow! Now it remains for Lady Dar to arrange them, using my brute strength under her close supervision, (According to her I possess an extremely limited aesthetic sense and is always reminding me of this, of course!), and we will pretty much finished this phase of the xeriscape landscaping project.

Must away as I need to ready myself for a ride this morning with Jack Rabbit Gill, (She is a sprite of a thing and I can't keep up with her on the hikes, in spite of the fact that she has had each knee replaced!), a friend from hiking group. We will head south, along Eastside Road, on the shore of Skaha, towards OK Falls. Then through the hamlet, (It is unincorporated.), on Oliver Ranch Road to do a loop past Blue Mountain, Stag's Hollow and Wild Goose wineries, wonderful all, before heading back to Penticton. Fondestos from a grumpy Lady Darjeeing, in her painting clothes, readying herself to continue dabbing paint on the back patio fence! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi guys, I can no longer access the invitation card, could you please send the particulars for Saturday’s party? Looking forward to it. Mwah! Agneta I just found it…see you Saturday. I told Patrick I’d bring an appy. Hi Memsahib Mwah! Glad you found address. We'd miss your fabulous hors d'oeuvres! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick and Corinne; Thanks so much for a lovely evening of bridge playing! I can't believe how badly I played and that won't be repeated! You are all very patient with me..... Have a great time in Yakima, Jos! Pam

Hi Spumoni et al! You didn't play at all badly, Spumoni, so please do not feel that you did. I made just as many "mistakes", probably more. That is the nature of the game and one of the reasons why it is wonderful to keep at it so as to learn from bidding or playing errors. Onward! Fight!! Watch out Josinta and Lady Dar as my partner and I are fighting mad now! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Dears, First of all, thank you for hosting the " bridgemania" in your lovely backyard. It really felt like back being home in The Netherlands in summertime. But...I think I left my reading glasses and notes behind. True? Wishing you both a romantic getaway,and we will see you soon after your 40th honeymoon. Jos an Aart

Hello The Sisterhood, Bad Boy and Guillermo! Great bridge night yesterday evening so thanks for cleaning our clocks, Josinta and Lady Dar! I know you left your bridge notes which I just burnt as you obviously don't need them! Mme Coriandre has so many pairs of glasses that I cannot honestly say if one of the six thousand, scattered around the house belongs to you! I'm sure she will be able to identify the lost pair once she returns from extended lunching and wine-sipping with Grandmothers for Africa!

On the riding front, had a more than fab excursion with Jack Rabbit Gilliana this morning. (You were sorely missed, Bad Boy!) Field Report below, if interested. Thanks so much for best wishes for our 40th. Plan to hike on Monday but I gather Famiglia Dronkers may not be back by then. At any rate, have a grand time in Yakima and we'll chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridgemaniacs; Biking, before and after!
Eastside Road Field Report:

Last night, had arranged for Jack Rabbit Slims to meet at our place at 10:00 am this morning and she arrived, on the dot. I was suited up, ready to roll, so after she used our bathroom and I took a few snaps we set off down Government. Knew we'd have our work cut out for us on outbound leg as wind was pretty strong, out of the south at 23 kph, and we battled along Eastside. Comfort Station Goil stopping once, to go into the bushes near a pull-out. I kept going, buffeted by the unrelenting blasts but she soon caught up to me, well before we turned off onto McLean Creek Road. Bit sheltered from the head wind here but only exchanged that small mercy for the good climb so it was a draw! 
One more stop, for Robo Woman, after we reached the top of the first long climb. Again, I kept going and had just circled back, near the horse ranch at the top, when my plucky companion was beside me again. Like this section as, usually, there is very little traffic so one can ride side-by-each and chat. Did jsut that and we were soon swooping down, past Peach Cliff, shouting at chap from Synchromesh, in his driveway, talking to someone, to stop lollygagging and get busy making wine! Once on Maple Street I asked JR how far she wanted to go and we decided to head out Oliver Ranch Road to loop back around Stag's Hollow and Wild Goose. 

So that is what we did, Gilliana stopping just down from the wineries to nibble on a few snacks while I cycled ahead, turning around to retrace my wheels, arriving just as she was ready to set off again. By now the wind was at our backs and we really flew along. Unfortunately, just at the corner of Maple and Eastside Speedy Gonzalez's chain came off so I circled back onto Maple while she donned the blue work gloves, (Carried precisely for such circumstances!), and worked on her chain. Had Bad Boy been with her I'm sure he would have offered to help her but, as you know, Dear Reader, I am not allowed to stop and touch The Dreaded Burning Ground!

Didn't take long for her to put things back in order and we were off less than two minutes later. Climb up the few hills out of OK Falls was made much easier with the wind helping us along and we almost flew down the last descent which bottoms at McLean Creek Rd. Another stop here as Gilliana needed to adjust her saddle. I circled, in the intersection there, but only once, as she was ready to speed off in a flash. From there, it was a race against the odometre as I was trying to achieve an AVG of 20 kph and reading was just over 18 kph at that point. Since the road is more or less on the flat, north of the turn-off to Blasted Church, all the way back to South Main, I felt I could make up the difference, given that my AVG was bouncing between 25 kph-33 kph. Selfish soul that I am, I pushed myself, leaving Jack Rabbit to fend for herself. 

All alone by the time I reached Skaha Lake Park where I circled in the marina parking lot a couple of times and then returned to South Main. Still no sight of the Iron Lady so I turned into the parking lot of the Sikh Temple there, circling in the large parking area until I caught sight of her plucky form making towards me. Reunited, we made our way to Government and I had registered 19.8 kph by the time we were heading north on it. Managed to hit all of the lights so didn't lose any speed dipsy-doodling and, pleased as punch, pulled into our back yard with an Avg of 20.1 kph, Jack Rabbit Slims right on my tail! I let her in to use the bathroom while I took her bike out front so she could load it back into her car. A few more snaps and kisses goodbye, making plans to hike on Monday and bike on Tuesday and she was off! Great ride, physically, but also loads and loads of fun as Gilliana can give Chatterbox Mary a run for her money any day of the week! Map and Stats for ride:

MAYO CLINIC - DRINKING WATER A cardiologist determined that heart attacks can be triggered by dehydration.

How many folks do you know who say they don't want to drink anything before going to bed because they'll have to get up during the night?

Heart Attack and Water - Drinking one glass of water before going to bed avoids stroke or heart attack. Something else I didn't know ... I asked my Doctor why people need to urinate so much at night time. Answer from my Cardiac Doctor: Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc.) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier.

Correct time to drink water... Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!
Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body:
2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack

I can also add to this... My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.

Hi Aqua Fiends! Does that mean I should add a few drops of water to the malt I'll be tasting at a Dram Come True this coming Friday?? Sláinte, Patrizzio!

Hello Tanya and Guillermo! I must apologize for not including you both in the mailing below. Have enjoyed  meeting your lovely friend Nele, on Monday's hike and yesterday's ride. On another matter, sincere condolences, Tanya, on the death of your father. Know we grieve with you and for you. All the best, Patrizzio!

Hello Bad Tattoo Pizza People! You Flatlanders and Tuesday Bikers are all the same, the exercise is just an excuse for extended, boozy lunches! No wonder Lady Dar likes the former so much!!! Guillermo and I certainly enjoy being included so thanks for having us along! I rode with Gilliana this morning and she thinks Filippo may well join Tuesday outing now that we have broken the barrier!!! The Brotherhood has plans to take over so watch out! I gather I'll see you at the Knitting Bee this evening, Hell-Bent. Lady Dar has already informed me, in no uncertain terms, that I'm to serve wine and hors d'oeuvres! Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Hi Murielle! Thank you for the kind words regarding the snaps. Much appreciated. I certainly enjoyed both hikes immensely and hope to join as many as possible, whenever we are in town. Off to Vancouver, tomorrow, for the weekend but will be back on Sunday so planning to go on Monday's hike.

Spumoni was here this evening, along with Michelle Dunn, (no relation), as Lady Dar is in a knitting group and it met here tonight. I gather somewhere on Skaha Bluffs is destination for Monday's trek. Rest your sore muscles and we'll scamper up the bluffs together! Cheers, Patrizzio! Knitting Group: Spumoni, Michelle and Lady Darjeeling!  

I wish I could say I will be there on Monday,...however I have a commitment to be at someone's surprise 80th birthday party for 5 pm and I plan to be on the road by 0800 the next day Tuesday heading East towards the Manitoba border
Takes a good 2 day drive so will see where I'm at with my packing as of Monday!!!... Maybe I can be packed and ready to go by Sunday evening!!
I would love to go on another hike before I hit the flat prairies!!!:-)
Have a nice time in Vancouver!! safely!!.. Regards,....Murielle

Patrick you are too funny!!...Blond Bombshell!!...Ha!Ha! hA!...I'll take it as a compliment!! Anyway I had quite a few laughs as I was reading your descriptive adventure of our Monday's hike I didn't realize I was such a reckless driver!!....anyway I got you there and back safe!!... You are amazing though at remembering and writing detailed excerpts as we trodded up and down MT Conkle and taking Tons of photos at the same time You are an accomplished multitasking individual!! Anyways wanted to Thank you once again for the well written story and the beautiful photography!! Cheerios!!....Murielle

Hi Paolo, et al! Not sure if you were including us for meal at Luke's. If so thanks for the thought but we will be having a bite at Sarge's, as mentioned, beforehand. Not sure if we will have someone to drive us to Hycroft or if we will take a cab. At any rate, we'll plan to be there when doors are thrown open to hoi polloi!

You are certainly welcome to join us at the Bistro Wagon Rouge on Saturday. No reservations there so we'll might have to wait. [Chloë would you mind scoping this out and perhaps use our 40th anniversary as a way around this policy!] Otherwise, we can drink hootch, concealed in a brown paper bag, outside restaurant, on sidewalk, until a table is free or we are too drunk to care about eating! 

Must away as I need to hit the pillows as I haven't even started packing and must be up quite early, as a result. Am beat after a grand ride today so not at all unhappy. As well, we are in no particular rush to leave as I don't believe we can check-in to the New West Waldorf much before mid-afternoon anyway. Cheers for now, Patrizzio!
See you at Hycroft Patrick. Just talked with Kjell and I'll give you an update when we meet up. Cheers....Paul Rice safely. See you soon. Would love to join you Joanne

Hi PDEDC! I have tried to complete the survey but cannot do so. Let me know what to do. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

404 - File or directory not found.

The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Hi Patrick, Thank you for letting me know. I will look into it and see what I can find out:) Kristina 

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