The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look
at the men he has around him. -Niccolo Machiavelli, political
philosopher and author (3 May 1469-1527)
Patrick, You are delightful in your essays on your days. You make life sound pretty darn good. Great photos too. Boy you sure have settled into Penticton and area nicely!
We are looking at a possible trip to the Okanagan some time this spring but will certainly let you know if and when we do so. We actually went to Calgary last week for an opera as our good friend’s daughter was Queen of the Night in the MAGIC FLUTE. We are not opera fans but did marvel at Ambur and we think she has tremendous stage presence plus an exceptional voice. We drove there and back but were on a tight time frame as we were flying home from Vancouver so didn’t even dip down to your area but instead went from Kamloops on the freeway. Are Chloe and Ayn and family coming up for your anniversary party? Cheers, Dawn
As my legs were still a tad weary after the Monday "expedition" I was more than delighted to join Colonel Klink and The Sisterhood this morning for one of their regular rides. We met at the dog park, (I rode from our place as it is only about 10-15 minutes away.), near Windsor Plywood, at 9:00 am and once all the Goils who were riding, were there, we rode along Green Mountain Road and then turned south along Penticton IB Road to make, eventually for Skaha Lake Park. Did a circuit here and then back north along the bike path, parallel to the Channel.
I had never cycled on the path here before so it was a route I wanted to become familiar with. We went north until we crossed the bridge/floodgates where the channel starts. The water was roaring underneath us so I was pleased to see this aspect of the water control system. Along Lakeshore Boardwalk to the small lookout off Marina Way where School Teacher Schneider gave us a fascinating account of the history and development of the lakeshore around and near the Art Gallery.
She pointed out the house, on Vancouver Ave, I believe, where she had lived. She said she used to walk down to the lake and swim there, something she did religiously for thirty years! I did not know that this area of town was an industrial park, more or less. There was a CN station here and numerous warehouses/stores which took goods barged down from Kelowna. Twenty or so years ago, she said that during the winter the barges were pushed up onto the ice which covered the lake from about Summerland south, (Talk about climate change!), by tugs, acting as their own icebreakers! One year the weight of the barge couldn't crush through the ice and the barge remained, marooned, until the spring thaw!
After we had the obligatory quiz, (Colonel Klink is a stickler at briefings!), we proceeded to the Penticton Tennis Club. Jos had never been here before and she is a tennis fiend! After thanking everyone, I left the gang there and cycled up Ellis back home. Gilliana accompanied me as she had parked her car near our place and she needed to be back home. Mary Lee had organized a luncheon to celebrate Robo Robson's birthday, at noon, at their place up above Township 7 somewhere, (I've never been.), so she only had an hour to ready herself for party! Mary Lee came to collect Lady Dar at 11:30 am as she was on the guest list as well. I tried to inveigle myself into the celebration but The Sisterhood would have none of it!
Hello to The Sisterhood! Thanks very much for allowing me to join you on the wonderful ride and history lesson! (Please pass along message to Renée as I don't have her email address.) Great good fun and what an added bonus to learn more about Penticton! Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: I've include Lady Dar and parts of her garden in album as I took the snaps while we were waiting for Mary Lee to collect her for birthday lunch, to which I was not invited, I might forcefully remind everyone! Stats for ride:
Thx for photos Patrick and nice garden Corinne bye for now Gill Thanks Patrick, what a great place to live and Play. Klink
Hello Boithday Goil! I gather the party was well attended and much fun. Knowing this makes me even grumpier not to have been invited!!! Glad you enjoyed my snaps, nevertheless.
I'm delighted to be riding with you on Friday. I have an appointment with my barber at 2:00 pm so I'd like to go around 10:00 am, if that is convenient for you. As mentioned, we could meet at Township 7 then and proceed towards Naramata Village. I've invited Bad Boy to join us if he is free and interested. Told him I'd like to make Indian Rock my destination and that on our past ride you waited at the turn-off to Chute Lake while I have gone all the way to the community below, cattle guards be damned! Anyway, let me know your thoughts and we'll plan accordingly.
I had a glorious ride with Bad Boy today. My biased, skewed account of today's ride, below, if interested. I plan to hike with Tyrannosaurus Tinka tomorrow. Hello to the Toothless Wonder! All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dearest Host Vati! I'm booking my flight to Vancouver tomorrow, so I'll be arriving somewhen around the 2nd of July
I might be able to stay with a friend downtown and maybe the Sutherlands will take a backpacking refugee for a few days too...☺️ I texted with Nicolina and they're planning on going to Oakanagen on the 15th of July so I might join them. When will be the best time for me to visit you guys? And what's the best way to get to your place?
I'd love to go on a bike tour with you or do some hiking if your old heart is still up for it?;) Can't wait to see you both again! Trust you are well. Fondestos, you cruel Host Daughter
Sorry if you are getting this twice. Pam Greetings to all Gentle Breeze hikers: There is going to be a GB alternative to the regular OF hike this Thursday, May 5th. If you are interested in coming along, please, respond to me by Wed. midnight. The area we will be going to is not particularly environmentally vulnerable, so we could be a larger group. Details: · Meet at the Summerland IGA at 9:00 · Carpool and drive to the Rippley’s gate (Start of our X-mas picnic hike) · Hike to the SE to a point overlooking Deer Ridge · Loop back by a different route · Slow and easy, 3 hrs max · Refreshments anywhere except GO – we don’t like them any more I wonder how many we will be…Cheers, Al
Patrick, You are delightful in your essays on your days. You make life sound pretty darn good. Great photos too. Boy you sure have settled into Penticton and area nicely!
We are looking at a possible trip to the Okanagan some time this spring but will certainly let you know if and when we do so. We actually went to Calgary last week for an opera as our good friend’s daughter was Queen of the Night in the MAGIC FLUTE. We are not opera fans but did marvel at Ambur and we think she has tremendous stage presence plus an exceptional voice. We drove there and back but were on a tight time frame as we were flying home from Vancouver so didn’t even dip down to your area but instead went from Kamloops on the freeway. Are Chloe and Ayn and family coming up for your anniversary party? Cheers, Dawn
As my legs were still a tad weary after the Monday "expedition" I was more than delighted to join Colonel Klink and The Sisterhood this morning for one of their regular rides. We met at the dog park, (I rode from our place as it is only about 10-15 minutes away.), near Windsor Plywood, at 9:00 am and once all the Goils who were riding, were there, we rode along Green Mountain Road and then turned south along Penticton IB Road to make, eventually for Skaha Lake Park. Did a circuit here and then back north along the bike path, parallel to the Channel.
I had never cycled on the path here before so it was a route I wanted to become familiar with. We went north until we crossed the bridge/floodgates where the channel starts. The water was roaring underneath us so I was pleased to see this aspect of the water control system. Along Lakeshore Boardwalk to the small lookout off Marina Way where School Teacher Schneider gave us a fascinating account of the history and development of the lakeshore around and near the Art Gallery.
She pointed out the house, on Vancouver Ave, I believe, where she had lived. She said she used to walk down to the lake and swim there, something she did religiously for thirty years! I did not know that this area of town was an industrial park, more or less. There was a CN station here and numerous warehouses/stores which took goods barged down from Kelowna. Twenty or so years ago, she said that during the winter the barges were pushed up onto the ice which covered the lake from about Summerland south, (Talk about climate change!), by tugs, acting as their own icebreakers! One year the weight of the barge couldn't crush through the ice and the barge remained, marooned, until the spring thaw!
After we had the obligatory quiz, (Colonel Klink is a stickler at briefings!), we proceeded to the Penticton Tennis Club. Jos had never been here before and she is a tennis fiend! After thanking everyone, I left the gang there and cycled up Ellis back home. Gilliana accompanied me as she had parked her car near our place and she needed to be back home. Mary Lee had organized a luncheon to celebrate Robo Robson's birthday, at noon, at their place up above Township 7 somewhere, (I've never been.), so she only had an hour to ready herself for party! Mary Lee came to collect Lady Dar at 11:30 am as she was on the guest list as well. I tried to inveigle myself into the celebration but The Sisterhood would have none of it!
Hello to The Sisterhood! Thanks very much for allowing me to join you on the wonderful ride and history lesson! (Please pass along message to Renée as I don't have her email address.) Great good fun and what an added bonus to learn more about Penticton! Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: I've include Lady Dar and parts of her garden in album as I took the snaps while we were waiting for Mary Lee to collect her for birthday lunch, to which I was not invited, I might forcefully remind everyone! Stats for ride:
Thx for photos Patrick and nice garden Corinne bye for now Gill Thanks Patrick, what a great place to live and Play. Klink
Hello Boithday Goil! I gather the party was well attended and much fun. Knowing this makes me even grumpier not to have been invited!!! Glad you enjoyed my snaps, nevertheless.
I'm delighted to be riding with you on Friday. I have an appointment with my barber at 2:00 pm so I'd like to go around 10:00 am, if that is convenient for you. As mentioned, we could meet at Township 7 then and proceed towards Naramata Village. I've invited Bad Boy to join us if he is free and interested. Told him I'd like to make Indian Rock my destination and that on our past ride you waited at the turn-off to Chute Lake while I have gone all the way to the community below, cattle guards be damned! Anyway, let me know your thoughts and we'll plan accordingly.
I had a glorious ride with Bad Boy today. My biased, skewed account of today's ride, below, if interested. I plan to hike with Tyrannosaurus Tinka tomorrow. Hello to the Toothless Wonder! All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Nadienka Wyss |
Dearest Host Vati! I'm booking my flight to Vancouver tomorrow, so I'll be arriving somewhen around the 2nd of July

I'd love to go on a bike tour with you or do some hiking if your old heart is still up for it?;) Can't wait to see you both again! Trust you are well. Fondestos, you cruel Host Daughter
Sorry if you are getting this twice. Pam Greetings to all Gentle Breeze hikers: There is going to be a GB alternative to the regular OF hike this Thursday, May 5th. If you are interested in coming along, please, respond to me by Wed. midnight. The area we will be going to is not particularly environmentally vulnerable, so we could be a larger group. Details: · Meet at the Summerland IGA at 9:00 · Carpool and drive to the Rippley’s gate (Start of our X-mas picnic hike) · Hike to the SE to a point overlooking Deer Ridge · Loop back by a different route · Slow and easy, 3 hrs max · Refreshments anywhere except GO – we don’t like them any more I wonder how many we will be…Cheers, Al
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