What's madness but nobility of soul at odds with circumstance? -Theodore Roethke, poet (25 May 1908-1963)
P Dunn, DO you ever sleep?? Hello Rancher Jake! Great to hear from you. Trust all goes well. No, I try not to sleep as there is simply too, too much to do and see. [Was back at Terravista, on Sunday, tasting wine and inspecting stone walls, with friends visiting from Vancouver.] As well, Lady Darjeeling's list of chores is endless! Where have you been? Haven't seen you at last couple of Farmer's Markets. Fondestos from Cora Lee, off with The Flatlanders, to you and Virginia. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Sunset from Robson's Redoubt, off Spiller Road, last night, playing bridge with Spumoni!
PD I sell books in the Three Block Main Street, Sat. AM DBJS Dear DBJS! Good, we'll look for you, Mary Scorer! PAMJD!
Yes good idea Renee sounds great to me too. Kathy would you be able to pick me up at the bottom of our road near the mailboxes as Phil may want to use the car that day? If you do this tuesday I can take you on the next one. Gill I've added Liz and Barb to the list now. For sure Gill. We can talk about time when we know where we are going. If we go to Oliver, we might want to meet at the dog park earlier, say 8:30. Kathy so, Black Sage Road next Tuesday, May 31? I love that ride, count me in. I have room for another bike or two, but would like to start from my house. Hanneke
Barb thx for email. I've put you on the Tuesday biking list. I'm good for Friday am. Is everyone good to do Naramata road to the village and beach? Let's start at Township 7 winery at 10am. Okay? Barb, if you start there I think it'll be only a little longer than 1 hour and half return but someone may know better. If you start in town definately longer. Patrick do you come along Upper bench road as I may set off earlier and come down to meet you on my bike?
Patrick can you send me Ken's email for the future and we'll send this to him. Don't know if he's back. I'll phone Rob and try get his email for future. bye Gill
Hello Tuesday No-Trumpers, et al! Thanks, so much, to Famiglia Robson, for hosting last evening. It was made even more enjoyable, nay spectacular, given the truly incredible sunset we were privileged to witness as Lady Dar and Phlegmatic Phil thoroughly trounced The Thomson/Thompson Twins and Patrizzio, without allowing them a single game! Well done, Sadistic Spadesters!
Now, on to more pleasant matters! I usually ride up Vancouver Avenue, Jack Rabbit, so we could meet on Middle Bench and do a few loops until it is time to rendezvous with the rest at Township 7. Just let me know what time, this Friday, to be on Middle Bench and I'll be there.
As you can see, I've included Bad Boy in this message so you can add him to your contact list. I thought I had Robertito's email address but don't so I'd appreciate it when you have it. Thanks again, to both of you, for terrific evening. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, I love the sky photos. We have been busy with family visitors and tennis. All is well! We will try to make it out on the odd Thursday hike. Cheers,
Tim and Marian Hi Tennis Bums et al! Sounds as if you folk have been pretty busy of late! Buona Fortuna with orthotics, Tiny! Glad you enjoyed the snaps of the clouds/sky. Must say that last night, sunset, seen from the deck, where we were playing bridge, at Robson's Redoubt, off Spiller, above Naramata Road, in case you've not been to their lovely home, was nothing less than spectacular. As we bid and watched the light show unfold, we thought of all you high falutin', uppity, uppity Summerlandians, bathed in gold! No wonder you're so wealthy! You just go to the end of your garden and dig up as many nuggets as you need, for a head of lettuce, a flagon of wine, a hogshead of Ardbeg or a Mercedes, doesn't really matter!
Do hope we'll see you on the occasional Thursday hike, Famiglia Dunn. Take care of yourselves. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello my Malt lovin duo. I thought you might be interested in this!! Slainte!! love Jane xxoo
Hi Malt Bums et al! Thanks for sending along the malt quiz, Calamity! According to result I'm a Macallan 10 but it really is a bit too, too anaemic for my liking. In fact, I just used my last bottle to clean the chains on both my Trek and Brodie. Speedy, neighbour's dog, licked both frames clean so I didn't even need to wipe them down! When are you coming back? [When are you visiting, Famiglia Banks?] Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling, off to knitting class with Spumoni and Michelle Dunn, my independently wealthy, half-sister who refuses to acknowledge our common parentage! Time to call Cudgel Man for a bit or persuasion, don't you think! Take care of yourselves. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, I have Colleen on facebook, but I need her personal e-mail so we
can talk details about the weekend later this summer. If you could please pass
this message onto her that would be great and appreciated.
Hopefully, all is well in Penticton, we had a lovely weekend at the lake with
Niki and Nigel and Rick's parents despite some very rainy periods. We did
manage to golf and plant some flowers before the groundhogs started to munch
on them. There are way too many of them this year so I think all the lovely colour I put in will be a quick meal for them. This is the first time in a few years that they've been this abundant. Oh well, we might have to hire someone like in the Bill Murray movie to cure the problem, but then we know how that all turned out. I'll have to do some research on nasty tasting flowers that they won't devour.
Also, we just got broken into while we were away and our neighbours did, too.
There has been an increase in B&E's recently in town which is a bit unnerving.
We've talked to the neighbours and now everyone is on the lookout. We can only hope that they are able to catch the perpetrators soon. Ruth
Hi Ruthless, Marilyn and Stanchion Man! Great to see everyone at the bash! So pleased you were able to join us and thanks for the wonderful wine, as well! I do apologize for taking so long to send along the album. No excuses but plenty of reasons, primarily back-to-back Freeloaders ever since we returned home! Had a wonderful, wonderful anniversary weekend, right through Thursday to Sunday, so feel very, very fortunate indeed, to be surrounded by such dear, dear generous friends.
Terribly sorry to hear about your nasty burglary, Ruthless! What a drag indeed. You might remember we suffered a break-in, ourselves, while at the Squamish Waldorf, when still at Harbour Terrace. You probably need a good lawyer but I hear they are few and far between, perhaps non-existent, in Squamish! On a less disturbing, but highly annoying matter, too, too bad about the devastation wreaked by the groundhogs. Peter, our friend in Naramata, has taken to trapping marmots, [They make a mess of his vineyard!] and releasing them, in the bush, miles from where they live! Perhaps you should start catching the critters and bbq-ing the little beggars, especially when we next visit!
Speaking of which, you will see that I've included The Sunshine Valley people in message so I'll let you coordinate The Little Shuswap Fandangdo! Marilyn, for your part, please let us know what your plans are for a return to The Burns Street Gin Joint and Hot Sheets Hotel so that we can plan accordingly. Will be in touch, over the next little while, but unless you two plan to head up to the Okanagan before we leave for Winnipeg on June 8th, I don't think our paths will cross, at least in Vancouver, until Folk Fest weekend, mid-July, when we'll be back in town. Back in Penticton by end of June.
Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling, off to knitting class with Spumoni and Michelle Dunn, my independently wealthy, half-sister who refuses to acknowledge our common parentage! Better Call Ricardo, [Is that a Netflix spinoff?], don't you think! Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Sunset from Robson's Redoubt!
Pat, Spectacular photos Patrick. The title is interesting as that's the surname of the friend coming from England in August. Sylvia is in England at the moment about to take off to Berlin with Jenny for the weekend . Her brother Alan's daughter, Amanda, lives there.
Sylvia will meet up with Jim Robson on the outskirts of London, when she returns from her weekend. They usually do a bit of walking together and a pub lunch whenever she visits.
We haven't finalized summer plans yet, although Sylvia's other brother, Ed, told me I'm going to Kimberley on Sept. 3rd. News to me as I have 2 friends staying here at that time and I must consider them first. I would prefer the Okanagen but Sylvia probably wants to visit family. I'd like to get back onto the KVR trails. Not sure what Jim's condition is a the present time as he has had some knee problems and he's 76. Has always been in great shape, so we'll see. I'll have to talk with those involved - Sylvia of course, and Jim and Ken and try and make some definite arrangements.
Invited to the Carters' on Saturday night for dinner and the final of the English rugby. You certainly appear to have settled into your new environment extremely well. The traffic here seems to more dense every time I venture out. Even 16th Avenue between Arbutus and Dunbar is horrible anywhere from 3 to 6pm. Regards to Corinne. Ray
Hi Raymond! Terrific to hear from you. I knew that Sylvia was in England but thought she might be back by now. Glad you enjoyed the snaps. Earlier the same day, I joined The Sisterhood on the KVR. Not sure if you have ridden this section but it is lovely. Perfect for Sylvia if she doesn't want but a ride on the flat. You both may well know it, however.
You are always welcome to stay so if things work out, please do. Know how you feel, with so many social demands. I thought we were supposed to have nothing but time on our hands, post-retirement! Must away as Lady Dar is just back from her knitting bee and we are to watch a few episodes of Outlander. Do you know it? I quite like it and enjoy the "time-travel". Done quite well, I think, particularly Black Jack Randall who is a wonderful villain in Bonnie Prince Charlie's time but a loving husband in the "present", England/Scotland after World War II. Cheers for now, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Thanks very much for the awesome bridge, and the hike chronicles. I admire your sense of humor :-) Indeed we live in here like our postal code says ( V0H ) - in valley of heaven. Cheers, Mike
Hello V0H Person! Thanks for tip on postal code! How did the estimate on your deck go? I joined The Sisterhood on the KVR Tuesday so you should join us as the rides are usually on the flat and might not be too, too stressful for your shoulder.
Must away as I've a few things to do to get ready for Tyrant Tinka's hike tomorrow. We are off to climb Mount Laidlaw, parking near the gas station close to Twin Lakes. Especially looking forward to it as I've not done any trekking in this area so far. Will be in touch about bridge next week as I'll be seeing The Thomson/Thompson Twins ithat morning and we'll chat about where, etc. Cheers for now, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick and Corinne Loved photos of your garden😍 We are in Swan Hill visiting Kirsty and Chris, sussing out the renovations to their store. Today we are off to Echuca for a few days. Au revoir Teens and Trevorino
Hello Big Mac People! Terrific to hear from you and see the inside of the franchise! Please pass along fond regards to the independently wealthy owners! I joined The Sisterhood on the KVR yesterday so you should come to visit when we can ride! Perfect for anyone who doesn't want but a ride on the flat. Have a fab time in Echuca. Cheers, Patrizzio!
John Keogh Hey Patrick how are you? I see you do a lot of Cycling. Good man, I'm no stranger to my beer but turning 40 I do believe that health is wealth. Have you any plans to return to Ireland? I've been busy last two years with a great guitar duo project, I've found it really fulfilling and have pushed myself hard. Music is a mixture of originals and cheeky pop covers of classics by Stevie wonder , the police and Chaka Khan. If you fancy a copy please support us and visit our website. It's www.julienandjohn.com, just click album and abroad on PayPal and it's off to sea. Haha. Not on iTunes yet but beautiful artwork to accompany music. Hope life is well. Regards. John keogh
P Dunn, DO you ever sleep?? Hello Rancher Jake! Great to hear from you. Trust all goes well. No, I try not to sleep as there is simply too, too much to do and see. [Was back at Terravista, on Sunday, tasting wine and inspecting stone walls, with friends visiting from Vancouver.] As well, Lady Darjeeling's list of chores is endless! Where have you been? Haven't seen you at last couple of Farmer's Markets. Fondestos from Cora Lee, off with The Flatlanders, to you and Virginia. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Sunset from Robson's Redoubt, off Spiller Road, last night, playing bridge with Spumoni!
PD I sell books in the Three Block Main Street, Sat. AM DBJS Dear DBJS! Good, we'll look for you, Mary Scorer! PAMJD!
Yes good idea Renee sounds great to me too. Kathy would you be able to pick me up at the bottom of our road near the mailboxes as Phil may want to use the car that day? If you do this tuesday I can take you on the next one. Gill I've added Liz and Barb to the list now. For sure Gill. We can talk about time when we know where we are going. If we go to Oliver, we might want to meet at the dog park earlier, say 8:30. Kathy so, Black Sage Road next Tuesday, May 31? I love that ride, count me in. I have room for another bike or two, but would like to start from my house. Hanneke
Barb thx for email. I've put you on the Tuesday biking list. I'm good for Friday am. Is everyone good to do Naramata road to the village and beach? Let's start at Township 7 winery at 10am. Okay? Barb, if you start there I think it'll be only a little longer than 1 hour and half return but someone may know better. If you start in town definately longer. Patrick do you come along Upper bench road as I may set off earlier and come down to meet you on my bike?
Patrick can you send me Ken's email for the future and we'll send this to him. Don't know if he's back. I'll phone Rob and try get his email for future. bye Gill
Hello Tuesday No-Trumpers, et al! Thanks, so much, to Famiglia Robson, for hosting last evening. It was made even more enjoyable, nay spectacular, given the truly incredible sunset we were privileged to witness as Lady Dar and Phlegmatic Phil thoroughly trounced The Thomson/Thompson Twins and Patrizzio, without allowing them a single game! Well done, Sadistic Spadesters!
Now, on to more pleasant matters! I usually ride up Vancouver Avenue, Jack Rabbit, so we could meet on Middle Bench and do a few loops until it is time to rendezvous with the rest at Township 7. Just let me know what time, this Friday, to be on Middle Bench and I'll be there.
As you can see, I've included Bad Boy in this message so you can add him to your contact list. I thought I had Robertito's email address but don't so I'd appreciate it when you have it. Thanks again, to both of you, for terrific evening. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, I love the sky photos. We have been busy with family visitors and tennis. All is well! We will try to make it out on the odd Thursday hike. Cheers,
Tim and Marian Hi Tennis Bums et al! Sounds as if you folk have been pretty busy of late! Buona Fortuna with orthotics, Tiny! Glad you enjoyed the snaps of the clouds/sky. Must say that last night, sunset, seen from the deck, where we were playing bridge, at Robson's Redoubt, off Spiller, above Naramata Road, in case you've not been to their lovely home, was nothing less than spectacular. As we bid and watched the light show unfold, we thought of all you high falutin', uppity, uppity Summerlandians, bathed in gold! No wonder you're so wealthy! You just go to the end of your garden and dig up as many nuggets as you need, for a head of lettuce, a flagon of wine, a hogshead of Ardbeg or a Mercedes, doesn't really matter!
Do hope we'll see you on the occasional Thursday hike, Famiglia Dunn. Take care of yourselves. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello my Malt lovin duo. I thought you might be interested in this!! Slainte!! love Jane xxoo
Hi Malt Bums et al! Thanks for sending along the malt quiz, Calamity! According to result I'm a Macallan 10 but it really is a bit too, too anaemic for my liking. In fact, I just used my last bottle to clean the chains on both my Trek and Brodie. Speedy, neighbour's dog, licked both frames clean so I didn't even need to wipe them down! When are you coming back? [When are you visiting, Famiglia Banks?] Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling, off to knitting class with Spumoni and Michelle Dunn, my independently wealthy, half-sister who refuses to acknowledge our common parentage! Time to call Cudgel Man for a bit or persuasion, don't you think! Take care of yourselves. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, I have Colleen on facebook, but I need her personal e-mail so we
can talk details about the weekend later this summer. If you could please pass
this message onto her that would be great and appreciated.
Hopefully, all is well in Penticton, we had a lovely weekend at the lake with
Niki and Nigel and Rick's parents despite some very rainy periods. We did
manage to golf and plant some flowers before the groundhogs started to munch
on them. There are way too many of them this year so I think all the lovely colour I put in will be a quick meal for them. This is the first time in a few years that they've been this abundant. Oh well, we might have to hire someone like in the Bill Murray movie to cure the problem, but then we know how that all turned out. I'll have to do some research on nasty tasting flowers that they won't devour.
Also, we just got broken into while we were away and our neighbours did, too.
There has been an increase in B&E's recently in town which is a bit unnerving.
We've talked to the neighbours and now everyone is on the lookout. We can only hope that they are able to catch the perpetrators soon. Ruth
Hi Ruthless, Marilyn and Stanchion Man! Great to see everyone at the bash! So pleased you were able to join us and thanks for the wonderful wine, as well! I do apologize for taking so long to send along the album. No excuses but plenty of reasons, primarily back-to-back Freeloaders ever since we returned home! Had a wonderful, wonderful anniversary weekend, right through Thursday to Sunday, so feel very, very fortunate indeed, to be surrounded by such dear, dear generous friends.
Terribly sorry to hear about your nasty burglary, Ruthless! What a drag indeed. You might remember we suffered a break-in, ourselves, while at the Squamish Waldorf, when still at Harbour Terrace. You probably need a good lawyer but I hear they are few and far between, perhaps non-existent, in Squamish! On a less disturbing, but highly annoying matter, too, too bad about the devastation wreaked by the groundhogs. Peter, our friend in Naramata, has taken to trapping marmots, [They make a mess of his vineyard!] and releasing them, in the bush, miles from where they live! Perhaps you should start catching the critters and bbq-ing the little beggars, especially when we next visit!
Speaking of which, you will see that I've included The Sunshine Valley people in message so I'll let you coordinate The Little Shuswap Fandangdo! Marilyn, for your part, please let us know what your plans are for a return to The Burns Street Gin Joint and Hot Sheets Hotel so that we can plan accordingly. Will be in touch, over the next little while, but unless you two plan to head up to the Okanagan before we leave for Winnipeg on June 8th, I don't think our paths will cross, at least in Vancouver, until Folk Fest weekend, mid-July, when we'll be back in town. Back in Penticton by end of June.
Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling, off to knitting class with Spumoni and Michelle Dunn, my independently wealthy, half-sister who refuses to acknowledge our common parentage! Better Call Ricardo, [Is that a Netflix spinoff?], don't you think! Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Sunset from Robson's Redoubt!
Pat, Spectacular photos Patrick. The title is interesting as that's the surname of the friend coming from England in August. Sylvia is in England at the moment about to take off to Berlin with Jenny for the weekend . Her brother Alan's daughter, Amanda, lives there.
Sylvia will meet up with Jim Robson on the outskirts of London, when she returns from her weekend. They usually do a bit of walking together and a pub lunch whenever she visits.
We haven't finalized summer plans yet, although Sylvia's other brother, Ed, told me I'm going to Kimberley on Sept. 3rd. News to me as I have 2 friends staying here at that time and I must consider them first. I would prefer the Okanagen but Sylvia probably wants to visit family. I'd like to get back onto the KVR trails. Not sure what Jim's condition is a the present time as he has had some knee problems and he's 76. Has always been in great shape, so we'll see. I'll have to talk with those involved - Sylvia of course, and Jim and Ken and try and make some definite arrangements.
Invited to the Carters' on Saturday night for dinner and the final of the English rugby. You certainly appear to have settled into your new environment extremely well. The traffic here seems to more dense every time I venture out. Even 16th Avenue between Arbutus and Dunbar is horrible anywhere from 3 to 6pm. Regards to Corinne. Ray
Hi Raymond! Terrific to hear from you. I knew that Sylvia was in England but thought she might be back by now. Glad you enjoyed the snaps. Earlier the same day, I joined The Sisterhood on the KVR. Not sure if you have ridden this section but it is lovely. Perfect for Sylvia if she doesn't want but a ride on the flat. You both may well know it, however.
You are always welcome to stay so if things work out, please do. Know how you feel, with so many social demands. I thought we were supposed to have nothing but time on our hands, post-retirement! Must away as Lady Dar is just back from her knitting bee and we are to watch a few episodes of Outlander. Do you know it? I quite like it and enjoy the "time-travel". Done quite well, I think, particularly Black Jack Randall who is a wonderful villain in Bonnie Prince Charlie's time but a loving husband in the "present", England/Scotland after World War II. Cheers for now, Patrizzio!
Hello V0H Person! Thanks for tip on postal code! How did the estimate on your deck go? I joined The Sisterhood on the KVR Tuesday so you should join us as the rides are usually on the flat and might not be too, too stressful for your shoulder.
Must away as I've a few things to do to get ready for Tyrant Tinka's hike tomorrow. We are off to climb Mount Laidlaw, parking near the gas station close to Twin Lakes. Especially looking forward to it as I've not done any trekking in this area so far. Will be in touch about bridge next week as I'll be seeing The Thomson/Thompson Twins ithat morning and we'll chat about where, etc. Cheers for now, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick and Corinne Loved photos of your garden😍 We are in Swan Hill visiting Kirsty and Chris, sussing out the renovations to their store. Today we are off to Echuca for a few days. Au revoir Teens and Trevorino
Hello Big Mac People! Terrific to hear from you and see the inside of the franchise! Please pass along fond regards to the independently wealthy owners! I joined The Sisterhood on the KVR yesterday so you should come to visit when we can ride! Perfect for anyone who doesn't want but a ride on the flat. Have a fab time in Echuca. Cheers, Patrizzio!
John Keogh Hey Patrick how are you? I see you do a lot of Cycling. Good man, I'm no stranger to my beer but turning 40 I do believe that health is wealth. Have you any plans to return to Ireland? I've been busy last two years with a great guitar duo project, I've found it really fulfilling and have pushed myself hard. Music is a mixture of originals and cheeky pop covers of classics by Stevie wonder , the police and Chaka Khan. If you fancy a copy please support us and visit our website. It's www.julienandjohn.com, just click album and abroad on PayPal and it's off to sea. Haha. Not on iTunes yet but beautiful artwork to accompany music. Hope life is well. Regards. John keogh
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