He that uses many words for explaining any subject, doth, like the
cuttlefish, hide himself for the most part in his own ink. -John Ray,
naturalist (1627-1705)
Heard Sarge take Molly Mop out for her morning walk at around 7:30 am but didn't manage to get up until 8:10 am! While we packed and loaded car, Sarge served a delicious breakfast. Thanking him for his wonderful hospitality, (Flamin' was in Calgary for weekend.), we waved goodbye and drove back to Chloƫ's place to collect our many lovely gifts and some of the food she knew she couldn't use. Thanking her for all her help and efforts in organizing happy affair we said goodbye. We'll next see her here at the beginning of June as she will house-sit while we are away, driving back to Winnipeg for Clara's/Dusty's 71st wedding anniversary!
Safe trip home, via Hope-Princeton. Even saw a bear by the side of the road close to entrance to Manning Park. When I came around a corner I thought that there had been an accident as a number of cars were pulled over on the shoulder. As I drove past I saw one with front window down and a huge, huge telephoto lens protruding. I followed the direction in which it was pointed and saw the bear, up a small slope, not far from the highway. [Time travelling ahead, in the same vein, some of my fellow hikers saw a bear on Monday's hike. I was with group, slightly ahead, so we didn't have a close encounter of the bruin kind! Just as happy we didn't!]
Post Anniversary Greetings! Hi Colin! Any of these should be quite easy after a few snorts of Craigellachie! Glad you enjoyed the tipple! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Congrats Hi Patrick! I was about to email to wish you a great 40th anniversary today and Gayle advised me that I had missed it since it was yesterday! My apologies. I hope you had a good celebration. Shame that Mark and Krissy couldn't have gone over to Wall Street but I understand that they had made arrangements to go to the Island this weekend.
Steve and Gudrun also celebrated their 40th recently and spent five days in Venice. They had a great time since it was their first visit to Venice. Who could not enjoy this magical place! Upon their return they had a luncheon for friends at Godolphin Arms accross from St Michaels Mount. There were about 14 of us and we had a great lunch and afternoon together. It was good to catch up with some people we hadn't seen for over a year.
Gayle and I have been doing a fair bit of walking and investigating all the English bluebell woods. They have been exceptional this year possibly because we had such a wet mild winter. Ants mum passed away a week or so ago. Very expected since she had been in bad health for some time. We are headed up to Southampton on Thursday for the funeral.
Ants brother arrived from Australia a few days ago (he had just gone back after a visit!) He heads back next week and then returns again in mid June with his wife and daughter. They are spending a few days with us in Cornwall since Stewart's wife, Debbie, has a brother living in Penzance. They are then off to Provence in France with Marnie, Ant and Tris for a couple of weeks. They have rented a villa together and will also visiting Paris Disney Land with the children. (We will be going up to Southampton to look after the dog). We will then return to Cornwall with Tris for a couple of weeks before heading back to Southampton to board Queen Elizabeth for our Baltic cruise.
My greenhouse to tomatoes are growing away beautifully and if all the flowers turn to fruit we shall be eating tomatoes until we look like one! Again my apologies for missing your 40th. I'm sure your afternoon at Wall Street was filled with laughter! Best wishes, Derek
Hi Gayle and Derek! Thanks so much for the lovely anniversary wishes! Please don't apologize for missing the exact date. Many other friends thought it was on Sunday and in Penticton! Sorry to hear about Ant's Mother. Gather it was not unexpected, as you mentioned. Nevertheless, you still sound as if you are on a perpetual motion social whirlwind machine! Congrats on your greenhouse produce. Must say that our own tiny raised bed seems to doing extremely well and we have already had three delicious salads of lettuce, young kale, basil and oregano over last week or so. Will have to start sharing some of the wonderful greens with neighbours as we can't keep up. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Maya, thanks so much for your best wishes. Looking forward to the birth of your baby and coming to see you maybe in the Fall. Is Noreen coming out this summer? Your mom will be staying with us June 6th after her visit in Vernon. We will leave for Manitoba on the 8th of June to celebrate my parents 71st wedding anniversary. Give my regards to David and Declan, Love Corinne
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