A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at
night, and in between he does what he wants to do. -Bob Dylan,
singer-songwriter (b. 24 May 1941)
Greetings to Colonel Klink's Cohorts! Thanks again, to The Sisterhood, for allowing me to join you on today's junket. Grand outing indeed. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Field Report, Colleen's Colleens, West side of Skaha/KVR, Tuesday, May 24th:
Up at 6:33 am, eased gently back to consciousness by Lady Dar's soft susurrations. Sun was shining, and blindingly so, when I opened the living room shutters to take my first look at the glorious day. Happy indeed, as I was to ride with Colleen's Colleens, meeting the cavalry cavalcade at the Canine Romp Run at 9:00 am. Once there, Colonel Klink decided, imperiously and authoritatively, it was to be the KVR along the west side of Skaha so we took we crossed Channel Parkway to take IB Road south to 97. Crossing the highway we were soon on the KVR itself. I rode ahead of the group as Hapless Hanneke had opted to use the tunnel and The Sisterhood, in solidarity, were waiting for her.
I took the opportunity to stop along the way and snap some shots across the lake. Again, the day and the views it offered were stunningly beautiful so my mind was at rest and my heart at peace as I circled, endlessly, at Banbury Green RV Park, an unconcerned pair of Mallards barely bothering to raise the heads they had buried under their wings to wonder at my mindless activity. Two days and three light years later I was joined by the Babes on Wheels and I followed them, having stopped to take a few shots of the sleepy ducks. Turned out to be a serious mistake as by the time we reached the quicksands that cover a number of parts of the trail here I was riding close to Colonel Klink, in turn on the fender of normally Hell-Bent for Leather Hanneke. This time, Bat-out-of-Hell, moved like a slug and the soft sand sucked us down, forcing us, not her, of course, to walk our wallowing steeds through the worst of the dry quagmire.
Once out of the morass I vowed never to ride on Hanneke's heels ever again, as did a righteously aggrieved and severely angered Klinkenheimer. Still, this spot of bovver couldn't spoil the day and we raced towards Kaleden, the trail, still rocky in places but without sand-traps. The benches above Eastside were almost alive with vineyards and furrowed orchards, the rock walls beside the KVR hemming us between themselves and the azure of Skaha. Through Kaleden itself, stopping to admire the imposing concrete shell of the historic Kaleden Hotel, built in 1910, and then further south to the seemingly endless wooden bridge which takes one over the narrowing lake to the tip of Lions Park and into OK Falls.
Here I bade The Sisterhood farewell, thanking them for their wonderful ride and their scintillating company. Bestowing lasting, lingering kisses and waving adieu, I made for Oliver Ranch Road. I was planning to return via Eastisde but knew I'd need a bit of extra distance to allow me to achieve the goal I'd set for the day. Once I'd looped around Stag's Hollow and Wild Goose I stopped to take a few snaps of Peach Cliff, a mini version of Giant's Head but a glorious one, nonetheless. Swooped down into OK Falls, the grade helping me but once on Eastside I had to fight a moderately strong 11kph headwind all the home.
Not that I minded as I wasn't out for speed, (if I ever am), but rather to stretch my legs after Monday's hike. Many, many other cyclists, most going south though some heading my way, whizzing by on their carbon-fibre roadsters. Nevertheless, I geared down and enjoyed the ride, for a time accompanied by a delightful, bright yellow butterfly, attracted, I presumed, by my own neon yellow vest, thinking, I mused, that I was a real catch for a mate! (Not sure if the long-suffering Lady Dar, or her friends, share this sentiment, Dear Reader!) At any rate, I was soon heading up South Main when what should I see, but a fairly large deer, trotting on the sidewalk, but five or so metres ahead. Poor creature seemed to want to cross the busy street. I was worried that it might dash out in front of me, as I passed, with serious consequences, obviously, for me, at least, so I rang my bell furiously and this persuaded the skittish animal to scamper off into a nearbye, fence-less yard and I was safe from an inadvertent attack!
Must say that I huffed and puffed up Dawson but once on Government all the lights were in my favour and I arrived back home with the distance I had planned. Happened to see our neighbour, Stormin' Norman, across our back lane, working on his power boat as I rode down Papineau. Once I'd locked my bike, I walked over to chat with him for a few minutes and admire his snazzy speed boat. He joined the PYC and has a berth at their marina near the PTC. I ride by there fairly regularly, usually the start of many of my rides. Thanks again, Colleen's Colleens for getting me out to enjoy the day and wonderful surroundings. Cheers, Patrizzio! Map and Stats for ride:
I planned to come but found the thorn in my tire which was causing a slow leak, now a fast one! So I will miss your company, and hope to see you next Tuesday. Kathy I will miss you this time Renée Ken and I cycled Black Sage road today and we were serenaded the entire way by meadowlarks. Roses and water lillies were in full bloom on the river path. Highly recommended for next week’s cycle. Hugs, Renée Great idea Renee. I drove Black Sage Rd yesterday with visitors and thought it was about time we did this lovely ride again. Kathy
Hello Chilly Campers! Trust your knee is feeling better, Knitting Needle Josinta! Don't worry about Lady Dar's glasses as she went out and bought 17 new ones on the weekend! Speaking of which, we had a marvellous time with visiting friends, Zoe and Matt. Pretended they were Famiglia Dronkers and took them to the Orofino Pizza Pick-up Party! Had a blast as Wim Wenders and Lovely Rita Meter Maid were there as well. Terrific hike to Cartwright yesterday and am off to ride with Colleen's Colleens this morning. Looking forward to bridge this evening at Robson Redoubt! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Marian! Thanks very much for the GFA info. No, Cora Lee didn't receive any postings so appreciate your message. Trust your long-weekend went well. Will you and Tiny be joining hike on Thursday? Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, It sounds like you have been having a fun and busy time. We had kids and grandkids visiting for a week. The last of them left today. No, I'm afraid We won't be doing Thursday's hike, what with Tim going to get fitted for orthotics and tennis for both of us . No doubt it will be a good one. Enjoy!,
Cheerio, Marian
Hi Michaelo! Sorry you won't be able to join us but understand completely. Hope things work out as far as patio re-surfacing goes. Will be in touch about next week's game. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Calamity and Whirlmeister! Thanks for link to app and congratulations on your ride. I'll be expecting regular Stats! Thanks, as well, Giggenheimer, about suggestion for Dictionary.com. I'll take a closer look when I've finally managed to catch-up on household chores and message backlog, probably in about twenty years! Will be in touch about Folk Fest weekend in July, if not sooner. Fondestos from Lady Dar, still abed! Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Rhino Woman just moved from Rossland so I think she knows some of your Red Mountain Ski Bum Buddies!
Hi Maggie! Thanks for good wishes and congratulations, in advance, on your 46th! Hip Hip Hooray! Cheers, Patrizzio! 👍��😊
Hi Maggie! Thanks for history lesson. Enjoyed it muchly. I joined The Sisterhood on the KVR today so I was riding over a significant part of the Okanagan's historical past! On Thursday hiking group is off to climb Mount Laidlaw, parking near the gas station close to Twin Lakes, if you have an idea of where this is, about halfway to Keremeos, on 3A. Especially looking forward to it as I've not done any trekking in this area so far. Cheers for now, Patrizzio!
Greetings to Colonel Klink's Cohorts! Thanks again, to The Sisterhood, for allowing me to join you on today's junket. Grand outing indeed. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Field Report, Colleen's Colleens, West side of Skaha/KVR, Tuesday, May 24th:
Up at 6:33 am, eased gently back to consciousness by Lady Dar's soft susurrations. Sun was shining, and blindingly so, when I opened the living room shutters to take my first look at the glorious day. Happy indeed, as I was to ride with Colleen's Colleens, meeting the cavalry cavalcade at the Canine Romp Run at 9:00 am. Once there, Colonel Klink decided, imperiously and authoritatively, it was to be the KVR along the west side of Skaha so we took we crossed Channel Parkway to take IB Road south to 97. Crossing the highway we were soon on the KVR itself. I rode ahead of the group as Hapless Hanneke had opted to use the tunnel and The Sisterhood, in solidarity, were waiting for her.
I took the opportunity to stop along the way and snap some shots across the lake. Again, the day and the views it offered were stunningly beautiful so my mind was at rest and my heart at peace as I circled, endlessly, at Banbury Green RV Park, an unconcerned pair of Mallards barely bothering to raise the heads they had buried under their wings to wonder at my mindless activity. Two days and three light years later I was joined by the Babes on Wheels and I followed them, having stopped to take a few shots of the sleepy ducks. Turned out to be a serious mistake as by the time we reached the quicksands that cover a number of parts of the trail here I was riding close to Colonel Klink, in turn on the fender of normally Hell-Bent for Leather Hanneke. This time, Bat-out-of-Hell, moved like a slug and the soft sand sucked us down, forcing us, not her, of course, to walk our wallowing steeds through the worst of the dry quagmire.
Once out of the morass I vowed never to ride on Hanneke's heels ever again, as did a righteously aggrieved and severely angered Klinkenheimer. Still, this spot of bovver couldn't spoil the day and we raced towards Kaleden, the trail, still rocky in places but without sand-traps. The benches above Eastside were almost alive with vineyards and furrowed orchards, the rock walls beside the KVR hemming us between themselves and the azure of Skaha. Through Kaleden itself, stopping to admire the imposing concrete shell of the historic Kaleden Hotel, built in 1910, and then further south to the seemingly endless wooden bridge which takes one over the narrowing lake to the tip of Lions Park and into OK Falls.
Here I bade The Sisterhood farewell, thanking them for their wonderful ride and their scintillating company. Bestowing lasting, lingering kisses and waving adieu, I made for Oliver Ranch Road. I was planning to return via Eastisde but knew I'd need a bit of extra distance to allow me to achieve the goal I'd set for the day. Once I'd looped around Stag's Hollow and Wild Goose I stopped to take a few snaps of Peach Cliff, a mini version of Giant's Head but a glorious one, nonetheless. Swooped down into OK Falls, the grade helping me but once on Eastside I had to fight a moderately strong 11kph headwind all the home.
Not that I minded as I wasn't out for speed, (if I ever am), but rather to stretch my legs after Monday's hike. Many, many other cyclists, most going south though some heading my way, whizzing by on their carbon-fibre roadsters. Nevertheless, I geared down and enjoyed the ride, for a time accompanied by a delightful, bright yellow butterfly, attracted, I presumed, by my own neon yellow vest, thinking, I mused, that I was a real catch for a mate! (Not sure if the long-suffering Lady Dar, or her friends, share this sentiment, Dear Reader!) At any rate, I was soon heading up South Main when what should I see, but a fairly large deer, trotting on the sidewalk, but five or so metres ahead. Poor creature seemed to want to cross the busy street. I was worried that it might dash out in front of me, as I passed, with serious consequences, obviously, for me, at least, so I rang my bell furiously and this persuaded the skittish animal to scamper off into a nearbye, fence-less yard and I was safe from an inadvertent attack!
Must say that I huffed and puffed up Dawson but once on Government all the lights were in my favour and I arrived back home with the distance I had planned. Happened to see our neighbour, Stormin' Norman, across our back lane, working on his power boat as I rode down Papineau. Once I'd locked my bike, I walked over to chat with him for a few minutes and admire his snazzy speed boat. He joined the PYC and has a berth at their marina near the PTC. I ride by there fairly regularly, usually the start of many of my rides. Thanks again, Colleen's Colleens for getting me out to enjoy the day and wonderful surroundings. Cheers, Patrizzio! Map and Stats for ride:
I planned to come but found the thorn in my tire which was causing a slow leak, now a fast one! So I will miss your company, and hope to see you next Tuesday. Kathy I will miss you this time Renée Ken and I cycled Black Sage road today and we were serenaded the entire way by meadowlarks. Roses and water lillies were in full bloom on the river path. Highly recommended for next week’s cycle. Hugs, Renée Great idea Renee. I drove Black Sage Rd yesterday with visitors and thought it was about time we did this lovely ride again. Kathy
Hello Chilly Campers! Trust your knee is feeling better, Knitting Needle Josinta! Don't worry about Lady Dar's glasses as she went out and bought 17 new ones on the weekend! Speaking of which, we had a marvellous time with visiting friends, Zoe and Matt. Pretended they were Famiglia Dronkers and took them to the Orofino Pizza Pick-up Party! Had a blast as Wim Wenders and Lovely Rita Meter Maid were there as well. Terrific hike to Cartwright yesterday and am off to ride with Colleen's Colleens this morning. Looking forward to bridge this evening at Robson Redoubt! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Marian! Thanks very much for the GFA info. No, Cora Lee didn't receive any postings so appreciate your message. Trust your long-weekend went well. Will you and Tiny be joining hike on Thursday? Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, It sounds like you have been having a fun and busy time. We had kids and grandkids visiting for a week. The last of them left today. No, I'm afraid We won't be doing Thursday's hike, what with Tim going to get fitted for orthotics and tennis for both of us . No doubt it will be a good one. Enjoy!,
Cheerio, Marian
Hi Michaelo! Sorry you won't be able to join us but understand completely. Hope things work out as far as patio re-surfacing goes. Will be in touch about next week's game. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Calamity and Whirlmeister! Thanks for link to app and congratulations on your ride. I'll be expecting regular Stats! Thanks, as well, Giggenheimer, about suggestion for Dictionary.com. I'll take a closer look when I've finally managed to catch-up on household chores and message backlog, probably in about twenty years! Will be in touch about Folk Fest weekend in July, if not sooner. Fondestos from Lady Dar, still abed! Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Rhino Woman just moved from Rossland so I think she knows some of your Red Mountain Ski Bum Buddies!
Hi Maggie! Thanks for good wishes and congratulations, in advance, on your 46th! Hip Hip Hooray! Cheers, Patrizzio! 👍��😊
Hi Maggie! Thanks for history lesson. Enjoyed it muchly. I joined The Sisterhood on the KVR today so I was riding over a significant part of the Okanagan's historical past! On Thursday hiking group is off to climb Mount Laidlaw, parking near the gas station close to Twin Lakes, if you have an idea of where this is, about halfway to Keremeos, on 3A. Especially looking forward to it as I've not done any trekking in this area so far. Cheers for now, Patrizzio!
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