It is with words as with sunbeams, the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn. -Robert Southey, poet (1774-1843)
Duke started agitating for his humans to get up shortly after 6:00 am while Etta was quite content to keep sleeping at the foot of the bed, on Lady Dar's side. However, we were able to barricade ourselves from The Rambunctious Boy with our pillows and managed to fall back asleep while he continued to leap over us or gallop around the bedroom. Couldn't take the hi-jinks so we admitted defeat and clambered out of bed at just before 8:30 am. While Cora Lee took a shower I readied breakfast for the cats and filled their water dishes. When Lady Dar was finished her ablutions she came with me to the Rumpus Room. We had put a cat door in the door leading to the garage yesterday and we've been trying to familiarize our felines with it ever since. Wanted to have their litter box therebut need to make sure they know how to access it.
To this end I went into the garage with their food bowls and Lady Dar pushed the cat door flap open. I put one of he bowls just beyond the flat, hoping to lure them in. Duke is the most adventuresome so he went through quite quickly but Etta is far more cautious. However, once she saw Duke eating she followed. As they go through we let the flap rest on their backs so that they become used to the sensation. Once they were eating away, I left the garage and closed the door behind me. Duke was the first one to rejoin us in the kitchen
so I went to see how Etta was doing. She was poking the door but seemed a bit confused about just what to do. Duke,of course, thought the swinging flap was a great game so he kept batting it with his paws. Finally I pulled the flap open from my side and Etta poked her head through. Again, I put the flat gently on her back as she moved through the space. Think they will catch on fairly soon, given how quickly they have mastered leaping from one pice of living room furniture to the table or the island top, no matter how they are reprimanded!
At any rate, I had a few chores to do after that and some Olympic coverage to watch so it wasn't until just before 11:00 am that I was ready to leave. Knew that the wind was out of the north at 11 kph so I decided I would make Crescent Beach my destination. Also wanted to log 100 km so knew I needed to have some distance on the clock before I made my way to Trout Creek. To this end I made for the PTC and then up Vancouver to do a loop of Middle Bench before heading back, past Poplar Grove to come back on Upper Bench. One more loop of Middle Bench and then the swoop down to Government, Ellis to PTC and then Lakeshore/Riverside and I was on 97 making for Red Wing East. Three compete loops of the complex here before my usual dipsy-doodles of the small parks en route to Trout Creek.
Once there I followed the usual route I have worked out for this part of the ride, doing two compete loops before taking the dedicated bike path to Lakeshore Drive and then Crescent Beach was in my sights. Had close to 66 km on the clock by the time I was at Crescent Beach so looped here until I had logged 70 km. Knew it was 6.5 km back to Trout Creek so by the time I was on Wharf Street the odometre reading was 80 km. Traffic cooperated and I was back on 97 without having to wait. With the wind pushing me, it was now blowing at 17 kph NNE, I was able to push the AVG to 23 kph. Held it there when I did five loops of Red Wing West and was pleased to see it was at 23.1 kph when I was back on Riverside. Not much "tube" traffic there so I didn't have to worry about dodging cars looking for a parking spot and I was soon on Lakeshore. Again, very little traffic here so I was very pleased as at busy times progress can be extremely slow when cars have to wait for pedestrians at the numerous cross-walk.
Had to do a loop of the PTC and back to the round-about near the Prague Café before I had logged 99 km, the distance that would give me the distance I wanted when home. Was helped by the wind up the last few blocks of Ellis although I dropped back to 23 kph on slight uphill on White against the wind. Still, very happy with outing as it is my first 100+ km ride in a few weeks. Temperature, although between 29º to 33º, wasn't really a factor, even if I did exhaust both my camel-pack and water bottle! Map and Stats for ride:
Chloe Alexis Dunn For the kittens Corinne and Patrick??
Ayn P Patrick James Dunn could take them hiking and biking!
Chloe Alexis Dunn Oh god!!!
Ayn P I would do just about anything to see them both with kitty carriers strapped to their fronts!!
Chloe Alexis Dunn Umm me more!!! Dad at the farmers market with Duke in a carrier!!!
Patrick James Dunn No
comment! Just back from a 101 km ride. Wish I had their energy!!! Guess
it comes from sipping my java! No wonder they are up so early every
morning!!! Chloe Alexis Dunn Ahh so cute!!!
Patrick James Dunn Not cute! Very, very disobedient!!! Patrick James Dunn Not cute! Very, very disobedient!!!

Not at all sure who is available and if Corinne and Patrick can come and leave the kittens but everyone very welcome to come to our place Spiller road. Please let me know what we should do?? see you Gill and Phil Hi Gill; I'm back from the cabin and am available to play bridge! Will come if there are enough people.... Pam yes there is Phil, Patrick, Corinne and me so far - see you around 6.30
I asked to meet at 9am as I have to drop off a car at Mary Lee's, go give blood for tests with clinic only open at 8am and then cycle down to dog park. We're doing an in town bike. hope to see you guys bye Gill See you there at 9...more fun! Liz see you there! Hanneke Maybe we should go for a swim at Skaha lake after the bike ride?? Please bring lunch and swimming stuff if you would like to do that. I'll have mine with me!! Bye again Gill sounds good, see you there. with my swim suit! Hanneke
I don’t see an email for Monday hike……so if anyone wants to do a Monday morning hike on Cartwright in Summerland meet at Summerland IGA by 900 am and maybe we will get a few people out. I was thinking 3-4 hours max due to the warm weather. If there is another hike planned and I missed it please let me know and I will do that hike. My apologies for tagging onto Patrick’s email Cheers, Kilian
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