Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win. -Jonathan Kozol
Good morning dear friends. Are you still at home around 11am today. I just saw that my hairappointment appointment is at 9am. I could drop by before as well, but that will be early. Hope you had a nice birthday celebration for Cloe yesterday. See you later. Jos
[Pics: DIY to yourself, sandpapering!]
Hi Donna Maria and Heraldo! Sorry I haven't replied sooner BUT it was Chloë's 40th birthday yesterday so quite full, busy day. Her friend, Krissy, is up with her, and they and Lady Dar went for a walk along the KVR, west side of Skaha, while i went for a short ride in the morning. Back home to shower and change and then we went to Play, a recently opened winery Play Estate, just above 97 South on the bluffs, past the airport. Only been open for about two months. We happen to know the architect, Rob McKenzie, as he designed Lynne's/Peter's fabulous home in Naramata. Rob also designed Burrowing Owl and Spirit Ridge. He told us about his latest project back in May when Lynne hosted Peter's 70th at Legend Distillery, in Naramata. Restaurant has received top reviews so Lady Dar was anxious to try it out!

This morning the The Sisterhood was moving pretty slowly, let me tell you! I had arranged to go for a bike ride with Jack Rabbit Slims, one of my hiking friends, so we left for OK Falls at 9:15 am. wind pushed us along so we make quick work of Eastside and McClean Creek Road, riding up Maple as far as the top of the hill where Oliver Ranch Road starts. Back down to Maple and then onto Eastside to make for home. Wind was only blowing at about 6 kph N so not much of an impediment. Was making such terrific time that I wanted to try to maintain an AVG of 23 kph. Since Gilliana fell behind on last stretch before we reached South Main I decided I'd "circle" in the parking lot at the marina at Skaha Lake Park. Unfortunately, I was going at a pretty good clip when I made a left-hand swooped into the lot and realized, too, too late that there was a carpet of fine sand across the driveway, (probably from the trailers and boats launched thereabouts), and my bike slid away from me! Also very annoyed that I made quite a mess of the left arm, near my wrist, of the wonderful long-sleeved T-shirt Cora Lee had given me a month or so ago. It is UV resistant and cool to wear even in quite hot weather. Very chewed up and tattered so will probably have to cut worst off. Palm of my left riding glove has a large chunk out of it as well. Anyway, could have been worse, of course!
Went down reasonably painfully on my left side, the tarmac sandpapering my left leg and ankle. Wasn't overly concerned about the blood and abrasions but I knew my shoulder had sustained a nasty jolt. I didn't break anything, collar bone and such, but it is very sore and hurt to move in certain directions. Jack Rabbit was surprised that I was off my bike and waiting as she knows I never stop to touch The Dreaded Burning Ground! Took a few minutes to compose myself and then I rode the remaining 5 km home, (dipsy-doodling en route so that I could log the distance I had assumed I'd log in the marina lot!), to have Chloë take a few snaps of my visible injuries! Map and Stats for ride:
Hopped into shower almost immediately and washed everything off and then Lady Dar put Polysporin on my cuts and ice on my shoulder before they left to go tubing on the channel. I took two Advils and slept well for almost two hours, waking up to feel much, much better. Shoulder is still sore and some tender, restricted movement. I'll see the doctor early this coming week if things don't start to sort themselves out but I hope it will be nothing more than nasty pulls and strains. The Goils weren't back from tubing so I drove myself to the barber as I had an appointment at 3:00 pm. Back home to nap on the couch and watch Olympic coverage until the gals were home. They took off, almost immediately, to go wine-tasting. Krissy and Chloë leave tomorrow morning so we are having out last dinner of visit shortly, chicken burgers on the bbq, local corn-on-the-cob and tomatoe/basil salad. all from our garden!
Anyway, long backstory to explain my tardiness. I also listened to your message but I was lying in bed when phone rang but was too sleepy and sore to jump up to answer it. We are absolutely delighted that you will be visiting and hope that you can come for dinner on the evening of the 28th. I assume you might wish to check-in to your hotel beforehand so just let us know what time works best for you. We are free all afternoon/evening so please choose what is most comfortable and convenient for you both. Chloë send along her love and best wishes and is quite disappointed that she won't be here when you pass through. Again, take care of each other, and we look forward to seeing you on the 28th! Travel safely. Much love, Lady Dar and The Dope Patrizzio! Pics: Birthday lunch; birthday dinner; tarmac DIY sandpapering job!
Yes let’s do a Summerland Hike Monday Aug 22 to Wild Horse Mtn which is up Garnet Valley and then over to Rattlesnake for those feeling a bit more ambitious…..its a hike we made earlier this year. Aart and I will lead the way as best we can at an easy pace and all are welcome……its quite scenic and lends itself to various routes starting at Summerland rifle range. I think 3-4 hours max or a bit longer if we go on to Rattlesnake. In any case we can discuss before we depart. Penticton folks meet and carpool 840 at HH parking lot and meet in Summerland 900 am at IGA……no need to email just show up if you would like to go. Cheers. Kilian
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