I call architecture frozen music. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)
If you do not manage to get a pick-up, I can lean on friendship to get one!
H&K's for Darlene & Kricpat Hello Mover Man With a Big Heart and a Weak Knee! Just had a phone call from Guillermo. He and Nancy were away for a couple of weeks, in Mexico, Mayan Riviera, and then busy when back. He is happy to collect cycle BUT his truck is in the garage at the moment. He might have it back today, Monday afternoon at the latest. Do you know about a hike on Monday? If there is one, and particularly out of Summerland, perhaps we could drop by your place afterwards and load it then. Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sara Jane McGillivray Hey Pat, great to hear about all your cycling adventures. All that mileage on a bad hip - you will riding further and faster with the new hip!!

Patrick James Dunn Just
another day in Paradise, according to Lady Dar, doing the Downward
Facing Cat, (We are now the proud owners of two kittens, Etta and Duke),
at her favourite yoga studio just down the street!
Patrick, You’re in good (or maybe bad) company..
http://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/richard-branson-almost-killed-after-horror-bike-crash-which-leaves-him-covered-in-blood/ar-BBw5cFR?li=AAadgLE ocid=spartandhp#image=2
Hi Jugos! Quite a spill, indeed! I'm going to send him a note to try some of your jalapeño peppers and garlic. Guaranteed to effect a quick recovery! Just had both, fried in olive oil with some overleft stew. I might ride to Vancouver and back and be home in time for dinner! I gather you know The Aussies have a vehicle so I suppose we await further details. Fondestos from Lady Dar, doing the Downward
Facing Cat, (for Etta and Duke, leashed on the back patio),
at her favourite yoga studio just down the street! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi St Kilian! Glad you enjoyed the account and snaps of Wild Horse/Rattlesnake. Fabulous outing so thanks again! See you soon, I trust. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi OF'ies, Does anybody have an idea for a hike on Monday? I know you all are full of good ideas. Please respond, would be nice to have some options. Thanks!
Cheers, Aart Dear Patrick & Corinne, Tried calling you, but realized your old number in Vancouver didn't follow you. Are you guys at home? In the U.S.? We are going to Napa/Sonoma next week Sept 2-5. Send me your new number. I'll call. Love, Ruth Hello Texas Tornadoes! Lovely to hear from you! Trust you are both well. Here is our home number. Why bother with Sonoma/Napa? Visit us in The Okanagan! You won't be disappointed and with your $US everything is almost free! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi St Kilian! Glad you enjoyed the account and snaps of Wild Horse/Rattlesnake. Fabulous outing so thanks again! See you soon, I trust. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi OF'ies, Does anybody have an idea for a hike on Monday? I know you all are full of good ideas. Please respond, would be nice to have some options. Thanks!
Cheers, Aart Dear Patrick & Corinne, Tried calling you, but realized your old number in Vancouver didn't follow you. Are you guys at home? In the U.S.? We are going to Napa/Sonoma next week Sept 2-5. Send me your new number. I'll call. Love, Ruth Hello Texas Tornadoes! Lovely to hear from you! Trust you are both well. Here is our home number. Why bother with Sonoma/Napa? Visit us in The Okanagan! You won't be disappointed and with your $US everything is almost free! Cheers, Patrizzio!
- Maggie Carr Headed to Yuma Oct 27 via AB. Have rented out our place from Oct 1- end March. In AZ for Christmas.
- Patrick James Dunn Any plans to head through the Okanagan on your way to Alberta? If so, let us know and, if so, we'd love to see you. However, we will be in Vancouver, volunteering for the VWF, October 17th-23rd. Cheers.
Maggie Carr Sorry Frank says it's a longer trip so we avoid the Okanagan. Too bad!! If we did go, we even have a place to stay as my brother kept the house he inherited from our Aunt & Uncle who died 3 years ago. They lived on Killwinning. Patrick James Dunn Too bad! Perhaps we'll see you in Yuma as we may well drive to LA for Christmas and then head east to see friends in Dallas and then on to Florida. Travel safely. Cheers! Patrick James Dunn If all goes as planned, we probably won't leave LA until mid-January. At any rate, will be in touch beforehand to fine-tune details. Cheers, Patrizzio! Snap was taken at Farmer's Market. Jake Synder, in middle, went to United!
Hi friends, From Thursday, 1 September I will be taking on the
challenge of completing 10,000 steps a day, for the entire month of
Steptember to raise vital funds for Cerebral Palsy Alliance.
The average office worker only takes around 3,000 steps per day, so 10,000 steps a day is going to be quite the challenge.
But it’s for a very worthy cause.
Cerebral palsy is the most common physical
disability in childhood. One in two people with cerebral palsy are in
chronic pain due to the tightening of their muscles. Many will never be
able to take a single step without assistance.
If you’re not sure where to start, a donation of $20 could support research actively preventing CP in newborn babies
You can donate to my fundraising page: (https://event.steptember.org.au/donate/onbehalfof?id=97dbde75-5431-491a-93e4-8b59d65879e3)
Any amount you contribute would make a huge
difference to children and adults living with cerebral palsy and of
course encourage me to complete my 10,000 steps per day! Thank you so much,
Christina Tassell P.S. You’ll receive an automated receipt as every donation over $2 is tax deductible.
Hi Teens! Buona Fortuna with your Step Challenge! In a show of solidarity, Lady Dar is taking the Sipping Challenge, 10,000 sips of wine a day for all of September! She doesn't expect much difficulty. If you flew back to Penticton you could log all your steps, and more, with our hiking group. Everyone asks about you! Hello and Fondestos to Trevorino. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Latest hike below!
Hi Teens! Buona Fortuna with your Step Challenge! In a show of solidarity, Lady Dar is taking the Sipping Challenge, 10,000 sips of wine a day for all of September! She doesn't expect much difficulty. If you flew back to Penticton you could log all your steps, and more, with our hiking group. Everyone asks about you! Hello and Fondestos to Trevorino. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Latest hike below!
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