Do unto those downstream as you would have those upstream do unto you. -Wendell Berry, farmer and author (b. 5 Aug 1934)
Another night of purring and face-washing in the early hours of the morning as Etta and Duke become more and more comfortable. Lady Dar is starting, I think, to have second thoughts about her recent adoptions as Duke, in particular, would like her to get out of bed at 5:30 am! Etta, on the other hand, seems content to continue sleeping, curled up, at the top of the bed, near my head, but content not to be right against me. Think it will be a foray into the outdoors today to let them become familiar with the back patio!
Hi Raspberry Mouse People! Thank you for the wonderful snaps and drinks/food menu for what looked like a fabulous bash! We've eaten mouse bbq'd quite a few times but have never had it as a dessert. Lady Dar is keen to try it instead of using local peaches! Perhaps you should post recipe to the Interweb, as you insist on calling the Net, as I can't seem to find it on a Google seach!!! We are now the proud owners of two kittens, Etta, (Etta James), and Duke, (Duke Ellington), so a supply of these rodents should be easy to come by!
Sorry, I've not been in touch sooner but we finally waved goodbye to our last Freeloader on Wednesday. Fondestos from Lady Dar and her two kittens, Etta and Duke! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dearest Donna Maria and Heraldo! I gather you will be back in Terrace by now. I trust that being at home will be give you a chance to begin to recover from what must have been a truly difficult, not to say agonizing, course of treatment. Again, our hearts go out to you and you are constantly in our thoughts.
That being said, I do apologize for not being in touch sooner. Have had such a busy social life since mid-July to end of our August 1st long weekend that we're happy to have quiet evenings watching Bosch on CraveTV, kittens purring on our laps! Chloë reminded us about this new series a we have read all of Michael Connelly's works. Chloë and Cora Lee even met him at VWF years ago, before he was quite as well known as he is today. Michael, (Note we are on first name terms!), is involved with production and we think it is pretty well done, transition from page to screen quite true to plots and characters, or as true as it is possible to be, given the enormous demands of adaptation. Fondestos from Lady Dar and her two kittens, Etta and Duke! Much Warm Love and Cheers, to you both, Patrizzio!
Hello Glasgow, (and Santiago!)! Trust you are both well, in spite of being homeless! Are you one of those people on the sidewalk, un-washed, unkempt, guitar in hand, pan-handling, with a dog? In spite of being a street-person, obviously with limited funds, thank you so much for your generous donation. Certainly appreciated by GFA and the organization will be sending you Making On-line Donations for Dummies! Just think how easy it will be next year!!! Seriously, thanks so much for the support, Glasgow!
Life has been such a whirlwind of social activity with wall-to-wall Freeloaders, ever since before and after the GranFondo, with a whirlwind trip, following weekend, to Folk Fest at Jericho, that our heads are still spinning. Cannot remember if I told you we had a brief visit with Santiago and Ellen on July 5th. They were staying in Summerland and had driven up to cycle KVR out of Kelowna, Myra Canyon Trestles, in particular. They popped in and we had a lovely few hours catching up. I gave him your email address and he said he would contact you for a ride! Has he done so?
Are either of you around on either the 9th or the 10th? I haven't yet decided if I'm going to stay overnight on the 10th. If one or both of you are interested and available, perhaps we could arrange a ride. I plan to leave fairly early on Tuesday, the 9th, in order to put me in Vancouver around 1:00 pm, all going well. I will be staying at the Keating's home on 7th and Bayswater where Chloë will be house-sitting! (We stayed with them over the Folk Fest but they will be away camping this coming week.) Alternatively, after seeing Clive at 2:00 pm I could also go for a ride and would then stay the night. I have been meaning to pop by and see The Eggman, (Not far from Keatings on Point Grey and Collingwood, I think.), for years and am determined to do so on this next trip so I'm sure he'd be delighted to see you both as well. If either day works let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Perhaps we can arrange a reunion!
Anyway, hope we can connect next week but if not, when in September had you and Catherine thought about visiting? Ben, you and Ellen are welcome as well! All the best for now. Thanks again for donation, Matthew! Fondestos from Lady Dar and her two kittens, Etta and Duke, to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio/Il Conduttore!
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Maya's baby boy! |
l Loved pics and news. Off to France tomorrow to sing and tour later. Shall send you both a post card. Penticton looks fantastic in all seasons and loved colours of flora and fauna. Love to you both. Sir James and Lady Patrizia.
Maya in labour....stay tuned! No updates as yet. Still in labour, still in hospital. Will update all soon as there is news! ✌️��❤️ Colin what!!!… no photo’s!!!! kevin
How exciting!!! Ayn Born to Maya around 7:45; baby fantastic, Mom and Dad too! Declan witnessed birth, we arrived with him from the beach just in time. Details to follow! Peace/love Colin✌️❤️�� Baby boy! Mazel tov! Ayn
Reuven Townes Sanders Reuven is Hebrew: behold a son. We're calling him Reu. Townes: he was born to Townes Van Zandt live in Old Quarter, Houston.
Sanders because I have a very cool feminist husband who said "of course it should be Sanders-you're the one giving birth." All went well. David was the best birth partner. Declan was in the room for his brother's birth. Mama is feeling better than she has in 8 months;) Girlfriends: the TMI email to follow,) Thanks for all your well wishes. Maya, David, Declan and Reuven First family portrait a few mins post birth. Welcome to the World,
Reuven Townes Sanders! Congratulations and Cheers to Maya, David & Declan from Corinne and Patrick! Thank you!!! Can't wait to connect in person at some point so you can meet. Love to you both. 💛💛 Hi Maya! Congratulations again! Pleased to learn that you and Reu and everyone else is doing so well! Again, Congratulations and Fondestos from Lady Dar! Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks so much for the absolutely adorable card. Lynette Hi Lynette! Glad you enjoyed the card! Congratulations to you!!! Are you settling in? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat & Corinne, Back from Regina visiting my mother and getting my bearings before heading off to Columbus and Chicago. Thanks so much for showing us a great time during our stop over to say nothing of feeding us so well. Are you heading this way before October and the Writers Fest? If yes, let us know and we'll try and connect. You are always welcome to stay here of course.
Going to a wine tasting dinner with Black Hills Estate Winery at Japanese Zest (our favourite restaurant) at the end of the month. Do you know their wines?
Have a great rest of the summer and we will hope to see you soon....Paul & Joan
Hi Paolo! I infer your trip to Regina went well. Enjoy Columbus but I'm sure that Chicago will be a blast!!! We certainly were delighted with your stay and hope you will continue to visit. Thanks for the invitation to your home whenever in town. Much appreciated, of course, and same goes, it goes without saying, to you two in Penticton. I'll be in Vancouver this coming Tuesday when I'm driving into Vancouver to see my orthopedic surgeon on Wednesday. I will be staying with Chloë in Kits, (7th and Bayswater), while she is house-sitting for same friends we stayed with over Folk Fest weekend. Keatings are away camping this coming week.
At this point, not sure of our other plans for Vancouver before VWF. To a large extent it will depend on what happens, regarding a surgery date for my hip, if that is what is to happen, after Wednesday's consultation. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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