Monsters remain human beings. In fact, to reduce them to a subhuman
level is to exonerate them of their acts of terrorism and mass murder --
just as animals are not deemed morally responsible for killing.
Insisting on the humanity of terrorists is, in fact,
critical to maintaining their profound responsibility for the evil they
commit. And, if they are human, then they must necessarily not be
treated in an inhuman fashion. You cannot lower the moral baseline of a
terrorist to the subhuman without betraying a
fundamental value. -Andrew Sullivan, writer (b. 10 Aug 1963)
Carol Riera Hi pat, if you and Chloe want to meet Colleen, Al and I for supper, we will meet at Topanga on forth at around 5:15! Hope to see you there
Map and Stats for ride:
How was your Van visit? Aarturo
Hi Kathleen and Steve—We are so pleased that you are visiting the Okanagan this year. As per all the to-ing and fro-ing with the emails, Peter and I would like to extend a “formal” invitation to stay overnight with us in The Naramata (as Patrick calls it) on August 29th and 30th. You can then decamp and spend the 31st and 1st at Burns St. We can sort out details of activities, outings, meals, etc. anon, but I propose that a group dinner in Naramata for all on the 29th would make a good start to a great visit. It’ll be so nice to see you. Cheers, Lynne
Hi again all, So far only one response saying yes to going. Perhaps the hike should be rescheduled to a date when more hikers are available? Perhaps I'll get more emails this afternoon?... Best thing is, for me to send out an email by 8pm this evening to either say the hike is a go or has been cancelled. Sorry to clutter your inbox. Thanks. Phil
Hi all, Alternative "slow farts" hike!!! See Jud's email below. Thanks. Phil
Phil, if possible, could you send out a message that the Slow Farts are gathering at 9:00 AM at the Summerland IGA and will hike somewhere close and at a speed that allows time to take pictures. For those interested, this is a hike that follows a criteria that the Monday hike used to be. All are welcome. Thank you, Jud
Hi all, Unfortunately I didn't get any more interested hikers so the OF's hike for tomorrow (Aug 11th) is CANCELLED. Is anyone interested in arranging and leading a hike for the following Thursday (Aug 18th)? I ask because I think Jim will still be away. Thanks. Phil
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