Monday, 7 March 2016

Wildhorse Mountain Blues: Monday, March 7th!

If we had paid no more attention to our plants than we have to our children, we would now be living in a jungle of weed. -Luther Burbank, horticulturist (7 Mar 1849-1926) 


Good Evening, Pam: Yes, we enjoyed a fabulous weekend filled with lots of activities in the bright sunshine. Sorry to hear that you are still feeling under the weather. Continue to get your rest and soon you'll be your ole self again. My girlfriend back in Hamilton got a virus in her system that took a while to shake.

We were at the Vees 2nd playoff game tonight and it sure was a hard fought one and the Vees prevailed and won 3-2. Sure was exciting!!! I will be attending Dorothy's talk at OC tomorrow night with a friend. If you can't make it, I can fill you in on it. Take care!! Mary Lee

Hi! Patrick ................... I just finished watching the PGA - WGC Cadillac Championship (which I taped this afternoon since I had to to to the Vees game) and it was between my 2 favourite golfers Bubba Watson & Adam Scott and Adam came out ahead holding onto a 1 shot lead on the final hole. Another exciting finish. He won last week's Honda Tourn. too

Since Pamela is still feeling under the weather, I will pick you up at 8:20 am and we'll head to HH for carpooling. It's much easier for me to swing by & pick you up and you can leave the car at home for wifey to drive if she needs to. Glad to hear that you enjoyed the Home Show. The tub looks very inviting. See U tomorrow ..................... Heading to bed now, I've been up since 6:30 am and was volunteering at the Eagles monthly breakfast. Mary Lee

Hi EverReady Bunny Woman! See you at 8:20 am! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Dear Boot Hike Survivors! Thanks again, to Professore Tinka for his more than delightful hike and on-going, scintillating lecture series. I didn't realize that I would qualify for an advanced degree, in both history and entomology, when I signed up for OF U Boot Hikes! Take care of yourselves over next week or so. I'll miss everyone. Please take copious notes as I'll need to cram for mid-term when back from the coast. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Reflections of a First Year Boot Hiker:

The Whirling Dervish kindly collected me at  8:20 am and we proceeded to HH to await the arrival of other Pentictonoids. Spumoni was huddled inside her car, shivering from the steadily falling rain, hidden behind fogged windows, unwilling or unable to make her presence known so we almost left without her. Knowing that she'd played this mean-spirited trick on us before, two or so weeks ago, I was wise to her ways and we confronted her duplicity! Mumbling her insincere apologies, she packed her gear into EverReady Rabbit's car and we zoomed along 97 making for Summerlandia.

Found The Usual Suspects doing the rain dance in the IGA lot and after The Riaditeľ barked out our marching orders the three of us piled into King Ottokar's luxurious pick-up and we headed north on 97 to park a kilometre or so in a lay-by just past Gretna Ranch. Here, them what was so equipped, donned rain gear, while the rest of us, hardier souls by far, chortled at their silliness. We'd been on a snow boot hike here, a month or so ago, and made for the deer gate not far from the vehicles. Climb started right away with a scramble, almost straight up an earthern embankment. Once we'd created this slope, we were faced with easy footing, however, and the hike proceeded along a rough vehicle trail threading through wonderful Ponderosas. Looking back we were afforded stunning views of Okanagan Lake and Rattlesnake Island, Madcap Martini and King Ottokar providing fascinating details about its history and ownership.

Shortly before we first encountered Atkinson Flume, our goal for the outing, we stopped to be herded into place, by Tyrant Tinka, becoming evermore demanding about positioning his captive subjects for his photographic record. Once he'd captured the poifect shot he then set about delivering a rather fascinating discourse on the history of the flume or what little seems to be known. Stretching for almost ten kilometres, from water source to orchard, it is really quite a feat of early 20th century engineering

While not quite a Roman aqueduct, it, nonetheless, must have cost a pretty penny in terms of both materials and labour. As Al commented, "There was obbviously money in peaches then!" The water was used to irrigate about 100 acres of peach orchards, above the lake near Greata Ranch, I believe. Discussion then ensued about how the water was actually pumped up, a 100 m or so, from the creek which fed the flume. Al described a number of possible pumps, sounding, to my inexpert layman's ear, like some variation of a hydraulic ram pump. Open-Sea Otto advanced the the theory that a pump, similar to what was often used by the coastal canneries, was likely the best solution. 

Informed and enlightened about another fascinating part of local history, we continued to follow the plume, more or less derelict, for much of its length, until Tinka the Terrible pushed us up and down some very slippery, at times quite steep, rocky slopes, made tricky by the film of moisture laid down by the light, light rain. Footing aside, we stopped to marvel at some gorgeous examples of a flowering lichen, British Soldiers, one magnificent wild buttercup and the ever-present, enchanting, changing views of the lake. Close to the end of the flume, near some large galvanized troughs used to regulate the water flow, it was time for lunch. Always an enjoyable break, visiting with one another, some being pandered to with deep tissue massages, the rest gawking or blushing. 

After the pleasant sojourn, we headed downhill, making for the wildlife fence which borders 97. We would follow it back to the vehicles, about an hour's worth of trekking. What I had not expected, in my wildest imaginings, perhaps others as well, was what we would soon encounter on the narrow track which paralleled the fence. We first came upon a number of skulls, presumably those of deer. Next a bloodied rib-cage with much skin and hide still attached! Not much further along, an elongated skeleton ending with a complete lower leg and hoof, the twin to one Luigi had found a week ago above Skaha Bluffs, off Oliver Ranch Road. Quite the macabre, rather grisly animal graveyard. Al advanced the thought that the deer had probably been making for the lake, seeking water. Blocked by the fence they tired themselves, became weak and dehydrated and were easy prey for their natural predators. I presumed that the bones and almost fresh carcasses had been covered by snow, until fairly recently, as we'd seen no evidence on the earlier hike through 8" to 10" of white blanket. Again, something one would probably never see and but a stone's throw from the busy highway. Busy indeed as the noise of the traffic was thunderous to our ears but recently attuned to the stillness and magical quiet of the forest above.

Back into the cars just as the heavens opened and it started to rain quite heavily. Soon at Good Omens we put numerous tables together and enjoyed delicous java while continuing to visit and chat. After much conviviality, I got to shake hands and make my goodbyes. Was making my way back to my chair when I felt something on my head and found, much to my surprise and certain dismay, a tick! Capturing the little devil, I tried to place it on a napkin, the better to photograph it, but I dropped it on the floor. Fearless King Ottokar tried to stomp it to death but didn't succeed, even with his hob-nailed, size 18 boots! Undeterred he picked it up and palced it on the aforementioned serviette, and I managed to take a couple of snaps before The Whirling Dervish dropped it in her jar of water and swallowed it! No wonder she has to keep moving all the time!!!

Excitement over, we thanked Al, not only for the day's outing, but also for last week's treatise on ticks. Truer words were never spoken. Since we'll be in Vancouver over the coming weekend, I'll not be on the next two boot hikes. I'll certainly miss the company but at least I will be able to rest easy, free of terrifying tick nightmares for a bit! Stats for hike!

Hi Patrick; I got it, thank-you! Regards Chuck Hi Chuck! Pleased you were finally included! Fault was all mine. I was sure I had your address in my group list but this was not the case! Anyway, you are now doomed to receive future missives. Be careful what you wish for! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Fascinating--look forward to catching up with you in person. Cheers Jo-Anne 
Hi Jo-Anne! Spoken like an overworked librarian on the run! And then we take Dunbar by storm! Cheers, Patrizzio!

There is a rumour that you are hosting a bridge gathering this weekend. If it is true - What should we bring? Pauline and Mick   Hi Pauline I haven't heard back from Patrick as to whether the bridge night was still on, so glad you are confirming. Do you know what night was decided upon? Just some wine will be great, thanks. Elaine No let me bring something . Happy to do a dessert

Hi Elaine and Polly, et al! Sorry for not being in touch sooner but I did send a message on February 18th:

Hello Bayswater Bridge Folk!

I wasn't overly worried about not hearing from you, Elaine, as I thought that you might have been on another extended world junket! Trekking in Antarctica. Backpacking in the Urals. Deep-sea diving in the Marianas Trench! At any rate, thank you for being "strong-armed" into hosting the bridge night. I think that Saturday, March 12th, would be best, given that the Sevens' Finals will be on the following day, on Sunday and would make the evening too, too late for everyone. As soon as I've talked to the Carters, I'll confirm, both date and number of Freeloaders. (We'll all contribute to dinner so let us know, when you've had a moment to cogitate, (after I confirm numbers, etc.), what you might like everyone to bring. Non-negotiable!!!) I assume, (Not having heard a peep from Theodorakis!), that he plans to join rugby gang so I trust he will agree with my suggestion of the date.

Lady Darjeeling was in Vancouver two weekends ago and I asked her to give you both a ring to talk about menu, etc. Apparently, she didn't so I/we apologize for confusion. I guess we have six for bridge so far. If you want to have two tables, Elaine, and cannot drum up two more players I'm sure I can find them. Just let me know. Thanks again and sorry for leaving everyone in the lurch. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Pauline, we have enough tickets for 4 of us to go to the Friday nite session called the Series Stars which features Gail Bowen, William Deverell and Ian Hamilton. It is from 8-9 at Performance works. Or if Mick is not interested perhaps you would like to come? Let me know? Looking forward to seeing you. Best Corinne Sounds good . We would both like to come. Lost track of your activities are you with us for dinner Friday? Pauline

Hi Pauline, glad you can come. I think I'm seeing Chloe for dinner but not sure what Patrick is planning. I don't think we will be around much. Look forward to visiting you in between rugby and book sessions. Best Corinne Hi Polly! I didn't really have any plans for dinner on Friday and now I see that I'm left out of the Mother and Child Reunion! It is already shaping up to be a very busy day on Friday with multiple errands and such. Since we are all going to Cuffed that evening perhaps I'll join you for something simple if offer still holds. I will probably want/need a nap late that afternoon as rest of weekend will be even more hectic. At any rate, we can chat about things on Thursday night once you are back home. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi All; I am hoping to host the next bridge gathering and propose Sunday, March 20 at 2pm. I will be making Chili con carne. Thanks to Jos and Aart for such a lovely afternoon yesterday, and to Patrick and Corinne for their event when it was their turn! I hope to continue the tradition.... Pam 

Hi Pam, that sounds great. We will bring dessert and wine. Think all our bridge is getting better. It was a good afternoon. Hope you all enjoyed the ballet. Best
Hello Pam, A last reply from the 4th bridge player who is looking forward to our next play day March 20th, 2 pm. If you can send me your address Pam, that will be helpful. I will bring a salad. Cheers to all, Jos

Souvenirs from Manitoba Let's try again. Delete 0857 and put this one instead.

Hello Brunello and Chooch! Just a quick note to let you know, (If you read entire manuscript!), that life isn't always easy in Paradise! Thanks for snapolas, Brunello! Look forward to you taking many, many more in the not too, too distant future! Thought I'd say hello to see how you are both faring and talk about plans for coming visit!  Cheers, Patrizzio!


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