What I want to happen to religion in the future is this: I want it to be
like bowling. It's a hobby, something some people will enjoy, that has
some virtues to it, that will have its own institutions and its
traditions and its own television programming, and
that families will enjoy together. It's not something I want to ban or
that should affect hiring and firing decisions, or that interferes with
public policy. It will be perfectly harmless as long as we don't elect
our politicians on the basis of their bowling
score, or go to war with people who play nine-pin instead of ten-pin,
or use folklore about backspin to make decrees about how biology works.
-PZ Myers, biology professor (b. 9 Mar 1957)
hi Patrick What do you think of my small whiskey collection? I trust you are well Mr Fjord
Hello Mr Fjord and his Porch Cleaner Cousin! Simply delighted to hear from you and certainly more than pleased that you have started a malt collection, small though it may be. One must start somewhere. I'm extremely impressed with your array, far, far more exotic and exciting than mine when I first began, sustematically, to acquire hootch! You've come a long way since the days of anaemic, el cheapo McClleland!
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Ludic boardgames + bar, Romania
Vittorio, send me an email or else give Lady Dar a call, (Here is her cell number.), to see about getting together. Saturday evening we are playing bridge, (two tables), with good friends, Elaine and Ted Keating so that might be best if we are ever going to see you and meet your latest squeeze. You might think about dropping around sometime that evening. Don't worry about crashing party as I've told them that is your normal modus operandi!
On the Scandinavian front, we have been watching the original Swedish Wallender series of late. I like it much better than one with Kenneth Branagh, although I did like it as well Take care of yourselves, our Favourite Twins! Fondestos from lady Darjeeling, to you both. She misses you terribly! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi I love your emails and I am sorry I haven't responded. I meant to sit down and write you one back but I am not as prolific writer as you tend to be! I am visiting Vancouver between the dates of June 9th and 17th - would you happen to be in town? I am very disappointed you moved! Send me your phone number so I can call you to catch up! You sound like you are loving your new life! I am going to Yellowknife as part of my West Coast trip otherwise I would have tried to visit you. Next time! Love
Hello non-prolific, overly prone to procrastination Writer! Simply delighted to hear from you, excuses and all! Unfortunately, looks like we won't be able to hook up in June as we are off to Falcon Lake, probably on the 9th as we are driving! Clara and Dusty are celebrating their 71st wedding anniversary and Ayn is flying up for the event. You can reach us at our home number. Yellowknife sounds fabulous!
Take care of yourselves, our Favourite Cape Breton Folk! [You never mentioned if you know Laura Smith!] Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling, to you both. She misses you terribly and is making noises about a visit to stay, for months, in the near future! Must away as I want to ride while Mme Coriandre attends a Grandmothers for Africa, (Stephen Lewis Foundation, as you might know.), monthly meeting. She joined a month or so ago and I played bridge with Jos last Friday at their fund-raiser. Lady Dar was not amused as she had to do dishes in the kitchen! Coincidentally, Stephen Lewis/Naomi Klein will be in Vancouver this weekend, for a number of GFA events, but our schedule is already too, too fully booked! We must be related to you, Ski! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patricio, Great shots and narration !. glad you managed to find tick before it did any damage too! those things horrify me. can’t imagine what would bring someone to actually make a meal of one which turns my stomach.
What brings you to the coast on the weekend?. We are heading to the cabin (Colleen Friday and Saturday afternoon myself) for a 60th birthday celebration for our friend and neighbour across the street and I will take jake and a couple buddies to manning park for skiing hopefully on Monday. Try and swing by the cabin if you have time and are heading up highway 3. You have our number there. Cheers, Al
Hi Stanchion Man! Simply delighted to hear from you and pleased you enjoyed hiking account. Thanks for the lovely invitation. Unfortunately, looks like we won't be able to hook up as I assume you will be in Manning Park on Monday. We'll wave from highway! Take care of yourselves, our Favourite Sunshine Valley Folk! Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling, to you both. She misses you terribly and is making noises about a visit to stay, for months, at the cabin, in the near future! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick Thanks for update and for the great photos. See you soon. Jo-Anne
Hi Jo-Anne! Just received a very upsetting message from Janet. Essentials below. I imagine you might have heard about attack via media, of one sort or another, but probably didn't know individual in question as names are not usually released. We had hoped to see Janet, over the course of our stay, but our "schedule" is already so fully booked that we might not be able to do so! This being the case, I was wondering if you might consider having her join us on Thursday evening, at least for a brief time. I haven't suggested this to Janet as I wanted to consult with you and Colin first, of course. Cannot even imagine what her mother, Doreen, Janet and rest of family have been going through!
Anyway, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos to you, Miss Marps, overworked, harried itinerant librarian, riding from one meeting to another! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick and Corinne:Thanks for your most recent missive and narrative of recent events and activities Burns-side. Always good to hear from you, notwithstanding my envy of the retiree life.
For my part, I have some distressing and rather shocking news about my
mother. I should start by saying that she is alive and fundamentally
well. However, on February 26th, while at my desk at Dunbar Library, I
received a call from a passerby near her home on West 39th to say that
she had been attacked by a dog. I rushed to the scene and found her on
the ground with blood on her face and a small laceration on her upper
lip. It was, of course, extremely unpleasant, but at this point, I
merely anticipated a tedious afternoon in Emergency, a few stitches and
a clean-up, and maybe that I would get back to Dunbar in time to collect
my things, which I hadn't brought with me. But it turned out to be a
bit more complicated than that.
Despite some resistance from my mother, the passerby had called 911.
When first responders arrived, they asked bystanders to stay back for
privacy reasons, though I was exempted from this as her daughter.
However, they warned that I needed to be prepared for what I might see.
My mother had allowed that her arm hurt, perhaps from the fall to the
ground. But seeing some blood on her wrist, the fire fighters cut off
the sleeve from her jacket and found a huge gash, literally the size of
a hockey puck, down to the bone. It would seem that the dog had
gripped her forearm and that the flesh was torn away when the dog-walker
reflexively pulled back on dog's leash.
It also transpired, after 9 hours in the ER, that she had a broken jaw.
Long story short, on Sunday, February 28th, she had two operations -- a
complex oral surgery to repair her jaw and plastic surgery on her arm,
involving a skin graft from her thigh. She came home on Tuesday, March
1, and is slowly recovering. Post-op follow-up visits to the oral
surgeon and plastics clinic have been encouraging but she has a long
road ahead of her.
This is really a bare-bones version of the story, as there is much more
in the detail, including visits from the police, animal control
services, etc. The dog was destroyed last Thursday -- sad but necessary.
Sandy flew out from Ottawa the same day as Mum came home from the
hospital. She was going to leave yesterday, but has extended her stay
to Saturday. Karen and Greg and I will work out arrangements after
that because it seems unlikely that Mum will be able to be by herself at
home for awhile yet. Needless to say, these events have rather eclipsed everything else lately.
I see from your message that you'll be back in town this weekend.
Subject to your commitments and my mother's needs, I'm wondering if
there is any chance of getting together -- maybe for coffee or something
like that. I've been looking forward to a great palaver about India! Have to run. You know -- get ready for WORK. (I'm keeping my "family" days in reserve for after Sandy leaves.) Hope to hear from you soon. Love, Janet
Dearest Janet! In my wildest nightmare I could not have imagined what happened to your poor mother! How dreadful! How frightening for her, during the attack itself and then the aftermath! Please pass along our warmest wishes for a full recovery. What transpired was nothing short of horrendous but I know, as I'm sure you do, that things could have been even more catastrophic. This being the case everyone, your Mom, in particular, can take some measure of relief that this was not the case! Still what a terrible, terrible ordeal and, as you say, one not over, probably by a long shot. Again, our sincerest good wishes to your mother in the weeks and months ahead.
To more mundane matters, if that is possible, given your difficult, trying circumstances. I had thought, when I'd not heard from you that you were simply to busy with work, etc. Given the extra demands on your time and our chock-a-block schedule I'm not sure if we will be able to hook up. I propose that I give you a call as soon as we are in Vancouver and see what might work for everyone.
As I think you know, we will attend Cuffed, (a new crime/mystery festival at GI), on Friday evening and then I'm at the International Rugby Sevens on Saturday and Sunday. Cora Lee will be attending sessions at Cuffed. I assume you will be at Dunbar on Friday. We are meeting friends, Denise and Bill, at Au Comptoir, for lunch on Friday, errands for most of the rest of the day. Perhaps a coffee somewhere near your branch that afternoon? Take care of yourself, Janet. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling. Cheers, Patrizzio!
God, that is a terrible story, poor Janet`s mother, glad she will make a full recovery though. xx Yuck, i hate horrors and to bring Christmas into it, just beyond scary!!
Hello Patrick This is horrible. Please ask Janet to join us on Thursday--I am so so sorry to hear about her mother. Jo-Anne
Hi Jo-Anne! Thanks for your speedy reply and for including Janet. I've sent her a message but have not yet heard back. I'll probably phone her if I've not received a message by 9:00 pm or so. Am embarrassed to admit that I cannot find my address book so I can't pass along your home address and phone number to Janet if she is able to join us. I couldn't find you on Canada 411 either so not sure if you only have cell phones or not. I'll be in touch as soon as I hear from her. Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Janet! I trust things are going well with your Mom. All the family and friends I have told about the mauling have sent best wishes to you both. Jo-Anne, in particular, was very upset. At any rate, as I mentioned, we had arranged to have drinks with her and Colin tomorrow and I asked if we could include you in the evening. If you are free and interested that would be lovely. We probably won't be there until around 8:30 pm, by the time we drive from Penticton, leaving at 3:00 pm, (We are seeing Son of Saul at 1:00 pm, running time 107 minutes.), I hope, get into town and drop off some of our stuff, where we are staying, if we have time! I don't have their home address, (I know which house it is, on 16th, just down from Byng), but I'll send a message to Jo-Anne once you let me know if you will join us, asking for home phone, address, etc. I do hope you can make it but certainly understand if it doesn't work, given circumstances. Anyway, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly! Cheers, Patrizzio!
I don't think she is getting my e- mails what one do you use ? Pat talked to DVA, actually it's pharma care that looks after oxygen Rana will be coming to the house to assess Dusty soon .They will Give it high priority. Enjoy VAN .Hi to every one there. Clara Hi Rosita! I use both addresses. The latter is probably through her iPad and she might not be overly familiar with system. Otherwise she's probably too busy playing bridge to answer her messages! Have included part of the message I received form Janet this morning! Hope oxygen works out. Hello and love to one and all at Falcon. Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: View from Dronkers' house in Summerland. I won the hot tub as I had the highest score! It will be installed on back patio while we are away in Vancouver!
Aarturo gave our car a slight scratch, backing out of his garage, [What possessed Lady Darjeeling to park where she did when there was oodles of space elsewhere on the huge driveway is beyond me!], on way out to visit friends while we were playing bridge. Car insurance claim settlement is paying for shipping and hook-up!
That's great that you can make it Jos! My street is a short street between Green Ave (where Walmart is) and Yorkton Ave, on the east side. It's not easy to find so make sure you follow these easy steps: once you get to Walmart turn into the compound and turn left. Go over 2 speed bumps. There is visitor parking at the third speed bump. There are two stalls so hopefully no one else will be there. There are other visitor stalls in other areas just in case. Looking forward to it! Bon voyage Patrick and Corinne!
Hi Spumoni! I've written date down on our calendar and we are looking forward to it already! Thanks for directions. Also wondering if you can provide your phone number, just in case. Quite sorry to miss next Monday's hike as I'd love to get to know that area better. I have cycled past St. Andrew's Golf course on White Lake Road many times but have never hiked there. Hello to one and all when next out. Thanks for travel wishes. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Great! Looking forward to it too! Here is my phone number. Pam Hi again, Spamela! Thanks for quick reply and phone number. Much appreciated. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Salish Sea Folk! Thought I'd say hello to see how Calamity is faring and talk about plans for caravan! By way of putting things in perspective, have included part of the message I received from friend, Janet, our Inja expert, this morning!
As well, had a message from Patrizzio II, in Oslo as you might recall. He asked me how I liked his small malt collection. Take care of yourself, Calamity as we've scads of wineries to visit! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Patrizzio The Younger's malt collection!
P, that is an horrific story about Janet's mother. How awful. Thanks for inviting us to join you on the weekend and crash the bridge party. Jane is coming out here and we will come in Sunday evening or Monday morning. Let us know when you would like to leave on Monday - we should be ready anytime after rush hour but are in no rush to to get outa town.
Give my best wishes to Ted and Elaine and the Cudgel. I assume you attending the Rugby with Ray. Fond regards to him. Safe travels, G Hola Pat and Corinne, How are you? Thanks for thinking of me. Luckily I am feeling much, much better. I am trying to get lots of sleep so I can keep up with you next week. There have been a lot of sick students and teachers here at my school.
We are really looking forward to visiting you and enjoying what you like to do in your neck of the woods. George and I are ready for a break from our respective work. That was a terrible story about Janet's Mom. I can't imagine how frightened they both must have been. I hope her Mom's recovery is going well. Sounds like your bridge and Crime Festival are going to be lots of fun. I heard about the festival on CBC. We will see you on Monday! Safe travels and don't forget your brollies. Jane xo
Hi again, Island Folk! Thanks for quick replies. Glad you are feeling much better Calamity! We are fine, thank-you. I thought that you might well be on Galiano for weekend. Will miss you at Keatings but will be sure to pass along regards to everyone. Not sure about Cudgel Man and Sevens. At one point he said someone was giving him tickets and then in next message he intimated he didn't have his tickets! Hard to believe that he lives much of his life around watching recorded matches on TV and then, when such an exciting tournament is here, live, in Vancouver, he doesn't seem keen to attend! Probably too busy tutoring! Anyway, I hope he is going but we plan to pop by to say hello at some point over the course of the weekend.
With respect to leaving, we are not in any great hurry to leave either. We hope to have run all of our "city errands" on Friday but if we can't manage to do so, we might need to do some of them before we leave. Will have a better idea as weekend progresses. I'll let you know, at least by Sunday night, if not before, what things look like. We are staying with the Carters. I assume you know where they live but if not let me know and I'll provide details. Probably rendezvous at their place, although we could meet elsewhere, depending on time, your schedule, etc.
Spent a goodly part of the afternoon cutting, sawing and splitting firewood. Made pretty good progress on the wood that I scored next door, last summer. Still have plenty of rounds left but Calamity and Lady Dar can split them while we are out riding, (Are you bringing bikes? Morita-san?), or more likely, tippling at Cannery Brewing, just down the way! Must away as I've been directed, (actually "ordered"), to shower and change before dinner. Fondestos to you both from Mme Coriandre. Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio!
Tummler, we are bringing bikes and the wild dog - Mordita, as our friend Susan calls her - slang for bitch in Espanol. Do you have a phone number where we can contact you? Mine is below if you need it. I do know where the Carters live. Safe travels, G
Hi Paprika! That is horrible about your friend's mother! What kind of dog was it? Had it ever attacked anyone else? I saw the film in 2012. That was a ways ago, but I remember bits of it. I want to see son of Saul. Lately, we saw The Lady in the Van with the magnificent Maggie Smith and Spotlight. We are off to Montreal for the weekend and I hope to see Michael Moore's latest where do we invade next. On my way to an acupuncture appointment. Gotta go for now! We are very excited about coming home this summer! Love to all Xoxo
Hi again, Acupuncture Woman! Don't know anything about dog. We hope to meet with Janet over the course of this coming weekend so might glean more info. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello all, I have met a few of you but not all. I have only managed to get out for one hike since discovering this group (thank you Mary Lee). I fell sick two days later and I am still very much under the weather. However I wonder if you would be kind enough to help me if you can...we are waiting for a quote from a builder for a price to build a house. If the price fits our budget we will be looking to rent something small and inexpensive for 6 months while the house is built. A rental in Penticton or Naramata is preferable but we won't be choosy. Many thanks for any assistance that you can provide. Kind regards, Pam Webster
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