No poet has ever let go of his homeland. -Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff, poet, novelist, and playwright (10 Mar 1788-1857)
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Géza Röhrig in Son of Saul |
[Wild Side of Apex. A tough trip. Al]
I spoke to Janet last night and her Mom is making a very strong recovery. Her oral surgeon is quite amazed, (given her age, 85!), at her progress. Will see Janet at the Naslunds tonight. Our hosts, the less-than welcoming Carters are out for a golf dinner this evening! Given this strategy, we'll leave a key to our place, somewhere in five block radius. Think of it a treasure hunt! Buona Fortuna! If you don't find key, leave Mortadella on the back patio before you head out to ski. Lady Dar wants a rescue dog anyway!
Must away as I need to pack, assemble a picnic for the Hope Princeton, load car, etc., (Lady Dar will be watching The Young and the Useless all the while!), before we head to the Landmark to see Son of Saul at 1:00 pm. Blasting off directly from there. Enjoy your weekend. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Black Christmas Fans! Fondestos, Love and Cheers, Dad!
Hi Pam! Hope you are feeling much better. Just curious about the timing of your rental needs. Don't have any leads at the moment but if I know the relative time frame that might help. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi James the Volunteer Man! Congrats on doing so well with fund raising! More than glad to help. Have a great time with Lynne and Peter. We certainly did last year. Am green with envy. Would love to bike in Joshua! Have not heard from them since they left so must be having a busy, wonderful time! Pass along best wishes, please. Travel safely.Hello to Jocelyn from her still sleeping classmate! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Just wondering why both David and I received a request from facebook to add you as a friend, when we are already friends. Says you only have 4 friends. Just a fluke? Well, we certainly need to know we have Canadian friends during this time of Donald Trump!!!! Assume all is well in the Okanagan love nest. xoxo --
Pat, Either you are at this very moment terribly drunk, or someone just ot into your Facebook account, sending strange messages. Kjell Your Facebook account has been hijacked, and I have had a sharp recommendation to unfriend you. I would love to be friends with you again once this unfortunate affair is ended. All the best, Kjell
Hello P.Diddy! The AnCnoc Barrow is a limited edition and you can only get it at the airports in Scotland I believe. Could happen to be at other airports in UK. A travelers exclusive. In the beginning I was more inclined to drink only Speyside whiskeys. Big fan of Macallan especially the 21 year old. As I got older my palate has developed. To some degree I can tolerate the peatiness. To my surprise I was able to drink Port Charlotte, expected it to be more harsh. Compared to the Bruichladdich bottle we had at the New Years 2 years ago. I know that's your favorite type of single malt. The A'bundah was the first whiskey I drank when I was in Edinburgh back in November. At the legendary White Hart Inn by the grassmarket. Trust you are well Patrick. Hope you get in touch with the busy porch cleaner cousin of mine. Tell him it's important beeswax. Mr Fjord
Dear Janet Patrick and Corinne will be in Vancouver this evening and they are coming to our home to catch up. We would love to have you join us. Hope to see you so sorry to hear about your mother. Cheers Hi, Jo-Anne: I am definitely going to try – thank you so much! Janet Great! Look forward to seeing you. Cheers Jo-Anne
Hello Grandpa Winter, of course I would love to see you guys, the only thing is on Saturday I work until 830p. I know for old people like yourself, you cannot be up too late past dusk, but if it's ok with you and whichever place you are freeloading/playing bridge at in the evening, I could swing by to say hello, taste the local offerings, and leave you wanting more? My better half, Jessica, may not be able to make it because she gets off work even later. My phone number just in case you need to reach me Best, VL
Hello Patrick & Corinne - Just reread your emails from India and realized I hadn't replied to say "Thank you" for sending them. What a "Luxe" journey you had. So many colourful, warm memories to get you through the rest of winter until spring brings more colour and warmth at home. The forsythia, bulbs, cherry blossoms and some rhodos and other shrubs are blooming but there's still too many rainy days here. See you at VWF 2016? CathyA
Pat, We anticipate that we will require rental accommodation (something small and inexpensive) commencing either May 1 or June 1 for a term of 6 months or so (the house construction period). We also have a cute little farmhouse (880 sq ft) that we are offering free to anyone willing to move it off the lot on Naramata Bench. Albert Blackwell (Blackwell House Movers, Armstrong, BC) moves houses and would be the person to talk to about moving the house. I am going to the film society movie today too. Most likely the 4 pm show. My mother saw it earlier this year. Son of Saul was an offering of the UNB film society that she attends. She didn't enjoy it. We'll have to compare notes once we have see it. Have a great trip to Van. Pam
Thanks a matter of interest..I went to see Son of Saul last evening here in Santa Barbara!!..Be prepared for a heart wrenching account of what it might have been like in those chambers during that era!!...disgusting if it is depicted as it was...The only reason to produce something of this magnitude is for it to never happen again but unfortunately genocide is still happening in various forms all over the world!! On another note have a super nice getaway!!..Enjoy Cuffed!! Cheers ...Elle
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