Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost
possible degree. -Ezra Pound [ABC of Reading]
Patrick James Dunn Happy March equinox or "spring (vernal) equinox" to you, Chloë!🌱
Hi Jo-Anne and Colin! Has been rather hectic ever since we saw you so must apologize for not sending along our thanks for the lovely, lovely evening! It was simply wonderful to have had a visit with Tip, of course. Thanks, as well for including Janet. The food and drink were beyond compare, as always. Your generosity is boundless!!!
Had a brief note from Gaz thanking us for his birthday card so appreciate you passing that along as well. Was sorry to have missed them. We'd love to visit in Robert's Creek but given our schedule that may not happen until the Fall. On the other hand, we plan to go to Europe, probably between February and April, 2017, (not set in stone as of this writing), so perhaps we'll connect in Ireland.Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: View from KVR near the "Little Tunnel", above Naramata, on ride with Jane and George.
Buongiorno Timothy! Happy March equinox or "spring (vernal) equinox" to you and Marian! Would enjoy riding with you around Summerland and environs when the civic sweepers have done their job and you tennis buffs are not chasing tennis balls! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Tip! Has been rather hectic ever since we saw you so must apologize for not sending along our thanks for the lovely, lovely gifts! It was simply wonderful to have had a chance to visit. Almost a Curric Lab Reunion! Hope to see you here. You are always welcome. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Janet! Trust your Mom is doing well. Best wishes to her from us both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Falcon! This from Gazebo. We missed seeing them when last in Vancouver but left a card with Jo-Anne. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Desert Storm Troopers! Trust all goes well with your winter sojourn. Has been rather hectic ever since we returned from a wonderful weekend in Vancouver, attending both Cuffed and Rugby Sevens. Stayed with Polly and Mick Carter and had a terrific evening of bridge, two tables, at the Keatings on Saturday night. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you and Lynne. When are you back? (On yesterday's ride, all looked as it should, when I passed your palce. And, just as I was composing this missive received your message letting us know that you were back, probably later that very afternoon!) Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Nice to get your e-mail, which as it turns out is a “welcome home”. We got in yesterday afternoon after our 3-day drive. We took a beautiful route through Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Idaho, Montana, Idaho again and Washington, with overnights in Provo, Utah and Missoula, Montana. Wonderful scenery but we’re pretty well cured of the drive. We’ve agreed that the 2 ½ hour plane ride from Vancouver would be much preferable. A highlight of our trip was driving past a Bernie Sanders rally in Idaho Falls, then turning on the radio to listen to Bernie’s speech.
Looking forward to getting together to get caught up on the past month’s activities. Lots of work to do on the property here on the grapes and garden. Talk soon. A hug to Corinne. Peter
Welcome Home Naramatians! Now that you have shed your Desert Storm skins, we'd love to see you. I was by your place around 3:00 pm yesterday. Were you back by then? Didn't see any cars at the time.

Anyway, when you've settled in give us a shout and come for a drink and/or meal. We are serving edible orchid petals all week! Pics: Your orchid! A sleepy, grumpy Lady Dar before her fist cup of tea this morning!

Hello Denman Islanders et al! [Both first, (individual pics), and second message, (zip file), were
undeliverable to you two as MUN email system doesn't like large files!
You'll have to visit to see snaps!] Looking
forward to your visit as well. Just a note to say that both Lady
Darjeeling, (Mme Coriandre's, [aka as Corinne], nickname when we were in
India this past Oct-Dec!), and I suggest that you might wish to make a
quick visit to the Summer Outdoor Market on Saturday morning. It will be
the first market of 2016 so not sure how many vendors there will be but
it is certainly well worth walking up and down the five blocks of Main
that are closed for event. You will still have plenty of time for
birding and botanizing afterwards, with wine-tasting on Sunday. Anyway,
it is up to you but thought I'd suggest seeing the market, but a lovely
ten minute stroll from our place.
Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling, just off to Oasis UC, to pray for my black soul,
to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Wednesday ride with friends, Jane, from Vancouver, and
George, another "Islander" from Galiano. Morita, their Border Collie at Poplar Grove later that afternoon. Saying goodbye to Jane, this past Friday. A sleepy, veddy, veddy grumpy Lady Dar before her fist cup of tea this morning! You might wish to revisit staying!!!
Hi Luise! Lovely to hear from you. Sorry I've not been in touch sooner but life has been a whirlwind ever since our most successful trip to Vancouver. Friends, Jane and George, drove up last Monday and spent the next four nights with us. Lovely visit and now we are getting ready for the Easter weekend. Enjoy the coming Easter weekend. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Ragin'! Trust all goes as well as can be expected with your Afib. We have decided that we will be staying for two nights when we drive to Vancouver, this coming Tuesday. If you are free and interested, perhaps we can get together for a java, drink, meal or all of the above, sometime on Wednesday, March 30th. I suggest we call once we are back from Sarge's retirement party, in Surrey, on Tuesday evening to see what might work. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you Branko. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Greetings Good to hear from you. Wondered if you dressed up in a tutu for the Rugby 7s. Ron worked the event and found it really interesting especially Those who dressed up. He said the Fijians were quite a boisterous lot. Afternoon retirement affair for Tip on Wed of this week. She was so happy to catch up with you and Corinne. We are off to Lisbon on Friday will be in Portugal for three weeks. Really looking forward to it. It was good to catch up with Gaz hard to believe he is 80. He heads to Ireland first week of April. Anyways take care and lots of love to you both. Joanne
Hi Portugal-bound People! Wonderful to hear from you, Marps! Are you sure you are not retired! You seem to be traveling every time you send a message! Lady Dar will be absolutely green with envy as Portugal is near the top of her next destinations list! Too, too bad for us that Tip's retirement party isn't a week later as we will be back in Vancouver, next Tuesday, for a retirement party of our own. Will stay over until Thursday so we might have been able to make one for Tip. At any rate, please send along more best wishes from us both.
Yes, costumes at Rugby Sevens were oodles of fun. We first encountered Fijiian fans in LA on our first Sevens trip. Great thing about this event is that all the fans, while extremely boisterous, are never angry or nasty. Makes for a wonderful sporting event in the true sense of the word.
Will be hiking to "Middle Cartwright from the E", according to Big Al, troop leader, out of Summerland, tomorrow morning. Mary Lee, friend living not far above us, on way to Naramata, has been picking me up whenever she can join the weekly outings. She is off to visit her family in Hamilton, I believe, next week, and Jos and Aarturo are off, at the same time, for a month in Bali and environs, so all our friends, whether here or in Vancouver, are deserting us for far away places!
Have a simply wonderful time in Portugal and look forward to hearing all about your travels there when next we meet. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling, to you, Jo-Anne, and Colin! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick Have a great hike! Photos demonstrate such concentration during your bridge sessions. Cheers for now Jo-Anne
We are going to be leaving early in the morning and hope to do some tasting in the Keremeos area. Are you interested in joining us. Wayne Hi Sarge! We'd like to join you. Weather permitting, I'm hoping to ride to Orofino. Lady Dar will drive so I can put bike on rack once in Cawston. In terms of meeting up, when do you expect to leave? It will probably take me around two-and-a-half to three hours, (50 km but a good grind from Penticton on Green Mountain to turn-off to Apex then onto 3A near Olalla, to Keremeos/Cawston), so I'd like to set out so that we will all arrive around the same time. Will you come Hope-Princeton? If so, about 4 hours, probably one the way you drive! Let me know what you think but I'll tentatively expect to leave home so that I make it to Orofino somewhere between noon and 1:00 pm. Perhaps earlier but I'll take a book and Cora Lee will bring a change of clothes.
That sounds good. Let's aim to be there for noon. We will leave here around 8 AM which should put us there about noon. We will come across the Hope Princeton. Map quest says 4 hrs and 9 minutes. Do you want to make sure some places are open. Wayne
Hello again As I fully expected you two didn't take long to find bridge and dinner companions in Penticton! Life happily goes on eh?..Hope your trip to the coast went well and you weren't waylaid by bad roads and inclement weather. I have all my toes and fingers crossed for good conditions this week as Dana and our grandson are driving to the Island to visit with her Dad for Easter. We had turkey today so I could give out a few little Easter treats to them as we will miss them next weekend. Since it will only be Wally and I here over the holiday, we decided we will clean out the barbeque and grill steaks that have been sitting in the freezer all winter. Can't detect any freezer burn.
Since learning that we Canadians are the worst in the world for wasting food, I am trying to read the date "Best by" as a suggestion not a reason to fill the trash. By the way I remember Jo-Anne Naslund well but can't remember the name of your aide at the Curric lab. Can't believe that was 34 years ago until I take a good look in the mirror!
[Janice teaching Kian how to snore]
Dana managed to get to a few films at our recent festival but we decided to babysit instead. I did so want to see Maggie Smith in "The Lady in the Van". Must watch for it on Netflix. Wentworth is the TV programme I must see now that Downton Abbey has ended. What a contrast between the two. Our package of Season Tickets for the Kamloops Blazers hockey games is pretty well finished. We will be attending some Playoff games and can only hope for more than one round. I doubt we will bother with the Women's IIHF games being played here next week. The weather is getting to be too nice to think hockey.
[Sears portrait]
Other than watching a few curling games and being horrified over American politics we amuse ourselves with Pic and Kian. You are right about Pic being short changed lately. Pic doesn't seem to care for Kian at all but mostly he just ignores him . We have to stop Kian from trying to play with Picasso's toys as that seems to be crossing the line as far as Picasso is concerned. Cheers
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