Men are not against you; they are merely for themselves. -Gene Fowler, journalist and author (8 Mar 1890-1960)
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Marion Cotillard, (Stphanie), and Matthias Schoenaerts, (Ali), in Rust and Bone |
Hello Family and Friends! Just a quick note to let you know, (If you read entire manuscript!), that life isn't always easy in Paradise! Cheers, Favourite Son-in-Law/Dad/Patrizzio!
Hello Bridge and Bread People, et al! Just wanted to formally thank Famiglia Dronkers for hosting this past Sunday. Lovely, lovely time with lovely, lovely ladies, it goes without saying! Thanks, as well, of course, to Aarturo, for his cup of exceptional cappuccino! As well, the meal was certainly delish so thanks for the tasty appetizers, divine goulash and fresh bread, Jos, and high test brownies, Pamela! Finally, I forgot to say thank you for letting me shower. Much appreciated.
We are just back from Oasis where we saw Rust and Bone, "(French: De rouille et d'os), a 2012 French–Belgian romantic drama film directed by Jacques Audiard, starring Marion Cotillard and Matthias Schoenaerts, based on Craig Davidson's short story collection of the same name. It tells the story of an unemployed 25-year-old man who falls in love with a killer whale trainer." Unlikely as it seems, a very powerful, moving story that tackles many difficult social situations, some obliquely, (everything from marine amusement parks to disabilities to brutal street kick-boxing), and refuses to shy away from the harsh physical and emotional realities the characters must face, endure and somehow learn to overcome. Not for the faint of heart!
Busy day tomorrow, to ready the house and ourselves to leave after the Kitchen Sink film, Son of Saul, on Thursday at 1:00 pm. If we don't see you before then, take care of yourselves and we'll be in touch next week. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Bridge-O-Rama!
Hi Patrick An appetizer would be great. Thanks. See you around 6 pm.
Ted has invited Nick & Jodie for our 2 tables. Elaine
Hi Elaine and Polly! We'll drop off the appetizers on Friday, at some point, if that is fine with you. Given our hectic schedule that is best for us so trust this will work. If not, we could ask Polly to bring them along. Great that Theodore has two more to make two tables! The rugby fiends will try to be at your place as close to 6:00 pm as we can manage. Lady Dar's session is over at 5:30 pm, at GI, so she should be there on the dot! Looking forward to seeing everyone so thanks again for being so gracious. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: More Bridge-O-Rama, last Sunday! Pam and Aarturo; Cora Lee is playing with Jos, our hostess and Aarturo's wife; Lady Dar's fab Caesar! Hi Patrick
Look forward to seeing you. Friday drop off works for us. Elaine Hi Elaine! Grand! See you at some point on Friday then. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Gee, look what arrived from Amazon for Bart today... the movie that ended my short four year old childhood on date night in Winnipeg with Nana...nice story Mom Bart thinks it is pure cinematic genius and loves my story about how you wish you could go back and redo history and not have taken me with you to see it!! Lol Love Ayn
Hello Horror Freaks! It's a wonder Winston isn't scarred by association! For our part, tamer stuff. Cheers and Love, Dad!
Pat, Thanks for your summary of the outing. Even though I was too sick to attend through your summary I was able to experience some of the adventure enjoyed by the hikers. I would like to attend the film tonight but I may just continue to lay low. Even a very little activity drains my energy. I hope that by next week this malady is behind me and I can be out and about again. Have s great trip to Van. Regards, Pam
Hi Under-the-Weather Naramatian! Sorry to hear that it is taking a bit to combat the nasty bug. However, better safe than sorry. Am pleased you enjoyed my silly account. In fact, it was a wonderful, wonderful outing, as was Dorothy Tinning's talk that evening. What made her presentation even more immediate was the fact that a number of her Power Point photographs and paintings were of the same stunning views of Rattlesnake Island that we had seen with our very own eyes earlier that afternoon. Quite something! Thanks for best wishes for coming trip. Take care of yourself as we need you on the hikes as well as at the bridge table! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, I just checked out Au Comptoir for opening hours on Friday and they are good to go at 11:30AM for lunch. Denise & I will arrive about 11:45 and secure a table for us . Are you driving out here? If so good luck with the conditions. Looking forward to seeing you. Bill ps The restaurant is very French and a bistro in style. Right across the street from Whole Foods on West 4th. Cheers.
Hi Wild Bill! Thanks for update on Au Comptoir. I took a look at the website once you'd mentioned eating there and it looks terrific. We plan to arrive around the same time, running numerous errands beforehand, (MEC, Costco, etc.), but great that you plan to see about a table. Much appreciated. Yes, we are driving so thanks for good wishes. We plan to take the Hope-Princeton as we like the scenery. Still have snow tires on our car, in case we run into wintry conditions. Looking forward to catching up as well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Keeping the calories at bay and enjoying a social life too! What more can you ask? Well maybe a weekend at the coast,so enjoy! Meant to get back to you sooner but life always seems to be a code black.... Too little time...too little stamina.. etc.
Had a great time with my brother and sister here. It was a week of good laughs. Cooking kept me running though as my brother does not believe in leftovers even when they were planned. He looked up his friend Rob McDonald in Summerland but writing music and discussing the troubles of the song writer took precedence over any side trips to Penticton. Thanks for inviting him anyway. He doesn't consider himself good at socializing and tends to hang back unless he us centre stage. If you google Warren Barbour or Octavian on Utube you can see what I mean.
My sister has always has been interested in architecture so was working on plans for the home they are going to build this summer on the shores of Centennial Lake and near Calabogie in the Ottawa Valley. It is going to be a very fine home Indeed! We are babysitting two days a week now so our recuperation time will have to double that time. Of course Kian is absolutely brilliant at everything he does.🤓 Love to all
Hi Brenda Louise! Pleased that you enjoyed such a good visit with your siblings. You really do belong to quite a family! Buona Fortuna with grand-parenting. How is Picasso faring, never mind you and Wally! Once in Vancouver we will be seeing Jo-Anne Naslund, (my former colleague at The Curric Lab, still there), and her husband, Colin, for drinks Thursday night! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Teens! Pleased that you enjoyed so many of the snapolas! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Next Monday we will explore some terrain that Karl Lane discovered: the south end of Mt. McLellan, just east of St. Andrew's Golf course on White Lake Road. Accordingly, we will leave Home Hardware in Penticton at 9am, and Summerlanders can carpool at 8:40am at the IGA. We will decide on a coffee spot when we convene. See you then! Pam
Spent much of the morning catching up on messaging and then, after a nourishing helping of goulash, concocted from various overlefts, I suited up and headed out around 1:40 pm. Bright and sunny but a simply ferocious wind out of the SE so I put paid to the notion of riding to OK Falls. Simply couldn't entertain fighting the wind all along Skaha, terribly exposed as it always is, even with the reward of having it at my back on return leg. Decided it might be better to limit my forays into the hurricane by sticking closer to home.
Consequently, I ate up 20 km dipsy-doodling around PTC/Lakeshore/Riverside before hitting the Vancouver Ave hill to loop Middle and Upper Bench. Then back down to Government to shoot for South Main. This wasn't too, too bad as most of it is a slight downhill grade. At Skaha Lake Park I did one loop back to Green Ave before making for YYF where I enjoyed a bit of respite heading north towards the terminal and just beyond to the water tanker depot. A number of helicopters on the adjacent runways, one hovering but a few feet of the ground for some time, so I presumed that lessons of some sort were underway. Turned around and then fought, literally fought my way back to 97 for the short distance to turnoff for Shaka Lake Golf Course. Once here it was smooth sailing all the way along the private road belonging to the Penticton Band to Green Mtn Road.
Turned left here and rode as far as Westhill Rd which leads to the Band's administrative complex. Apparently, non-natives are not welcome so I turned around and headed back towards Channel Parkway. Timed the lights there by circling in a gas station on the corner and then was on Fairview Rd and almost home-free. Wended my way back to Riverside, dipsy-doodling like crazy, as I wanted some extra distance on the clock by the time I was home. Pull up Ellis and streets off Penticton Creek wasn't too, too bad as much of the way was sheltered form the still raging blasts. Pulled into house just before 5:00 pm, in time to split a bit of kindling, for later on, and have a quick shower and change before Lady Dar started fussing. We were to leave for Oasis by 5:45 pm. Pleased with outing and blamed my poor AVG on Aeolus and his uncooperative ways! Stats for ride:
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