Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Red Cross Patient Equipment LIst Blues: Wednesday, September 7th!

I have never been contained except I made the prison. -Mary Evans, actress (1888-1976)

Hello Vittorio, Patrizzio the Younger and Jessica Jones! With respect to your unfounded assertion that I have no hips, I contend that you have no wits! This observation is not unfounded!!! Over 30 years of playing handball and squash probably contributed to wear and tear and then once arthritis sets in you have a recipe for hip replacement. Right one in 2010. This coming surgery, September 14th, will be back at UBC again, by same surgeon, Clive Duncan, so very pleased about this. All going well, am hoping I'll be chauffeured home by Lady Dar on September 16th to welcome you with open arms and an open malt cabinet.

Unfortunately, as you mentioned, I won't be in any shape to hike or bike, obviously, so am quite disappointed about this as you can well imagine. Had hoped we'd explore some of the surrounding countryside, either on foot or wheel, but such outings will need a return visit, given circumstances. With respect to being home-bound, when does the wedding you will be attending take place? Where? Let us know so that we can better plan meals and visits.

Thank you for your very generous offer of hootch. Mr Fjord mentioned he might be bringing Akvavit so I am probably fine on that score. However, I need to clean my bike chain before I put my Trek away for the winter so given your propensity for cheap malt, a bottle of McClelland's Islay will cut through the accumulated grease and grit quite nicely! If you are feeling flush, however, Bruichladdich P.C. Scottish Barley or Glenfarclas 105 Cask Strength should help dull the ache in my hip and the ache in my heart that I'm not closer to you to give you, and regularly so, the hard time you need!

We will be in Vancouver on Sunday, September 11th, but staying with friends in Burnaby. After that we will be with friends in Kits but have not yet been assigned times for my pre-op appointments on Monday and Tuesday. Nevertheless, perhaps we could get together, at some point, to have a brief visit and better plan coming visit. Must away as I'm off to the local Red Cross office to collect my post-op equipment. Then to collect more firewood from friends in hiking group. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Fondestos from Lady Dar and Chloë, off walking with The Flatlanders. Cheers, Patrizzio the Elder!

Pics: KVR Myra Canyon trestles this past Monday afternoon and firewood hauling yesterday! Need to wheel-barrow each load up a pretty long, steep path to roadway above. Friends have already left for winter.

Hi Patric, Thanks for the invitation, I got the message too late to respond, sorry. I was very busy harvesting elderberry and making, with Mariola, juice out of it all evening - not too exciting, but rewarding later (when you drink it) activity.
Today, and tomorrow busy packing, and off we go for our kayaking trip to Murtle lake for a week. After coming back we have Test for Humanity bike race we volunteer for, so it looks like I will be ready for bridge at the same time you will be.

Back to your surgery, I wish you fast recovery, and having said that, I would suggest you to check the Summrland's Recope program. If you don't know, this is a rehabilitation exercise program carried out in the Summerland's swimming pool for the patients exactly like you, recovering from a surgery, or having other mobility problems. Gentle movement in warm water speeds up recovery. You need to get a requisition from your doctor to get in. I know the program because Mariola was there after her ski accident.

Hi Elderberry Harvester! Sounds like a wonderful drink! Thanks for the reminder about Recope. Much appreciated. I gave the facility a call and understand I need a doctor's referral. I'm sure I'll have occasion to use it once my incision has healed and I have the go ahead to start exercising, gradually at first, of course, by my doctor or physio. As I might have mentioned, I have the stationary bike from Josinta and Aarturo so I'll be using that as soon as I am allowed to do so. Again, it will be most convenient having it at home.

Buona Fortuna with your kayaking and thanks again for best wishes regarding coming surgery. Look forward to catching up and playing bridge once things settle down for everyone. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Spiller, Tuesday; Spiller today!

Hi Corinne & Patrick, Great to see you both, with Chloe as a bonus. Really appreciated the scramble that must have occurred right after you rushed in from the weekend away. All was calm when we arrived, and we enjoyed fine nibblies, drink and dinner and a fun evening. Good to see you settling in to Penticton and the Okanagan life style.

We had an easy run down yesterday, if a bit slower than we hoped because of residual long weekend traffic and some road work. Hit Vancouver, had dinner and I went off to a good evening of bridge – results still not in, but think we did well (which means nothing). Today is reno stuff and arrangements for our next move to new digs on Friday when Hélène and Michael arrive back.

Keep us posted on your bionic work, Patrick. Let us know if you can have, and want, visitors. Thanks having us over and treating us so well. Look forward to being able to have you over in our renovated digs before good long, seeing you soon wherever, including the new and improved Patrick. Jim

Hi James and Jocelyn! Thank you for making the time to visit on your full, busy weekend. We certainly enjoyed the evening and only wish you were here longer. Next time let's try to organize a longer visit and you know you are always welcome to stay. Etta needs the discipline if nothing else!

Glad you returned safely if slowly! Please pass along best wishes to
Hélène and Michael and suggest they visit as well. Had a busy day yesterday. Chloë helped me move two carloads of firewood from friends who live on Spiller Road, up above Naramata Road so the view from their deck is spectacular! First thing this morning I visited the Red Cross office just a few blocks from us on Main. Picked up crutches and a raised toilet seat. Dropped items of and then returned to Spiller to split more wood. Easier, than large rounds, to haul up the narrow path on the fairly steep slope, in a wheelbarrow, to then transfer to our car.

Had thought I might return for a second load but just as I was stacking wood near the back door, UBC called to ask what kind of a room I wanted/required. (Chloë was quite disappointed that I didn't order a suite with bar, etc!) By the time I had finished leaving a message to enquire about a pre-op appointment it had started to rain lightly so once I finished unloading I decided to call it quits. In pretty good shape for tomorrow as I have already split about two car loads worth so it is only a matter of trucking the wood up Everest to Spiller!

We are off to The Dream Café tomorrow evening for dinner and then will listen to
Harpdog Brown & the Travelin' Blues Show. According to blurb, "Canada’s #1 harmonica player two years in a row, 2014/2015 Harpdog Brown will be coming to perform some of  their authentic, early electric blues from the early 50’s and late 40’s.  Lowdown, understated guitar work from a young talent  from Victoria, Jordie Edmonds who has toured with the Dog for more than 100,000 kms in the past three years, and doghouse bassist Pat Darcus is solid enough you can set your watch to him.

Harpdog Brown has been a main staple of the Canadian blues scene for over 35 years, and it seems like he’s just getting started. Touring over 100,000 kms in the past 2 years just in Canada alone, tells us this man is a lifer and a road warrior.  Not only does he make his harmonica talk/sing, his singing voice is unparalleled."

Last night we couldn't drum up enough players for a table of bridge so we went to see The Light Between Oceans. Do you know the book? What a story and I thought the adaptation for the screen was marvelously done. In case you are not familiar with the plot:

A lighthouse keeper (Michael Fassbender) meets the daughter (Alicia Vikander) of the school's headmaster and is immediately captivated, and they are soon married and living on the island. Their happiness is marred only by their inability to start a family, so when a rowboat with a dead man and infant girl mysteriously washes ashore, Isabel believes their prayers may have finally been answered. As a man of principle, Tom is torn between reporting the lost child and pleasing the woman he loves.

Certainly recommend it most highly. Extremely nuanced, both the wonderful, stunning cinematography and the treatment of the psychological/emotional depths plumbed in all the familial relationships which come into play to bring all the central characters together, to collide, with horrendous result, in a much different time and place than our digital, global village.

Buona Fortuna with your renovations and you could contact Lady Dar to learn how surgery went and if I might need to play bridge from my hospital bed! Fondestos from both Etta, Duke, Chloë and Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Dinner; Spiller, yesterday; Spiller today!

Tony has courageously offered to lead to a place no one has been to: Kitley Lake, off White Lake Rd, north of St. Andrew's Golf Course. So we once again will meet at Home Hardware in Penticton at 9am, and Summerlanders can carpool from the IGA parking lot at 8:40. Pam This hike should not be too challenging – Ed and I checked it out this morning - it took 3.5 hours. Some up and down, but that is par for the course. Tony

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