Friday, 2 September 2016

Little Shushwap Blues: Friday, September 2nd!

Language is not an abstract construction of the learned, or of dictionary makers, but is something arising out of the work, needs, ties, joys, affections, tastes, of long generations of humanity, and has its bases broad and low, close to the ground. -Noah Webster, lexicographer (1758-1843) 

Dear Pat, This message was sent to you by George Maddison at through To reply the party, please click on the 'Reply' option of your webmail tool. Hi Pat, Corinne and Ray, This is Jane and George and we have just set up this ad to rent George's home for our trip in January. We thought you would be interested in seeing the latest photos. Hope all is well. Love Jane and George xo

I placed my home listing at that you might like:

Tummler, let us know if your social calendar would accommodate a visit on Monday the 12th. I am in town that day and Jane is off work after 3PM. W&CJ 
Hi George and Jane, thanks for sending the link to your place. It looks fantastic. Where have you decide to go in Jamuary? Love to hear more about your plans,
Best Corinne What's your eta? Richard

Hello Calamity and Whirlygig! Let me echo Lady Dar's comments on your place! Fabuloso indeed! Il Palazzo di Morita!!! We'd love to see you Monday, anytime that afternoon/evening. I do not know yet when my pre-op appointments will be but assume I'll hear this coming week. Once I know I'll be in touch and we can work out details of where and when. Must away as after four bottles of wine and three rubbers of bridge I'm very, very sleepy! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks Patrick for your entertaining synopsis and great photos! I wish you great success for your upcoming operations and look forward to seeing you at bridge! Pam operation not operations! 
Hello Spumoni! Thank you so much for your very kind words and best wishes regarding my "operations"! Certainly appreciated. As I mentioned in my last message I do hope to join group for some of the debriefing sessions, this coming Fall, all going well for me, once I'm up and about and can "hobble" the necessary distance! My chauffeur will probably be somewhat crabby for first little while but who cares as long as I can enjoy everyone's company.

I had the following message from Tim:
"Hey Pat, I have only done a few hikes with the Penticton/Summerland group (Campbell Mtn and Apex Mtn) mainly through the original invitation of Norbert Hirsh. You may remember me, the bald headed Aussie!!! 

I am obviously on the group's email list and very much appreciate it. Do you also run a group Facebook page? I would love to share my hiking experiences in Tasmania, Western Australia, some Rockies trips (when I was in Alberta) and particularly about Samoa. We have a property down in Samoa and want to share about adventure in this tropical paradise.

Do you or one of the ladies look after the Monday hikes out of Home Hardware in Penticton? I'd like to know the schedules. Just a few weeks ago I went with my daughter and friend on 3 days hiking in Cathedral Provincial Park......what a fabulous hidden gem. Really keen to hear from you. Cheers, Tim Walkden-Brown." 
Here is his email address and I was wondering if you could contact him and tell him that you have put him on the Monday list. Thanks again, for the support, Spumoni, and see you at bridge as soon as possible!. All the best for now. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Tim! I do remember you when you were on the hike with Norbert. I have asked Pam Krannitz to put you on the list for Monday's hike notifications. No, as far as I know, the group does not have a Facebook page but perhaps you might suggest it and take it on if that is of interest. Funnily enough Pam, as well as a number of others from the group, were back-packing at Cathedral Lakes this past week.

For my part, I will be out of hiking until the spring as I am scheduled to have hip surgery on September 14th
. With respect to your property in Samoa, do you ever rent it out? My wife and I are interested in visiting that part of the world at some point and would be keen to chat about it with you when an occasion works.  All the best for now, Timothy! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Patrick: Thank you for your usual nice set of pictures and your usual, fun to read, description of the trip. I would like to say, also on behalf of the other OFs, that we will miss all three: your pictures, your write-ups and - hold yourself! - you. Good luck on the 14th and speedy recovery. We will be waiting for your return. And do not worry: the hills will still be here and so will we. We will gladly accept you back to our group, but with a condition that you promise to skip fewer of our after hike coffee or beer sessions. Is that a deal? Wishing you all the best, Tame TT - Al

Thank you Patrickopooh, Great story and photos, as always. We will stay in touch & see each other hopefully before, during and after! As you know we are off September 6 for ~10 days or so. Hugorios to Darlene and Patricola, Cheers,

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