We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called
memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams. -Jeremy Irons,
actor (b. 19 Sep 1948)
Hello Dr Duncan and Deborah: I am sending along this email to request a 6 week follow-up appointment, probably in early November as I underwent surgery on September 14th. However, I am free to return to Vancouver whenever your busy schedules allow.
I would like to thank you, Dr Duncan, and your marvellous team, for another, as of this writing, very, very successful and almost completely pain-free hip replacement. Trip back to Penticton, this past Friday, went without any discomfort at all and the daily bed and standing exercises are going extremely well. At this point I am still using a walker but feel no reluctance, at all, to place reasonably "normal" weight bearing stress on my left leg.
Thank you, Deborah, for all your assistance with my pre-op/pre-admission appointments, etc. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick Thank you for your email, I forwarded it to Dr Duncan to review. I have an appt available Nov 3/16 morning or afternoon? Deborah Hi Deborah: Thanks for speedy response. An afternoon appointment on Thursday, November 3rd, would be best for us, if that is still possible. Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dearest Patricio How are you? Corinne told us that things went well and that you were already headed back to Penticton last week. I hope that things are going well and that you are up and about again and back to you old tricks. I am here at home this week at school and work...Al hopes to head back up to the valley to try and some more work done on our second place. Once you are fit to travel again we will try to arrange a weekend up there....I promise I wont make you hike more than 5 hrs a day
Hi Marilyn, Big Al et al! Thanks for your best wishes and wonderful invitation to visit once we are heading back into Vancouver again. First time will be in mid-October to volunteer for the VWF and then in early November for my 6 week follow-up appointment with my hip surgeon, Clive Duncan. We'll know our travel schedule once things settle down a bit here, with recovery process, etc.
We'll Kids, time to watch another episode of The Bridge before my next round of exercises. Daily bed and standing exercises are going extremely well. At this point I am still using a walker but feel no reluctance, at all, to place reasonably "normal" weight bearing stress on my left leg. Fondestos to one and all, from Lady Dar, Etta and Duke. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Last night with Duke and Etta! Glad recovery is so successful and speedy! Cute kitties. Talk soon. 😘
Hi Jill! Thank you for your message. We will pick up our wine shipment as we live in Penticton. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi from Jim…It has been a few weeks since I put out info for a Thursday hike. Here goes. There was a plan being hatched to go to Stemwinder Mountain this Thursday. However, it was a suggestion from Paul Kennedy, and Paul is still away. So, we will save Stemwinder for another week. Instead, this Thursday, we will do a little exploration up the Grand Oro Road, south of Twin Lakes. I haven’t been there for years, so my knowledge of the area is sketchy at best. So the plan is to simply do a bit of exploring for the day. There is at least one old mine (the Grand Oro) that we might look for. We will meet at 0800 at Home Hardware north parking lot, carpool, and head for the hills. As usual. We will select a location for later coffee and chat on the day. Would you care to join me? If so, get in touch so I know how many to expect. Cheers, Jim
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