Much of writing might be described as mental pregnancy with successive
difficult deliveries. -J.B. Priestley, author (13 Sep 1894-1984)
Hello Calamity, Whirlygig, Vittorio et al! Many, many thanks for the more than delightful evening, delightful at least until The Freeloader showed up! Nevertheless, marvellous to see everyone and catch-up, at least until the anaemic malt ran out and the not-so-gracious hosts started to yawn. Will be in touch as my recovery progresses and we begin to have a better sense of what our travel plans for 2017 might entail. Fondestos from Lady Dar, to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Hi Dad, Tried getting a hold of you but no luck so I wanted to make sure you knew I'll be thinking about you tomorrow and LOVE you!!!! Kittens and I love you!!!! Be well, make sure they mark the right hip!!!]
Best wishes Hope your surgery goes well, and sending prayers for a quick and complete recovery. Love, Agneta
Hi Agneta! Thanks so much for best wishes on coming surgery/recovery and stunning picture of the gorgeous flower. Trust all goes well with you. Have been meaning to send along these pictures of your visit in July but Life somehow seemed to manage to get in the way! Really enjoyed your lovely grandchildren and hope that we can play even more bridge next time.
All going well, I'm hoping I'll be discharged on Friday. Picked up another "cushion" at The Foam Shop at the end of Broadway, (Same place where I bought the one I needed in 2010!), which I'll use in car for return to Penticton. Will be a very busy weekend as good friends, Vittorio and his cousin, Patrizzio The Younger, (a chef in Oslo, back in Vancouver on holiday), will be attending a wedding in Penticton, (Bench 1775 is where it will be held, a fab view indeed!), this weekend so we'll see them both again. Lady Dar has invited them for dinner on Saturday night and expects me to be mobile enough, by then, to do dishes! To add to the mix, Catherine and Matt are up for their 35th wedding anniversary and will be spending a few nights with us as well.
Must away as I have a few things to do before I head to VGH for my pre-op appointment. Thanks again for lovely message. Take care of yourself and I'm sure we'll be in touch as soon as things settle down. Fondestos from Lady Dar, at a luncheon meeting to plan the next reunion of her Library School class next May. She is to return to collect me for drive to hospital as well as attending the session itself. We are having dinner with Flamin' and Sarge this evening. Won't be overly late as I'd like to have a good sleep to ready myself for tomorrow's adventure! Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks for the photos. All the best! Agneta

GOOD LUCK TOMORROW Dear Patrick, Just a brief note to wish you all the best for your hip operation tomorrow. I am sure all will go well. I had my eye op last month and it is slowly on the mend. Missed not being able to read much, swim or work in the garden for almost a month but hopefully the result will be worth it. Take care and look forward to seeing you during our forthcoming trip to Canada in November. Much love, Rosemary XXX
Hi Rosemary! Many thanks for the best wishes on my coming surgery/recovery. Much appreciated. Pleased to learn that all went well with your eye. We drove into town on Sunday to stay overnight with good friends in Burnaby and are now in Kits with more close friends, Elaine and Ted. Take care of yourself. Will be in touch as my recovery progresses and we begin to have a better sense of what our travel plans for 2017 might entail. Should know, by November, when you next visit. Look forward to seeing you both then. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Don Patrizio I hope that all is well with you! I see you seem to do a lot of hiking and biking in your new surrounds; undoubtedly very healthy! Life is pretty good here, just living life, not too much excitement happening. Still wondering if you are going to do a Chhhhhhaahhhhrrrrdoaayyyy tour here one day soon...?
We are still in Wellington, I have been working at the Forest Research Institute now for ~6 months and am based in Wellington (no more commuting - previously I was commuting down to Christchurch each week, which wasn't terribly fun).
I know it is a bit early, but I thought I would let you know that we are headed north for Christmas this year! In to Vancouver on the 19th, up to Nelson on the 22nd and back to Vancouver on the 27th. Warmer climes ahoy on the 2nd!
I had a small thought in the back of my mind that if you might be around on the 27th, we could detour via Penticton and meet up for lunch or something... What are your plans for the festive season? Lots more to tell, no idea where to start... Talk soon, Sneaky Pete
Dearest Flamin' and Sarge! Thank you for hosting such a wonderful, wonderful gathering, and to Bradley for his incredible Jambalaya! Terrific to meet the next generation of ESL students and welcome them into the fold. Best wishes to Ottavia, Santiago Garcia and Serge Igorovich! Bravo! Onward! Speak clearly and correctly!!! Marvelous to see JT, after far too long, it goes without saying, and meet Ashland for the first time.
Must away as I've yet to ready my bag for hospital stay and want to be abed shortly as I'll need to be up at 5:00 am with my 6:00 am admission time. Chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I thought you would be interested in this story I found on MSN: Teen Wants Free HPV Vaccine For Boys FYI Hi Michaelo! Many thanks for the forwarded article but not quite sure why you sent it along. Canadian content?
Look forward to seeing you both in early December if we head south for Christmas in Tinsel Town. We enjoyed a fabulous dinner with Flamin' and Sarge this evening. Wasn't overly late as I need to have a good sleep to ready myself for tomorrow's adventure! I'm booked for 6:00 am admission at UBC Hospital. Fondestos from Lady Dar who will be even krankier than she normally is, having to be up so early!. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Dinner this evening with Flamin' and Sarge!
Pat, Hope surgery goes/went well. Back on the move in a few weeks no doubt.
We just returned from our Kimberley/Kelowna trip. Stayed with old friends in Kelowna and did a winery bike tour in the Oliver area on Saturday. Spent and evening with Peter Moody and others. Evidently, Gary Pennington has bought property in Ireland! Back into teaching mode now. Ray
Called home but missed you - talked to Chloe. Just at Hester for pizza/salad then over to Burrowing for a swim Will call you later. Good luck and hope to see you soon!! Grog & Lurch

Pat, hope everything goes well, and when the doctor tells you to drink clear liquids before the surgery it does not mean moonshine. Take care and see you soon : ) VL Hi victor Come over around 5:30 on Saturday. Looking forward to seeing you all, Corinne Hi Corinne, that sounds fantastic! Although, would 6pm be ok with you? Did Patrick have his surgery yet? If so, how did it go? Take care, VL 6pm is fine.
Hello Marilyn and Stanchion Man, et al! Just a quick note to thank you both for your wonderful hospitality,
scrumptious food, more than plentious hootch and luxurious bedroom
suite! Grand evening indeed and terrific to see everyone. Thanks, as
well, for the delicious breakfast, Flap-Jack Al, especially
when the sky was falling in around you with forgotten work commitment,
unknown or misremembered passwords and printer problems! I trust your
school day went well, after that, Marilyn, and so did your time at the
shop, Wonder Welder Waldron!
Had a lovely evening with Whirlygig and Calamity Jane Monday evening so it was fun to catch up with them as well. Vittorio popped by so we had a chance to visit with him. He, along with his cousin, Patrizzio The Younger, (a chef in Oslo, back in Vancouver on holiday), will be attending a wedding in Penticton, (Bench 1775 is where it will be held, a fab view indeed!), this coming weekend so we'll see them both again. Lady Dar has invited them for dinner on Saturday night and expects me to be mobile enough, by then, to do dishes!
Must away as I have scads of things to do before I head to VGH for my pre-op appointment. Thanks again for having us. Take care of each other and we'll be in touch as soon as things settle down. Fondestos from Lady Dar, already en route to her first meeting to plan the next reunion of her Library School class next May. Cheers, Patrizzio! Good luck tomorrow, Paprika! 😘
Hi Patricio, So so great to see you as well and everyone else the other night, very nice to get a chance to catch up with everyone. Thanks for all the great pictures and we were very happy to return the hospitality given that we have freeloaded on you so many times in the past. Sorry for the anaemic scotch and will work on my collection..right after I re-mortgage the new cabin! Good luck and thinking of you and wishing a speedy recovery!. We will get in touch soon to see how things went. Cheers, Al Good Morning, Patrizzio: Thinking of you and wishing you well on your upcoming hip surgery. Drop me a line when you get back home and I'll pop over and have a visit with you. All the best, Mary Lee :-)
Good luck xoxo Hope all goes well tomorrow with the hip!! I'll call Friday night when you get home xoxo
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