There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept. -Ansel Adams, photographer (20 Feb 1902-1984)
Chloe Alexis Dunn Cycle DAD!!!!!! ❤️🚵🏻🚴🏼😘Colleen Teahan Waldron Psycho dad :)

Christina Tassell Leave my snow walking buddy alone❤️❤️❤️❤️ Patrick James Dunn
Patrick James Dunn We trekkers stick together so watch out world!

Chloe Alexis Dunn He is and raising money for the charity Grandmothers for Africa!!!
Patrick James Dunn This is my Personal Page:
Patrick James Dunn Any amount, large or small, will go directly to an extremely worthwhile cause! Cheers!
Hi Pat: Firstly, I am really missing my visit with you and Corrine ! I can't believe you don't live here! Next year I am going on try to visit you. m
I have a question : would you happen to know anyone in Winnipeg that would put up a lovely medical student for a month at a nominal fee? My new daughter-in-law has an elective in Winnipeg at University of Manitoba for the month of August and she needs a place to stay. I just thought I would ask, one never knows. No pressure ! I hope you are fine, all is great with me! Love Rhoda
Hi Freeloader looking for a place to stay, anywhere, under the guise of missing us! You need to organize a trip to Penticton Paradise, Ski! You won't ever go home!!! Will ask all the Winnipeg folk about the possibility of a lodger. Likely that someone will know someone. Is your daughter-in-law going to be at the Fort Garry Campus or at WGH? Better to stay closer to where she will studying. Anyway, let me know and we'll see what happens!
Have heard from Chloë about all the rain in Penticton. Same applies to us here in Manitoba as well since we have had a fair bit of rain over last few days. This morning, around 5:00 am, there was thunder and lightening like we've not heard in ages, living on the coast. Torrential rain between 7:00 am and 9:00 am, bouncing off the Durston's patio deck and neighbour's roof across the way, as we ate breakfast! Delighted I had such a grand outing yesterday as strong thunderstorms are forecast between 1:00 pm-3:00 pm, although supposed to be sunny after that. Yesterday's ride, below, if interested. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi One-Ride Pamela! As Neil said, "Get off that couch, turn off your M.T.V." and hit the road, Babycakes! Had heard from Chloë about all the rain. Your comment to do with Calgary applies to us here in Manitoba as well. Have had a fair bit of rain over last few days and this morning, around 5:00 am, there was thunder and lightening like we've not heard in ages, living on the coast. Torrential rain between 7:00 am and 9:00 am, bouncing off the Durston's patio deck and neighbour's roof across the way, as we ate breakfast! Delighted I had such a grand outing yesterday as strong thunderstorms are forecast between 1:00 pm-3:00 pm, although supposed to be sunny after that. Yesterday's ride, below, if interested.
Patrick James Dunn Rosita says thank you. Dusty is drinking Pinot Grigio on the patio with his two eldest daughters!
Gang are to start arriving anytime after 1:00 am or thereabouts. Will be a busy weekend so hope weather cooperates otherwise cabin fever will abound. Played some hands of bridge last night and Lady Dar was helping her nephew, Cody, learn. I had to play with Rosita as Cora Lee couldn't take her maternal criticism! Loads of laughs as all in good fun although Lady Dar needs to grow more rhino skin! Friend, David, from the South Shore, (His parents were extremely close friends of the Durstons. Her husband died a number of years ago but Betty still lives in Calgary. She'll be out to the family cabin at the beginning of July but unfortunately we'll be gone when she comes to stay. She is a very good bridge player and we always have a hand or two when we've bunked with her in Calgary, coming or going.), popped by yesterday and he wants to join me on some rides next week. He is going into Winnipeg for the Jazz Festival this weekend. Looking forward to his company as so far I've only been talking to myself and/or the wildlife and blaspheming against the wind!
I expect to hear about your training rides with next email! Life is too, too short to spend all you time at the VQA store! Hello to bridge and hiking gang. Fondestos from Lady Dar, just off to buy hootch and more groceries for coming hordes. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Last night's bridge lesson! Before that, sipping wine and waiting for dinner to be done on bbq.
Hi Guinness People! Too, too bad about pub but I trust you are knocking back plenty of Irish dry stout! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Campground People! Glad the snaps finally came through! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Okanagan Gothic! Hi Eiffel Tower People! Great view from your hotel! Lady Dar blinked and missed video but she'd had three or four chilled bottles of her fav Chaaaaaaarrrrrrrdddddoooonnnnaaaay by then! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick Thanks for the winery tips. We will definitely try and get down to OK falls and the ride on the KVR sounds great. We have done the section by Naramata a couple of times but never ventured further south. I want to get back to the wineries in that area and would like to try the restaurant at liquidity. Have you sampled their food? I seemed to have developed a real love for Chardonnay and they have a good one. Will also visit wineries on the bench and the ones you listed are some of my favourites, but I do not know Terravista, new name perhaps?? I have also always liked the whites at La Frenz, and the Syrah from Nicol. Weather looks promising for next week so really looking forward to our trip. First stop is the home style restaurant in Hope for breakfast!
Keep peddling Mick
Hi Pat: Firstly, I am really missing my visit with you and Corrine ! I can't believe you don't live here! Next year I am going on try to visit you. m
I have a question : would you happen to know anyone in Winnipeg that would put up a lovely medical student for a month at a nominal fee? My new daughter-in-law has an elective in Winnipeg at University of Manitoba for the month of August and she needs a place to stay. I just thought I would ask, one never knows. No pressure ! I hope you are fine, all is great with me! Love Rhoda
Hi Freeloader looking for a place to stay, anywhere, under the guise of missing us! You need to organize a trip to Penticton Paradise, Ski! You won't ever go home!!! Will ask all the Winnipeg folk about the possibility of a lodger. Likely that someone will know someone. Is your daughter-in-law going to be at the Fort Garry Campus or at WGH? Better to stay closer to where she will studying. Anyway, let me know and we'll see what happens!
Have heard from Chloë about all the rain in Penticton. Same applies to us here in Manitoba as well since we have had a fair bit of rain over last few days. This morning, around 5:00 am, there was thunder and lightening like we've not heard in ages, living on the coast. Torrential rain between 7:00 am and 9:00 am, bouncing off the Durston's patio deck and neighbour's roof across the way, as we ate breakfast! Delighted I had such a grand outing yesterday as strong thunderstorms are forecast between 1:00 pm-3:00 pm, although supposed to be sunny after that. Yesterday's ride, below, if interested. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi One-Ride Pamela! As Neil said, "Get off that couch, turn off your M.T.V." and hit the road, Babycakes! Had heard from Chloë about all the rain. Your comment to do with Calgary applies to us here in Manitoba as well. Have had a fair bit of rain over last few days and this morning, around 5:00 am, there was thunder and lightening like we've not heard in ages, living on the coast. Torrential rain between 7:00 am and 9:00 am, bouncing off the Durston's patio deck and neighbour's roof across the way, as we ate breakfast! Delighted I had such a grand outing yesterday as strong thunderstorms are forecast between 1:00 pm-3:00 pm, although supposed to be sunny after that. Yesterday's ride, below, if interested.
Penny Doorbar Many congrats to them both! How fantastic xx
Gang are to start arriving anytime after 1:00 am or thereabouts. Will be a busy weekend so hope weather cooperates otherwise cabin fever will abound. Played some hands of bridge last night and Lady Dar was helping her nephew, Cody, learn. I had to play with Rosita as Cora Lee couldn't take her maternal criticism! Loads of laughs as all in good fun although Lady Dar needs to grow more rhino skin! Friend, David, from the South Shore, (His parents were extremely close friends of the Durstons. Her husband died a number of years ago but Betty still lives in Calgary. She'll be out to the family cabin at the beginning of July but unfortunately we'll be gone when she comes to stay. She is a very good bridge player and we always have a hand or two when we've bunked with her in Calgary, coming or going.), popped by yesterday and he wants to join me on some rides next week. He is going into Winnipeg for the Jazz Festival this weekend. Looking forward to his company as so far I've only been talking to myself and/or the wildlife and blaspheming against the wind!
I expect to hear about your training rides with next email! Life is too, too short to spend all you time at the VQA store! Hello to bridge and hiking gang. Fondestos from Lady Dar, just off to buy hootch and more groceries for coming hordes. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Last night's bridge lesson! Before that, sipping wine and waiting for dinner to be done on bbq.
Hi Guinness People! Too, too bad about pub but I trust you are knocking back plenty of Irish dry stout! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Campground People! Glad the snaps finally came through! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Okanagan Gothic! Hi Eiffel Tower People! Great view from your hotel! Lady Dar blinked and missed video but she'd had three or four chilled bottles of her fav Chaaaaaaarrrrrrrdddddoooonnnnaaaay by then! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick Thanks for the winery tips. We will definitely try and get down to OK falls and the ride on the KVR sounds great. We have done the section by Naramata a couple of times but never ventured further south. I want to get back to the wineries in that area and would like to try the restaurant at liquidity. Have you sampled their food? I seemed to have developed a real love for Chardonnay and they have a good one. Will also visit wineries on the bench and the ones you listed are some of my favourites, but I do not know Terravista, new name perhaps?? I have also always liked the whites at La Frenz, and the Syrah from Nicol. Weather looks promising for next week so really looking forward to our trip. First stop is the home style restaurant in Hope for breakfast!
Keep peddling Mick
Hi Soon-to-be-Naramtians! We had lunch at Liquidity last summer with Glasgow and Catherine. Quite
good and have heard glowing reports this year from others so kitchen is
probably getting into full swing. You might think about tapas-style meal
at Misconduct, just down from Upper Bench before turn-off to Township
7. As well, Legend Distillery has a great kitchen and it is within
walking distance, (for you power walkers!), not too, too far from Sandy
Beach Lodge! Vanilla Pod at Poplar Grove has just finished a renno and
has a very high reputation. We've had lunch there quite a few times.
Gorgeous view, etc.
If you only want a snack, you can order a cheese-plate at Black Widow. Terravista has been open for two or three years. Senka was the winemaker/part owner at Black Hills who made Nota Bene. She and Bob, her husband, are a lovely couple. Ben, their wonderful dog, is on this year's Naramata Winery Dogs calendar. We belong to their wine club and Chloë is supposed to pick-up our first shipment this weekend! Hope there is some left by the time we return!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Brenda Louise! Trust all goes well with you folk. Have been meaning to say hello for ages. No excuses but plenty of reasons! How time flies as we have been here for just over a week. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Picasso's cousin, Mieka, at a garage sale on May long-weekend!
Rained heavily all morning but finally let up a bit before noon when Private Ryan and Marlo, Emmett and The Mighty Quinn arrived next door. Patti, Rachael and Ayn pulled into the driveway about 1:30 pm, having driven from Winnipeg as well. Once we'd greeted everyone and I helped take their suitcases to the assigned bedrooms, Lady Dar insisted I go for a ride. SUn had come out by then so I suited up and left by 2:30 pm. Wind was blowing even more fiercely, 19 kph SW, than on Thursday so I really didn't relish the thought of fighting, (probably more like struggling!), it back all the way from West Hawk so decided I'd stick to a more sheltered route, the South Shore. Only wanted a "stretch" ride after yesterday's longish affair, so this plan suited me just fine.
Started out dipsy-doodling through the Falcon townsite and this gave me a good idea of just how strong the wind was and was going to be. Nevertheless, the ride out to the South Shore wasn't too bad, although I had to keep my wits about me as the potholes were all filled with water and many of the rough patches were covered so it was difficult to see any hidden dangers! Return leg was truly a battle so while I was fighting my way back to the causeway I came up with an alternative plan. Initially, had thought I'd make a second loop of the South Shore but having seen what I was against, now determined I'd spend about 10 km circling the town-site. This way I'd only have to ride as far as the beach on the South Shore, 5 km from the cabin, afterwards, to make up the distance I wanted to achieve. The road, to this point, has the best surface and I wouldn't have to buck the wind for quite as long.
Anyway, did just that and after gerbalizing myself, almost into dizziness, around the town-site made for the beach and was back home with a decent AVG, 22.2 kph. Ironically, a tad slower than on my 107 km ride, 22.3 kph, a telling indication of the ferocity of the headwind and the terrible condition of the road surface! Rosita wanted me to write a letter of complaint to the Highways Branch. Have never seen the South Shore road as chewed up so am surprised that the people who own cabins there are not up in arms. Perhaps they've all been swallowed by the gigantic potholes there! Map and Stats for ride:
Hi Patrizio! Lovely photos, maybe too many flags/irises or whathever they call them. Still planning to get out there this Fall sometime. I fear you may lose whatever limited skills you had at bridge unless you get a “tune up”. Say hi to Cora Lee and the rest of the women in your life. Charlie
Hi Grumpy Flower Child! I've started a bridge group in Penticton, Champagne, so don't worry about giving me a tune-up! You'll need a complete overhaul after I've finished with you, me lad! Fondestos from
Lady Dar. Rest of The Babes send their greetings. Take care of yourselves. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Ohh our dear Patrizzio, what are we going to do with you? You are a cycling hero!! What you do tires me out just hearing about it. Anyway, you deserve a metal...really!!! Thanks for the update, the great pics and pass on hugs to Corrine but maybe shower first this time . I just don't want you to miss out on any sugar.....ha, ha.
We are presently on the road between Hinton and Edson in Alberta after trying our patience on 2 bridge and 3 road construction sites, and two separate mountain sheep sites with sucking babies that hogged both lanes and held all traffic at standstill until they decided to allow one vehicle every once in awhile to pass, but they were beautiful. So needless to say we will be arriving at our son Dean's about two hours later than our grandson Eli was expecting and he's not happy about.....he's been counting the days and presently the hours and minutes. Both Bowen(3 year old granddaughter) and Eli will be jumping up and down, over the moon when we finally get there. As for Craig and I the wedding is tomorrow so we will party on. Bye for now
Hi Mountain Sheep/Party People! Sounded as if you had quite a drive! I'd love to have seen the nursing lambs! Guess your grandchildren were as wild as wild sheep when you finally arrived. You are too kind with your compliments about my biking but thanks, nevertheless! Fondestos from Lady Dar. Take care of yourselves and enjoy the rest of your holiday as hiking and bridge when back!!! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Peony after rain; Dusty with Cody, grandson, and Emmett, great-grandson! Rosie-the-Riveter with her two daughters! Quinn, Emmett's sister!
Ohh our dear Patrizzio, what are we going to do with you? You are a cycling hero!! What you do tires me out just hearing about it. Anyway, you deserve a metal...really!!! Thanks for the update, the great pics and pass on hugs to Corrine but maybe shower first this time . I just don't want you to miss out on any sugar.....ha, ha.
We are presently on the road between Hinton and Edson in Alberta after trying our patience on 2 bridge and 3 road construction sites, and two separate mountain sheep sites with sucking babies that hogged both lanes and held all traffic at standstill until they decided to allow one vehicle every once in awhile to pass, but they were beautiful. So needless to say we will be arriving at our son Dean's about two hours later than our grandson Eli was expecting and he's not happy about.....he's been counting the days and presently the hours and minutes. Both Bowen(3 year old granddaughter) and Eli will be jumping up and down, over the moon when we finally get there. As for Craig and I the wedding is tomorrow so we will party on. Bye for now
Hi Mountain Sheep/Party People! Sounded as if you had quite a drive! I'd love to have seen the nursing lambs! Guess your grandchildren were as wild as wild sheep when you finally arrived. You are too kind with your compliments about my biking but thanks, nevertheless! Fondestos from Lady Dar. Take care of yourselves and enjoy the rest of your holiday as hiking and bridge when back!!! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Peony after rain; Dusty with Cody, grandson, and Emmett, great-grandson! Rosie-the-Riveter with her two daughters! Quinn, Emmett's sister!
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