Not that I want to be a god or a hero. Just to change into a tree, grow
for ages, not hurt anyone. -Czeslaw Milosz, poet and novelist (30 Jun
Morning, just at a restaurant waiting for Carly to meet me as it's the only time she can get together. Pretty tired as Pam never sleeps and I find I've stayed up till 2 or later with her then up at 7 to drive her to work and then keep her car. Saw Gloria yesterday for lunch then Dominique and Colleen for a 6 hour supper so am quite caught up with all my Urban people. Heading to the lake today around 2 or 3 with Pam and Greg, it's a bit chilly today but supposed to be nice tomorrow and on ward.
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A drawing in sepia ink
by Leonardo da Vinci
Hi Chloƫ et al! Glad things are going well in Winnipeg! Starting to re-assimilate ourselves back into life in Penticton. We watched three last episodes of Game of Thrones last night, eating a salad made entirely from the garden's vegetables! The cherry tomatoes are simply delicious.
While we were watching John Snow we did a number of loads of laundry so all is well on that front. I'm going for a ride shortly as it is supposed to be pretty hot today. Once back I plan to take a look at outside plug. Lady Dar also has a long list of chores so I won't have to worry about keeping busy!
I left my electric toothbrush in Medicine Hat with Jim so I'm pleased to learn that your Mother left something behind as well! Zircon is coming out later this summer so I'm hoping he'll bring it along. My Visa card must have fallen out of my pocket at the Fas Gas in Frank Slide as when I called the gas station, Amber told me it was sitting on the counter beside her. She said her boss will mail it to me and call to let me know he has done so!
Must away if I'm to beat the worst of the heat. Fondestos from Nana/Lady Dar, still asleep, to everyone. Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio! Pics: Keeper of the Toothbrush! Frank Slide! This year's Mandevilla and Bolivian Peppers; Black and Blue, scaffolding, on our property, for construction next door, and recently painted fence!
Hi Patrick, My birthday calendar has crashed. Can you please confirm that Corinne’s birthday is July 19th? Really looking forward to seeing you soon. It will be loads of fun with the kids. Abrazos, Agneta Hi Agneta! Just returned from Winnipeg yesterday. The GranFondo ride, (160 km), takes place the day before you arrive, Sunday, July 10th. Yes, her birthday is July 19th. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks, Patrick. I’m looking forward to seeing your place in person. And you too! Love, Agneta Hi again, Agneta! Mutual I'm sure! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Colin and Jo-Anne! Welcome home! Glad the malt made it back safely! I assume you sent along an earlier, (draft version perhaps?), of your itinerary. We'll be heading into Vancouver for the Folk Festival on the 17th/18th/9th so perhaps I'll be able to taste some of your exotic malts! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello all, We have safely made it home. Tuesday was a day of looking around the Royal Mile and Princess Street in Edinburgh. Wednesday was a day of travel. Got up at 4:30 A.M. Edinburgh time to leave our hotel and catch a taxi to the airport. Flight to Toronto, and a plane change for a flight to Vancouver. got through luggage claim and took a taxi home. Got here around 4:00 P.M. Had some diet Coke, had a shower, and collapsed into bed.. Had been up over 24 hours.
Today we did some grocery shopping, looked through a pile of mail,
and went to a celebration party. Jo-Anne's friend, Shar Levine, was
celebrating her award - the Order of Canada. A very BIG deal!!! Not
too many of them given out. Tomorrow is Canada Day, so we will celebrate with our customary B.B.Q. Colin
Hello Corinne and Patrick--How're things? Are you on your way back home to Penticton, or are you home already? If you are still on the road, please drive safely. And if you are home already, welcome! We'll have to get together anon (i.e., soon-ish) to catch up and exchange tales/lies,etc. about our recent travels.
Right now, I want to know if you are planning to attend the Upper Bench Pick Up Party on July 23. Petey is leaving very early the next morning for his trip to Khazhakstan (sp?), so I've decided that I'll go sans spouse. I know I'll have a good time regardless, but it would be more fun if you two were also going to be there. Cheers for now, Lynnie XOXO
All, Lynnie if I were leaving the next morning I'd go to the party. I'm actually leaving the day before. Hope your chaperones work out. Not all is great in Cuba but the fresh jugos are excellent. Cheers, Peter
Hello Jugos Dom Guantanamo Bay and Abandoned Lynne! Glad that the juice business is going well in Cuba even if other things are not! Sorry you won't be along at Upper Bench. You'll be sorely missed but we will endeavour to take care of your lovely wife! Will be seeing her for dinner tomorrow evening so we'll raise a Canada Day toast to you, in absentia!
Jim Hillson is coming out later this summer. Hope you will be around as he'd like to play some bridge. Fondestos from Lady Dar to Cuba Libre. Travel safely and look forward to seeing you soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Had a great sleep-in until 7:30 am this morning. Wonderful to be back in one's own bed after three weeks on the road! (Not that we didn't very much appreciate all the terrific accommodation we enjoyed from friends and relatives, Dear Reader!) Then up to enjoy a mug of java while I sent a few messages and opened a bit of mail. Put together a tasty frying pan's worth of overlefts to set me up for the coming jaunt. By the time I'd suited up, filled my camel pack and slathered on sun-screen, it was close to 11:00 am. Wind was not particularly strong, between 11 kph N and 13 kph N, over the course of the ride, according to AccuWeather. (Garmin must have provided an AVG as according to stats it was 10 kph N.)
Since the GranFondo is on Sunday, July 10th, I only have 10 days before event to prepare myself, as best I can. Overall, I want to ride all the various sections of the entire route just to re-familiarize myself with some of the terrain I've not ridden in some time. This being the case, I decided I'd start with Vancouver Ave and then make for OK Falls, via McClean Creek Road. Did my regular PTC, Lakeshore/Riverside loop before attacking the Vancouver hill. Then a straight run, along Eastside to MCR and into OK Falls. Even followed much the same route as called for during event, along the lake front and then back to Maple to climb up Oliver Ranch Road to swing around Stag's Hollow and Wild Goose before returning to MCR. Climb up from this side doesn't seem quite as much of a pull but still a good workout for my legs.
Again, wind wasn't too, too daunting heading home along Eastside so I was able to keep my AVG bouncing around 21 kph. Lost a bit on pull up Dawson to Dartmouth but gained most of it back zipping down Carmi once I was there. Then a bit of dipsy-doodling close to home to push me over 71 km, distance I wanted, as well as keeping the AVG as the one I registered with. Hope to be able to better this on the day of the event but for now I'm happy with the first training result. Map and Stats for ride, GranFondo Training, Day 1:
Dear Patrick, David Kessler just made a donation in support of your event. You are now one step closer to your fundraising goal. We'll be sure to send David a thank you note and a tax receipt (for donations of $20 or more). Please login to your Participant Centre (Participant Login) to see this donation in your donation history.
Every dollar raised provides critical support to the
community-based organizations working with grandmothers on the
frontlines of the pandemic. From nutritious food to home-based care to
HIV testing and counselling, your efforts are supporting our partners
on the ground to Turn the Tide! Warmly, The Stephen Lewis Foundation
Fondestos from Lady Dar to her favourite Berkloids. Thanks again for your generous donation, Cactus. Wish you could ride with me. What a ball that would be! On second thought, you'd be stopping at each and every winery we'd pass so my time would be rather dismal! On third thought, I think I'll ask organizers if there is the possibility of a wine handicap! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Judging by card and toothbrush, it's a good thing that the important parts of you are attached. Whatever...Lady Elise just slid out the door, she's just back from Oz, Brian winging back right now, and we served some fine seasonal eggplant parmesan. We are told that our friends in Santa Fe, where we will be in a few weeks, are planning some sort of minor Bastille Day celebration in honor of their illustrious visitors. If Trump wins, there will be a massive "Berxit" and we'll be seeing you soon, before the SS troops come in to round us up.
We've seen living proof that mindless intolerance is the basis of our society. So sad....Cactus
Hi Everyone, We do so apologize for sharing your email with others. First time in over 18 years. Please accept our apologies and we will never do this again. If it’s any consolation, these are all good people we know, some very well, and have known for years. Have a great weekend celebration. Charlie
Hello First Mistake in 18 Years! And you have the audacity to criticize my bridge skills! We are in Vancouver mid-July so perhaps we'll be able to check out your much self-touted bidding skills! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, This is a reminder that you have booked two spots for our Hourglass Vertical, Saturday, July 2nd. Check in time is 9:45, the tasting will begin at 10am. If you cannot make it, please let us know as we have a wait list. We are very excited to taste through 5 vintages with you! Cheers, Shannon Lancaster
Black Widow Winery Hi Shannon! Thanks for the reminder even if we had not forgotten! Very much looking forward to tasting! Happy Canada Day to you and all the rest of the family. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Black Widow Winery Hi Shannon! Thanks for the reminder even if we had not forgotten! Very much looking forward to tasting! Happy Canada Day to you and all the rest of the family. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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