Of all nature's gifts to the human race, what is sweeter to a man than his children? -Marcus Tullius Cicero, statesman, orator, writer (106-43 BCE)
Patrick James Dunn — with Corinne Durston. Hi Nao! Terrific to hear from you! At the moment we are in Falcon Lake. Will celebrate Clara's/Dusty's 71st wedding anniversary this coming weekend. Cora Lee working in Dusty's garden yesterday afternoon. Cheers!
Nao Bolliger-Hirano Hi guys! wonderful to hear from you, too! The garden looks faaaantastic! simply wow!😳😳😍 I'll be in Vancouver tommorow... just like that! l heard you moved away from vancouver. Someday l'll come visit you guys!
Patrick James Dunn Don't wait too long. We'd love to see you in Penticton! Back patio.
Colleen Teahan Waldron Have a wonderful time and please give our <3 to Dusty and Clara on this momentous occasion! So inspirational!
Michele Darrow-Sutherland How does your garden grow !
Patrick James Dunn Watered with rum!
Penny Doorbar Many congrats to them both! How fantastic xx
Patrick James Dunn Hi Penny! I'll pass along your best wishes to both Clara and Dusty. How are you and Madcap? Where do your world travels take you next? Rosie-the-Riveter and Lady Dar last evening, before bridge! Cheers!
Penny Doorbar Thanks Patrick - next trip is to Cornwall in sept with Lisa, David and Flynn + baby then Tenerife in December. How about you!? XxPatrick James Dunn Heard from Chloë that I have an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon on August 10th so I should know about a date for hip replacement then. He mentioned sometime in November last time I saw him. This will dictate travels as I need to be at home for three months of escalating rehab, as the joint allows. Friends want us to join them in the same part of the south of France as in 2013 so I'm hoping that might work. Will keep you posted, of course, as plans evolve. Time for a sauna as I'm just back from 107 km ride! Cheers to everyone, Mad Max in particular! Lady Dar trying to keep up with her nephew, Cody!
We are now on day four in the Emerald Isle. Yesterday, we drove up to Cavan and met Gary Pennington at his place. He has a fantastic house - five bedrooms, four bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, family room, living room, etc., and on an acre of land with a great view of the Irish countryside. After tea at Gary's, he took us on a bit of a sightseeing jaunt. We ended up at Bailleborough (?) were we had dinner at the hotel, and then it was back to Dublin. Dairying is big here, and all through the countryside we saw herds of cows grazing. They looked very contented. The cheese and butter here is exceptional. Have yet to try any ice cream. Maybe that is today's task. Colin Thanks for you email. Love the sauna! Great day yesterday with Gaz will send more info later must head off now. Affectionate regards as always Joanne

Penny Doorbar Thanks Patrick - next trip is to Cornwall in sept with Lisa, David and Flynn + baby then Tenerife in December. How about you!? XxPatrick James Dunn Heard from Chloë that I have an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon on August 10th so I should know about a date for hip replacement then. He mentioned sometime in November last time I saw him. This will dictate travels as I need to be at home for three months of escalating rehab, as the joint allows. Friends want us to join them in the same part of the south of France as in 2013 so I'm hoping that might work. Will keep you posted, of course, as plans evolve. Time for a sauna as I'm just back from 107 km ride! Cheers to everyone, Mad Max in particular! Lady Dar trying to keep up with her nephew, Cody!
We are now on day four in the Emerald Isle. Yesterday, we drove up to Cavan and met Gary Pennington at his place. He has a fantastic house - five bedrooms, four bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, family room, living room, etc., and on an acre of land with a great view of the Irish countryside. After tea at Gary's, he took us on a bit of a sightseeing jaunt. We ended up at Bailleborough (?) were we had dinner at the hotel, and then it was back to Dublin. Dairying is big here, and all through the countryside we saw herds of cows grazing. They looked very contented. The cheese and butter here is exceptional. Have yet to try any ice cream. Maybe that is today's task. Colin Thanks for you email. Love the sauna! Great day yesterday with Gaz will send more info later must head off now. Affectionate regards as always Joanne
Christina Tassell Patrick James Dunn, you going to Neffies? When?
Patrick James Dunn Nothing
firm, as yet, but if trip transpires, likely the end of February,
beginning of April, or thereabouts.
Stephen Carthew Give 'em our love.
Patrick James Dunn Will do. Anniversary Lunch on Sunday so that any who must return to WInnipeg will have time to do so. Terrific thunderstorm last night around 3:00 am I think, lightening lighting up the sky and Thor pounding on his hammer. Blue sky and sunshine now so should be a wonderful day. Cheers! Dusty with Cody, grandson, and Emmet, great-grandson!]
Hello Lord of the Manor Cavan People! I have just finished booking tickets for Clan Durston to fly to Dublin to stay with Squire Pennington! Sounds like a wonderful spot. Dusty wants to know if he should pack some tools for any rennos Gazebo has in mind! Is there a pub right on the estate? That is what The Sistrhood are most concerned about! [Alas, alas - there is no pub on the estate! Place looks pretty shipshape - no renos needed. Good use a gardener to help with grounds keeping. And of course, a butler, a maid, and a cook. Make sure you get good instructions as to how to get there. It is in the middle of nowhere. GPS can't find it. Also, some of the "landmarks" are not visible from the road. Very calm and peaceful location for a bucolic holiday. Colin]
Stephen Carthew Give 'em our love.
Patrick James Dunn Will do. Anniversary Lunch on Sunday so that any who must return to WInnipeg will have time to do so. Terrific thunderstorm last night around 3:00 am I think, lightening lighting up the sky and Thor pounding on his hammer. Blue sky and sunshine now so should be a wonderful day. Cheers! Dusty with Cody, grandson, and Emmet, great-grandson!]
Hello Lord of the Manor Cavan People! I have just finished booking tickets for Clan Durston to fly to Dublin to stay with Squire Pennington! Sounds like a wonderful spot. Dusty wants to know if he should pack some tools for any rennos Gazebo has in mind! Is there a pub right on the estate? That is what The Sistrhood are most concerned about! [Alas, alas - there is no pub on the estate! Place looks pretty shipshape - no renos needed. Good use a gardener to help with grounds keeping. And of course, a butler, a maid, and a cook. Make sure you get good instructions as to how to get there. It is in the middle of nowhere. GPS can't find it. Also, some of the "landmarks" are not visible from the road. Very calm and peaceful location for a bucolic holiday. Colin]
Grand day yesterday. Had a fabulous ride, much of it along the La Verendrye Trail, former #1 highway through Beausejour to Winnipeg. I can remember driving on it when much of Trans-Canada was still a gravel surface in the early '50's! Account appended, below, if interested.
Once back home I took a few snaps of Dusty's garden. Lady Dar captured the lone deer in the neighbour's lot next door while I was in the sauna, soothing my weary muscles. Off to Winnipeg this morning to run errands. Good thing I rode yesterday as it has been raining steadily ever since the early hours of the morning and forecast suggests more all day! Fondestos and Cheers to one and all, Patrizzio! Hi again, Kids! I forgot to attach snapolas! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Uncharacteristically Kind Donna Maria and Her Techno-Wizard Husband!
We were sorry that you weren't able to join us for the anniversary bash as well. Particularly me as I had to buy all the disposable cameras this time! Do hope we can connect in July. We plan to be back in Penticton around June 29th, all going well.Fondestos to you both from Lady Dar. I wanted to give her a hug once back from my ride but she shrieked: "Don't you dare touch me, you're all icky!" So much for domestic bliss! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Muddy Waters! Not quite sure of our schedule today but I plan to give you a shout once we drop Rosita off at her first appointment, (11:00 am), and perhaps we will be in your neck of the woods for a whirlwind visit. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Bridge Fiend! You'll be too good for us when we are back! Glad it was an enjoyable evening. Drove into Kenora on Monday to have my chain replaced. Travel safely and enjoy your time with friends and family, Rolly Polly! Look forward to bridge on July 5th! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Naramatia! Glad that you have suggested website. Great idea! Look forward to bridge on July 5th! We are happy to host unless group decides otherwise. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Good thing I rode yesterday as it has been raining steadily ever since the early hours of the morning and forecast suggests more all day! We drove into Winnipeg this morning as Clarisse had a number of appointments and once they were discharged we shopped at Costco for much of the food for the coming anniversary celebrations. Back on the bike tomorrow I trust.
Pat, I enjoyed your account of your ride. Unlike me you will be ready for the AM Fondo in July. I have been on my bike only once this spring. I have signed up for the medio distance so I should get on my bike. Life is busy however with work at the VQA store and planning a house. Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing. You missed an absolutely poopy day here weather-wise. The weather reminded me of Calgary summer weather. Cold and rainy. Hello to Corinne and best wishes for continued safe travels. Pam
Hello Fellow Riders and Bridge Players, I trust! Hope all goes well with everyone. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Next Monday the hike will be lead by Mike to Three Blind Mice, I believe starting from Riddle Rd. So we will be leaving Home Hardware in Penticton at 9 am and Summerlanders can carpool at the IGA parking lot at 8:40. Pam
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