Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Pack up Your Troubles Blues: Tuesday, June 7th!

There is always something to do. There are hungry people to feed, naked people to clothe, sick people to comfort and make well. And while I don't expect you to save the world, I do think it's not asking too much for you to love those with whom you sleep, share the happiness of those whom you call friend, engage those among you who are visionary, and remove from your life those who offer you depression, despair, and disrespect. -Nikki Giovanni, poet and professor (b. 7 Jun 1943)

Ladies who lunch!
Hi Patricio, Your garden does look wonderful despite you getting your hands in there and trying to mess it up!. I'm glad to see the Island Inn artwork lives on as well but i guess a new piece is in order for the Burns st. Bistro so will keep it in mind, Can't promise anything for the next time I see you though as I am just too busy at the moment and need to get through a bunch of stuff. It will give me time to mull it over ...over some single malt perhaps!

I would like to sympathize with your early start you mention however starting at 6;30 or 7 a.m. myself I find it hard to muster anything up!. Not that  mind particularly as I do love being up when it's cool and the air is fresh on these beautiful sunny Summer days.  Speaking of early starts I must away as i need to get ready to head out for another day of design work on Lemony snickets.
had a lot going on and will try and send another message with some pictures etc. to show you some exiting new stuff happening.
Take care for now, and have a fabulous trip! Give our best to Corriandre, Clara and Dusty. xoxo Cheers, Al

Hi Early Morning Whiner! Grand to hear from you, given your crazy schedule, I'm sure! Thanks for sending along best wishes for Clara and Dusty. I'll be sure to pass them along.

Busy, busy time here, as we are leaving, (at 5:00 am domani, I trust!), as we will drive to Medicine Hat the first day to overnight with Zircon, aka Jim Hillson. Have already started to pack the car but much remains to be done. Lynette, close friend from Vancouver, arrived late this morning, en route to Vernon, for the night,. She was our first non-family, over-night visitor, (You stayed in Naramatia, remember!), last year! The Goils went for lunch at Legend Distillery and then sobered up at the beach in Naramata Village! Will be in touch, while on the road, but must away as I'm charged with opening another bottle of wine! Fondestos from the Penticton Chapter of The Sisterhood, Lady Dar and Chloë! Cheers, Patrizzio! Yesterday's hike if you are interested in blow-by-blow!

Patrick, thanks so much for sharing this news with our friends in Canada.
We are doing OK-your memories of her in her old abode on Acton Street are very evocative. Glad you have the paintings, and you have no doubt had biscotti that she made in lunches way back in antediluvian times.
Our best wishes to Clara and Dusty on an amazing accomplishment! And our love to one and all in the great northern mix of souls whom we cherish so deeply! Cactus

Dearest Jake! Corinne happened to bump into Vicky at the library earlier today and she mentioned that it is the anniversary of the death of your beloved son. We understand how difficult a time this is for you and simply wish to send along our heartfelt sympathy, love and concern to you and for you. Words fail at such times but know, dear friend, that we grieve with you and for you. Again, our thoughts, compassion and empathy are with you and your family. Corinne and Patrick.

Pat and Corinne, Thank you for this kindness. Re the book-- Vick misunderstood. forget  her request...What is your phone number?? DBJS 

This is a must see video:

Hi Donna Maria and Heraldo! Just received a message from "Dawm Martin" so not sure if it is you or not! Anyway, life continues to be a wonderful aventura. Chloë arrived this past Friday to house-sit while we are in Manitoba for Clara's/Dusty's 71st wedding anniversary. Ayn will fly up for the celebration. In fact, we leave very early tomorrow morning as we will drive to Medicine Hat the first day to overnight with  Zircon, aka Jim Hillson, still in therapy after his one and only visit to Terrace! Let me know if I should open your message. Fondestos from the Penticton Chapter of The Sisterhood, Lady Dar and Chloë! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Patrick, Guess I should proof read prior to pushing send. I would be disappointed if you didn't open the attachment. Despite my strong feelings I do listen and read opposing views and I would expect the same of you. Have a safe trip to Winnipeg and give our best to Dusty and Clara - pretty astounding being together for 71 years. Any photos of your celebration? Cheers, Dawn

Hi Sanka and Bob! Wonderful that the wine club is swinging into action! With respect to the June shipment, we are leaving for Manitoba, early tomorrow morning to celebrate my in-laws' 71st wedding anniversary. However, our daughter, Chloë Dunn, arrived this past Friday to house-sit while we are in Manitoba, so she will collect the shipment when it is ready, after June 13th as I understand it. Trust this is fine. If not, please hold onto wine and we'll be by in early July when back. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Thank you so much Patrizzio. We look forward to meeting Chloe. Senka Tennat
Dear Senka! I apologize, most deeply, for misspelling your name! At any rate, I didn't think you made coffee as your wine is so spectaculare! Chloë is certainly looking forward to meeting you, and your adorable pooch, (forget about Bob), as well! Probably see you in July, when we are back. Thanks again and Cheers, Patrizzio!  

Hi Patrick just emailing Phil Vascheresse passed away on the weekend. What is your phone number? 

I thought you were already gone!!!! We had a great ride but it was very hot. Next week we celebrate my birthday with lunch out but I guess you really will be out of town. Have a great trip! Colleen 

Hi Colonel Klink! I was quite worried that I had been consigned to the stockade when I didn't hear from you! Guillermo phoned me to say he thought I should lie low for a few weeks until your temper cooled down. He surmised that you were even grumpier than usual, given that your next birthday is looming! Sorry I'll miss the bash but at least I won't have to risk arsenic in my food or drink! Happiest of Happy Birthdays, in advance! Glad everyone enjoyed the last ride. I am certainly fond of that route myself. Fondestos to you and the rest of The Flatlanders from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

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