Thursday, 30 June 2016

GranFondo Training Blues: Thursday, June 30th!

Not that I want to be a god or a hero. Just to change into a tree, grow for ages, not hurt anyone. -Czeslaw Milosz, poet and novelist (30 Jun 1911-2004) 

Morning, just at a restaurant waiting for Carly to meet me as it's the only time she can get together. Pretty tired as Pam never sleeps and I find I've stayed up till 2 or later with her then up at 7 to drive her to work and then keep her car. Saw Gloria yesterday for lunch then Dominique and Colleen for a 6 hour supper so am quite caught up with all my Urban people. Heading to the lake today around 2 or 3 with Pam and Greg, it's a bit chilly today but supposed to be nice tomorrow and on ward.

A drawing in sepia ink
by Leonardo da Vinci
Home the place looked ok when you got home, didn't put anything in the wash as I didn't want it to sit wet for days. Mom Pam gave me a black pair of Joe Fresh PJ's she thinks are yours so will take then with me. A little nervous about seeing Gramps as everyone keeps warning me about how he looks, Pam said it was pretty emotional when you were saying goodbye to him, and then she cried the whole way home. Love you both, hope the plants were ok. xx Chloe

Hi Chloë et al! Glad things are going well in Winnipeg! Starting to re-assimilate ourselves back into life in Penticton. We watched three last episodes of Game of Thrones last night, eating a salad made entirely from the garden's vegetables! The cherry tomatoes are simply delicious.

While we were watching John Snow we did a number of loads of laundry so all is well on that front. I'm going for a ride shortly as it is supposed to be pretty hot today. Once back I plan to take a look at outside plug. Lady Dar also has a long list of chores so I won't have to worry about keeping busy!

I left my electric toothbrush in Medicine Hat with Jim so I'm pleased to learn that your Mother left something behind as well! Zircon is coming out later this summer so I'm hoping he'll bring it along. My Visa card must have fallen out of my pocket at the Fas Gas in Frank Slide as when I called the gas station, Amber told me it was sitting on the counter beside her. She said her boss will mail it to me and call to let me know he has done so!

Must away if I'm to beat the worst of the heat. Fondestos from Nana/Lady Dar, still asleep, to everyone. Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio! Pics: Keeper of the Toothbrush! Frank Slide! This year's Mandevilla and Bolivian Peppers; Black and Blue, scaffolding,
on our property, for construction next door, and recently painted fence!

Hi Patrick, My birthday calendar has crashed. Can you please confirm that Corinne’s birthday is July 19th? Really looking forward to seeing you soon. It will be loads of fun with the kids. Abrazos, Agneta Hi Agneta! Just returned from Winnipeg yesterday. The GranFondo ride, (160 km), takes place the day before you arrive, Sunday, July 10th. Yes, her birthday is July 19th. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks, Patrick. I’m looking forward to seeing your place in person. And you too! Love, Agneta Hi again, Agneta! Mutual I'm sure! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick, Well, we are back in Vancouver. Got in last night, and crashed after being up since 4:30 AM Edinburgh time. Fortunately all maltage arrived safely. Looked at my itinerary on the computer, and am at a loss as to what got forwarded to you. Am attaching (I hope) the itinerary as I am able to read it. Colin PS - if you are back on the coast, I might have a dram or two you haven't tasted.

Hi Colin and Jo-Anne! Welcome home! Glad the malt made it back safely! I assume you sent along an earlier, (draft version perhaps?), of your itinerary. We'll be heading into Vancouver for the Folk Festival on the 17th/18th/9th so perhaps I'll be able to taste some of your exotic malts! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello all, We have safely made it home.  Tuesday was a day of looking around the Royal Mile and Princess Street in Edinburgh. Wednesday was a day of travel.  Got up at 4:30 A.M. Edinburgh time to leave our hotel and catch a taxi to the airport.  Flight to Toronto, and a plane change for a flight to Vancouver.  got through luggage claim and took a taxi home.  Got here around 4:00 P.M.   Had some diet Coke, had a shower, and collapsed into bed..  Had been up over 24 hours.
Today we did some grocery shopping, looked through a pile of mail, and went to a celebration party.  Jo-Anne's friend, Shar Levine, was celebrating her award - the Order of Canada.  A very BIG deal!!!  Not too many of them given out. Tomorrow is Canada Day, so we will celebrate with our customary B.B.Q. Colin
Hello Corinne and Patrick--How're things? Are you on your way back home to Penticton, or are you home already? If you are still on the road, please drive safely. And if you are home already, welcome! We'll have to get together anon (i.e., soon-ish) to catch up and exchange tales/lies,etc. about our recent travels.

Right now, I want to know if you are planning to attend the Upper Bench Pick Up Party on July 23. Petey is leaving very early the next morning for his trip to Khazhakstan (sp?), so I've decided that I'll go sans spouse. I know I'll have a good time regardless, but it would be more fun if you two were also going to be there. Cheers for now, Lynnie XOXO

All, Lynnie if I were leaving the next morning I'd go to the party. I'm actually leaving the day before. Hope your chaperones work out. Not all is great in Cuba but the fresh jugos are excellent. Cheers, Peter

Hello Jugos Dom Guantanamo Bay and Abandoned Lynne! Glad that the juice business is going well in Cuba even if other things are not! Sorry you won't be along at Upper Bench. You'll be sorely missed but we will endeavour to take care of your lovely wife! Will be seeing her for dinner tomorrow evening so we'll raise a Canada Day toast to you, in absentia!

Jim Hillson is coming out later this summer. Hope you will be around as he'd like to play some bridge. Fondestos from Lady Dar to Cuba Libre. Travel safely and look forward to seeing you soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Had a great sleep-in until 7:30 am this morning. Wonderful to be back in one's own bed after three weeks on the road! (Not that we didn't very much appreciate all the terrific accommodation we enjoyed from friends and relatives, Dear Reader!) Then up to enjoy a mug of java while I sent a few messages and opened a bit of mail. Put together a tasty frying pan's worth of overlefts to set me up for the coming jaunt. By the time I'd suited up, filled my camel pack and slathered on sun-screen, it was close to 11:00 am. Wind was not particularly strong, between 11 kph N and 13 kph N, over the course of the ride, according to AccuWeather. (Garmin must have provided an AVG as according to stats it was 10 kph N.)

Since the GranFondo is on Sunday, July 10th, I only have 10 days before event to prepare myself, as best I can. Overall, I want to ride all the various sections of the entire route just to re-familiarize myself with some of the terrain I've not ridden in some time. This being the case, I decided I'd start with Vancouver Ave and then make for OK Falls, via McClean Creek Road. Did my regular PTC, Lakeshore/Riverside loop before attacking the Vancouver hill. Then a straight run, along Eastside to MCR and into OK Falls. Even followed much the same route as called for during event, along the lake front and then back to Maple to climb up Oliver Ranch Road to swing around Stag's Hollow and Wild Goose before returning to MCR. Climb up from this side doesn't seem quite as much of a pull but still a good workout for my legs. 

Again, wind wasn't too, too daunting heading home along Eastside so I was able to keep my AVG bouncing around 21 kph. Lost a bit on pull up Dawson to Dartmouth but gained most of it back zipping down Carmi once I was there. Then a bit of dipsy-doodling close to home to push me over 71 km, distance I wanted, as well as keeping the AVG as the one I registered with. Hope to be able to better this on the day of the event but for now I'm happy with the first training result. Map and Stats for ride, GranFondo Training, Day 1:

Dear Patrick, David Kessler just made a donation in support of your event. You are now one step closer to your fundraising goal. We'll be sure to send David a thank you note and a tax receipt (for donations of $20 or more). Please login to your Participant Centre (Participant Login) to see this donation in your donation history.

Every dollar raised provides critical support to the community-based organizations working with grandmothers on the frontlines of the pandemic. From nutritious food to home-based care to HIV testing and counselling, your efforts are supporting our partners on the ground to Turn the Tide! Warmly, The Stephen Lewis Foundation
Hi Cactus an Donna Florida! Thanks so much for kicking off my fund-raising effort, Vinnie! Certainly much appreciated!!!  Jugos Dom Pedro is in Cuba on business, at the moment, so Lynne is coming for dinner tomorrow evening. After the meal we'll probably walk downtown to watch the fireworks to celebrate Canada Day. Happy Independence Day to you on July 4th. (Bastille Day party this year? We'll be heading into Vancouver for the Folk Festival on the 17th/18th/9th.) I trust you won't be celebrating Canada Day next year, necessitated by a mass exodus if Trump wins! 

Fondestos from Lady Dar to her favourite Berkloids. Thanks again for your generous donation, Cactus. Wish you could ride with me. What a ball that would be! On second thought, you'd be stopping at each and every winery we'd pass so my time would be rather dismal! On third thought, I think I'll ask organizers if there is the possibility of a wine handicap! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Judging by card and toothbrush, it's a good thing that the important parts of you are attached. Whatever...Lady Elise just slid out the door, she's just back from Oz, Brian winging back right now, and we served some fine seasonal eggplant parmesan. We are told that our friends in Santa Fe, where we will be in a few weeks, are planning some sort of minor Bastille Day celebration in honor of their illustrious visitors. If Trump wins, there will be a massive "Berxit" and we'll be seeing you soon, before the SS troops come in to round us up.
We've seen living proof that mindless intolerance is the basis of our society. So sad....Cactus

Hi Everyone, We do so apologize for sharing your email with others. First time in over 18 years. Please accept our apologies and we will never do this again. If it’s any consolation, these are all good people we know, some very well, and have known for years. Have a great weekend celebration. Charlie
Hello First Mistake in 18 Years! And you have the audacity to criticize my bridge skills! We are in Vancouver mid-July so perhaps we'll be able to check out your much self-touted bidding skills! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick, This is a reminder that you have booked two spots for our Hourglass Vertical, Saturday, July 2nd. Check in time is 9:45, the tasting will begin at 10am. If you cannot make it, please let us know as we have a wait list. We are very excited to taste through 5 vintages with you! Cheers, Shannon Lancaster
Black Widow Winery Hi Shannon! Thanks for the reminder even if we had not forgotten! Very much looking forward to tasting! Happy Canada Day to you and all the rest of the family. Cheers, Patrizzio!


Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Creston Cranbrook Crowsnest Blues: Wednesday, June 29th!

Transport of the mails, transport of the human voice, transport of flickering pictures -- in this century, as in others, our highest accomplishments still have the single aim of bringing men together. -Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author and aviator (29 Jun 1900-1944)

A few of us went to Snowy Mountain Protected Area in the Ashnola.....That plant that Al thought I could figure out is: Lewisia pygmaea, Alpine Lewisia. Thanks to facebook and facebook friend Valerie Huff, it got identified! Pam Thank you for the memories of a very beautiful area. I loved the trail between Joe Lake and Harry Lake. I do know that it can snow every month of the year at that elevation. It is sad to see the remnants our old line cabin. Jud Verry nice pics...stunning views!!!!! Thank-you for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello The Sisterhood! Grumpy Nana just clambered out of bed. It is 6:23 am Medicine Hat time and we hope to hit the road shortly after 7:00 am. Long drive ahead of us 10 hours and 54 minutes, 979 km! Lovely morning here and drive is incredibly picturesque so not an unpleasant journey at all. In addition, Carol, Brendan's wife, and mother of Zircon's two granddaughters, Madeline, 8, Josephine, 5, who were here after swimming lessons, pool is just across the way, last night, showed me how to download books from AudioBook Bay, for free! Have the first Jo Nesbó, The Bat, so we'll listen to it when radio reception is poor! Must away as Zircon's fabulous cheese omelette is almost ready. Fondestso to you both from Zircon. He might be in Penticton when the hordes arrive! Hello and love to one and all in both Mosquitoe City and Tinsel Town! Love and Cheers, Dad! Pics: Kenton and Medicine Hat!

They and you are booked in. It can be a pre-birthday celebration. Have fun in Winnipeg and spend time with grandpa. He loves sitting outside. We are at jim's now, leaving soon. Hugs Mom Sounds fabulous!!! Can't wait!!! Just went for a great hour long walk, now to shower and head for lunch at Boon with Gloria who used to work at Urban. xx

Hi Janet, we are on the way home from Manitoba, would love to have you visit.
The last week of July would work best. What about coming up for the 26,27 and 28? Looking forward to hearing if that works for you. Cooking is welcome, especially yours! Hugs Corinne

Glad you didn’t hit the Calgary storm. That construction around Regina is a mess – sounds like the flag crew needs some re-training. You also have to be careful there because they have speed cameras set up so you can get a lovely letter when you get home saying you were speeding in the construction zone. Have a good rest of your trip! GZ

Hi Patrick Hope all is well with you. We had a great time in Naramata, as usual, but we were so well provisioned this year that we did not venture once to penticton to get food, so did not visit your abode and cloe. We did some nice wine tastings and dined at Poplar grove at their new restaurant, good food but quite pricey. My favorite three wineries this year were Little Engine, all three wine offerings good, but all $35.00 so a bit expensive. Van Western, I like his reds , and Terra Vista who I like so much that I joined their wine club and left with half a case of their whites. They told me they are going to do a Syrah which should be interesting. I loved all their wines and had a long chat with Bob, who told me you had picked up a case before heading off to Winnipeg .

We did not venture off the bench and the week flew by and wine excursions were somewhat limited, so we did not get down to OK falls. After Naramata we drove to visit an old friend in Nelson. I was good friends with Sylvia's husband Ian, at Michelin, and after moving to Nelson last year to be near their eldest son, he died quite suddenly and now Sylvia is alone and a bit lost in a strange town. Nelson is a lovely small town and is in a stunning location in the Selkirk mountains, but is really very remote. Their son, Andrew , grows medical marijuana, which is one of the principal industries in the town, and it was very interesting listening to him espouse the medical benefits of pot for us oldies!! If my arthritis worsens I could be tempted to try it. When do you get back? Mick 

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Medicine Hat Medalta Blues: Tuesday, June 28th!

What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness? -Jean Jacques Rousseau, philosopher and author (28 Jun 1712-1778) 

Hi Zircon! Just about to leave Kenton so I assume we'll be in The Hat between 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, all going well. Perhaps a tad sooner. Will text when closer. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Patrick, I think it’s time for you to join Corrine and the other many millions of Gulten intolerant people. Here is how to do it.

Hi Grog!
Glad we didn't go any further than The Hat as Calgary had an incredible thunderstorm. Heard reports that the hail was piled up beside the highway like snowbanks! Heard reports about the Whiteshell on every news cast we've listened to since departing Winnipeg! After leaving Kenton around 7:40 am, we arrived in Medicine Hat at 2:30 pm. Gaining an hour, once we crossed into Saskatchewan, didn't hurt either! Not much traffic so we zipped along at between 110 kph -115 kph except for a two quite long stretches of highway work, one outside Regina where, in addition to highway resurfacing work, there were two massive interchanges being constructed. I gather you are familiar with all this!

Another rather disturbing incident involved a single highway worker putting cold mix, (I assume), in cracks on the centre of the highway. We came over the crest of a small hill and I saw what I thought was a vehicle of some sort on the shoulder and as we sped closer, 110 kph, I realized that there was a person standing right in the middle of the road. No signage, no cones, nothing! Of course I slowed down immediately, changing into the left-hand lane and the worker retreated to the opposite shoulder, seemingly unconcerned! Not sure if you have encountered any similar road work but it seems spectacularly dangerous to me. This is a case where a flag person really should be used as an early warning system. Cannot even imagine that WCB would even sanction it. 

Perhaps the woman in question couldn't stand being gluten intolerant anymore! Far more likely that she hadn't seen the extremely helpful video! Great thing about it is the fact that one can readily adapt it to so many other social situations. With nothing but a bit of tweaking you too can become Rap Intolerant, Craft Beer Intolerant or even Husband/Wife/Child Intolerant! Anyway, thanks again for your generous hospitality. Must away to bed as we have a long drive tomorrow. Fondestos to Pam and you from even more Gluten Intolerant Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio, not yet gluten intolerant but working assiduously on becoming so!

Hi just landed in Winnipeg but I wanted to know do you have people at yours August long??? I was wanting to come and also wanted to know if Katie, Brian and the kids could as well. We want to show Brian Penticton to get him on board to possible move!!!! But if you're booked up it would be tight. Love you, please let me know ASAP. Drive carefully. XX  Are you home??
Next Monday Dave Snyder is kindly offering to lead us up Blue Mountain (beside Nkwala). This will be a 3 to 4 hour hike. So meet at Home Hardware in Penticton at 9 am. Summerlanders can go directly to the site if they wish. We will be meeting Dave at the juncture of Bartlett and Forsyth up on West Bench. This is the beginning of the dirt road to Max Lake and is beside a gravel pit. Come to Home Hardware if you are unsure of where this is! Pam

Monday, 27 June 2016

Sunny Skies Sleeps in the Morning blues: Monday, June 27th!

Money may be the husk of many things but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; acquaintance, but not friends; servants, but not loyalty; days of joy, but not peace or happiness. -Henrik Ibsen, playwright (1828-1906)

Hello All, I just realized Jaxon has an appointment at children's hospital for an allergy test on the 7th so we will have to come home on the 6th Instead of coming for the 4th would you have room if we came the 3rd instead? We wouldn't be there until around 6ish Let us know if that would work Looking forward to it :)

Hi Nicole, the July 3 to 6 is fine. We will be home by Wednesday. So anytime after that is fine. Looking forward to seeing you all. Hugs Corinne Great We may stop in Merrit to see baby grace for an hour on our way but we will keep you updated so you know when we will be arriving ! See you soon
We will have dinner waiting. Give Grace a snuggle for me. See looks adorable. C My beloved ones! You honestly can't imagine how excited I am to see you all very soon! :) is there anything I can bring you from Mexico? Lots of love, Nadienka We are looking forward to seeing you as well. We don't need anything but thank you for asking. See you soon, Hugs Corinne

Map and Stats for ride:

Bruno Sterckeman As a result of Brexit, the EU debates will now take place in Gaellic, this language having won official status after an arduous battle.
Jean Homsy Can someone explain (sorry dumb question) why is N.F addressing the E.U. What is his status to be allowed to do so. (Honest question). Thanks.

Whiteshell highways flooded, province urges homeowners to leave

I am sharing this article with you:

Hello all, Well, we made it! We are safely ensconced in our hotel room fifty paces off the Royal Mile (behind the Tron Church). We left Aberdeen on Sunday, and made our way to Pitlochry. Went past Balmoral Castle, and visited Her Majesty's neighbors, Royal Lochnagar. Founder was definitely a canny Scot. When Queen Victoria moved in next door, he invited Prince Albert by for a tour of the distillery and a wee dram. The whole family came, and all sampled. Result - Royal Warrants from both Queen Victoria and King Edward VII. Then on to Braemar Castle for a wee look see. The road from there to Pitlochry was through some wild and barren mountains and even a ski resort. Stayed at a lovely place there, the Craigvack Hotel. The bar offered "lab tests" - a golden lab and a black lab checked you out. Went down the street to the Blair Athol distillery - very nice, the went to Victoria's Cafe for supper - great beef pie!

Today we went to the Edradour distillery a very pleasant place - and then on to Stirling. Saw the castle, the Wallace Monument, the university, and Bannockburn. Then on to the airport to return the car and a taxi ride into the city. Haggis for supper tonight!! Colin

These are great. Good clean humour, well most! Will send to my girls too, everyone bcc, since my girls will know which ones I really chuckled at!! Don't know if they know who Phyllis Diller was but I always enjoyed her one liners!! She was the queen of wild hair & skinny legs, like an adult Pippy long stocking but with crazy hair. Maggie 

And the Rain Came Dowm Blues: Sunday, June 26th!

There is no greater fallacy than the belief that aims and purposes are one thing, while methods and tactics are another. -Emma Goldman, social activist (27 Jun 1869-1940) 

Ayn P Patrick James Dunn Corinne Durston 1976...totally pregnant with a Leo named Chloe Alexis Dunn Chloe Alexis Dunn Hippies!!!!!!!❤️ Lori Ann Lol- that was Patrick?
Ayn P Ayn P Yep!!Commies too I bet, they used to steam Right veggies for three!! Chestnut St. Took me back there!!

Bruno Sterckeman Love Patrick's Amish pants.
Maggie Carr
Maggie Carr Not a look I recall at United.
Colleen Teahan Waldron
Penny Doorbar
Penny Doorbar Great pic- you both look so good together x
Maggie Carr
Maggie Carr Pat was always involved with the drama group at UC. They were a tight group of friends.

Hi Patrick, Glad to see you're eating well. Family looks great. Lynne is still wearing the elephant pants! We did manage to escape Scandinavia although it was a near thing. SAS pilots went on strike do we had to plan an alternate route, via train from Stockholm to Copenhagen. It was quite a sojourn but we made it, only a half day late getting home. All' s well on the home front. I spent last week in the Rockies dodging grizzly bears at the coal mines. After a quick 2- day turnaround I'm back on the road, currently at Penticton airport on the way to Cuba for the week. My good man Rudy has the vineyard in good shape.
You road warriors should be home by next weekend. Looking forward to getting together to catch up on all our travels. Cheers, hugs for Corinne, Peter

Talked to Sandee Gatton today .They are home from the East. Said she hadn't heard from you for awhile .Said she was coming out to Visit Dusty . Rain this morning and afternoon .Just what we need !!! Enjoy your visit with Sandi

Hi Everybody, Hope you don't another field report from the Canadian Prairies. There is even a video included, taken this morning at 6:30 am.

We came from Val Marie yesterday, where we visited Grasslands National Park. The day started off with blustery weather – strong wind gusts and a bracing 11ºC. Soon we were in the park and on a narrow dirt road. We passed colonies of gophers (Richardson Ground Squirrels) and Black Tailed Prairie Dogs. The undulating grasslands, huge vistas and big cloud formations, wasn't all. We came across three huge bison bulls near the side of the road.

Back on the highway, after a few hours, we returned to Val Marie for a cup of tea. On the edge of town was a huge cylindrical tank with a tiny shed. You could fill up here, at this card lock set up – an unmanned gas station. Good thing too, as the gauge was on empty.

Saskatchewan is beautiful province and prairie people are amazingly friendly. Well, yesterday, I had to go to the bathroom and there was nowhere to go in the tiny town, we stopped in. The local grocery store owner in Frontier was not able to help and the senior citizens centre across the street was closed. So was the hotel. A customer offered to drive me to his house; a young man and school teacher. Then he drove me back to rejoin Ellie, on the main street. Later Ellie and I were sketching by a grain elevator and a rancher's wife drove right off the highway up in a big pickup. She was curious to see what we were sketching and was exuberantly friendly.

We drove on to Eastend and the T-Rex Museum. We did our laundry first, in the back of Charlie's Cafe where we each ate a burger. The museum was small but fascinating. It has one of the best assemblages of a local Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton (65% original fossilized bones) anywhere in the world, and this ferocious looking monster was found right outside Eastend.

Once again we were on gravel road. We followed the Frenchman River west, through a beautiful shallow and almost treeless valley, to Ravenscrag. Then our route took us north up a long and steep hill. Soon we were in even higher prairie, perhaps near 1300 metres/4,300 ft. We reached the Spring Valley Guest Ranch down a very rough driveway, in early evening light.

Jim, is slightly built man, who grew up in in the area lives alone at his ranch. The place is dominated by a big rambling house, in Queen Ann style, and moved here by truck from elsewhere. Unbelievably, the ranch house was originally ordered from an Eatons Department Store Catalogue, and built back in 1913. There is also a bright red barn, a log building, a church (also moved from elsewhere) and some other outbuildings. Jim raises cattle, has chickens, does some catering and even does upholstery. There are no other guests here.

Jim is planning a steam punk fashion show in September and is awash in incorporating aboriginal, frontier, RCMP, and Hutterite cultures into his show. We were only slightly aware of this steam punk thing and it's fascinating. The performance will take place in the church where he also used to teach line dancing and host weddings. Jim has exotic breads of cattle and chickens and sells his meat locally. This is turning out to be a most interesting accommodation with a wonderful host.

Ellie and I are going to the Cypress Hills now. We will have to drive some more gravel, to get out to a highway. This is a forested region above the surrounding prairies. Best Wishes from the Ranch, Bob and Ellie

Dear Patrick, Sounds like the Durstans had a gala anniversary celebration. Seventy one years is impressive indeed. Hope the torrential rains have let up in Wpg. & Penticton. We had a taste too of what Mother Nature can offer or is it Zeus with his magic trident creating those thunderous skies as we were on our boat in Port Browning on Pender Isl. when we heard Zeus roar. Cabin bound we danced the night away to Credance Clear Water and the Revivers with John Fogerty. It took me back to the sixties when I bopped until I dropped.

We have been out at sea for a week relaxing my doc told me my adrenals are taking a beating from being over star stressed so it is time I learned to relax. He is right I had been working non stop for four months organizing this gala birthday party for my mom. Hall rented, caterers in place and the concert now planned. Ukrainian choir and senior dancers. Children's dance group and the mandolin orchestra. I grew up with the Kozub family of five.  I danced, sang and played in a mandolin orchestra too. Now this family is famous in the musical world as performers & conductors. They have a folk group too and will sing at the party.  One of the sisters  Ilena, I was very close to as a sixteen year old. We hung out together but when I left home at seventeen I left my Ukrainian roots behind. Fifty years later I phoned Ilena and we have been talking none stop. She is a singer an a actress and a seventy year old great grandmother. Kind of neat I must say, it does my heart good.

I have a wonderful brother in Wpg. who is the caregiver to our Mom. Dan is an extreme extrovert talks non stop and a great story teller. He has four children and four grandchildren.  He still is teaching high school at 67. In the dedication to the cake for our Mom at the party he will be telling many enjoyable stories and after each story will follow a song. Well songs from The Lion Sleeps, Under the Board Walk, Sugar Sugar and more but the family are not enthused except me and I have been learning the songs. I suggested Bob Dylan's Forever Young which the audience can sing too so we will see.

It is Sunday and the weather is sublime. We are docked  at the yacht club marina in Salt Spring and decided to walk into Ganges. Here too time stands still with all the alternative folk in their hippie style costumes each amazingly unique my mouth agape at the variety of eccentric people doing their thing. We sat outside the cafe that produces the famous Salt Spring coffee, John had a roast beef croissant and I had a roasted veg. quiche followed by mango, blueberry crumble. yummy! Crumbs went to the hounds.

The forecast for the coming week is hot so we will head home tomorrow, I am quite allergic to the heat now so will enjoy the coolness of the forest that it brings. John is sitting beside me reading Nobody's a Fool by Russo. The water is breathtakingly calm as boats bob up and down on these blue azure waters. One must always stop and take in the beauty of nature and this amazing world as we are just pilgrims on this road of life. Enjoy the journey and your many wonderful bike rides. Love to you and Corinne Hugs Jean & John

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Lightning Storm Power Outage Blues: Saturday, June 25th!

A word has its use, / Or, like a man, it will soon have a grave. -Edwin Arlington Robinson, poet (1869-1935) 

Hi, Gary and Amanda will water Sunday Monday Tuesday I said you were home Wednesday. Look what I'm having in my salad!!! Straight from the garden!! Walked a good portion of the KVR today!!! Gorgeous!!!! Drive carefully, love you!!! Thanks for letting us know. Garden salad looks great. Hugs Mom    

Hi there again Patrizzio! It sounds like you are in good training for the bike race when you get back. Sorry, bridge night has not changed, so I'll see you Tuesday night, July 5th. This weekend's plans to Calgary Is off as my girlfriend 's sick.
So it's off to West Edmonton Mall to accompany my shopaholic sister on a shopping spree. It's been raining a lot here too. Hugs

Hi, Patrick and Corinne: Hope this finds you well and enjoying the start of summer in Penticton. I am off work for a bit and considering the possibility of a summer visit. So I'm wondering about when you might be around and have time and space for a visitor. I have a lot of flexibility between approximately July 11 and the end of July and would contemplate perhaps a 3-night stay. Please be assured that while I would obviously want to spend time visiting with you, I am also quite self-sufficient and very happy to wander and explore on my own (go for walks, check out local coffee shops, etc.) It's possible that at some point I might endeavour to invade your kitchen to bake or cook. :)

I'm not an enthusiastic distance-driver and have a lot of Aeroplan points, so would most likely catch a flight. Anyhow, please let me know if this is at all practical and possible from your perspective. Hope to see you soon, one way or another. Love, Janet 

Hi all,
Left Inverness this morning. First stop was Cragganmore. Very interesting twelve year old. Had a few drams tonight. Next stop was Aberlour - great tasting from a very informative guide. Stopped by Ballindalloch and Tormore, but neither was open, so it was on to Glenlivet for lunch. After lunch, we went to Macallan - very good, especially their Sienna. Went to Glen Grant - not worth the trip. Ended up at Strathisla, but unfortunately after they had closed. It is one of the nicest looking distilleries I have ever seen. Next stop - Tesco for food for the night. Last stop - the hotel in Aberdeen. Colin

All the water in Falcon The road to the south shore and the main beach!!! Lots of water still. 


Friday, 24 June 2016

Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag Blues: Friday, June 24th!

History is a vast early warning system. -Norman Cousins, editor and author (24 Jun 1915-1990)

Hi Chloë! Great to chat last night! In case you don't know about this, (You probably do!), I thought I'd send it along. Just going for a short "stretch" ride this morning, with David. Once back I'll start packing up the car as we are off to Winnipeg on Saturday morning. Hello to all your new best friends in Penticton and Naramata! Cheers and Love, Dad! 

Hi Uncle Giorgio! I'm colour blind as well but your sister won't buy me those glasses as she wants to control all the colour schemes at our place! Tough being married to a Durston! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Good to hear from you, Patrizzio. I'm now in St. Albert, AB visiting, having BBQ
drinks etc with my sisters. Tomorrow early I'm off to Calgary with a girlfriend
to spend the weekend with another life long friend to celebrate a 60th birthday
with guests arriving from everywhere......big party happening! I'll be back to Edmonton Sunday night to spend another week with son, Dean, Chloe and grand kids. Unfortunately, there is no hiking or bridge for me for these
three hoo! But I'll set up again when I get home July 5th.
Please count me in for bridge on Tuesday night July 6th. Thanks, hugs to both

Hi Party Polga! Glad to hear that you are having such a wonderful time with friends and family. Quite a coincidence that your son's wife is named "Chloe"! Just talked to our Chloë last night and there was quite a rain storm as we chatted. In fact, there has been a fair bit of rain since we left. Not so good for hiking, I imagine, but our garden has been growing like crazy!

We've not played as much bridge as I'd hoped we would. Too busy socializing like you! Will stay overnight in Medicine Hat on Tuesday, June 28th, and our host has already lined up a game so looking forward to that. You mentioned Wednesday, July 6th, for bridge. Has the night been changed? That's fine but I just wanted to confirm before I send out a message to see who is keen to play. Let me know when you have a moment.

Last night here in Falcon. After I finish a few more messages I will pack the car as we are driving into Winnipeg on Saturday morning for the weekend and will start wending our way home on Monday. We are having a pot-luck at the new home of the daughter of the cousin who lives near Brandon, tomorrow afternoon. My other cousin, Sally, and her husband, Filmer, who also live in the city,  will be attending, along with all the family from Kenton so should be fun. Fondestos to you from Lady Dar. Cheers, my Darling Rolly Polly, Patrizzio

When he popped by yesterday afternoon, David and I had agreed that we would go riding this morning, anytime after 10:00 am. I called around 9:30 am to confirm but could only leave a message. Called a number of times after that, [I was in no hurry and was watching the news coverage from the UK after the vote to leave the EU!] When I still had not reached him by 10:30 am Clara looked at her address book and realized that the number she had given me was off by one digit! This corrected, I reached David as soon as I called and since I was ready to leave, headed out to the South Shore a minute or so later. The wind was blowing pretty strongly, 15 kph S @11:00 am and increased to 17 kph S @1:00 pm so whenever we were riding into it had to struggle. Nevertheless, I was really only interested in stretching my leg muscles, after yesterday's outing, so was glad that I didn't have to contend with such a head wind for any prolonged amount of time or distance.

I zipped along to the end of the tarmac and then rode into David's place to collect him. I paused my Garmin until he was ready to go but when I initated it, device started a new ride! Just as well since I'd obviously touched the Dreaded Burning Ground, Dear Reader! At any rate, we beetled along, chatting about one thing and another. After a short dipsy-doodle into the Falcon town-site we hit the road for West Hawk. Decided I'd take a short detour into Toniata, once we reached the turn-off for this particular beach. I had not ridden here this visit so was keen to see it again. On the way there David mentioned that he knew a couple who had their trailer there and when we rode to the campsite he bumped into his friend, on her own bike, close to their spot. He stopped for a brief chat and a drink of water while I circled. After a number of circuits around the small trailer site I said I'd meet him back on the road to West Hawk. He said he wouldn't be long and I waved goodbye to his friends and proceeded to climb back up the fairly long hill. 

Once back on PR 301 I headed back towards Falcon while I was waiting for David. Shortly after I turned around I saw him ahead of me. I was about 1 km behind but thought I'd be able to catch up. He must have been zipping along as I only caught sight of him again on the last straight stretch before turn-off to West Hawk. Then there is a slight hill and no sight of him when I turned towards WH. Assumed he might wait for me near the gas station. [Once back, I learned that he had headed to Ingolf so that is why we never connected: Patrick,

While I managed to lose you on the road, I am most glad that you prompted me to get out. I ended up going to Ingolf and returning...nice ride. D] Again, no David, patiently waiting, so I decided to do my regular highway/beach loop. Did the latter twice as I needed a tad more distance before I headed back to Falcon.
Had managed to push my AVG to about 20.4 kph by this time and assumed it would drop as I was heading almost straight into the head wind for most of the rest of the way home. However, I suppose the direction was more of a cross-wind for some of the time and when I reached the final straightaway I had it up to 20.6 kph even though the gusts were horrendous. Still, I was very pleased as, adding the first ride to the South Shore, I topped out at 65 km. Terrific stretch ride indeed! Sorry to be leaving this training ground as we are off to Winnipeg tomorrow and then will start our journey back to Penticton on Monday. Map and Stats for ride, Part I:

Map and Stats for ride, Part II:

Hi David! I saw you as you rode up the small hill past turn-off to Toniata. I had gone towards Falcon for a km or so while waiting but you were too, too speedy for me to catch up. I saw you again on last straight stretch before turn-off to West Hawk and assumed you went there, as opposed to Ingolf! At any rate, glad you went there as it is a very pleasant ride. Hello to Karen. Corinne is off golfing shortly but expects to be back by 8:30 pm so you can give her a shout then to finalize details for tomorrow. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

PS: Sorry we are headed back as it would have been most enjoyable to do a couple of more rides, together! My account below, if interested.

Hi all, Left Glasgow on Wednesday and picked up a car. Then drove to Oban for the night. Of course, visited the Oban Distillery. Thursday we headed to the Isle of Skye, home of Talisker. Found a great little distillery and bought a 21 year old Poit Dhubh, a fantastic single malt. Then it was on to Inverness and our hotel. Friday we woke up to a Britain gone mad. Nothing we can do about it, so time to check out more maltage. Started with Tomatin, and their great new blend, Cu Bocan. Then it was on to Dallas Dru and Benromach. Afterwards we took a side trip to Fort George, an old and currently in use military Fort. Stopped back at the hotel briefly, then went down to Loch Ness. Sad to say, but we saw no monster. Last stop of the day was Glen Ord. Very nice place, and a great selection of malts. Tomorrow we are off to Aberdeen. Colin

Hi Highland Folk! Glad to hear that you are having such a wonderful time, discovering new malts! [I'll have to make do with looking for something I've not seen back in BC at the Grant Park Liquor Mart, (Manitoba's equivalent of a Signature store.), when we are in Winnipeg as we won't be driving through Calgary on way home.] Fondestos to your entourage from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Everybody, Excuse this open mail. Here is an message from the journey.
After leaving Vancouver on Tuesday morning, we had a wonderful visit to Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park yesterday and this morning. Ellie and I loved camping here beside the slow moving Milk River. I was able to get a few sketches done there too. The shallow valley is lined with sandstone formations, eroded into weird and unexpected formations, known as hoodoos. No wonder the Blackfoot people found the place so sacred. Apparently strong spirits ruled here and it was said that one could gain special powers here too.

Ellie and I are tired but today was great. We drove for over 5 hours and about 250 km, to get to Val Marie, a village in SE Saskatchewan. Of that, 150 km was on gravel highways and grid roads. Albertans warned us about the paved roads in Saskatchewan – that they were bumpy and patched – better for the old car though then gravel (fortunately no flats).

We are both fighting off mild colds and I am exhausted from the drive today, but we are very happy to have arrived at the cozy Sky Story B&B, here in Val Marie. Diana the owner is very nice. Also, we had three antelope sightings today and the prairie was absolutely sublime and empty. We had all kinds of weather too, between 14ºC and 28ºC, during the day with rain storms and sunshine. See video taken by Ellie.

This is as far east as we will go. Tomorrow we go for the morning to Grasslands National Park, before turning northwest to Eastend. Tomorrow night we are at the Spring Valley Guest Ranch, near the Cypress Hills.

Will post some of this later on Facebook but for now, an email message. We will be home on June 30. Best Wishes from this Val Marie with its gravel streets and friendly folks. We are loving Saskatchewan. Bob and Ellie

The tour sounds interesting. We just did a small tour very close to the campsite. We were able to walk to where the tour began. A tour was the only way to see the petroglyphs. Glad you enjoyed your time there.

Hello, Ellie and I loved our campsite last night, here by the Milk River, in Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park. Went on a tour of the archaeological area in the middle of the afternoon. We were taken in a small bus – some twenty of us – to see First Nations rock art. It was along the base of row of cliffs, heavy eroded, by not very high. The Blackfoot tribes, and others considered this place too sacred to stay in for long but the place was revered and regarded as a place that was full of spirits and powers. The humidity and heat was a bit of a trail and it felt like a prairie thunderstorm was on its way – instead the evening turned lovely. See video. Today we are taking #501, a partially gravel highway through the fairly unpopulated southeast corner of Alberta – our goal for tonight it Val Marie, Saskatchewan, a village of 100 souls. Grasslands National Park tomorrow. Best wishes from the road, Bob 

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Push the Stitched Together Dipsy-Doodle Blues: Thursday, June 23rd!

Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't. -Richard Bach, writer (b. 23 Jun 1936) 

How did people wake up on time before the invention of alarm clocks? Here's one way. It involves a person with a very long stick. That was the case in England, at least. These people were called “knocker-ups” or “knocker-uppers,” a name which described the act they’d perform each morning. The knocker-up would come to your window, give it a few taps, and then wait to make sure you had awoken. If you had, great — he or she moved onto the next house. If not, they were typically charged with trying again, as knocker-ups were often only paid if they waited to ensure that the customer had, indeed, woken up.

Hello Cruise People! Starting to worry that you are in a Russian jail after trying to lift some art from the Hermitage! Otherwise, trust all goes well. Fondestos to you both from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: I didn't realize that a feature film had been made of Lynne and myself with elephant in Madurai!  Playing now in Vancouver!
I had made tentative plans to ride with friend, David, who lives on the South Shore but when I'd not heard from him by 10:45 am I decided I'd set out. Told Lady Dar that if he called,I was headed his way and we could meet at some point on the road past his place. No sign of him, coming or going, so I assumed something had come up. I discovered, once back, that he phoned at about 11:30 am but by that time I had already completed the South Shore Loop and was either dispy-doodling around Falcon town-site or else making for West Hawk. Wind was not an overly significant factor over the course of most of the ride, (9kph WNW @11:00 am; 11 kph @12 noon- 1:00pm; 13 kph WNW @2:00 pm; 15 kph WNW @3:00 pm; 13 kph W@4:00 pm and 15 kph @5:00 pm), helping me nicely when it was behind me and not overly hindering me, on the outward bound leg, when it was more of a cross wind.

Had decided that I'd stitch together all of the various routes that I've come to know since riding here so once I was in West Hawk I did the highway/beach loop and then made for Ingolf. Wanted the hills there as they are probably the best, in terms of frequency and difficulty, on any of the routes. Once I'd chalked off that portion my next goal was Brereton Lake. Had about 88 km on the clock when I reached the turnoff for Provincial Road 307 and only needed to go as far
as ER Road 79 before turning around, given the distance remaining to Rennie. As I passed the Alfred Hole Goose Sanctuary, about a km before Rennie, I noticed that the Goose Count was 89! Went a short distance into Rennie before turning around as I wanted to have 100 km on my odometre when I left the hamlet, the better to calibrate some of the distances between various landmarks along the way. I find that if I can break up the ride into segments of between 5 to 10 km it seems to help me chip away at the overall distance. Need to play such games with myself whenever the distance is greater than 100 km.

At any rate, I now know that the cell tower is 10 km from Rennie and the first set of picnic tables, 5 km beyond that. I knew from the highway sign that the turn-off to Caddy Lake was 22 km and when I reached Provincial Road 312 my guestimates tallied nicely. I had 125 km on the odometre and so I knew I'd have over 140 km once back in Falcon. Felt pretty good at this point but I knew I'd still have some pretty hefty work cut out for me. Once I'd climbed out of Penniac Bay and made the turn towards Falcon I was bucking the substantial head wind, now 15 kph right out of the west so I was headed straight into it! Nevertheless, I struggled against the maddening gusts and somehow managed to mantain the AVG at 22.2 kph. Must have been all the curses I uttered on the last stretch while I stood up in the saddle, barely moving. Extremely pleased as only short of the GranFondo distance by 15 km and my legs felt pretty good when I pulled into Ace Bay. Terrific training ride indeed! Map and Stats for ride:

Dearest Nullifidian! Sorry to learn that we won't cross paths with the other prairie tourists. It would have been fun to be together, even for a short time. Please pass along fond regards. However, I must say I am a tad distressed to learn that since you finally hung up your surplice you seem to have become The Devil's Advocate, now about to ply Mary Ann with demon rum! I suppose that since you were always so adept at resolving congregational problems your subconscious simply cannot let go and has found another outlet, now dealing with an individual's problems! Terrific, if misplaced, work ethic! No wonder you were always referred to as Hard-Headed Hillson! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Last night's dinner. Wendy and Stuart, (Cora Lee's cousin), came for dinner as they were unable to attend anniversary celebration on Sunday. 

Hi again, Chute Lake Man! Thanks for being the organizer of ride. Much appreciated. However, you might recall that I'm riding in the GranFondo, (160 km), on Sunday, July 10th, so not sure about timing, in terms of my road "training" before event. Unfortunately, in terms of the ride, we are then leaving on the 15th to take in the Folk Fest in Vancouver. [I'd be keen for the 12th or 13th or 14th, however.] We'll be back on Monday, July 18th, so if that week works, count me in. Nevertheless, I'll be in touch once back in Penticton, planned for Wednesday, June 29th. As soon as we chat we can plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Last night's cycling fare! 

July 12-14 timeframe may work even better for myself as well as there are a few others involved who have expressed interest……check with me when you return. I may be out of town with my son but you can still contact me on email via ipad assuming I remember to take it along! Cheers, Kilian

Hi again, St Kilian! Sounds great! I'll send along an email as soon as we are back and/or give you a shout and we can see what might work best for everyone. Thanks again. Just going for a short "stretch" ride tomorrow morning. Once back I'll start packing up the car as we are off to Winnipeg on Saturday morning. Hello to the hiking gang. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Kimbo et al! Timing should be fine but is the pot-luck to be on Saturday or Sunday? Please confirm. Thanks. Also, is everyone bringing something for the grill or stove? Just want to clarify. What about vegetables? Any chance Judy will do her tinfoil spuds? So far, as I understand it, Sally/Filmer will be bringing a Greek salad, Kimbo a dessert and a dip, I assume latter for an appetizer. We are happy to bring something for the bbq/stove but I'd like to hear from Kenton first.  Are you Goldilocks People in a wireless free zone out there in The Hinterland? Desperately seeking advice. Cheers, Patrizzio! Today's ride if you are having trouble sleeping!

The potluck is on Saturday! My mom will have to answer the rest of the questions hopefully tonight! I got the menu items my mom is bringing potatoes and smokies and Katy is bringing a broccoli salad. I am not sure but if you could bring lawn chairs that would be great or if Sally/Filmer could that would be great. Feel free to bring whatever you want to bring! 

Hi again, Kimbo! Great work! Unfortunately, we don't have any folding lawn chairs along, (All back in Penticton with Chloë. We chatted on the phone last night and she sends greetings to one and all and was cranky that she couldn't join us on Saturday!), but I'll ask Corinne's sister, Pamela, if she has any at their house in St Vital. We will be staying there so if they have some, we'll certainly bring them along. Not sure if Wildwood Park People use lawn chairs as they usually only sit on marble, encrusted with precious jewels, but perhaps they have some for the hoi polloi!

Menu seems to be getting more scrumptious all the time! Might have to have a second gathering on Sunday as well! Everyone can just sleep over at your mansion! We will bring an appetizer and probably some additional bbq fare just to make sure that Alejandro doesn't starve to death!

Thanks again for hosting the event. Have you warned your new neighbours that there is a rave going on on Saturday? Will give you a shout once we are in Winnipeg just to make sure there isn't anything that has been forgotten and/or needs to be picked-up. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi I am not sure why but I am having trouble with my IPAD email. I keep losing your email, wierd! Kayla, Sam's wife, found a place for $200 in Winnipeg so she doesn't have to freeload! Ha ha.

I just spent a week with Dinao in Yellowknife and I am back in Vancouver. She had no internet at her house, yikes! I love my time there but I don't think I could live there . Dinao lives 1hr and 15 min from Yellowknife so she is quite isolated. She is getting to know lots of people so it is not too bad. I visited her school where she is the Art Therapist. GTG I'm heading out for a bike ride with Al around White Rock, it is not quite Lion's Gate. Say hi to Corrine. Love Rhoda 

Hi Ski! Blame everything on your devices! Couldn't have anything to do with you, of course! Pleased Kayla found such reasonable accommodation. Is she living in the city morgue? Quite interesting to hear about Dinao in Yellowknife. Does she use Art Therapy on grizzlies? Say hello to Big Al. [I now spit on White Rock and Lion's Gate!] Tell him to visit us in Penticton. Lady Dar sends along her best wishes to you. She's like you to visit as well.

Did you lose the email in which I mentioned that one of Cora Lee's Flatlander walking group, Sandy Hirth, will be with a group of musicians at Celtic Colours this October. Are you still involved? I hike with her husband, Norbert.
Otherwise, trust all goes well. Into Winnipeg on Saturday and will start wending our way home on Monday. Fondestos to you and The Great Ronaldo from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: My cycling fare! The 71st wedding anniversary couple!

Sam's color is Tungsten Metallic...she also liked Blue Velvet but the dealership did not have one in stock  Also here is the link to their wedding information. they are not registering anywhere as they feel they have what they need right now as far as housewares but if guests would like to contribute to their honeymoon fund they can when the wedding draws near. Also meant to tell Dad that the country club will accept corkage if you wish to bring any wine (there will be a full open bar for guests)

Love and miss you is always a great to visit our family and see familiar places and most of all be able to visit my grandparents still...I left feeling incredibly grateful Ayn

I love their wedding site, and that Sam drives the same car as mom and dad!!!!
What's going on with Alex and the firefighting application??? Big storm here right now!!!! xx

Hi Tinsel Town! Congratulations to Sam. I'd have chosen the Blue Velvet as well, had it been available. I agree with Chloë, the wedding site is terrific! Send along my best wishes to both Sam and Alejandro! The message was interrupted as Chloë called to report on the gazillions of wineries she visited. I haven't been to many of them and she's now best friends with all the tasting room staff and owners! We'll never catch up so we are moving to Parksville to live in Grogg and Lurch's wine cellar!

Certainly pleased you had such a wonderful visit. We did as well. Great good fun to visit old haunts, etc. Also, timing was very important, for obvious reasons, as you allude to with respect to your grandparents. While The Sisterhood spent time at War Eagle, (water was wonderful, apparently), I went for best ride, ever, since cycling in this neck of the woods.
David popped by around 6:00 pm this evening to drop off an anniversary card for Rosita and Dusty, explaining he'd been delayed in Kenora. We will ride tomorrow as I 'll need a good "stretch" ride after today's marathon. As well, Karen Toole, retired minister from West Hawk United, will be here tomorrow to perform a memorial service. She is staying with David and he's invited your grandparents and us for breakfast on Saturday morning before we head into Winnipeg. We are having a pot-luck at Kimberlee Gray's new house, off North Main, at 3:00 pm that afternoon. Sally and Filmer will be attending, along with all the Kentonites so should be fun.

Time to brush my teeth as I'm a bit weary now, after three bottles of beer. Was pretty thirsty after ride and wine didn't seem like it would hit the spot. Fondestos to Winstonian and Los Horridos. Love and Cheers, Dad!

Next Monday Chuck and Kilian will lead us up Pincushion Mt., in Peachland. There is very limited parking, so we are going to limit this hike to 12 people. So please reply to this email if you would like to go. I won't reply to you unless there are too many people and you can't go. So for those who reply to me and don't hear from me, leave IGA parking lot in Summerland at 9 am, and I'll let Pentictonites know if there are people for carpooling. Pam Hi all have fun, I am sorry to miss this one, as I have not done this hike, but I have an appointment on Monday.
