I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
-Antonio Porchia, writer (1886-1968)
Up at 6:30 am when Lady Dar's phone alarm went off. As she couldn't find where she'd put her cell, I was well awake by the time the chime was silenced! Still, I was drive her to the bus depot before 8:00 am so I needed to get up anyway. Spent the time, while she was showering and beautifying to ready my breakfast and lay the fire for later on. She had packed the day before so was ready to leave by 7:40 am. Short drive down Ellis and I unloaded her bag and carry-on, (four bottles of Poplar Grove!), and kissed my sweetheart goodbye, wishing her a safe journey.
Back home to turn on the frying pan and chopped some kindling while waiting for my goulash to heat up. Light rain so I probably won't be riding today, however, after yesterday's wonderful outing, I'm not overly fussed. Will see how I feel around 1:00 pm as forecast suggests sun might actually poke its head through the pretty heavy overcast, blanketing the sky now.
... if you have a voice like that anything sounds beautiful ...How is your CD?
Aarturo & Jossefoss Since you have a voice like you do, is that why you are always talking?.... and singing!
Hello Dream Café Goers! Thank you again, for the more than delightful evening! Couldn't have dreamed of anything better: lovely food, terrific wine, beautiful, phenomenal singing and wonderful friends! Who could ask for anything more?
Have been listening to b'tween the earth and my soul all morning so we'll need to trade CDs at some point. Must away as I've a list of chores as long as 97 from Penticton to Summerland, left by Lady Dar, with strict instructions they be discharged well before her red carpet return on Wednesday. Please don't reveal that I'm planning on hiking domani! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Laura and Co!
Hello Cape Breton! Trust you, Ski, and the Great Ronaldo are both well! Are you traveling the world? When are you coming to visit? Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello again, Cape Breton! Here is the message mentioned in last message!. Didn't someone say "The message is the message!" Cheers, Marshall!
Dear Patrick & Corinne, Thank you for all your many updates, you are indeed socially active and very happy.
I have found myself once again consumed with another creative project that I obsessively indulge in My
writing seems to break through all the boundaries of the self as
traverse through time, striding over immense spaces and forgetting who I
am so that I
can eventually encounter the mysterious truth of who I am.
helps in his narration as he travels through time between the fourth
century and present day travelling through the cosmos. I spend hours
the universe, NASA writes about Star Gates, Portals, Worm holes, all
part of the mysterious cosmos allowing me to traverse back in time that
helps with my writing. Life is indeed exciting. I feel like I am in
school taking a creative writing class.
of Barry & Kathleen Hogrefe who we met in Australia some forty
years ago. They came up from Seattle to celebrate Barry’s seventieth
birthday and
brought their son Justin, our God son and his wife Ginifer with their
two children. They
came up from Alaska. Ginifer is from a family of fifteen siblings, all
home schooled and gave birth to her children by herself at home with
catching the baby as it dropped to her knees. Justin who works for an
environmental company went out hunting one day, shot a moose and Ginifer
busily, skinned and gutted the beast.
So you see as time has moved along, she basically has not changed
projecting the same persona. Now along comes Ginifer and poor Mom
cannot handle such a strong contradiction to her standards. Anyways I
told Kathleen, if she cannot see Ginifer for all her
goodness, she will be deprived of seeing her grandchildren. She could
see the logic in those words and had a soul searching experience. Justin & Ginifer plan on having a huge family so the grandparents will adapt.
are otherwise fine, had Dim Sum the other day, with Loretta &
Barry, the judge who you met years ago. They divorced long ago, but now
Barry lives with
Loretta in her guest cottage & his main responsibility is looking
after all the cats. Loretta has had two hip replacements so she is not
doing well. We had a pleasant time and enjoyed being with them. My
sister’s husband who has cancer in his lungs, liver
and brain has since had radiation treatment and chemo and the cancers
have shrunk. Pretty neat I must say.
are still okay on this incredible journey of life although John at
times does not like my intense focus I put into writing, but I am having
fun. Dear
little Tess has not had a seizure in four months so that is good too
and Benson is just his happy wonderful loving self.
is about it for now the Oscars are on soon so I must watch and don’t
miss Super Tuesday, “The Donald” is leading the Republicans, it is kind
of scary.
Hugely entertaining though US politics. John is doing ribs and slaw,
yummy! Love to you both. Hugs, Jean & John
Hi Jean! Lovely to hear from you and know all goes so well. Your writing sounds as if it is truly energizing and enlivening you so extremely pleased that this is so. [Perhaps you'll win an Oscar for best screen adaptation! I'm watching Oscars as well!] Interesting to have had a visit from the past, from your friends in Australia. I agree with your forthrightness. Well done! Delighted to learn that Tess is doing so well and that Benson remains steadfast.
For our part, we continue to be busy, enjoying our new home and communtiy. Cora Lee's ankle is better and she was able to join her walking group on Wednesday, although she couldn't go for the entire distance. Also went to yoga on Friday, for the first time since she suffered the sprain. She even rode her bike, on the KVR trail, through town, a day or so ago to do a bit of shopping at Safeway. Took her backpack so I'm impressed! Must away as I've to make dinner and a lunch for tomorrow's hike. Fondestos to you and John. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Volunteer Woman! Trust you've been well. Just wondering if you are planning to hike tomorrow. If so, I could collect you this time. Just let me know. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Chloë! Thanks for Kari's address. Please tell her why I put in a typed note! How is she doing? Sorry to learn about your computer. If I can swing getting you a replacement, keep yours as I think it might be better than my old one for projector in Rumpus Room! Enjoy Nana! Love, Dad!
Hi Jean! Lovely to hear from you and know all goes so well. Your writing sounds as if it is truly energizing and enlivening you so extremely pleased that this is so. [Perhaps you'll win an Oscar for best screen adaptation! I'm watching Oscars as well!] Interesting to have had a visit from the past, from your friends in Australia. I agree with your forthrightness. Well done! Delighted to learn that Tess is doing so well and that Benson remains steadfast.
For our part, we continue to be busy, enjoying our new home and communtiy. Cora Lee's ankle is better and she was able to join her walking group on Wednesday, although she couldn't go for the entire distance. Also went to yoga on Friday, for the first time since she suffered the sprain. She even rode her bike, on the KVR trail, through town, a day or so ago to do a bit of shopping at Safeway. Took her backpack so I'm impressed! Must away as I've to make dinner and a lunch for tomorrow's hike. Fondestos to you and John. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Volunteer Woman! Trust you've been well. Just wondering if you are planning to hike tomorrow. If so, I could collect you this time. Just let me know. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Chloë! Thanks for Kari's address. Please tell her why I put in a typed note! How is she doing? Sorry to learn about your computer. If I can swing getting you a replacement, keep yours as I think it might be better than my old one for projector in Rumpus Room! Enjoy Nana! Love, Dad!
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