There's nothing that makes you so aware of the improvisation of human
existence as a song unfinished. Or an old address book. -Carson
McCullers, writer (19 Feb 1917-1967)
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Photo: Smithsonian Institution Libraries |
Looking forward to it. Will be there at 3 pm, with dessert and good appetite for bridge and Potluck. Jos, the Summerlandian. done!
Hi Guillermo! Trust you are well. Both you and Nancy are more than welcome to join us tomorrow, observer status if that makes you comfortable. We'd love you to pop by even if you decide you cannot stay for afternoon/dinner. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Yes, just like that damn homefinder in the car....this computer needs a cleaning out. Had a hard time keeping up on E mails; as been busy as hellllll here. Seems something comes up every day. Need more home time, reading and relaxing, if possible. But we, again; enjoyed the visit so very much; and are looking forward to an Easter Bunny coming and paying us a visit........Love, A & S Hope you guys keep busy if your not......
After a delish breakfast of pancakes and fruit, I suited up and headed out for a ride. Very, very light spitting drizzle as I made my way down Ellis towards Lakeshore. Knew that the breeze would be a stiff one, out of the south, so I decided not to ride to either Naramata or OK Falls, as I didn't want to buck the wind, one way or another. Decided I'd just push back the limits of the last ride so I made a foray to Middle and Upper Bench Road and then down Government to South Main, all the way to Skaha Lake Park. Was pleased to find that most of the bike lanes were quite free of gravel and grit, the heavy rain of the last two days probably washing much of this road detritus away.
Had Skaha Lake Park mostly to myself, as I dipsy doddled there, and on the neighbouring residential streets, as southerly was whipping small whitecaps off the lake. Was glad I had my "lobsters" on as the wind really had a bite. Rest of me was toasty. Didn't even manage to perspire as I suppose my internal thermostat was busy enough just keeping me warm. Quite enjoyed the return ride up South Main and was delighted that I managed to hike the AVG to 18.3 kph. Still some way to go but at least I'm making baby steps towards a reasonably respectable, overall speed. Will try to push for 20 kph tomorrow as I'm hoping to make a run all the way to OK Falls. Depending on the wind, I might burn my tires right off! Stats for ride:
Back home to help Mme Coriandre with wording for her petition, (See below), and when she was pleased with final result she posted it. I had a quick shower and change while she did a bit of grocery shopping. When back, we headed out to the Landmark to see Carol:
Carol is a 2015 British-American romantic drama film directed by Todd Haynes. The screenplay written by Phyllis Nagy is based on the groundbreaking romance novel The Price of Salt (also known as Carol) by Patricia Highsmith. The film stars Cate Blanchett, Rooney Mara, Sarah Paulson, Kyle Chandler, and Jake Lacy. Set in 1952 in New York City, the film explores the relationship between a young aspiring photographer and an older woman going through a difficult divorce.
We were riveted by the acting, both Cate and Rooney were superb. The depth of character and range of emotion they generated were simply mesmerizing. Period was faultlessly depicted. I was reminded, given most of the setting and time, of when I had been in NY, with my parents, on leave, from Cyprus, two or three times. We'd sail through the Mediterranean, eventually across the Atlantic and dock/leave from there. I can recall, and vividly so, seeing films at Radio City Music Hall, (although I was far more interested in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers than I was in The Rockettes), and live reindeer at Macey's. I recall walking with my Dad, to pick up something at an office somewhere, or perhaps going to catch a train at Grand Central Station, and the people and streets in the film were just like what I'd observed from my child's point of view, in 1954 and 1957.
Back home to light a fire while Lady Dar made a fabulous pizza, washed down with a meaty 2011 Paul Mas Syrah, 13.5%, while watching Blacklist. Life in the sticks! Took a break while Mme Coriandre caught up on The Young and the Rest of Us but must away now as we she is ready to watch latest Elementary!
At a recent meeting, UBC Board of Governors had an opportunity to show country wide leadership by divesting its fossil fuel assets from the University's endowment fund. This would have signaled to students, faculty, alumni and the larger community that UBC is critically concerned about the future of the planet. As a world citizen sign this petition to let the University of British Columbia, Board of Governors know that their actions matter. Reducing global warming must happen. Divesting the fossil fuel assets from its endowment fund is an important step.
Hello Boot Hikers, et al! Corinne Durston, my wife, has started the petition below. Please consider supporting her. Thanks, Patrizzio!
Hello, I just started the petition "University of BC Board of Governors: Tell UBC Board of Governors to reject its fossil fuel assets to save the world" and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name. My goal is to reach 100 signatures and I need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:
Thanks! Corinne
Sylvia Banks I have as well and passed it on to others.
Ryan Sutherland Isn't
it a responsibility of the Board of Governors that money donated to the
university is invested in a manner that maintains that academic
standards of the university? And why single out a entirely legal group
of companies that our entire society depends upon?
Ryan Sutherland I
trust that they will recognize their ability to travel the world, turn
on a light bulb, obtain fresh produce, or visit their family members is
based on a proper use of energy resources. Furthermore, I doubt many of
the people leading this charge have divested their own pension plans
from the returns that allow them to stop working at a young age.
Ryan Sutherland Don't be so sore that your standard of living is based upon the consumption of energy which you now protest.
Does this mean you are against the pipeline? Yes! We have to start changing on all fronts!
Hello Chole Dunn, [You can run but you cannot hide!] Thank you for placing your trust in Coastal Ford Vancouver for all your Service needs. At Coastal Ford we are committed to giving you the optimum service you deserve. Based on the Manufacturer’s Maintenance Guide for your 2007 Ford Escape and your current estimated mileage we would like to remind you that your vehicle is due for its next scheduled service.
Please email me at or call 604-873-2363 to schedule your next service. You may also click this following link - use our online web form to request an appointment at your convenience. We look forward to continue this relationship with you! Online request: Sincerely, Vic
Can't afford it, I just gave you all my monies to cover house insurance, I'll call them and see what it is and how much. xx You misunderstand, you cannot not afford it. Order your priorities or you will soon be taking public transit, perhaps biking, something you should have been doing long ago!
Patrick, Thank you for the wonderful update on your life. Always a treat to see your photos too. My word you were pampered by your wife on Valentines!
By the way our address is still with Telus but we have been in Hawaii for the last month and needed to use gmail to send emails but could receive on our TELUS address.
Hawaii was excellent. I think we had the best weather ever for the whole time we were there. Did a lot of swimming, walking, reading and sunning. We both read 6 books which is a lot for me in a month. We were on the Big Island in our usual spot. Only downside was the Canadian dollar. Food there is expensive to begin with and then you factored in our exchange rate and it was not good. We didn't eat out as often as usual but Gerry cooked great meals and it was fine.
Home to Vancouver for 2 days and now we are flying to Myanmar for 3 weeks. We are meeting up with Cliff and Ashley and taking a small boat down the Irwaddy River plus spending some time in Mandalay, Inle Lake and Rangoon. Should be interesting. We get back home to Terrace on March 12 and spring should be well on it's way although from all reports it has been a mild winter.
Not much else new here. I'm impressed with your hiking, sounds like a pretty energetic group.
I am not going to sign Corinne's petition and in fact I am on side 100% with the UBC Board and their rationale. I am sure Corinne will not be surprised with my response. Boy, the Board and UBC seem to having some challenges these days which hopefully they can work out before too long. Can't believe they didn't have a better policy and action on harassment and assaults etc. in this day and age. Cheers, Dawn
Hello Hawaii/Myanmar Folk! Lovely to hear from you. Pleased to learn that your time in Hawaii was so relaxing. Myanmar sounds simply fabulous! Actually, I thought that you might have been going on some other extended world junket! Trekking in Antarctica. Backpacking in the Urals. Deep-sea diving in the Marianas Trench! At any rate, thank you for being so candid about petition. We each have certain views and I respect different positions. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre, still your friend, in spite of your Paleolithic stance! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, What a quick response and lots of interesting news. A few points-
1. Sounds like you and Corinne are very happily settled into Penticton which is great.
2. I am very glad that you and Corinne can accept my political beliefs but I surely do wish I could convince you and especially Corinne, that my views are the right ones.
3. Very interesting about the movies. I was amazed at your synopsis of Carol. I saw it and felt there was no chemistry between the two women, there were lots of pregnant pauses looking perplexed, and the movie dragged. Maybe you are glass half full and I am glass half empty as I would not recommend that show to anyone despite thinking I would really enjoy it when I went.
4. We are packed and ready to go except for me getting my hair trimmed first thing in the morning. The flight is about 16 hours so I hope I don't get the hebby jeebies on the plane. We are flying Cathy Pacific and understand they are very good - we have not travelled with them before.
5. My brothers and myself plus families are getting together over the August long weekend in Cour d'Alene and I think we will drive down so we can get our vehicle serviced (they can't do it in Terrace) so probably will be through the Okanagan Are you home around that time?
Well enough said. So good to hear from you. Cheers, Dawn Hi Donnasaurus Rex! It is quite obvious that your beliefs, either political or cinematic, are nothing but harebrained! We've enjoyed Cathay Pacific but I'm loathe to praise the airline as I know you'll disagree, just to be ornery! If you feel the heebie jeebies coming on just think of Cora Lee's petition and your rising blood pressure will dispel them immediately. Of course, you risk a coronary but you can't have everything!
We'd love to see you in August. I'm pretty sure we'll be home then as we are planning a trip to Winnipeg earlier in the summer. Of course, you must stay with us this time, otherwise how can Mme Coriandre put arsenic in the glass of water by your bedside! Fondestos from Lady Dar, reading up on poisoning techniques and tips for how to be nice to those you disagree with. Hello to Heraldo. Too, too bad that he won't be able to buy any golf balls after he pays for your hair trimming. Travel safely. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
You are delightful. Cheers, Margaret Dawn! "You are delightful," she whispered, softly, seductively, as she slid the needle-sharp stiletto into her unsuspecting victim's back! Patrizzio "I Got Dem Ole St James Infirmary Blues!"
Take a look at this one. I think I heard Elon thought of Tesla after he got interested in the company? Someone else thought of the name before then?
hi patrick, thanks for your notes .the falcon lake contingent are amazing.yes as we move out of our rental space and pack for india it is amazing to think we will be homeless when we get back after our months journey.certainly the outer structure is now formed in our condo but seems still a long way off. pender island will be our homestay for a is very lively and exciting with our new puppy kali. lots of walks and runs in the middle of our vancouver pouring rain.alexa will be looking after her in nanaimo when we are away.we missed you at the whisky tasting where we were entertained by the ‘encyclopedia’ of whisky darryl.i hope corrine ankle is feeling better;sounds quite nasty.ah well back to the packing;take care, matt
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