When you turn the corner / And you run into yourself / Then you know
that you have turned / All the corners that are left. -Langston Hughes,
poet and novelist (1 Feb 1902-1967)
Up at 6:30 am as I needed to take a quick run to Rona before I left for hiking. Store was closed yesterday when I arrived as I had mis-remembered closing time on Sunday.
Hi Patrick, I just wanted to confirm you have Premed for this appointment? Kristina Hi Kristina! Yes, I do have the pre-medication. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Wonderful! See you Thursday:)
[Above Antler's Beach I am sending a photo of a painting that I have been working on lately. I am a beginner and I am looking for ruthless criticism for improvement. Can you ask your father in law for some pointers. Thanks, Tim]
Met the gang at the IGA parking lot in Summerland and Federico very kindly chauffeured Big Al, Guillermo and I north, along 97 to park just off the highway above Antlers Beach. Once out of the cars we passed through a deer gate, (First one of its kind I've ever seen, bit like a flexible turnstile with a lower, middle and upper section, (independent of its neighbours), on each side, that one holds back, or attempts to hold back, to allow passage. This managed we proceeded to climb up the fairly steep side of what I was to come to learn was the east slope of Mount Eneas. Snow was about six inches deep in most places so first in line had their work cut out for them, although the steps, once made, provided very sure, easy footing. This being the case it was most enjoyable in spite of the necessary exertion.
[Mount Robson painting for my six year old grand daughter. Any suggestions for improvement? Thanks, Tim]
Must say that this is probably the first hike, summer or winter, in which we were always, or nearly always, on the ascent . We did come to a few flatish spots but these were relativley few and far between so a pretty good workout between the odd break to let everyone, or those that needed more oxygen, catch their breath. Couldn't have asked for better weather as it was a very pleasant hiking temperature, at least for me. Warm enough that the snow was wet enough to make snowballs and Aarturo, once he'd gained the higher ground, rained them down on the unfortunates below! Jos, I'm sad to report, aided and abetted him in this cruel blood sport!
- Carol Riera
Hi! We will be coming this July to visit you!!! We are moving to Qualicum and I am going to study to be a real estate agent with my sister. Can't wait to see you.
Corinne Durston named the conversation: That's great news! Looking forward to being closer to you and Bruno!.
About mid-way up we came to a small trail and all of us were surprised to see a small pick-up truck, covered in snow, on its side, smashed windshield, but otherwise seemingly intact. RCMP had visited site in mid-December, as per a note on hood, but we were all puzzled about how it happened to come to rest here, in such a state. Continuing on, this time on a much shallower grade we crossed one of two small open fields adn then came to a halt beside a rather majestic trunk, probably about 20' high. Al told us that this was the spot where he had suffered a pretty serious medical emergency a number of years ago and had been forced to stop. Don't know the exact details but given his present hiking form, ever since I first met him this past June, I wish that I possessed his energy, stamina and sheer ability. Cannot even begin to imagine what he must have been like before if he is a slower version of his former self now!
Not far from here we stopped to take a short lunch break. The surroundings were simply magical. The stately trees had their branches crusted with snow such that they were ready-made props for a staged Christmas gingerbread scene. Quite literally, we had been hiking through a winter wonderland ever since we left the highway below. However, the jewels of the hike were the stunning, stunning views over Okanagan Lake, to the north, to the east and to the south. The light was ever changing, first filtered through dull overcast, then low, all enveloping mist, so this added to the shifting panoramas that beguiled and took one's breath away each time one took the time to look.
I had never hiked this far north of Summerland so was treated to various views of parts of Peachland as well as a picture perfect one of Rattlesnake Island, a tiny shard of rock just off one of the eastern points of the south shore. After our refreshing break about nine of the group continued to climb, planning to hike another twenty minutes or so before reaching a spot close to the top of Eneas, I gather. Had I not been concerned about when I would return home, (Dusty was waiting for me to help with patio steps.), I would have liked to have joined them. However, I felt that the extra distance might well have added another hour, (at least for me), to the outing and I didn't wish to be away that long.
Waving goodbye to the departing company, we headed back down towards 97, taking a somewhat different route than one we'd followed on ascent. Un-tracked snow made much of the descent both easier and quite enjoyable as we crunch, crunch, crunched our way downhill, our poles sqeaking with each step, the crust softening the impact, a natural shock-absorber our knees much appreciated. About two-thirds of the way down we encountered a fair length of raised flume. I was a bit behind the rest of the group by then so didn't have a chance to quiz Al about what it had been used for. The metal liner, supported by a stout wooden crib, about 6' to 8' off the ground, didn't seem large enough for moving felled trees. Will have to remember to ask next Monday.
Not far above the last ridge we were to descend before reaching the fence bordering 97, Guillermo was patiently waiting for me so we continued our on-going discussion about bridge. He had expressed an interest to learn the game and not long after we started out I had started to give him a simplified "overview". Delighted to discover that he is keen to play so look forward to showing him the rudiments in the next little while. Funnily enough, just after I caught up to him, Aarturo came bounding down the hill. The others from the group that had continued on after lunch were not far behind and we all arrivd back a the vehicles at much the same time. According to Aarturo, the views from where they stopped were even more spectacular as at this point they were jsut above the trees so the panoramas afforded were unimpeded.
Louisa and Jud were not joing gang at Good Omens, in Summerland, for java so I hitched a ride, along with Guillermo, back to IGA with them, thanking Federico for his earlier chauffeur service, as well as Big Al, it goes without saying, for leading another Escursione Stellare.
Stats for ride: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1036490680#.VrBWRYFBQ7I.email
Dope that I am, I turned my Garmin on at the start of the hike but forgot to record the hike once I'd acquired satellite reception. Only realized this about 15 minutes before the end of the hike add then I forgot to turn it off once we were back in the car. This being the case, the stats are meaningless but I've included them as a reminder to self to do better next time!
Greetings to all Gentle Breeze snow-shoe hikers: Responding to a number of requests for a GB S-S hike, here it is: Yes, there will be one. Let's meet at the usual places and times, car pool, drive to Apex Mt upper parking lot and meander up Riordan Mt via a route of your choice. Approx 3 hrs, easy to moderate, followed by a cup of coffee at The Edge. Al
Thank you guys for a wonderful evening on Saturday. The ribs, turnips, coleslaw and rice were suberb. It was great to see Dusty and Clara, and Wayne and Michelle. The attached seemed too apt not to send. Looking forward to seeing you this Saturday. Cheers, Peter
Hello Jugos The Comedian! Great cartoon! [Are you in league with Lady Dar?I'll be sure to forward it to some of the more loquacious of our group! Glad you and Lynne enjoyed yourselves, we certainly did. Thanks for the lovely, lovely photographs, as well. Fond, fond memories so much appreciated! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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