I was sixteen years old when the first World War broke out, and I lived
at that time in Hungary. From reading the newspapers in Hungary, it
would have appeared that, whatever Austria and Germany did was right and
whatever England, France, Russia, or America
did was wrong. A good case could be made out for this general thesis,
in almost every single instance. It would have been difficult for me to
prove, in any single instance, that the newspapers were wrong, but
somehow, it seemed to me unlikely that the two
nations located in the center of Europe should be invariably right, and
that all the other nations should be invariably wrong. History, I
reasoned, would hardly operate in such a peculiar fashion, and it didn't
take long until I began to hold views which were
diametrically opposed to those held by the majority of my schoolmates.
... Even in times of war, you can see current events in their historical
perspective, provided that your passion for the truth prevails over
your bias in favor of your own nation. -Leo
Szilard, physicist (11 Feb 1898-1964)
Hello Salish Sea Folk! Trust life goes well, especially given the twenty year, (aka ad infinitum!), plan for Galiano! We will be in Vancouver on Friday, March 11th, to stay with the Carters. Will be a pretty busy weekend as Cuffed is on, as well as the World Rugby Sevens. Latter runs on Saturday and Sunday and I'll be going on those days. Cuffed starts Friday evening so I plan to take in a number of sessions then. We have not made any plans for the S/S evenings so perhaps there might be an opportunity to see one another, depending on your busy schedules. I am going to suggest, in quintessential Freeloader style, that perhaps the Carters or the Keatings, (Ted is attending Sevens as well.), could host a pot-luck bridge night and I'm sure you two would be more than welcome. At any rate, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos, in absentia and in dolore from The Ice Pack, (aka, Pick!), Babe, still abed! Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio!
P, good to hear from you. Thanks for all the pics of the family - everyone looks great as always. The March weekend of the 12/13th - we are at Galiano so we will miss you in the city. We look forward to visiting Tummler's Reach early the next week assuming you are back at the ranch. We are hoping it is okay to come a day early on the 14th? Sounds like you may be in Vancouver. Let us know your plannage - maybe we can drive back in tandem or with you riding behind?
I hope I am close to finishing this project by that time... More on that later. I may need a year of therapy rides to get over this trauma. Fond regards to all,
G & J
Hello Twenty-Twenty Vision Man and Blind To All Your Foibles Polly! Trust everyone is well, especially given the amount of grand-parenting you must be signed up for! With respect to our coming visit in March, we plan to leave, reasonably early on Friday morning to put us into Vancouver by mid-afternoon, or earlier, all going well with weather and highways. So, if you will still have us, we'd love to stay over the weekend, heading home on Monday.
I took our car in for an oil change at 9:00 am this morning and when I was back home, Mme Coriandre announced that she wanted me to take her to Emergency. Her ankle was even more swollen and quite painful. After I had a quick bite to eat she, of 2,000 shoes, donned one of mine. [Her foot was too swollen to allow her to wear any of her many designer products!] I dropped her off and then came back to work on email. Only took about an hour before she called for me to collect her. Fortunately, only a severe sprain, nothing broken, so rest, elevation, ice and instructions to use a cane. Unfortunately, I think she'll use the latter to enforce the orders she's already barking out, for me to bring her this, for me to do that. Little does she know about the vial of arsenic I have ready to sprinkle over the specially prepared gluten-free pasta I'm planning to serve her for dinner! Must away as Lady Dar is already complaining about slow service and needs her pillows fluffed! Fondestos from The Veddy Veddy Difficult Invalid! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Bayswater Bed & Breakfast! Trust you are both well The Carters have very kindly offered to put us up over the weekend, heading home on Monday. We have not made any plans for the evenings of Saturday or Sunday so I was wondering if one or the other of those nights might be an opportunity to suggest a pot-luck bridge event. At this point, not quite sure of anyone's plans or who could host the gathering. If Whirlygig and Sarge are in town, I know they'd be keen to play as well so I'm sure we could muster two tables quite easily. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Mom, just wanted to let you know how much we appreciated you coming to Penticton to see us. Of course we are very grateful for all your help while here.
I really appreciated getting more recipes from you and Patrick could not have done all the work around the house without Dad. It was good to have this time together. Look forward to seeing Dad's paintings of all the new flowers when we come in the summer. We love you, Corinne
Got Corinne!s message .I could not send her my E Mail ?Don!t know Why?Pam and Greg came to pick us up .We had good service all The way .Thank goodness because gate was right across the airport. We were right beside a Starbucks so that was handy. George picking us at 3.30 to get groceries ,pick up Barb and go
Home .We will miss the bridge and all the lovely meals Corinne Prepare. Thanks for having us. Love Clara and Dusty.
Hello Falcon Lake Fontainbleu! Pleased to learn that the return flights went so well. Furthermore, I want to echo Corinne's thanks for all that you both did for us over the course of your far too, too brief stay! Place is more like an empty nest than when Chloƫ finally moved out!!!! Really, you are such wonderful company and I certainly could never even have made a start on most of the projects that Dusty tackled. So thanks again for this incredible help and support, not to mention the "worst" pop-overs and apple dumplings I've tasted in years!!!
One of the women in Cora Lee's Book Club drove her home after the meeting was over. I'll let her fill you in on the details of the evening but suffice it to say I think she feels it is a very interesting crowd.
I had expected to go to the dentist, around 2:00 pm, for a cleaning, but office phoned and hygienist was ill. Apparently there is a nasty bug going around. Have been rescheduled to next Tuesday so not a big deal. Since I didn't have to sit in the dentist's chair, I made a stab at splitting some more of the logs around the side of the house. Gradually whittling away at the pile. Last night I phoned Peter as I thought that they were off to Palm Desert today. He was in Whitehorse, on business. Supposed to be back late tonight and they are off on Monday. If he has time he might come over with his chain saw for an hour or so as I'd like to buck some of the long pieces. Anyway, plenty of other things to do so if he can't make it I'll concentrate of splitting the large rounds. Fondestos from your Crabby Daughter, watching Democratic Debate as I scribe and slave! Cheers, Patrizzio, Under-Butler and Scullion! Pics: Ganesh but have yet to move it with Lady Dar's ankle taking priority!
Hi again, Falcon Lake! Not only did I not attach pics of Ganesh, I forgot to send along the snaps I took at the airport! Must have been the last of Dusty's rum that I knocked back after splitting wood! Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: caption on first snap should read: Bye Mom and Dad; I'm going to cry; Can we go yet?
Hello Salish Sea Folk! Trust life goes well, especially given the twenty year, (aka ad infinitum!), plan for Galiano! We will be in Vancouver on Friday, March 11th, to stay with the Carters. Will be a pretty busy weekend as Cuffed is on, as well as the World Rugby Sevens. Latter runs on Saturday and Sunday and I'll be going on those days. Cuffed starts Friday evening so I plan to take in a number of sessions then. We have not made any plans for the S/S evenings so perhaps there might be an opportunity to see one another, depending on your busy schedules. I am going to suggest, in quintessential Freeloader style, that perhaps the Carters or the Keatings, (Ted is attending Sevens as well.), could host a pot-luck bridge night and I'm sure you two would be more than welcome. At any rate, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos, in absentia and in dolore from The Ice Pack, (aka, Pick!), Babe, still abed! Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio!
![]() |
Joseph Addison
Art: Godfrey Kneller
I hope I am close to finishing this project by that time... More on that later. I may need a year of therapy rides to get over this trauma. Fond regards to all,
G & J
Hello Twenty-Twenty Vision Man and Blind To All Your Foibles Polly! Trust everyone is well, especially given the amount of grand-parenting you must be signed up for! With respect to our coming visit in March, we plan to leave, reasonably early on Friday morning to put us into Vancouver by mid-afternoon, or earlier, all going well with weather and highways. So, if you will still have us, we'd love to stay over the weekend, heading home on Monday.
I took our car in for an oil change at 9:00 am this morning and when I was back home, Mme Coriandre announced that she wanted me to take her to Emergency. Her ankle was even more swollen and quite painful. After I had a quick bite to eat she, of 2,000 shoes, donned one of mine. [Her foot was too swollen to allow her to wear any of her many designer products!] I dropped her off and then came back to work on email. Only took about an hour before she called for me to collect her. Fortunately, only a severe sprain, nothing broken, so rest, elevation, ice and instructions to use a cane. Unfortunately, I think she'll use the latter to enforce the orders she's already barking out, for me to bring her this, for me to do that. Little does she know about the vial of arsenic I have ready to sprinkle over the specially prepared gluten-free pasta I'm planning to serve her for dinner! Must away as Lady Dar is already complaining about slow service and needs her pillows fluffed! Fondestos from The Veddy Veddy Difficult Invalid! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Bayswater Bed & Breakfast! Trust you are both well The Carters have very kindly offered to put us up over the weekend, heading home on Monday. We have not made any plans for the evenings of Saturday or Sunday so I was wondering if one or the other of those nights might be an opportunity to suggest a pot-luck bridge event. At this point, not quite sure of anyone's plans or who could host the gathering. If Whirlygig and Sarge are in town, I know they'd be keen to play as well so I'm sure we could muster two tables quite easily. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Mom, just wanted to let you know how much we appreciated you coming to Penticton to see us. Of course we are very grateful for all your help while here.
I really appreciated getting more recipes from you and Patrick could not have done all the work around the house without Dad. It was good to have this time together. Look forward to seeing Dad's paintings of all the new flowers when we come in the summer. We love you, Corinne
Got Corinne!s message .I could not send her my E Mail ?Don!t know Why?Pam and Greg came to pick us up .We had good service all The way .Thank goodness because gate was right across the airport. We were right beside a Starbucks so that was handy. George picking us at 3.30 to get groceries ,pick up Barb and go
Home .We will miss the bridge and all the lovely meals Corinne Prepare. Thanks for having us. Love Clara and Dusty.
Hello Falcon Lake Fontainbleu! Pleased to learn that the return flights went so well. Furthermore, I want to echo Corinne's thanks for all that you both did for us over the course of your far too, too brief stay! Place is more like an empty nest than when Chloƫ finally moved out!!!! Really, you are such wonderful company and I certainly could never even have made a start on most of the projects that Dusty tackled. So thanks again for this incredible help and support, not to mention the "worst" pop-overs and apple dumplings I've tasted in years!!!
One of the women in Cora Lee's Book Club drove her home after the meeting was over. I'll let her fill you in on the details of the evening but suffice it to say I think she feels it is a very interesting crowd.
I had expected to go to the dentist, around 2:00 pm, for a cleaning, but office phoned and hygienist was ill. Apparently there is a nasty bug going around. Have been rescheduled to next Tuesday so not a big deal. Since I didn't have to sit in the dentist's chair, I made a stab at splitting some more of the logs around the side of the house. Gradually whittling away at the pile. Last night I phoned Peter as I thought that they were off to Palm Desert today. He was in Whitehorse, on business. Supposed to be back late tonight and they are off on Monday. If he has time he might come over with his chain saw for an hour or so as I'd like to buck some of the long pieces. Anyway, plenty of other things to do so if he can't make it I'll concentrate of splitting the large rounds. Fondestos from your Crabby Daughter, watching Democratic Debate as I scribe and slave! Cheers, Patrizzio, Under-Butler and Scullion! Pics: Ganesh but have yet to move it with Lady Dar's ankle taking priority!
Hi again, Falcon Lake! Not only did I not attach pics of Ganesh, I forgot to send along the snaps I took at the airport! Must have been the last of Dusty's rum that I knocked back after splitting wood! Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: caption on first snap should read: Bye Mom and Dad; I'm going to cry; Can we go yet?
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