People who demand neutrality in any situation are usually not neutral
but in favor of the status quo. -Max Eastman, journalist and poet (4 Jan
Up at 6:30 am as I wanted to shovel the walks before I headed out on the first Boot Hike, (as distinct from the snow-shoe outings that many of hiking group take part in, now that the snow is here), of 2016. Once I'd cleaned the glass on the fireplace and laid a fire, all the while sipping my java, I headed outside to shovel and sweep front walk and sidewalk as far as corner, to the south and as far as neighbour's gate, to the north. Then it was around to do the car and the back driveway. Knew it was a losing battle as by the time I was there it started to snow even more heavily than when I started. Still, a good warm-up for coming hike.
Back inside to put on my hiking boots and fill my pack with small lunch I'd made the night before and my water bottle. Cora Lee came with me as she was heading to the gym after she dropped me off at Home Hardware. However, nobody in parking lot there when we arrived so continued on to Summerland, Lady Dar grizzling all the way there about how hike had probably been cancelled, due to heavy snowfall, and that trip was a waste of time! I didn't think that this was the case as group is pretty resolute about heading out, no matter the weather. As it turned out, about 12 people gathered in the IGA lot there so all was well.
Thanked Lady Dar and she took off, unhappy about having to drive back to Penticton in close to blizzard-like conditions. Anyway, car-pooled with Marion and Tim Dunn, a couple we'd first met this past Saturday, at Jos's 65th. [They are regular hikers but had been away for most of summer and fall so I'd not had the opportunity to meet them earlier.] We parked at Summerland Sweets, just around the corner from the KVR trestle, as we were to follow a series of trails, from just across the trestle, which would bring us back, in an extended loop, along the KVR to our starting point.
By the time we made it across the trestle it was snowing quite heavily and, in fact, it continued to do so for the remainder of the hike. Snow, at times, on unbroken parts of the various trails, and certainly whenever we ventured cross-country, was often at least a foot or so deep. Not that the going was tough as it was very dry powder so most enjoyable to traipse through, kicking up puffs as we trod along. Since I occupied my usual Tail-End-Charlie position the trail was often reasonably compact by the time I came along or else I simply followed in the footsteps so nicely marking the way.
Must say that this certainly was a remarkable experience, hiking through a virtual winter wonderland. The snow muffled most sounds, such as they were, [Mainly the squeak of snow on boots or against poles, as well as Aarturo pontificating, basso profundo, about complimentary personalities and overlapping interests!], while the pines we zigged and zagged between were heavily laden with icing-sugar snow, much as our eyelids and Eduardo's frosted beard.
After about an hour or so we stopped for a short break and were rewarded to see five wild horses, shepherding a young animal, a couple of hundred metres ahead of where we were gathered. Magnificent creatures indeed but more skittish than ones we'd seen this past fall, probably due to the foal in their care. Still, another breathtaking surprise in this magical landscape. Jim French handed around some of his wonderful dried apple slices and as we munched on this exquisite fruit, we chatted about the various dehydrator techniques used by Anotonio. Practical man that he is, he made his own dehydrator, using six light bulbs for the heat source and a fan from an old computer! Might have to ask Dusty to rig up one for us if he gets bored painting during their coming visit!
Five or ten minutes later, Forward Ho!, and we were back on the trail. Relatively short, easy hike with no really steep climbs. Really enjoyed the one long slope we descended as we could almost slide down, standing/crouching, such was the snow cover. Just enough exertion, overall, to keep one warm as we hiked along. Soon back on the trestle and next where we'd parked the cars. Group agreed to have coffee at Good Omens, in Summerland, so we reconvened there to visit and chat over mugs of their very good brew. Shortly after 12:00 pm we said goodbye to those in the group who were not returning to the IGA lot. Once there, Pam very kindly offered me a ride home. By the time we were back on 97 it had started to snow even more heavily. I didn't mind as I knew that I could go right inside without having to do anymore shoveling! As I scribe, it is really coming down so if it keeps up, I'll be off the hook until tomorrow morning! Stats for hike:
Stats are a little off as I didn't initiate odometre until about 20 minutes into hike!.
Pre-hike video op:
Didn't realize that I had the wrong setting on my camera so inadvertently came up with this "live action" clip!
Thank you for the update Patrick!!..Wish I could have been there!!
I do have snowshoes and have enjoyed my outings with friends very much!
As you said, is very much like hiking...A stroll in the snow!! You all look like you are enjoying the white stuff! When dressed appropriately and it is not blowing too much... It is a very pleasant experience!!
Thank you for the update Patrick!!..Wish I could have been there!!
I do have snowshoes and have enjoyed my outings with friends very much!
As you said, is very much like hiking...A stroll in the snow!! You all look like you are enjoying the white stuff! When dressed appropriately and it is not blowing too much... It is a very pleasant experience!!
Hard to believe that here in Santa 65* F...19* C...but not Beach weather as yet!! Today,..I simply enjoy d the gym...yesterday,..was a nice walk out with the baby!!...21 mos and still loves the stroller!! Thanks for the newsletters...and photos,...I very much enjoy reading them and miss all your smiley faces!! Take care ...Elle
Hi Murielle! Glad to keep you in the Boot Camp Loop! Finally stopped snowing here. Beautiful crisp night here although there were warnings to stay off the highway between Kamlopps and Vernon earlier this evening! Guess I'll have to be up early tomorrow to shovel walks. Heading to bed shortly to read the next book in Phillip Kerr's Bernie Gunther series. Gave three of them to Lady Dar for Christmas so that I could read them as well! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick James Dunn Monday for Boot Hikes, Wednesday is Flatlanders for Lady Darjeeling. Pay your money and take your pick!
Christina Tassell Do you walk on Tuesdays or wednesday? I would love to coincide my visit with a walk with your group?
Ayn P via HuffPost Women Patrick James Dunn used to sing "Beauty School Drop-out" to me when I was a slightly wayward teen. Met Didi at Disney years ago and she was simply lovely.
Patrick James Dunn Had to motivate her somehow! Now look at her, swinging the world by its tail!
Happy New Year! You sound so busy and enjoying so many wonderful adventures! Glad that your move to Penticton went well. What is your new address and phone number? I need to update my address book. We had a nice week at sun peaks and now I am trying to get caught up again! Oh well... I guess I can put Christmas away later! Not sure if I will see you when you come to sun peaks with Tina but fingers crossed! Would be so nice! Take Care,
Ariane ��������
Ariane ��������
Ariane: Happy New Year to you and family! [Had a short note
from Peter Edwards over hols. Life goes well in Wellington, I gather. He
mentioned he hoped that he and his wife, Gemma, I think, are hoping to
visit the Okanagan this July so perhaps we can organize a UBC Pool Reunion!] Just in the process of
trying to finalize plans to visit with TNT and family over the course of
everyone's stay. As soon as we know when we are likely to drive up to
Kamloops/Sun Peaks will let you know as we'd dearly love to see you and
your three lads!
Finally stopped snowing here. Beautiful crisp night although there were warnings to stay off the highway between Kamloops and Vernon earlier this evening! Guess I'll have to be up early tomorrow to shovel walks. Heading to bed shortly to read the next book in Phillip Kerr's Bernie Gunther series. Gave three of them to Lady Dar for Christmas so that I could read them as well! Fondestos to you and Doug, Damien and Corbin, from both of us. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: The Sisterhood drinking rum and eggnog on Christmas Eve; Chloë and Her Mom the afternoon she left to fly back to Vancouver; Cora Lee on New Year's Eve day and Patrizzio, New Year's Eve, worried about the future! Walk on the KVR Trail on New Year's Day!
Hi Pam! Just a quick note to thank you again, for the ride home.
Much appreciated. As well, wanted to mention how much I enjoyed your
last message. Meant to mention it at hike today but somehow managed to
forget to do so. At any rate, enjoy the snow and trust we'll see you
soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick Definitely cooler here today. Went with my friend Anne to see “Joy” excellent movie! Can you send me Greg and Francesca’s email please? Cheers Tina
Hi TNT and Madroña Manorites! Teens wanted your email address, L/G, so thought I'd send along a mutual messagio! Trust all goes well with everyone. Time to head outside and try to deal
with the snowbanks that keep piling up! Fondestos from Lady Dar,
sighing over the goings on in Genoa City, The Young and The Useless! Cheers, Patrizzio!Hi Patrick Definitely cooler here today. Went with my friend Anne to see “Joy” excellent movie! Can you send me Greg and Francesca’s email please? Cheers Tina
Hi Marion and Tim! Thanks for all the chauffeur duty! Much appreciated. Forgot that I hadn't added your email address to the group so here is what I sent out.See you soon, I trust. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Which email address do you prefer, gmail or telus?
Hello all, I wanted to share an email Brittany wrote on receipt of her hamper,, she is the aunt of Quintan and at 23 took him in as her sister is not able to care for her son, pretty heartwarming.
Wow, I am in complete shock at how amazing this is! This e-mail will not do justice on how thankful I truly am! THANK YOU so much from the bottom of my heart. I came home and couldn't hold back the tears at how amazing, thoughtful and generous all of this is! You saved Christmas! Quintan is going to be SO happy on Christmas morning. This has been a tough couple of months for us, I've been stressing and struggling to make it a happy holidays for him! You guys just made that a lot easier! thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank to everyone at aunt Leah's. I seriously can't even believe this! :') tears of joy Merry Christmas and happy holidays!!! Brittany and Quintan
Happy New year Patricio, Thanks for the New years calls and sorry we missed you but I was
manning the door at the Community center where we held our new years
dance so was out all night. Other than that we were very busy with
social and outdoor activities at the Valley pretty
much the whole time we were up there and of course in town as well as
we came back for the 25th, 26th and 27th before heading back up until
coming home late Saturday. It was a veritable winter wonderland up in
the Valley as El Nino has helped to dump a perfect
amount of snow as well as provide a low enough temperature to freeze
the ice rink and lake for skating.
I was glad to see that you guys got a nice sprinkle of the white
stuff as well and had your fireplace up and running to make things nice
and cozy. It`s back to reality this morning and have just gotten Jake
out the door for the first day of the last half
of his last high school year!. Not sure what he wants to do yet
although he has expressed much interest in either becoming a
chiropractor or following his Mom`s footsteps and studying sports in
some capacity or another both of which I think are great choices.
Colleen is back at school tomorrow and taking three classes towards her
sports science diploma and I`ll be glad when she`s done and can go back
to work and I can retire!
As for me I have been dealing with a lot of stuff regarding my Mom
as she had another fall in October and has suffered a brain injury as
well as been diagnosed with Wernike`s Korsakov syndrome which is a kind
of dementia with a bunch of unfortunate side
effects. as a result I have taken over power of attorney and am dealing
with all those things that one must when some one becomes
incapacitated. this has been a bit stressful to say the least but am
making some headway..fortunately my sister is back in our
lives and taken a large part of the burden so I am very thankful. Must
run and attend to a bunch of stuff so can`t tap away too long. Will try
calling again one of these week nights to catch up some more. take care
and give our love to Corriandre and the
rest of the clan,
Cheers, Al
Hi Marilyn and Big Al! Thank you both for your newsy messages and best wishes. Of course, distressed to learn of your Mother's dementia and side effects, Al, but pleased that your sister is helping out. Our hearts go out to you as this is not an easy future you and Colleen both must negotiate, dealing with and comforting an ailing parent/in-law, on either the emotional, psychological or financial fronts. Your Mother is fortunate, indeed, to have such caring concern she can depend upon, especially since I know she has not made life easy for you, particularly these last few years, if not before. Anyway, we trust you can see your way towards resolving this most difficult familial situation to everyone's mutual satisfaction, qualified as that may well, of necessity, be.
Talk soon, one way or another. [Had a good chat with Whirlygig and Calamity last night. They are well but Giggster is starting to bemoan on-going construction at his place. (From snapolas we've seen, it looks grand indeed!) Slingshot keeps saying it will be fantastico when finished but then she is away in city when most of work takes place. The Sisterhood!!! Crack that whip, Sunny Jim, so that I can recline in my hammock when I visit!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Marilyn and Big Al! Thank you both for your newsy messages and best wishes. Of course, distressed to learn of your Mother's dementia and side effects, Al, but pleased that your sister is helping out. Our hearts go out to you as this is not an easy future you and Colleen both must negotiate, dealing with and comforting an ailing parent/in-law, on either the emotional, psychological or financial fronts. Your Mother is fortunate, indeed, to have such caring concern she can depend upon, especially since I know she has not made life easy for you, particularly these last few years, if not before. Anyway, we trust you can see your way towards resolving this most difficult familial situation to everyone's mutual satisfaction, qualified as that may well, of necessity, be.
Talk soon, one way or another. [Had a good chat with Whirlygig and Calamity last night. They are well but Giggster is starting to bemoan on-going construction at his place. (From snapolas we've seen, it looks grand indeed!) Slingshot keeps saying it will be fantastico when finished but then she is away in city when most of work takes place. The Sisterhood!!! Crack that whip, Sunny Jim, so that I can recline in my hammock when I visit!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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