We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have
the life that is waiting for us. -E. M. Forster, novelist (1 Jan
Winery and Creamery, what a great combination! Hello to our Favourite Kamouraskans from La Pocatière! Happy New Year to you both! You said it, Brunello, winery and creamery, par excellence! Late night as we didn't go to bed until around 3:00 am!
Christina Tassell Patrick, you are wearing long trousers and boots!
[Bob Altwein Happy 2016!
Picture from home, at around 8 am, on this Friday, January 1, 2016.
Patrick James Dunn Happy New Year Bob! Yesterday's walk! Bob Altwein Hi Pat, Happy New Year's to you too. Thanks for your email from a few days ago. All the best.]
After we had enjoyed our salad and then the remarkably tasty lamb chops, broiled to poifection by Mme Coriandre, along with grilled haricots verts and fresh carrots, it was close to midnight so we popped the cork on our Noble Ridge One and toasted each other and the New Year, watching some of the coverage from New York. Highlight for me, in terms of entertainment, was a clip of Jimmy Buffet singing Wasted Away in Margaritaville, on stage somewhere in Brooklyn, I believe. I still own his third album, an LP, A White Sport Coat and a Pink Crustacean! Another terrific clip was Stephen Colbert singing, along with James Taylor, on guitar, a deadly, curare tipped skewering of today's culture to the changed lyrics of Fire and Rain.
[Ayn P I think they are adjusting quite well to country life! Patrick James Dunn Steady
supply of hootch doesn't hurt! Fellow walkers were pulling this behind
them, just having loaded up at D'Angelo Estate Winery up ahead!]
After we said goodnight to Vacuum Land, we sat on the couch, side-by-each, in front of a blazing fire, enjoying both its warmth and the spectacle of flame and ruby coals, the crackle of logs and the whiff of wood smoke when adding another piece of fir to the inferno. Sipping our very, very tasty Noble Ridge sparkling, we talked, at length, about our move to Penticton and our hopes/plans for the coming year. All in all, an extremely pleasurable way to welcome 2016. Now, all we have to do is act on on thoughts and dreams! Onward!! Fight!!!
Brie Marriott Awwww Happy New Year to all!! Kisses n hugs XOXOX

Given how late/early it was by the time we crawled into bed, we slept in quite late. I crawled out of bed at 7:15 am to light a fire and then snuggled up next to Lady Darjeeling, to fall back asleep until around 11:00 am. Up then to re-stoke fire and load the dishwasher. (Not a chore that we managed before we retired!)
After a mug of java and a bowl of her delish turkey/potatoe hash, I jumped into the shower after she had completed her ablutions. Lady Darjeeling had suggested a hike along the KVR Trail so once we were armed with warm clothes we drove to Vancouver Ave to park close to where the KVR crosses this street.
Following it north, we had a phenomenal walk. The pathway is groomed so it was more than pleasant going. Although it was pretty frosty, (-7ºC), there was not a breathe of wind so couldn't have asked for better walking conditions. The light, on the lake and on the surrounding hills was more than magical. Quite dark to the north and east when we started but snippets of blue and shards of sunlight broke through, to the west, in particular, towards the end of our walk, around 4:00 pm.
Turned out that Cindy had seen a deer on Vancouver Avenue, (We saw two there, on our Christmas Day walk with Chloë.), and took off after it, yanking her leash out of her owner's hand, to be struck by a truck as she crossed the road. This was two years ago and vet said that she was so healthy that she could probably manage with three legs. She certainly can, from what we witnessed. while we were chatting, I thought I recognized the owner's accent and asked her if she was from South Africa. not far wrong as Mary was from Zimbabwe.
Asked her if she knew the woman who owns the tea/carpet store on Main, in town, and she replied that Claire was her sister! I'd browsed through the store, before Christmas, and asked her if she was from SA. At any rate, Mary lives in town and is an accountant. Apparently Claire and her husband are on a buying trip at the moment. The rugs I'd seen were extremely well- priced so I'd like to take Cora Lee along, at some point, to check them out. Not that we need any more rugs but rather just to see what the quality might be like. Who knows as I'm a sucker for rugs!
We were on the trail for a couple of hours and walked as far as Lakeview Cemetery. What a stunningly picturesque situation. The view from there is fantastic, with the lake below and vineyards surrounding much of the cemetery itself. On our outward bound portion we passed a happy group, one lad carrying an almost empty bottle of wine, another pulling along a "saucer", loaded with a case, minus one, of D'Angelo Estate Winery wine, purchased from the winery, about 2 km further along the trail from where we stopped. What a wonderful place to live, is Penticton!
Back home shortly after 4:00 pm to put another log on fire and then outside to split more kindling. Mme Coriandre is working her culinary magic in the kitchen, putting together a deep-dish ham quiche, using overleft kartofellage and some of the tomatoes, bought for Christmas, which need to be used or lost. Must away as scullion duty calls! Fondestos, Patrizzio! Pics: Today's stroll on the KVR Trail!
Dear Patrick & Corinne, Well
we are all into another beautiful year, my Mom seems to be calling
everyone today as she is into her one hundredth year and very happy. She
still writes everyone and I have kept every letter, every card, does
not have any dementia. She is not on any drugs and has never had an
operation other
than natural child birth. She says having Anesthetic contributes to
mental decline so the docs say.
Well you are into a winter wonderland how beautiful. Nice to see Chloe and what a nice treat having her over for Christmas. Our Christmas has been so very busy over eighteen commitments and that is a lot for us
first of the pictures is my niece Lisa with her partner Mike. She is
my sister’s daughter Ukrainian & Greek with an adopted Polish
father. They live
in Vancouver
is First Nations, partners for some fifteen years. Both in the
insurance business and Lisa is quite proud of herself for investing in a
townhouse in
False Creek some eight years ago. They visited for two days Christmas
dinner on Boxing Day with their dog Merlo. Wild Rice stuffed turkey,
roasted vegs. Garlic potatoes, cabbage rolls, perogies, & homemade
cranberry sauce followed with rum plum pudding.
On the 25th we
spent Christmas with my friend Loretta which we have done for years.
Her now divorced, lawyer, husband lives in her guest house
looking after her eight cats. It was very pleasant.
dinner at the Yacht Club with Ukrainian friend Ludmilla Weaver, shown
standing on the bridge in a blue dress with her family, son Andrew came
missed the photo op, he is head of the Green Party Far left is husband
John retired and once Dean of Science.
next picture is my Ukrainian friend Natalee (worked with John) with
husband Michel a doc. had them over for a Christmas dinner on the 22nd.
of my Japanese friend Midori (only 44 had two bouts of thyroid cancer
and survived) and her daughter Mika over for dinner with husband Mark
and son
is a picture of Polish friend Krystoph and partner Kary standing on
the bridge. Krystoph was born in Poland, has several degrees but had to
flee during
an uprising to Germany stayed five years then they sent him to Canada
He designed and built my Red Japanese bridge. His partner is a First
Nations lawyer doing her PHD in First Nations law. I am having them
over for Ukrainian Christmas next Friday. Will
have a Polish brunch. Perogies, cabbage rolls, sausage & poppy seed
invited out to Cindy’s home for a curry dinner with her son Nathan.
She worked with John, single with two dogs and a parrot. Dr. Cindy Brown
in Sex Education did a You tube talk on her dissertation on sexual
behavior on campus, how young men are making their dates make out with
other women. But I cannot find the link. The interview was written up
in the paper and she has been giving many talks
on the subject as it is a concern.
about it folks! Look forward to a rest with little commitments for
now. Heading out to walk the dogs for about two hours and then back for
a big
salad and quiche. Life is good! Hope to see you in the spring. Love,
Jean & John
to our Favourite Cadboro Bay People! Happy New Year to you both! Thanks for your wonderful snaps and lovely message, Jean. Busy times indeed! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Good to hear from you Patrick and a happy new year to you both. I trust the bubbly was still there in the snow bank when you went to retrieve it.
Good to hear from you Patrick and a happy new year to you both. I trust the bubbly was still there in the snow bank when you went to retrieve it.
With the exception of Kjell and Jane, we were all together at Brenda's with Margaret & Allan Price, Michael Kluckner, Christine Allan and Elaine. Excellent dinner and camaraderie.
Kjell arrived in Comox late in the day on Tuesday, and shortly thereafter the earth moved! Anyway, the weather here has been beautiful if cold. The skiers are especially happy. We are off for a walk on Spanish Banks to watch the North Shore mountains with all their snow turn pink as the sun sets. Take care and hope to see you soon. Cheers...Paul & Joan
to our Favourite Vancouver/Courtenay People! Happy New Year to one and all! Thanks for your New year wishes. Sounds
like another fabulous time Chez Brenda. Did you eat off the UBC Library
Wedgewood? Fondestos to you everyone from Lady Darjeeling and
Patrizzio! Pic: Earlier Christmas reindeer!
Happy New Year to you two too. :) Sounds like a wonderful meal. Cheers, R.
Patriçio! Muchos graçias para the call yesterday! Nice chat. More detalés on your last email follow. Bad news intermingled with all else, so you have to read it all.
If you mean the FIFA qualifier, Canada did squeak a win off Honduras, but they play Mexico in March … Mexico is ranked 22 as opposed to Canada (88) and Honduras (101). Canada has a good chance to advance to the final World Cup qualifying round (in Concaf), but in the end, they will have to beat a good team to get in.
FIFA consists of 5 confederations (zones), 206 teams, of which 32 eventually qualify for the World Cup Finals. The very comprehensive qualification process gives everyone a chance. Each zone gets an allocation, but … It’s interesting to note, that of the top 32 FIFA ranked teams, the majority are in Europe - and I mean Europe proper, not the Euro zone! The Euro zone is allocated 13 spots. Competition is fierce. All we have to do here in Concaf, is beat Mexico!
We’ve had a great dump of snow on the local mountains, so the resorts are hoping for a banner year after that last few bad to dismal seasons, … but this is Vancouver. I am more than happy to come for another "construction holiday” in the Spring. We’ll both be more clued into what we want to do and with the new chop saw, we will turn the garage into a shelving emporium!
Unfortunately, I can’t help you with a Macbook Air power adapter. It is different from the Powerbooks I and Leah had, and even the new PowerBook I have has a different adapter from the older PowerBooks. Actually, it’s just the connecting plug that’s different (thinner), but they don’t sell an adapter for that!! Yes, I have boxes full of stuff, but unfortunately, typically I might add, leftovers from older models and older technology. Need a firewire cable? DVI-to-VGA video adapter? MiniDVI-to-DVI? … power adapter for the last generation of Macbook?
As mentioned, I have a date with Denisovich next week for burgs & beers, so will be sure to pass on your best wishes! We’ll talk more about a construction visit as the snow thaws away … Happy New Year//bjp
Hello to our Favourite Rent-a-Carpenter! Happy New Year, Ragin'! Thanks for your New year wishes. Not surprised about power adapter bu thanks for effort. I can survive, more of an inconvenience than anything else. Cheers, Il Conduttore /Patrizzio!
If you mean the FIFA qualifier, Canada did squeak a win off Honduras, but they play Mexico in March … Mexico is ranked 22 as opposed to Canada (88) and Honduras (101). Canada has a good chance to advance to the final World Cup qualifying round (in Concaf), but in the end, they will have to beat a good team to get in.
FIFA consists of 5 confederations (zones), 206 teams, of which 32 eventually qualify for the World Cup Finals. The very comprehensive qualification process gives everyone a chance. Each zone gets an allocation, but … It’s interesting to note, that of the top 32 FIFA ranked teams, the majority are in Europe - and I mean Europe proper, not the Euro zone! The Euro zone is allocated 13 spots. Competition is fierce. All we have to do here in Concaf, is beat Mexico!
We’ve had a great dump of snow on the local mountains, so the resorts are hoping for a banner year after that last few bad to dismal seasons, … but this is Vancouver. I am more than happy to come for another "construction holiday” in the Spring. We’ll both be more clued into what we want to do and with the new chop saw, we will turn the garage into a shelving emporium!
Unfortunately, I can’t help you with a Macbook Air power adapter. It is different from the Powerbooks I and Leah had, and even the new PowerBook I have has a different adapter from the older PowerBooks. Actually, it’s just the connecting plug that’s different (thinner), but they don’t sell an adapter for that!! Yes, I have boxes full of stuff, but unfortunately, typically I might add, leftovers from older models and older technology. Need a firewire cable? DVI-to-VGA video adapter? MiniDVI-to-DVI? … power adapter for the last generation of Macbook?
As mentioned, I have a date with Denisovich next week for burgs & beers, so will be sure to pass on your best wishes! We’ll talk more about a construction visit as the snow thaws away … Happy New Year//bjp
Hello to our Favourite Rent-a-Carpenter! Happy New Year, Ragin'! Thanks for your New year wishes. Not surprised about power adapter bu thanks for effort. I can survive, more of an inconvenience than anything else. Cheers, Il Conduttore /Patrizzio!
Hello to our Favourite Sunshine Valley-oids!!! Happy New Year to you both! Trust you had a blast. Called but no answer so not sure of your whereabouts. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Todd dropped in at our Boxing Day Open House, en route to Lethbridge. He stayed overnight as there were blizzard conditions!
This is why Russians use dashboard cameras: http://www.youtube.com/embed/5RAaW_1FzYg?autoplay=1&modestbranding=1&rel=0&showinfo=0 The Russians seem to be very resilient people!
Happy New Year to you two too. :) Sounds like a wonderful meal. Cheers, R.
Hi Robert! Here's a real romp through the Russian countryside!
The drivers had all been enjoying more than their limit of craft beer,
or vodka, or both! Happy New Year! Cheers, Patrizzio!Hi Kids! These drivers should visit India to improve their technique! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick & Corinne, Thank
you for your lovely update on New Year’s Eve. We too welcomed in the
New Year almost in the same way, roaring fire, against a candle lit
room, dogs
nuzzled close. We
too had rack of lamb, roasted potatoes, arugula salad and chocolate
torte. We spent the evening listening to Leonard Cohen’s concert from
London which
we have
Enjoyed a hundred times, such an amazing performer.
Will leave you with a thought : DREAM “The Future belongs to those who believe in the Beauty of their Dreams” Eleanor Roosevelt On that note wishing you for 2016 that it may be full of many, many new dreams And to continually remind yourself of past Dreams already achieved.. Much Love,
Jean & John
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