Sometimes laughter hurts, but humor and mockery are our only weapons.
-Cabu (pen name of Jean Cabut), cartoonist and co-founder of Charlie
Hebdo (13 Jan 1938-2015)
Up at just after 7:00 am to lay the fire, ready for Clan Durston and Sauna Queen, Lady Darjeeling!
Hi Stompin'! Must apologize for not sending along this snapola sooner. [Sorry, forgot to attach!] Have to dash as we are off to Kamloops, quite early, tomorrow morning and it is way past my bedtime! Corinne's parents arrives yesterday and when we are not playing bridge and drinking wine, Dusty is helping me with plumbing and shelving. No rest for Stackettes put out to pasture! Will be in touch as soon as I'm back and have caught my breath. Cheers, Patrizzio PS: Monday's hike!Sorry, forgot to attach!
We finally had the chance to see the film on VUDU. We didn't realize
until the credits which role Miriam played, and were somewhat surprised
that it was Esther, the lead-I thought it might be the other woman,
Marianne. The denouement, to remind you, is of
Miriam's character dying by heart attack. It's very strange and to my
mind I think of it as a metaphoric suicide.
It certainly makes me inclined to try one of her earlier novels,
especially Irma Voth which according to Wikipedia seems to be directly
related to her role in the movie.
It must have been interesting to know so interesting a person and almost
a family member too. Thank you for mentioning all this in your response
as I certainly would not have known about all this, or at least would
not have been so inclined to follow up on
In real life here, my mom continues to deteriorate, with much piss and
vinegar. Who knows how much longer she will last, days, weeks, months?
My brother and nephew are flying out from Boston on Saturday to stay for
just few days; my short term goal is to keep
her alive until then and after that she can write her own ticket to the
afterlife. I hope she is willing to be friendly and receptive to two
men who have flown across the country to see her. She says she believes
in reincarnation, and now predicts she will
come back as a woman artist, which is to say, as a young new version of
herself. That would be reassuring to any of us, I suppose, although it
does bespeak a deep self-love and narcissism which have been central
character traits all her life. Well, she is
my mother, and it will be a loss and no doubt hurt when she goes, but
she is indeed ready, her body is shutting down, and none of us live
forever (except perhaps her).
Right now I am hoping that our neighbors' gardeners will finish their
work and remove the high pitched noise of their blower from our
environment. By the way, Nancy was very pleased with "H is for Hawk"
and I am enjoying it immensely myself. It's very fine
writing and what amounts to a gripping true-life story.
I should also mention "Tangled Vines" by Frances Dinkelspiel. It's about
the warehouse fire in 2005 which destroyed so much great wine, and so
much more, including the history of wine in California and wine fraud.
If I have already mentioned this, pardon
the repetition. Better twice than not at all.
Hi Patrick, Happy New Year and hello to Mme Coriandre! Hope everything is back on track for Chloe now.
I thought of you right away when I just saw that the PSA is having a satellite tournament in Penticton starting Jan 14th. I think it’s at the Sandman Hotel, or maybe they are the title sponsor. Anyway I thought you might want to wander over there, have a couple beers and make some new friends. As if you need anymore!
Haven’t seen the Kaz for ages but I’m hoping that will change soon -I’m seeing my surgeon for the 1st (and only?) follow-up next Tues. I expect he will be advising me what kind of exercise in which I can partake.
You asked about my activities during retirement; I’m reading more books now but it is not very often really - a book a month maybe -paltry contrasted with you. I read a lot of non-fiction -magazines, papers, internet -mostly business, finance, economics, sports, geography etc. I also have returned to painting -acrylics -love working with colours and images. One thing I’ve discovered since we now have a smart TV is that I can watch fairly current Squash TV videos and surfing videos (via YouTube).
If you find out anything important about buying a good pair of snow shoes please let me know. I’m interested in trying it out again. I did once many years ago and thought it was pretty cool. The best is being out when the snow is actually falling, and the harder the better. Well, I'll let you get back to your books and cooking, for now best regards, Bill.
Hi Everybody: The last hike S of Kaleden was GTEAT! Thanks to Paul, Roberta and Louie. A few pictures to follow. Next hike: Monday, Jan. 18, 9:00 at the IGA in Summerland. The Southerners may carpool, 8:40 at HH. The plan is to meander over the benches (ancient flood planes of Trout Cr) W of Summerland - subject to snow conditions. Start at the junction of Bathville (Isintok) Rd and Shingle Cr Rd. Short and easy - 3 hrs max. Coffee at a place of our choosing Al
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