Wednesday, 6 July 2016

White Lake Road Pesky Cattle-Guard Blues: Wednesday, July 6th!

All the arguments to prove man's superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering the animals are our equals. -Peter Singer, philosopher and professor (b. 6 Jul 1946) 
Photo: Kim Manley Ort
Alan Waldron just made a donation in support of your event. You are now one step closer to your fundraising goal!

New stove and hood range!!

What's the golf course like? Great pics you've been posting. Grandma must be pleased with her new appliances. Mom

Hi Patrice, Sorry for the lack of response on the last few emails. I can only say that we are so looking forward to seeing you and catching up on lots of stuff. We should arrive mid day Friday but will phone to confirm arrival time enroute. I'm not sure about a bike as Colleen doesn't have a rack on her car..i will see what I an rig up when she gets back later today. if not perhaps i can drive along side you with a megaphone and provide motivational slogans!. take care and ttys. xoxo Al 

Hi again, Stanchion Man and Marilyn! First of all, thanks so much for your more than generous donation. Certainly greatly appreciated so thanks again, Big Al!

With respect to bikes, you are both welcome to use the bikes we have here, my Brodie and Lady Dar's. Also have another Brodie in Jugos Dom Pedro's garage so we can always repatriate that one should it be needed. I will probably go for the last training ride on Friday morning before you arrive, probably along Naramata Road to Indian Rock and back, roughly 60 km so not overly taxing. Will ride downtown on Saturday, at some point, to collect my GF registration package and we can dovetail that with a visit to the Farmer's Market, by bike or otherwise, depending on what people feel like. Could also do a bit of the KVR Trail up towards Naramata. We can pick it up right at the top of our street!

Suggest you bring helmets although we have a few spare ones. Not sure about fit, etc., but you are welcome to them, of course, if needed. The other "wrinkle" is the weather. Forecast suggests that there may well be showers over the weekend so that may affect outings, depending on level of precipitation, of course. Unseasonably cooler this July, so far. Not unpleasant and much better for long distances but might make training and event ride itself quite different from past two GranFondos.

Anyway, today is probably the best, in terms of sun/temperatures, etc, until Tuesday so I will I heading out in a bit to do what I had planned to do yesterday, although I will now have to ride south, towards OK Falls/Oliver, as opposed to being dropped off on Black Sage Road.

Last night Lady Dar and I went to play bridge and it was lovely to catch up with friends we'd not seen for a month or more. Give us a shout over next few days and we'll make arrangements to allow you access to house in case we happen to be out when you arrive. As I mentioned, I plan to ride Friday morning and Lady Dar has a dental appointment. Fondestos from The Flatlander, just off for her regular Wednesday outing, to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Olga Polga, Phillipo and Spumoni at Table 1 last night; sunset from Robson's deck, looking northwest, towards Summerland, from high above Naramata Road. great sunset!!

Hello Famiglia Robson, et al! Thanks so much for hosting last evening's bridge. Wonderful to be with such good friends again after more than a month away. Look forward to seeing rest of group on coming hikes after this weekend's GranFondo event. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Spumoni has a hard time keeping her eyes open waiting, interminably, for Phillipo to advise Olga Polga on her bid! Sunset spectaculare! 

Thanks as well from me! Patrick I had to laugh at that photo of me apparently sleeping while on the job! Thanks. Pam Yes and thanks too from us for a good night - hopefully I'll get better over time!! bye Gill It was fun, thanks Gill and Phil. And have fun this Sunday with the GranFondo Patrick. Kathy Yeh, Pam it indeed looks like you guys had a very interesting game :-)) However I am sure it was good time for everyone and I missed that. Cheers Mike

As part of my GranFondo training I called Telus this morning, [My favorite part of this post is the fact you called Telus on your own!!!!], and ordered the Sports package so that I can now watch and record the Tour de France! Terrific psychological motivation! From what I took in before leaving for my own ride, the AVG speed was round 45 kph! I count myself lucky if I can do even half that pace, never mind the remarkable distances and climbs that make up the various stages! At any rate, I set off just after 11:00 am and headed south on Eastside to OK Falls, by-passing McClean Creek Road as I wanted to save my energy for what lay ahead. Once back on 97 and making for Oliver the wind was helping me along nicely at between 9 kph - 15 kph out of the north so I literally sizzled along, clocking an AVG of about 25.2 kph by the time I took the turn-off to Tuc-el-Nuit Drive. 

Very pleased but I knew that this would drop once I started on Black Sage Road as I had to climb the reasonably difficult hill past Quina Ferreira. Furthermore, the wind seemed to vary from being a cross to a head wind so that slowed me down as well. Still I was holding an AVG of 24 kph by the time I was at the intersection of Road 22 and 97. Here the wind became more of an issue and I had to gear down as I headed north, right into it. Still, not quite as bad as I feared it might be and I was soon close to Oliver and making the turn onto Road 5, cycling between cherry orchards on my way towards the bottom of Fairview Mountain. First past the golf course, wondering if I'd have a golf ball bounce off my helmet as I passed the driving range, noticing quite a few balls, yellow, by the side of the road! Safely past, Fairview Cellars was next, no time for a tasting, unfortunatley and then the long, long pull to the top of Old Golf Course Road to take a right onto Fairview Road for a very short distance before a left onto Willowbrook Road and the plateaus awaited!

Shortly after the first cattle-guard of this section comes the first of two reasonably flat valleys as one makes for Willowbrook. I've always found the road surfaces here to be jarring, to say the least so that although the head wind wasn't too, too much of an issue, the going was tough as I shook, rattled and rolled my way past the turn-off to Willowbrook itself. After that, one last decent, but not overly punishing switch-back climb and then one reaches the grasslands near White Lake. Past the parking lot there, where the hiking group often leave vehicles when trekking herebabouts, and White Lake itself, much fuller than I've ever seen it, at this time of year, certainly due to all the rain we've had this month and earlier.

Then the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory comes into view as one swoops down, past the lake, only to have to climb back up to reach White Lake Road. Nice rush downhill, once there however, and one shoots by the DRAO, knowing that the very worst is over. Few easy grades to take one past St Andrews By The Lake, the course magnificently manicured and blindingly green. Not long afterwards, exhillirating swoop down the last steep descent, over the cattle-guard at the bottom and up the short hill to put me back on 97, just above Kaleden. From here on it is mostly downhill or at least quite level so while my AVG had dropped to around 20.8 kph on the series of earlier climbs I was able to gain some back, even though I was bucking the wind again. Still, I was back to 21.3 kph by the time I was past the airport runway, Skaha on my right. 

Cur through Skaha Lake Park, on the boardwalk, the beach chock-a-block with sun bathers, swimmers and ice-cream eaters, to hit South Main and begin the final long haul. Bit of wind to deal with but had it behind me on Dawson so couldn't really complain. One back on Government I made all of the lights, even the one on Eckhardt, so didn't lose any speed on race home. Short dipsy-doodle up Papineau to give me the distance I wanted and I was soon at our garage. The last long ride of my training regimen and quite happy with how things went, overall. Map and Stats for ride:

Dear Patrick, Kim Horning just made a donation in support of your event. You are now one step closer to your fundraising goal!

Hi Kim! Just wanted to thank you so much for the very generous donation! Certainly very much appreciated. Had a great ride today so am very pleased with how my "training", such as it is, is going. Probably two more, shorter rides, tomorrow and Friday then a rest day on Saturday before event itself on Sunday. Weather is supposed to be cooler but I hope it doesn't rain!

Anyway, had a wonderful time wine-tasting with friends over the last few days.

Had a picnic at Bench 1775 and the view from their gorgeous patio is simply stupendous, as I gather you know! Chloë told us about it as we'd not been before. Too many wineries, too little time! Thank you again, Kim, for thinking about my fund raising effort. All the best. Hope to see you at some time in the not too, too distant future. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: View from parking lot at Little Engine. 

Hi Patrick! No problemo! We had such a great time when we were in Penticton. The Naramata bench area is very magical(maybe it was all the wine?). You have a lovely home. I'm very happy for you guys! Good luck on your bike marathon. I'll be thinking of you! Take care, Kim :) 

Hi again, Kim! Thank you for the best wishes on my coming ride and the compliments on our home. Glad you enjoyed your stay. We feel very fortunate indeed. However, you must have mentioned something to Krissy as she, Mark, Rona and Lorrie are planning to stay here when we are at the Folk Fest next weekend! Fortunately, Flamin' and Sarge will be here as well, attending a bash at Poplar Grove, so we'll have an RCMP officer in residence, just in case! Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Dear Patrick, Elinor Culos just made a donationin support of your event. You are now one step closer to your fundraising goal!  

Hello Eleonora/Aquitaine! Just wanted to thank you so much for the very, very, very generous donation! Certainly much appreciated indeed! Is Famiglia Ciccozzi independently wealthy or just connected or both? Anyway, thanks a million, Babycakes!!! Thank you again, my Darling, for thinking about my fund raising effort. All the best. Hope to see you at some time in the not too, too distant future. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Elinor. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick, Love your landscape photo of the clouds, lake and bench/gulley. Thinking of painting that one -lovely light in it. This was taken at Bench 1775 right? Never heard of Little Engine -have some exploring to do.

We have extended our stay at Deep Roots (same cabin where you visited us) until the 22nd. So perhaps we can stay with you that night which would be fantastic. If it works we could take you out to a Penticton restaurant that evening. I see you are having a lunch that day but you’ll be needing to feed that muscular bod of yours after all the bike riding!

Just let us know closer to the time and we’ll fit in with your plans. By the way, should we bring our sleeping bags if staying at your place? cheers, Bill & Denise

Hi again, Wild Bill Paint Brush! Glad you enjoyed the photo from Bench 1775. I agree, the clouds, in particular here, never cease to amaze me. Not sure if I knew you painted or not. Bravo! Little Engine is right before Red Rooster and just opened so that is why you probably haven't heard about it. Pretty pricey but extremely well-crafted wines. Will be curious to hear your opinion.

We are delighted that you will stay over on the 22nd, longer if it works for you. Sleeping bags not required as The Burns Street Hot Sheets Hotel and Gin Joint is a rather high-end establishment! Bring your own toilette paper but plenty of wine glasses!!! Thank you for generous offer of dinner but why don't we play things by ear until a little closer to date(s) in question. [Just a thought but perhaps, if agreeable, you might pick up something for the bbq and we could loll around the patio, sipping wine, chatting and not have to worry about driving or even moving, other than our elbows, much!] Also, will provide details on how to break-and-enter should you wish to leave your possessions here if you arrive before we are back from Tinhorn Creek. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. She is glad she'll be around this time! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Sarge! Had a most enjoyable visit with Nicolina, Jaxon and Nadia. Sorry that the visit was cut short but obviously understand given Bert's coming surgery!
Just wondering about the weekend of the 15th/16th/17th. Are you still planning to stay here? How many? You are more than welcome but just need to know as I just received the following message: 

It has been announced that the right honourable Patricio Dunn and Lady Dunn have been selected for a house test by the Cornwallian and Scottish lords Rhondia and Lawrence and Marcus Arelius and Lady Kristina.

Ha ha, hope you guys are well. We are planning a get away on the weekend of July 15-17 and were wondering if we were able to rest our fine steeds at your fine establishment. I hear that you fine folks will be at the people fest in kitsilano, but if we were given this opportunity in return we will line your cupboards with the fairest booze that one could expect (from us :)). If the lavish palace happens to be full or it is not to your liking to have such Nobel visitors, please do not fret, we are resourceful travellers and will find a humble stable in other pastures! Thank you for your time and I look forward to a cordial reply!!
Mark & Krissy X X

Obviously you have first call on our place. I'm happy to tell Mark that house is full. Let me know and I we'll plan accordingly.

Had a great ride today so am very pleased with how my "training", such as it is, is going. (Appended below if interested.) Probably two more, shorter rides, tomorrow and Friday then a rest day on Saturday before event itself on Sunday. Weather is supposed to be cooler but I hope it doesn't rain!

Last night, Lady Dar and I went to play bridge at the home of friends who live up above Naramata Road at 6:30 pm. View from their house is nothing but spectacular, as you might imagine. At any rate, it was lovely to catch up with friends we'd not seen for a month or more. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Flamin'. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Great photos Patrick! Bench 1775 has a beautiful patio and beautiful view from the patio. I understand they host a yoga class each Weds at 9 am. That would be a good complement to your cycling regime! My cycling regime is not going so well😕 I have only been on my bike on D this year so far. I fear that I will not fare well this Sunday😂 Hope to see you and Corinne at Bridge next Tuesday. Pam
Hi Pam! Glad you enjoyed the snapolas but sorry to hear that you are not happy with your riding, or lack thereof, more correctly I suppose. I know you have been busy with house arrangements, work, etc. [Lady Dar wants me to go to yoga as well so I'll have to keep you two apart!] Still, I trust you will enjoy the outing on Sunday. Perhaps we'll see each other there. If not, Buona Forutuna!!!

Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Pam. Cheers, Patrizzio! 


Hi Jack Rabbit Slims! Thank you for the best wishes on my coming ride! [Card was meant to alert recipient that an opportunity to donate to GFA was possible! Nevertheless, you are still special!!!] To this end, weather permitting, I'm planning to ride to Summerland to scope out Peach Orchard one last time before event day. You are more than welcome to join me, of course. I am planning to leave around 10:00 am. Give me a shout or send along a message if interested in dovetailing! Cheers, Patrizzio!
 It has been announced that the right honourable Patricio Dunn and Lady Dunn have been selected for a house test by the Cornwallian and Scottish lords Rhondia and Lawrence and Marcus Arelius and Lady Kristina. Ha ha, hope you guys are well. 

We are planning a get away on the weekend of July 15-17 and were wondering if we were able to rest our fine steeds at your fine establishment. I hear that you fine folks will be at the people fest in kitsilano, but if we were given this opportunity in return we will line your cupboards with the fairest booze that one could expect (from us :)). If the lavish palace happens to be full or it is not to your liking to have such Nobel visitors, please do not fret, we are resourceful travellers and will find a humble stable in other pastures! Thank you for your time and I look forward to a cordial reply!! Mark & Krissy X X

Hello Assorted Toffs! Sorry I've not replied sooner but had to clarify/confirm with other Freeloaders, Clan Sutherland: Flamin'/Sarge and Nicolina/Marvinator and Super Baby Jaxon, 11 months, before answering and confirming your reservation. Famiglia Sutherland/Mercado had booked a while ago and will be staying on Saturday night as they are attending a bash at Poplar Grove. I assume you plan to arrive on Friday and stay until Sunday? Monday?

Just to clarify, there will be four other adults and one shrieking baby staying on Saturday night. F/S will have our bedroom. Nicole and Jaxon were just here and they stayed in the guest bedroom and that worked well so that is where we'll put them, along with Marvinator, again. Jaxon left one of his toys, a purple ball, here so you are not allowed to play with it before he arrives!!

Krissy slept on the Murphy bed in "my office" last Thanksgiving so you two can decide between it and one in Rumpus Room as to where The Scottish Lairds will sleep. Sorry we won't be here as it would have been fun to see everyone. Fond regards to Rhondinska and Lorenzo. I use the lemon squeezer she gave us, weekly, if not daily, so please don't break it or anything else, given your extremely well known destructo propensities! Be forewarned, You Will Pay The Deductible!!!

We'll leave beds down and towels/sheets on each. Depending on when you creep out of Dodge you might put in a load of sheets or towels before you leave but probably not unless you can throw the finished load into the dryer. You may well have to water garden/plants as well, depending on weather. I'll be in touch about keys and such, and other household chores, fence painting, gutter cleaning, etc., in next email if I haven't changed my mind!
Fondestos to one and all from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!




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